Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Left for dead with the bois
Items (68)
RE8 Village Ammunition Pile (Ammo Pile)
Created by 8sianDude
A pile of ammunition from Resident Evil 8 Village. - Replaces both the L4D and L4D2 Ammo Piles. Features: - 40mm Grenade container (L4D pile only) - 12 Gauge Shotgun boxes - Handgun Bullet boxes - Machinegun Bullet boxes - Silver Bullet magnum containers -...
RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline)
Created by 8sianDude
A standard issue first aid device provided to Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) soldiers by Blue Umbrella in Resident Evil 8 Village is a sci-fi style medical injector, known simply as "Med Injector" in-game. The rogue Hound Wolf Squad also ...
RE3 Remake HOT DOGGER (Machete)
Created by 8sianDude
The "HOT DOGGER" in Resident Evil 3 Remake is an Umbrella developed anti-bioweapon knife featuring a heated blade. The weapon can only be obtained in the Point Shop after completing the game. "As its name implies, this Umbrella-developed anti-bioweapon kni...
RE Resistance Sledgehammer (Shovel)
Created by 8sianDude
A sledgehammer melee weapon is available in Resident Evil Resistance for the survivors. - Replaces the Shovel Features: - Blood decals - Custom sounds Credits: - Sledgehammer model: Capcom - Animations: Lt. Rocky - Sounds: NMRIH Team and Valve - Asset rip,...
RE Resistance Nail 2x4 Plank (Cricket Bat)
Created by 8sianDude
A 2x4 filled with nails is a melee weapon available in Resident Evil Resistance for the survivors. - Replaces the Cricket Bat Features: - Blood decals Credits: - 2x4 model: Capcom - Animations: Valve - Asset rip, port, rigging, materials, and compiling: 8s...
Improved Blood Textures
Created by BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/fil...
Corona Extra - Pills
Created by Tя!cky ツ
Another Corona get it's Lime 🏄 When you deploy there's no bottle cap on. But you see a bottle cap when you carry them or about to pick them up. This mod also has a Bottle Open "Deploy' sound file. http://imgur.com/Wmv7I3y.jpg Splinks his Juggernaut Soda Pi...
LT pad(Tablet)(glow & animation)
Created by 徒手开根号
Replaces the Medkit by a Tablet PC Medkit that Ultra-thin large screen, Glows in Dark and is Animated screen. Screen glass material is very realistic. The model from Lt_Commander. https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
Defibrillator - animated glowing red
Created by TOG | K1CHWA
The Original! One of my early animated, glowing textures for the l4d2 defibrillator. UPDATE - decided to revisit the my animated glowing defib and try to improve it. 3X the frames of last animated, glowing defib reskin i made. remade wave patterns to be mo...
RE8 Village BSAA & HWS Materials (Resident Evil Village)
Created by Majka
Instead of downloading same or similar files, I put it into one 160mb addon. - material in 2k resolution but optimized - settings for l4d2 & optimized This is REQUIRED FOR BSAA & WHO Outfit Notes: BSAA = Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance If you do ...
[CORE MOD] Realistic Damage
Created by Ellie
NOTE THAT THIS MOD DOES NOTHING ALONE. YOU NEED COMPATIBLE SURVIVOR MODS https://i.imgur.com/1MsDApO.png https://i.imgur.com/NP3Y6ff.png https://i.imgur.com/Tme7xvg.png This mod is the CORE Mod that is required for the Realistic Damage effects. It contains...
11's [RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake] U.S.S. - All Survivors
Created by Equinox
As the title suggests, I added the hunk models to all survivors. I did NOT port the models or edit anything else. That was done by 11. Original mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1659637464&searchtext=hunk All character models from...
L4D1 Common Infected Overhaul
Created by Skessler
CHECK THE CHANGE NOTES REGULARLY TO SEE A LIST OF UPDATES This is a project that aims to restore the colorization of the L4D1 common infected with the new L4D2 shader system. In L4D1, the colorization was handled with the alpha channel, but now, a new shad...
Lepotitsa - Resident Evil 6
Created by Chet
Lepotitsa a creature from Resident Evil 6 and is a replacement skin for the Boomer. Visit http://www.l4d.com/blog/ for more info....
Biled - My Eyes! (Music Included)
Created by Qwazzy
An idea that somebody imparted to me that I liked, and decided to make a reality. Not much to say. When a Boomer pukes on you, you'll hear a familiar Spongebob soundbite - "My eyes! MY EYES!" This verson has the vanilla music alongside it....
HD Vomit
Created by Ellie
https://i.imgur.com/vBBlYbk.png This mod is NOT compatible with the Absolute Zero Boomer nor with the old "assets" of Absolute Zero map When you drink too much, you puke. But what happens if you drink too much in HD ? Easy : you puke in HD. Since there are...
Failed FEV Subject
Created by Splinks
Epic Fail!!!....for you at least....
The Licker
Created by Splinks2
One of my old mods with a new overhaul. Actually stopped all my projects just to get this out sinse alot of people have been asking for it and uploading my old broken version without my permission. So here he is now with a jiggly tongue and a new texture/s...
Smoke Weed Everyday Smoker Song
Created by slyy
Replaces smoker's song with Dr.Dre - Next Episode feat. Snoop (Remix) 1 like = 1 weed 1 sub and you'll get your very own stomedy, to smoke cardboard in your house and pretend to die from it. not a scam...
The Gore Man
Created by Ramm.asmiette
https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/959728189574461708/F86D795194759FB33053D932D0D803BF89C563AF/ Watched again the Pan's labyrinth from Guillermo del Toro and decided to make a gore version : Features : World model Witch base model + some skin modif...
Red Smoker Particles
Created by ৡLuciferFlashঌ
Changes the Smokers Particles to red, why ? because its my fav color xD..... ...
GoreMod V2
Created by RiDiCuLouSTiEs
After 9 years in development hopefully it will be worth the wait. This version is an improvement from the original, the blood effects no longer uses the water particles (yes, the same water that makes you run like a turtle and the same that makes the blood...
Dealer Zombie {Witch}
Created by cassie
Dealer Zombie from Resident Evil Resistance. ~Custom Proportions ~Jigglebones ~Replaces Normal & Bride Witch Credits Capcom for Original Assets Kanbara914 on Deviantart for the model in XPS ( This account ) for porting to L4D2 ...
Handsome Dan's Shredded Tank
Created by Handsome Dan!!!
Custom Tank skin. As the tank got bigger, his skin just couldnt expand fast enough....
600+ Sounds (Infected)
This part of the 600+ collection modifies sound effects for common infected and special infected. For the Boomer, Smoker, Charger, and the Tank, a small chunk of their voice lines have been replaced by their original/unused counterparts. A few of the Spitt...
[Minecraft] TNT Cannon (Grenade Launcher)
Created by CoCo.SeiMei
Description This mod replaces the original grenade launcher. This handheld TNT Cannon of Minecraft was designed to be portable. To increase shoving damage, pistons are attached on the weapon stock.well.., I think it's not increa... / That's just imaginatio...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Created by Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Created by Cele
not to conflict revolver sounds from the dual pistols,using some scripts to enable unique sound for the magnum addons.dont worry,though this addon is made up of scripts,it wont cause consistency issues,but this addon needs to be updated constantly,so i spl...
Killing Floor 2 S&W Model 500 Bone Collector
Created by Lt. Rocky
Briar's come along to do his own version of the Revolver album. Ain't no hippies gonna be singing about peace and love and flowers and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, instead there'll be rows of smoldering gulashes, bones jutting out from within tipped w...
COD:BO2 Mauser C96(Pistols)
Created by Cele
Balabala,another classic gun from COD:BO2,the MC96 on its ported...umm...its not on its own ported anims,rather,its on KF2 Berreta ones that a little modified by me and some of the single part of mine,Replacing these pistols in L4D2 Likewise,i made a golde...
War Sport LVOA-C Silenced Tactical with AN/PEQ-2&EoTech553 Replaces M16 战争运动战术版LVOA-C 替换 M16
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
Description(简述): The LVOA-C (manufactured by War Sport Industries by Inventor Joey Boswell) is a direct gas-impingement (DGI) operated rifle based on the AR-15. It features a proprietary barrel shroud with an integrated muzzle brake/flash suppressor which ...
Created by ClearSkyC
This gun has two depoly animations in single player mode. In multiplayer mode, the fast depoly animation is used. Have fun! Credits: Crytek - models & textures & sounds Me - textures & materials & animations 战脸的cqr,摸了一段时间,今天给发了。做了2个切枪动画(仅限单人),多人的话会使用速度快一点的...
AS Val (Ak47)
Created by ClearSkyC
I made this mod because Warface updated the gun's golden skin and it's very beautiful. Of course, the black version is also available. Hope you like it. golden version Credits: Crytek - Models & Textures & Sounds Me - Textures & Materials & Animations 战脸的v...
IMI Galil SAR (Modified)
Created by Lt. Rocky
This is the Galil rifle from Insurgency. It replaces the hidden Counterstrike: Source SG-552 on its own normalized set, with some additions and modifications. Do enjoy. Modder's Resource: The source files for these animations can be downloaded here. Please...
Katana Black
Created by Flagg
Weapon Katana. This mod Replaces the Katana from L4D. It adds models and textures. No new sounds, scripts and hud. Model and textures: Flagg Compiling: Flagg LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERCIAL 3.0 UNPORTED LICENSE. YOU ARE ALLOWED ...
Kriss Vector The Division (Silenced SMG)
Created by scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
KAC SR-25 Silenced[Military Sniper]+smaller muzzle fire
说明 · KAC SR-25 Silenced+smaller muzzle fire · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:Denny凯妈 、洛洛无霍 · Upload:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 请参考原MOD 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Escape from Nowhere (Reloaded)
Created by ThaFreaK
Fortunately you found some lost equipment near a mysterious base. Now you try to use everything you can find to build and research your way out of that lost place! Reworked 'Reloaded' Map Version For manual download unsubscribe and go to: http://www.gamema...
Resident Evil 3
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group New update after The Last Stand! -Addon campaign based on Resident Evil 3 Nemesis from PSOne. Maps full of puzzles and challenges while you survive the hordes. Coop map re3m1 ... Uptown map re3m2 ... RPD map re3m3 ... Downtown map re3m...
Compact Slim HUD [ALT]
Created by Kanon 🦋
A fusion between Freshboy5000's Slim Hud and Kimono's Clear HUD. This is the alternative version of Compact Slim HUD. This version brings the default position of inventory, and it works with any damage indicator and crosshair. Thank you for download! Credi...
Auto Shotgun Reborn
Created by Zaeryn
The default "auto shotgun"/Benelli M4 Super 90 gets a new model, textures, sounds and arby's edited autoshotgun reanimations. Compiled on Kruku's Benelli M4 model equipped with Rafael De Jongh's awesome shells. No particles. Credits: arby26 - animations Do...
Benelli M3
Created by Zaeryn
Replaces the chrome shotgun with a Benelli M3, using arby26's shotgun reanimation. Credits: arby26 - animations K1CHWA - material edits Doktor haus - compiling Twinke Masta - shell model Geno - shell textures Kimono - M3 model, textures, normals, shell hol...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Created by Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Informal Skyboxes
Created by Descarado
This pack (not all textures) and script of skyboxes made by me for personal use and friends. A distinctive feature of this assembly is that the skyboxes are working at low graphics settings. Full change of sky's on all L4D2 campaigns + ''No Mercy'', ''Cras...
Resident Evil 1
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group An incident with the chopper forces the survivors to get into a big house in the middle of Raccoon Forest... -THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW: Important: Enable the instructor hints in Options>multiplayer. This campaign use custom hints to hel...
Detailed Rusty Jerrycans, Propane and Oxygen Tanks
Created by miztaegg
A set of Jerrycans, propane canister and oxygen tank reskins. Texture resolutions boosted to 1024px completed with custom normal maps and shader settings....
RE8 Village Antiseptic Disinfectant Solution (Pills)
Created by 8sianDude
A bottled medical liquid found throughout a Romanian Village and Castle in Resident Evil 8 Village is the antiseptic disinfectant solution, known as the "First Aid Med" in-game. It can also be crafted in RE8 when the appropriate materials are gathered. Ant...
Witch Eyes' Glowing Trail
Created by Henrietta
Well, I couldn't make an actual continuous line, so the best I can do was to make 512 small dots per second while each of them decay every 0.75 seconds. When the witch moves too fast, you can see the individual dots, but I was too afraid to make it emit mo...
Escape from Tarkov: Tactical MK18 MOD 0 (Tan)
Created by Denny凯妈
EFT MK18 MOD 0:D Replaces Rifle/M16 替换M16A2突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - MK18 models/textures MzK - Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games - Audio Olegarh- Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing 回归仨作!:D Animations shou...
Minecraft Trident (Replaces pitchfork)
Created by Ed
"A trident is a weapon used in both melee and ranged combat and is a rare drop from drowned." Some time ago I saw someone asking for the Minecraft Trident and Shovel for the new weapons after TLS update, so here's the first part, the Trident Things added/c...
[Destiny2] The Lament
Replace - Chainsaw Because of L4D2's some limitations,between actions and actions,the animation transition is a bit werid I want replace the but i can't find anysound more suitable then default sound In <Destiny2> "Lament"s sound is...just like a fullauto ...
Hentai Anime Smoker Music smoker????
Created by Energy
I replaced the smoker music when we caught by smoker with hentai moaning. ?????????smoker????????...
COD:GHOSTS Vector CRB & Honey Badger(UZI & Mac10)
Created by Cele
Actually i have done this job before that FP6,but like i said before,sounds stopped me,so i changed my mind and try to use sound from gamebanana instead of one extracted from the game,in fact i dont like COD:G sound much either.Considered of possibility of...
Apex Legends - R-99
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So after finishing the rifle selection from Apex i start with the SMG's i now bring you the R-99, this one will replace the normal SMG (the UZI one yeah) and it comes with its original animations and sounds, so yeah not much to say other than i hope you gu...
Grabbin Heroin!
Created by Lf
Replaces the normal adrenaline shot pick up sound for Ellis. "Grabbin' heroin! Uh, I mean adrenaline..."* Author: Lf Video made by youtube.com/OneyNG...
Metro 2033 Redux - The Ranger of the Order (Ellis)
Created by Dando [SVK]
This addon replaces Ellis with "Sparta" soldier from Metro 2033 Redux. I hope you like it , don't forget to rate and enjoy! Francis version HERE Includes: First Person Hands HUD & Lobby Icons Credits: Models/Textures: 4A Games , Metro 2033 Redux Stop steal...
D2 Saint-14 > Coach
Created by N7Legion
Replaces Coach with Saint-14 from Destiny 2. Features: VGUI's 1st Person arms Boomer-puke effect Bill's animations Jigglebones Credits: Bungie - Original model Thejudsub - Ripping Raik Arglack - Testing N7Legion - Left 4 Dead 2 Port L4D version: https://st...
Jill Valentine BSAA
Replaces Rochelle. Credits: - ZeqMacaw: tweaked rigging, Zoey animations that work online, hud images, boomer-bile effect, re-pack - MANIX33: original port to L4D2, rigging, hud images, lobby image - Capcom: created mesh and textures - Me: Voice pack, comp...
[Note7] PipeBomb
Created by K"ashimura♦
Replace in-game PipeBomb. Hope Honourable players low profile use. Surely you do not want this works disappear.Thanks to cooperate! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Leon Replaces Nick (RE4)
Created by Jamie
Leon from Resident Evil 4 as Nick! I made the first person arms. Model link: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=107645067 Credit to original mod authors!...
RE4 - Leon S. Kennedy HUD UI Icons [Nick]
Created by ︻デ 一Kenny
"Story of my life..." A Custom UI/VGUI Icons of Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 that I did because was a bit odd seeing Nick's portrait every time using Jamie's RE4 Leon character replacement. Note: It only replaces the UI/VGUI Icons of Nick, not the ...
Resident Evil 6 Characters - Piers Nivans
Created by Cra0kalo aka 'Cra0'
Piers Nivans was a member of the North American Branch of the B.S.A.A., assigned to the SOU (Special Operations Unit). Nivans served under Chris Redfield during the investigation into the incident at the Marhawa School; the 2012 Edonian Civil War and the 2...
Coloured Outro/Ending Titles for all Campaigns
Created by Big Boss
Changes all the campaign titles that play in the ending credits to these coloured ones, example images above. The Last Stand and Cold Stream not included, since those campaigns already have a coloured outro title. 23.6.2023 MAJOR OVERHAUL: All the titles h...
Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
Created by smilzo
This addon improves the survivor bots behavior to make them more human-like and a bit more useful during the game as well as improving their combat skills. It is a mix of vanilla AI improvements (via game convars changes) and new features added via vscript...
Steel Baton (Nightstick)
Created by Yog
Expandable poking stick FTW. This mod Replaces the Nightstick from L4D2. It adds models and textures. No hud because it would conflict with other mods. CLICK HERE FOR METAL SOUNDS! 3D realtime preview available here If you like it, don't forget to rate/fav...
Yes - Roundabout for Death music
Created by peppa.puta
Death music replaced with that part of Yes - Roundabout. Now you will want to die more times. Works with both L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns. Replaces: death.wav; death_l4d1.wav. L4D1 Version (2,43MB) is here Install instructions: 1) Paste death.wav on C:\Program...