Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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2021. júl. 12., 9:22
2024. márc. 3., 18:57
18 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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2 ricE_ECD készítette gyűjteményben
ricE's Rivals of Aether Mods
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ricE Rumble 2024 Character Collection
15 elem
Miles “Tails” Prower flies into Rivals!


Tails has a very aerial focused playstyle, oriented towards taking opponents out for long strings of aerials and specials in the air. His Neutral and Down Specials use some of his gadgets that he’s made as long ranged options. Take flight with your Forward and Up Specials to chase after and follow up your opponents!


Neutral Special: Energy Shot
Tails pulls out one of his gadgets to fire off an electric projectile at opponents. Inflicts brief stun on hit. If fired in the air, it will be shot at a downward arc that ricochets off the ground.

Forward Special: Air Lift
Tails dives forward with open arms. If Tails comes in contact with someone, he’ll grab them and kick them upward. Is useful as both a horizontal recovery option as well as an offensive tool. Goes into pratfall if whiffed, so be careful.

Up Special: Flight
Tails’ trademark ability takes form as his Up Special! With this move, Tails can ascend upward by holding or mashing the Special button. After a while, he’ll go into pratfall after getting tired. While flying, you can cancel the move into any of his aerials: if you hit someone with that aerial, you can avoid pratfall to keep the string of aerials going!

Down Special: Remote Robot
Tails pulls out his Remote Robot gadget from his very own game, Tails Adventure. Once thrown, this robot will travel at an arc, and once it lands, it will walk back and forth on the stage. If it comes in close contact with an opposing player, it will jump upward and explode! Opponents can get rid of it by hitting Remote Robot with any attack, so be careful.

Hitting Remote Robot with Neutral Special will cause it to instantly explode with a strong hitbox.
Touching Remote Robot with Forward Special will cause Tails to pick it up and throw it as a projectile!


Some of Tails’ normals also have unique attributes to them.

Down Tilt: Slide
Tails slides forward. Can go off ledges. On hit, you can jump-cancel it.

Up Strong: Magic Upper
A powerful uppercut using one of Tails’ gadgets. Has a sweetspot at the tip of the fist.

Uniquely, Tails cannot perform a DACUS (Dash Attack Cancel Up Smash) with this move. However, by jump-canceling Down Tilt on hit, you can cancel into Up Strong, gaining a lot of speed!


Grab Tails’ home stage, Emerald Hill Zone, here:



This mod has custom sprites made specifically for Rivals made by ricE. Please do not reuse or re-upload these sprites anywhere without permission!


Special thanks to BobTheGUYYYYY for making the portrait and victory theme for this character!


Tails is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, an intellectual property of SEGA and Sonic Team. This is purely a work of art made out of love for the Sonic brand, with no intention of being used for profit or infringing SEGA or Sonic Team’s rights. All rights reserved.
Népszerű témák Összes megnézése (1)
2021. júl. 30., 15:02
Down B
32 megjegyzés
he is way too tall wich makes him look weird next to other mod sonic characters
VB febr. 24., 21:52 
And lastly I think that side special should have much less knockback so it can function as a proper combo tool, it feels really bad seeing all his combos go away if the opponent just holds di away after a side special. Last last thing is that his frame data is a little lacking at times, I think making the entire down air hitbox spike for the first 2 frames it's active and then have a sour spot hitbox the following 2 frames would feel a lot better, also moves like up strong feel a little too slow to use so I think it would be nice to be advanced to around frame 9/10, on that topic as well I think neutral air should be advanced 2-3 frames because it feels a little too slow on startup, and jab should have a shorter cancel window into it's next hit to speed it up because his jab feels extremely slow and makes combos out of jab feel awkward. Again this is an amazing mod I think the sprite work is fantastic but I'd love to see some more tweaks for balancing!
VB febr. 24., 21:52 
This is easily the best Tails mod on the Rivals workshop and I think he's amazing to play as, but he's also a little too weak currently in my opinion, he has no real good burst option and his projectiles are very slow and easy to react to or predict(neutral special specifically comes out way too slowly to be used for continuing combos and even makes combos harder to use in cases because of the way it pushes him away when used in the air). Also like I've seen others mention he lacks kill power in moves other than his up air with sweet spot, so it's very difficult to actually ko the opponent and gets very repetitive after a while, I think giving down strong and forward strong more knockback scaling would be extremely nice, I think down special as well could function as a kill move specifically when thrown with side special to allow for safer kill options that still have good risk reward.
ArcadenOre #FixTF2 jan. 23., 11:18 
Can Tails get a custom AI? Cause the basic AI can't use the full extend of his moves like how Knuckles or Classic Sonic works, but other then that I love the ideas and the references keep up the work RicE :D
Segvent 2024. jan. 14., 18:07 
One last thing.

Could we get a Voice Update to have him use voice clips like some of the other Sonic Characters out there?

would be pretty neat.
Segvent 2024. jan. 14., 18:06 
Neutral Special could also use a buff. For it being a slow moving projectile while faithful to it's appearance in Battle, it's too slow and predictable to be useful on the ground, serving better as a slow aerial option with it's angle, also with low payoff.

Either a buff to it's speed or a buff to the stun duration tied to how much percent the opponent has would suffice.

All in all: i love this character to death and will continue to main him, but god help me securing wins on him is like playing Smash Ultimate Shiek. Keep up the fantastic work on the updates and here's hoping some of my points are taken into consideration. :SuperstarsTails:
Segvent 2024. jan. 14., 18:06 
Tails' combo potential is amazing, able to perform plently of strings and chase down the enemy, but none of that matters if actually scoring the kill is downright difficult. I've had most if not all matches against most other characters (including other Sonic Characters like Eggman) where i can't secure kills until around 160-200% on a MEDIUMWEIGHT.

Tails' best kill moves are his FStrong, Fair near the edge and Dair sweetspot spike. and as a character that's toated to be a strong aerial fighter i feel like atleast his Fair and Uair need a buff in kill power/knockback to secure kills more successfully.

The other Strongs (Dstrong and UpStrong) while fast and useful to throw out also struggle to secure kills until the 125% range.
Segvent 2024. jan. 14., 18:06 

Alright so it's been a long time enough of playing and maining this Tails Workshop Version for me to give my 2 cents.

The character in terms of combo potential, ease of use, and fun gameplay is absolutely fantasic.

The moveset covers all the basis of Tails' game plan while also including plenty of references and moves from his many playable appearances in the Sonic Series.

And while im very grateful for the newer updates ironing out a few issues (like the Down B Remote Robot cancelling/fizzling out on use randomly), there's one major issue that i really feel needs to be adjusted for this character to be perfect: Kill Power.
SaD2K 2023. dec. 4., 19:11 
why after all this time his neutral b animation is still the fucked bomb throwing animation instead of the arm cannon for me
ricE_ECD  [készítő] 2023. okt. 15., 19:29 
@Shadow_The_Worm | Titan.TF
hi, sorry for the late response, but I have thought of giving Tails (and some of my other characters) Final Smash compatibility for a long time. I just haven't gotten around to implementing them yet.

also thanks :D