1,265 人が評価
Compare Item Stats
Mod Features: Quality of Life
Mod Side: Client
tModLoader Version: 1.4.3, 1.4.4
248.288 KB
2021年8月16日 12時06分
1月12日 1時14分
24 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Compare Item Stats

Vlidmir Putan 作成の 1 件のコレクション
direwolf420's Mods
20 アイテム
Compare Item Stats is a clientside mod that allows you to view differences between the currently selected item and the one you are hovering over in the tooltip.

If you hover over armors or wings, and the selected item is not the same archetype, it will compare with your currently equipped gear instead.

Supported stats:
* Damage
* Crit Chance
* Speed
* Knockback
* Fishing/Bait Power
* Fish In Lava
* Catch Lava Critters
* Pick/Axe/Hammer Power
* Restored Mana/Life
* Used Mana
* Autoswing
* Tool Range
* Class
* Wing Fly Time
* Wing Horizontal/Vertical Speed
* Defense
* Life Regeneration

The comparison can be shown by holding the "Auto Select" key by default, or by using the "Stat Comparison" keybind. Alternatively, it can be always shown using the config.

On gamepad/controller, this keybind should be bound in the Gamepad/UI section, shown here:

If you experience issues with stats not being displayed, let me know. I did not test this with many other mods or different languages.
This does not work for most stats that accessories or armors give (consume ammo%, damage%, buff immunities etc.) as there is no tangible way to fetch this information. Hopefully, in a future update I will manage to implement such a thing.

If you want to add support for different languages, you are welcome to contribute localizations here: GitHub[]
List of localization contributors:
* German: Psychotrickser
* Simplified Chinese: Cyril
* Polish: Taco
* Russian: GodHybrid
* Spanish: T3sl4B0y
* Italian: Sea Noodle
* Brazilian Portuguese: GuiSaiUwU
* French: Verveine

tModLoader CompareItemStats の投稿を引用:
Developed By direwolf420
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年8月16日 6時13分
Stat Suggestions
Vlidmir Putan
67 件のコメント
Vlidmir Putan  [作成者] 2024年11月15日 14時19分 
Fair, I'll look into it
Equilibrior 2024年11月15日 10時42分 
I found several that are showing the hooks stats in the tooltip but none for comparing them.
Vlidmir Putan  [作成者] 2024年11月15日 4時11分 
There is a hook stats mod slready
Equilibrior 2024年11月15日 2時24分 
Can you add hooks to the compared items?
GankAlpaca 2024年10月10日 11時45分 
TYSM! Works as intended. Although had to reinstall the mod for some reason, ig terraria weird like that.
Vlidmir Putan  [作成者] 2024年10月10日 3時34分 
@GankAlpaca: Added the keybind in v0.2.1. Also note that it should be bound in the Gamepad/UI section, see the mod description for details.
GankAlpaca 2024年10月7日 14時21分 
Can you please add a separate keybind in the controls setting to change the stat comparison keybind? Currently as I understand it's hard tied to autoselect bind. I play on controller and while you can still compare items using controller it shares the same button with trash/throw the item and unless you favourite the item you will just throw/trash it. And even for pc it's nice to have more freedom with binds. Thanks in advance🙏^^
aubri 2024年9月21日 7時27分 
thank you so much!
Pengin 2024年8月31日 0時39分 
Apologies for late reply it was a different mod that was breaking things, mod works fine :3
Vlidmir Putan  [作成者] 2024年8月23日 3時09分 
Please provide the client log via You can find the log in the install folder/tModLoader-logs folder