Internet Cafe Simulator

Internet Cafe Simulator

29 ratings
The Ultimate Guide for Internet Cafe Simulator
By ♕Zer0Day♕
This is a guide for the game "Internet Cafe" which guides you through some of the most important facts and mechanics for the game.
Your Daily Routine
You wake up inside your bedroom in your apartment, by an horrible alarm sound that you manually have to turn off everyday.

Then you have to eat something from the kitchen (which you can and should buy more of outside of your apartment, so don't forget to stack up on food). Its also possible to eat directly where buy it instead of just sending the food to your refrigerator at home.

Then you jump your way over to your shop, which is conveniently located very close by to where you live.
  • When entering you clean the whole cafe
  • You buy what you have to buy
  • You use the thing that you just bought (place the items or read the informations)
  • You open the shop

Business Hours are only from around 9AM to 9PM, and open up your internet cafe for customers by flipping your sign from Closed to Open so people can start coming in.
6 Steps to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
I've gathered the six important stuff to become a successful entrepreneur which you can find below:

1. Purchase All Important Components
  • Desk
  • Keyboard
  • Headset
  • Mouse
  • Chair
  • Monitor
  • Computer case

You can also go with a laptop that spares you the monitor, computer, mouse and keyboard money

When starting, don't spend your money on the expensive stuff, just buy a few 2-3 stared computers which will earn you more revenue as more customers will be available to use your machines. (Also, don't forget buying games though)

2. Purchase Some Arcade Machines
Another way to earn an income aside computers, is by purchasing arcade machines. These are too so expensive and will also make customers give you higher ratings for your internet cafe, which means it will invite more visitors to come.

3. Clean the Cafe Every Time
Another very important step to become a Successful Entrepreneur is hygiene. This is similar to the real world as you probably wont spend time in a place where you see trash everywhere. So make sure to clean your cafe every day before you open. This can be done by using your broom which you can find at your cafe. (Don’t forget to sweep beneath the desk and chairs too.)

This will also give you better ratings which will bring in more customers.

4. Watch Out For Burglars and Visitors That Do Not Pay
Always pay attention to your visitors.

Sometimes, there are some unresponsible visitors, like hobos and free visitors. If you let them slide, which means they enter your cafe, they do not only make your cafe losing revenue, but they can disturb other visitors as well. There are also burglars that you should shove away.

If you encounter them, you better hit them with a baseball bat or hire security to avoid him.

5. Hire a Chef
Sometimes, visitors will get hungry during their gameplay. To take advantage of this, you can hire a chef to be placed in the kitchen. But because he stays in the kitchen, you have to bring the food by yourself to the customer. Make sure to deliver it fast; otherwise, the visitor will end their billing before the food hits the table.

6. Bitcoin mining
There is a little market area outside your apartment/shop where a few NPCs will sell you discounted items, food and even bitcoin mining devices you can plant inside, on your walls.

Keep in mind that your Biggest Threat to your mining operation will be the police inspection, which happens randomly, but usually you should receive an email letting you know they are going to do it today. So basically – you will know the day, but you will not know the time they will show up.

When that happens, you have to make sure you turn off each and EVERY SINGLE one of your miners, otherwise if you mess up or forget – YOU LOSE YOUR MINERS and get FINED.

However, it is possible to get the time for the police inception by entering the "Hidden deep" on your computer, where you can buy the rutine police inception hours for $199.
What You Can do With Your Computer
I've listed a summary of the different applications you can interact with on your computer below:

Zamazor icon – is where you will order all your stuff.

IC Design – repaint the walls, floor and even ceiling of your shop.

IC Store – unlocks more areas of your shop, like a Kitchen! :9

Bills – you will have to pay all your Utility Bills and Fines on time here.

D www – you access the Deep Web here and buy things like Anti-Virus and hacker protection for your computer.
  • You will have “POP-UPs” that appear on your computer randomly, when this happens just hit X to close them because in this video game if you click on them then you get locked out of your computer for around 30 seconds and you could potentially lose some Bitcoins!

Computers – check each of your active PCs, if they are operational and in use.

Your Store Name – every customer will leave a review here, which effects your Total Review score.

Crypto Exchange – a place you can buy different types of bitcoins, operates sort of like the Stock Market, when prices get LOW then BUY, when prices get HIGH then you SELL = PROFIT, AND you can even just Mine the Bitcoins.

Wallpapers – for your desktop.

Scratch & Win – electronic lottery cards that you can spend $50 or $100 on, and honestly, I found this to be a waste of time so didn’t really do it a whole lot.

Workers – you can hire 2 different employees;
  1. A Bodyguard who stands outside your shop = you use your Baseball Bat way less, but you still need keep your eyes peeled just in case. Good Hire!
  2. A Chef, who stands in your kitchen, you can order snacks from him then give to customers who request the snacks for a tiny bit of profit. Wish he could give you free food though instead.

Games – for if you have set up a video game console area for customers to chill and play the latest video games! My kind of entertainment right here! 😀

Sell Item – when you use this little gun to shoot items, the item will appear here for a certain amount of time. This operates by that you can go here and sell the item immediately, for a low price OR you can wait for a time, and the item will be sold at a higher price.

Tutorials – text files that will give you tips on how to play the game.

Mail – your Inbox, the police will let you know they are stopping by for an inspection. Which is bad – if you have bitcoin miners running, because they will confiscate all of them and fine you!

Messages – this is where customers who are sitting down will order different snacks and so you can see what they want.

Skin Cases – you can pay some money to unlock random skins.

Kitchen/Order/Price List – All these icons are unlocked if you buy the kitchen and hire the chef. And this is what you will access to get the chef to cook stuff up, order the snacks that he’ll leave on the counter for you to hand deliver and change the prices of how much the customers will have to pay when you finally give it to them.
The Consequence of Angry Customers
In short, they will write negative reviews about you and thus you’ll lose business which means the amount of customers will decrease and you will not earn money.

So it is highly important that you provide Top Quality Service to your customers. Even if they are doing stuff they shouldn't do on the computer :p

But remember, if some people ARE doing stuff besides gaming, then you have to throw them out of your cafe.

This also includes homeless people, which you sadly have to hit with your bat, and thieves which steals your equipment and packages.

The Stars When Buying Stuff
A cheap 1 star rusty table will make customers in a terrible mood which will make them leave a bad review, while a 4.5 star golden table will improve their moods will make thgem write better reviews for your internet cafe!

However, it is possible to buy 3 fake reviews per day at a price of $109.
The Importance of Temperature
Inside your internet cafe, you should have a small handheld device, that will be able to display the current Temperature in different sections of your shop.

THIS DEVICE IS IMPORTANT, because if it is TOO COLD then customers will complain and if it is TOO HOT then customers will Yup, complain.

This is what you have to do in these situations
TOO HOT? Then you will need to order and place fans, ceiling fans or most efficient of all – an Air Conditioning Unit. This will drop the heat being generated from the more and more computer and machines you set-up.

TOO COLD? This happens because of too many cooling machines, so just do the opposite and remove them to get the temperature back to Cool/Warm which is where you want it.
Final Words
This guide is not only made for people who already have played the game, but also for the beginners. If some of these informations was able to help you, then please give the guide a thumbs up! That would be much appreciated! :)
PinginginLava 20 Jan @ 5:42am 
哥们真的为了这个粪game付出了太多 respect!
Negolimbal 3 Feb, 2022 @ 11:42am 
FEYZULLAH 28 Oct, 2021 @ 3:17pm 
furkanaydnsk 9 Oct, 2021 @ 3:02am 
sik gibi oyun