Rolling Line

Rolling Line

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Fox River Terminal
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Regions: North America
Mod Features : packaged Mods
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21 set. 2021 às 5:31
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Fox River Terminal

Its an engine terminal set somewhere in the United States. Not much else to say. Pick an engine and get it ready or work with a switcher to service the coaling tower, or put fuel cars over by the diesel fueling station. Maybe there's some spare bogies, or wheel sets that need dropped of. It's really up to you.

Note: There are no actual "time" marks on this. So this can be from any time from 1946, to modern. Granted, with modern trains, you'd just not use the coaling tower.
2 comentários
Kitsune Dawn  [autor] 21 set. 2021 às 22:37 
It's a modular layout based just around the engine terminal. There's enough tracks to switch engines around, and move things into places. However there's nothing more than just an engine terminal here.
icebolt08 21 set. 2021 às 10:26 
Is this just a shelf with a service terminal? Us there any switching or mainline?