841 个评价
Uncompromising Tribal Faction
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
773.415 KB
2021 年 8 月 10 日 下午 2:07
2024 年 12 月 30 日 下午 7:25
17 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Uncompromising Tribal Faction

在 Fuko 的 1 个合集中
Fuko's Mods!
7 件物品
The tribal faction is in a sorry state. In a world with either gun-toting, high tech, robotic, armored, or giant insect factions, it's a wonder the tribal faction has managed to survive at all.
The goal of this mod was to make the tribals into an actual threat, having their own strengths and requiring some strategy to take down, but not overpowered. Please leave balance suggestions if you find them too strong or weak!

New Tribal War Plan:
  1. Adds the Flame thrower, a grenadier unit equipped with "Molotov Cocktails" to flush out defenders from their positions.
  2. Gives Breachers and Berserkers volcanic ash filled "Smoke bombs", to cover their advance amidst gunfire.
  3. Gives Hunters, Heavy Archers, and Archer Chiefs modified "Flamebows" and "Great Flamebows", that can ignite both terrain and colonists.
  4. Tweaked raid unit ratios for a more effective army composition.

Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal integration and Vanilla Apparel Expanded - Accessories Integration (If optionally installed):
  1. Gives Firebombs to 10-15% of tribal unit from "Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal" (If optionally installed)
  2. Gives tribal Breachers, Berserkers, and Chiefs "Battle banners" from "Vanilla Apparel Expanded - Accessories" (If optionally installed).
  3. Gives all tribal Archers "Quivers" from "Vanilla Apparel Expanded - Accessories" (If optionally installed).

New Item: Smoke Bomb (Usable by AI!)

Fine volcanic ash wrapped in a straw bundle. When smashed mid-air, it will release a small cloud of smoke, obscuring incoming shots and preventing turrets from locking on.
Cost: 10 Stone bricks
Cannot be refilled (1 charge)
Smaller radius than smokepop belts

New Item: Great Flamebow

A greatbow equipped with incendiary arrows, which excels at dislodging defenders with its long range and high accuracy.
Can ignite both terrain and colonists.

Modified Item: Flamebow

Biotech's flamebow has been changed from AoE to single tile ignition and made usable by all tribes. Molotovs now fulfill the role of close range AoE fire threat, while the flamebows are meant for medium range high rate of fire.
Graphically upgraded to look cooler and easily distinguishable from standard bows.

New Item: Firebomb

If Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribals is installed, Firebombs should be equipped by ~10-15% of tribal units. If not installed, Molotov Cocktails will be equipped instead.

Biotech Specific Changes:
The Savage Impid tribe will now use all the tools in this mod, giving them an even more diverse toolkit!
The Rough Neanderthal tribe prefers melee due to their poor shooting skills, so will be majority melee except for a small amount of flame throwers and fire archers.

  • 0% performance impact (no Harmony patches needed!).

  • Safe to add mid-game, not recommended to remove mid-game.

  • Independent, isolated, and minimal in scope, with no modifications to vanilla behavior/code required: However XML patches are required to modify units from the vanilla tribal faction, so it may conflict with mods that make large changes to the vanilla tribal faction.

  • Confirmed compatible with Combat Extended, Vanilla Expanded series, Alpha series, Dubs series, and hundreds more.

~3.2 Update: Enabled the Flamebow and Great Flamebow to be craftable from the crafting spot.
~3.1 Update: Restored the use of Fire bombs if Vanilla Expanded Weapons - Tribals is installed. Will use Molotovs instead if not installed.
~3.0 Update:
~ Now updated for 1.5 Anomaly!
~ Removed dependency on Vanilla Weapons Extended - Tribal. Tribal units changed to use Molotovs instead of Fire Bombs.
~ Changed graphic for the smoke bomb.
~ Slightly increased number of flame thrower units, smoke bomb reduced to 1 charge but 100% spawn rate.
~2.02 update:
- Added compatibility for Combat Extended 1.4!
- Removed dependency on Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories since the battle banners and quivers aren't essential to the functioning of this mod. It is now an optional requirement.
~2.01 update: Reduced smoke bomb spawn chance back to 50%
~2.0 update:
- Now updated for 1.4 and Biotech!
- The Savage Impid tribe will now use all the tools in this mod, making them a powerful threat!
- The Rough Neanderthal tribe fields a very melee heavy force due to their poor shooting skills, so instead of regular archers, the few ranged units they do bring along will entirely be for setting your colony on fire.
- Modified Biotech's Flamebow to only ignite one tile. Fire bombs fulfill the role of the high priority AoE fire threat, while Flamebows are meant for long term sustained harassment. With the new tools available, flamebows also having AoE would be redundant and too powerful.
- Smoke bombs now have a 65% spawn chance up from 50%.
- Smoke bombs will now be visible on the carrier's back.
- Fire bomber spawn chance increased.
- Fire Archers split into Hunters using Flamebow and Heavy Archers using Great Flamebow.
- Fire units had their raid point cost increased.
- CE compatibility will be added when their 1.4 version is released.
~1.1f update: Added conditionals to some xml patches to ensure better compatibility with other mods that modify the vanilla tribal faction.
~1.1e update: Fixed some errors in the CE compatibility patch.
~1.1d update: Decreased Fire bow accuracy by 10% so it's less annoying to deal with. Added compatibility for Combat Shields.
~1.1c update: Shifted part of the Fire bows reload time into its warmup time.
~1.1b update: Prevented Fire bows from spawning in trader, visitor, and traveler groups. Tweaked Fire archer/Fire bomber spawn rates.
~1.1 update: Added Fire Bows! Reduced the spawn rate of Fire bombers to take into account the new Fire archers.

Github Link: https://github.com/tenguin/Rimworld_UncompromisingTribalFaction

Credits to: hamu koutarou for the artwork used in the thumbnail and tanosii_chan for the upvote animation! Give them a visit!
185 条留言
Kimo' 3 月 3 日 下午 5:30 
@Fuko That's indeed a fun way to do it, will definitely try it, thanks! :happyio:
Fuko  [作者] 3 月 3 日 下午 3:02 
@Kimo Yeah, I think he should have just implemented it as a mod option rather than tie it to storyteller. Might be better as a suggestion on his mod rather than here, as it's really an issue of his rather than mine ;p

But I'll give you a fun way to trick psycasters to spawn regardless of storyteller:
In the StorytellerDef of your preferred storyteller, change the defName to <defName>VPE_Basilicus</defName>.

Yep, the code in VPE simply checks if the defName is VPE_Basilicus to decide whether or not to add psycasters ;p

So all you have to do is rename the defName of any storyteller you want to use to VPE_Basilicus and it will spawn psycasters :MHRISE_Felyne:
Kimo' 3 月 3 日 下午 1:26 
Tbh, I think locking game mechanics behind storyteller is kinda lame. You end up stuck if you want both basilicus psycaster and Han Hordemode waves raids, for exemple. Unlocking psycast raids allow to still enjoy your prefered storyteller
Fuko  [作者] 3 月 3 日 下午 1:22 
@Kimo Hmm, doesn't the Basilicus storyteller from VPE already add psycasters to raids? What would you like to happen beyond what Basilicus achieves?
Kimo' 3 月 3 日 上午 8:50 
Hey, very nice mod! I was wondering, for the sake of diversity in units, you would be willing to consider adding psycasters raid to impids and neandertals factions if VPE is loaded? Impids would make a wonderful use of the conflagrator tree, and neanderthals could potentially use the warlord tree. I attempted to try to add these myself on top of your mod, but I'm not good enough to make it work without one overwriting the other ^^' Anyway, thank you for your work!
Sandy 2 月 8 日 上午 2:35 
Sorry, the raids are spawning, but at a different raid points.
In one game, with 100, 200 and 300 raid points, it didnt work, but 400 raid points spawned the raid.
In another game, just 100 raid points spawned the raid.
Sandy 2 月 8 日 上午 12:50 
Latest game version, with Royalty and Biotech.
New game and even in Dev quick start, the issue is there.
i made another mod list without CE and the issue is still there.
I'll check with only this mod and reply back.

Also, savage tribe is permanently hostile, so not friends with them.
Fuko  [作者] 2 月 7 日 下午 11:53 
@Sandy Seems to spawn fine after doing some tests on my end.
1) What game version and DLCs are you running.
2) Are you able to reproduce the problem in a new game with the mods you are using?
3) Are you able to reproduce the problem with no mods other than this one?
4) If the problem doesnt exist in 3, You'll have to narrow down through process of elimination to find the conflicting mod.

Also could you perhaps have befriended the savage tribe? They won't attack you if you have positive relations with them.
Sandy 2 月 7 日 下午 10:05 
Hi, thanks for the mod.
I have one problem, where with this mod, savage tribal raids are not happening. I cant even spawn them in dev mode.
Once i remove this mod, i can spawn the savage raids.
Is this happened before or any known mod conflict?
There is no error, so no logs.
Fuko  [作者] 2024 年 12 月 31 日 下午 2:46 
@Dizzy Oh you're right. Their work amount wasn't set because they weren't meant to be craftable in the past. Fixed now.