Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Murckowska A4/86 (Re-release)
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Assets: Intersection
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26 Thg07, 2021 @ 8:38am
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Murckowska A4/86 (Re-release)

Trong 1 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi Apples
Cities: Skylines, Intersection Collection.
52 vật phẩm
Mô tả
"Murckowska A4/86" re-release by Apples.


Re-release of an intersection;

creativeDEX - "Murckowska A4/86", original located here;

I changed the roads used from "Network Extensions 2" to the "Mass Transit" DLC.

Required Mods:

BloodyPenguin - "Prop Snapping" mod for placement. Once placed, you no longer need the mod.
SamsamTS / Klyte45 - "Fine Road Tool" mod for placement. Once placed, you no longer need the mod.
Quboid - "Move It" mod for placement. Once placed, you no longer need the mod.

Required Assets:

DeCzaah - "Murckowska Bridge".

Thanks to creativeDEX for making the intersection! & DeCzaah for the Murckowska Bridge! :)