Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

179 vurderinger
Guide for changing Conquest Enhanced v2 to your taste
Av MrCookie og 2 medarbeidere
It is a comprehensive guide to changing Conquest Enhanced and Conquest Enhanced v2 to suit your needs.
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Changing things to your taste
This is a guide to mod the mod. If you have some questions that aren't answered here then go to mod's discord and ask us there


If you want AI to have More/Less units

Go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign
Open the resources_xxx file that you play on. You can open it with notepad but Notepad++ is preferable.
-Change Base value to either increase or reduce AI army size. the template is as follows -
seconds passed : amount of CP AI has.
-If you want the AI to have more or less units on just player defense missions, change the attack multiplier on line 13. The attached picture will show you what ones to change if you do not use notepad++
-Keep in mind every mission has a risk factor attached to it which is based on the number of stars the mission is. You can adjust the risk factor starting on line 37.

If you want the player to have a bigger or smaller army

- Go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign\resources_xxx change StageCP - each entry is tied to a certain call-in stage. If you do this also increase Budget start line to whatever the sum of all stages is

If you want to the player to get more or less resources

- Go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign open whatever resources_xxx you are playing on. Change the values under the resource tab.Take note that all rewards are multiplied by the rewards factor under the risk multiplier section.

If you want AI to level up defenses slower

- Go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign - change unlock games progress, on line 19,24, and 29, to desired game number.
[Note if you change defense level 1 to anything other than zero the AI will have nothing on the points at all, no troops or emplacements.]

If you want to change the length of the game

- go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\games and in campaign_capture_the_flag and change score final on line 47 to a bigger or smaller value.

If you want to change MP or CP cost of units
go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\units\conquest and in units_ger or units_rus change (cp) for CP and cost for MP

If you want to disable AI off map arty

-You will have to edit the units for the enemy factions at steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\units\conquest. you will open the enemy factions Units_"faction name".set and change the signaller min_Stage to 99 here's an example for Germany.

If you want to change time of AI reinforcements arrival

-go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\conquest_configuration open it with a notepad editor. For changing when AI appear when YOU are attacking change Bot is defender values the first number is how many minutes. To change when YOU are defender change the Attackmin and Attackmax. You will have to change it for all flag types.

If you want to speed up or slow down AI research progression

-go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign
Open the duration_XXX file that you play on. And find Research stage line for your campaign duration. First number in each entry is amount of games played : second number is research stage for AI. You can see units AI can buy at which stage in 2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\units\conquest units_nation files (min stage is when they can buy this unit - max stage is when they stop buying it)

If you want to speed AI to buy certain units sooner or later

-go to
steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\units\conquest units_nation files - (min stage is when they can buy this unit - max stage is when they stop buying it). Currently stages are equal to the days of the campaign.

If you want to change research costs then

-go to steamapps\workshop\content\4007502899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign unit_research_nation and change the cost there

If you want to remove time penalty for losing flags in defense

-go to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\games and in campaign_capture_the_flag and change {parameters "points_table_player=0/0.000,0.34/4.5,0.50/5.5,0.67/6.5,1.00/11.2 to {parameters "points_table_player=0/0.000,0.34/11.2,0.50/11.2,0.67/11.2,1.00/11.2

If you want to have more time in attack

-go to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\multiplayer\games and in campaign_capture_the_flag and change {parameters "points_table_player=0/0.000,0.34/5,0.50/5,0.67/7,1.00/10;points_table_ai=0/0.0,0.35/6.603,1.0/15;flag_capture_time=75;flag_release_time=25;flag_capture_factor=0.9"} to

{parameters "points_table_player=0/0.000,0.34/5,0.50/5,0.67/7,1.00/10;points_table_ai=0/0.0,0.35/1,1.0/1;flag_capture_time=75;flag_release_time=25;flag_capture_factor=0.9"}

If you want to be able to call in all stages

-go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\set\dynamic_campaign Open the resources_XXX file that you play on. You can open it with notepad but Notepad++ is preferable. And change Budget Start to {Start "0:400"} on line 98. Then Change {limit #} to limit 400 2 lines down.
[If you gave your army more CP to bring in more troops 400 will need to be higher. add up every stages CP vaule and change it to that.]

If you want to disable certain maps

-go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\map\multi find your map and open the file and change map selection to 99

If you want to disable certain scripts
-to disable some scripts you don't like go to steamapps\workshop\content\400750\2899823515\resource\conquest_configuration and change their chance there

Reporting bugs and crashes
If you have a crash go to C:\Documents\My Games\gates of hell\log and C:\Documents\My Games\gates of hell\log_ds or AppData\Local\digitalmindsoft\gates of hell\log and send us "game" file in discord or screenshot the ending of these files with the message of the crash and some info before and after it

If you have other bugs please report them to bug section of the workshop discussion. Please try to attach screenshots when appropriate. Also always report what map crash or bug occurs on.

If you see that some units have wrong values also report them in the bug section.