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Sewer Alligators
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14 lug 2021, ore 9:15
14 lug 2021, ore 10:34
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Sewer Alligators

Sewer alligator
Sewer alligator stories date back to the late 1920s and early 1930s; in most instances they are part of contemporary legend. They are based upon reports of alligator sightings in rather unorthodox locations, in particular New York City. The New York Times reports the city rescues 100 alligators per year, some directly from homes where they are kept as illegal pets (which can be legally ordered online in other states and are legal to mail when small), and some from outside (where they can attract considerable attention) though mostly above-ground.[1] Though escapees and former pets may survive for a short time in New York sewers, longer-term survival is not possible[1] due to low temperatures and the bacteria in human feces. Sewer maintenance crews insist there is no underground population.[2]


This little project become piece heavier than i thought.

The cars and the mower are from the workshop, the names of the creator are next to the opject.


Camping Car:


I hop i haven´t forgot anything.