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Dominator Logics
От Zenyr и 1 сътрудника
Dominator Logics is an in-depth guide to the core game mechanics that apply to all police unit intimidation and domination. Most of the infomation you hear from other players about dominating cops is false information. This guide contains all the numbers, mechanics, and varibles that apply whenever you attempt to dominate any officer within the game.
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Recent changes
2014-05-01 (1st May 2014) : Added TL;DR section, added more examples.
2014-05-09 (9th May 2014) : Complete overhaul of the guide with better wording and updated numbers thanks to Paragon .
2014-05-25 (25th May 2014) : Added MMT6 & Aced skill bonus graph
2014-05-27 (27th May 2014) : Edit: The maximum hostage limit can be exceeded by trading a hostage to release a player from custody. Thanks to Kevin and Mark for the tip!
  • The less health the target has, the higher the chance to sucessfully intimidate it. There is a minimum threshold however.
  • The "Threat" stat does NOT affect intimidation chances in any way. It affects suppression chance, or forcing an AI to roll, retreat, or take cover, thus momentarily breaking his current action whenever a player fires his weapon at said AI.
  • Wait for a mob to be busy doing something, like dodging, reloading, or retreating.
  • A mob will never surrender if he has been recently surpressed(shot/near missed) by the crew.
    • The dominator aced and Mastermind tier 6 bonuses makes intimidating much easier easier.
    • It is currently impossible to intimidate any special police offier without the use of cheats. There is coding within the game files for a skill that allows it however.
  • After attacking an enemy (shooting, stabbing, punching, whacking in the face, etc.) the chance of you sucessfully intimidating it decreases instantly to 0%, but rises back to your post-calculated chance over the duration of 2 secounds. This effect does not stack.
Rule of thumb
This info is based on U27.1 beta

  • All indimidation logic is calculated by the host.
  • There might be lag depending on your connection with the current host. This means that the host may receive outdated data to calculate intimidation chance with.
  • This guide is written with a focus on non-stealth intimidation.
    • During stealth, you may attempt to intimidate an enemy as soon as it is alerted to your presence. There is minimal relation to any of the factors listed in this guide.
  • There are 3 possible enemy intimidation difficulty presets; easy, normal and hard, or E, M, and H respectively. These are NOT related to the hiest difficult level.
    • Easy: Metropolotian officers, Guards.
    • Normal : SWAT units, FBI Operations units (Field agents, Hostage rescue units).
    • Hard : All Gensec securitiy officers, FBI Tactical units (heavy and maximum force responders).
  • Dominating special units is currently impossible. Shouting at a special enemy only highlights it on you and your team's HUDs and prompts a verbal warning from your character.
  • Cops surrendering (the hands up state) are immediately treated as a hostage, wether he is cuffed or not. The custody trade delay for teammates begins to decay as soon as an officer surrenders, making it possible to trade him without cuffing him first.
    • A police officer will never surrender if there is no free slot. The number of avalible slots is equal to the number of players in your current crew who have the dominator skill. These slots are freed as soon as the entity occupying them is dead or broke his surrender.
      • It has been confirmed that trading a hostage to release a crew from custody can increase the hostage limit for your current crew. When a police hostage is traded to release a team member from custody the hostage number counter decreases by 2 instead of 1. Technically, the number of hostages you have can go into the negatives, allowing you one more free slot to dominate an officer of the law in.(bugged)
    • The surrender state lasts for 5~10 seconds, determined at random.
      • A police officer will immediately break his surrender is his sight of the player is lost.
    • Special police units (tazers, shields, snipers, cloakers, and bulldozers) currently CANNOT be intimidated without the use of cheats. There is code in the game files for a possible future skill that allows for special unit intimidation however.

      M = Mob, or in this case any hostile, non-special police officer.
      P = Player, more specifically the one attempting a domination.
    Phase 1: Baseline
    The failure (resist domination) chance starts from 100%. Consider percentages below as subtractions from your current failure chance of 100%.

    * multiplicative or precentage.
    Easy/Medium/Hard intimidation difficulty change modifiers.

    The values below that are seperated by a ~ vary depending on the magnitude of the value. If your targets ____ is in between the 2 stated values then the bonus that it carries with is will be calculated baised on the distance from the values.

    In case you cannot do basic math, the product of a 60% multiplicative value applied to 100 would be 60, and if another 50% multiplicative value is applied to the 60 afterwords, the end product of the 2 equations would total to 30.

    • M Health ratio *
      • E: min. 100% health = 20% ~ max. 30% health = 100%
      • N: min. 100% health = 0% ~ max. 30% health = 50%
      • H: min. 100% health = 0% ~ max. 35% health = 50%
    • M is busy *
      • If M is reloading, staggering or doing nothing then apply a 80/50/20% bonus.
      • Also, If M has no ammo then apply a 80/50/20% bonus on top of the last one.
    • M just calmed down * (i.e. between assault, after suppression) within 1.5sec
      • 100/100/25%
    • M is isolated from other police AI * within a 8.5m radius cylinder area
      • 10/8/0%
    Phase 2: Compare with minimum threshold
    If the resist (fail) chance calculated during Phase 1 is above 90/80/75%, then you will fail to intimidate the enemy unit instantly. If it is not, carry over the precentage to Phase 3.
    Phase 3: Factors
    The following are minor bonuses to increase your chance of sucessfully intimidating your target.
    • M is isolated from cops * within 8.5m radius cylindrical area (This bonus applies AFTER phase 1, and does not contrabute to increasing your intimidation chance pass the minimum requirement).
      • 0/0/10%
    • M is flanked * by a P that is at least 2.5 M away from it.
      • 7/5/4%
    • M and P enter each other's lines of sight * within 1sec.
      • 8/10/10%
    • The game is not in an assault wave *
      • 15/11/5%
    • Distance between M and P * must be between min. and max. for the bonus below to apply.
      • E: min. 31.6m = 2% ~ max. 17.3m = 15%
      • N: min. 31.6m = 0% ~ max. 17.3m = 10%
      • H: min. 31.6m = 0% ~ max. 17.3m = 10%
    • A domination attempt was made recently *
    [/b] within 5 ~ 10 (varies) seconds (does NOT stack).
    • 5%
    Phase 4: Suppression
    Suppression works the other way around during this phase.
    The number used to calculate your current intimidation chance is the product of your orginal fail chance after all bonuses (if you meet the criteria to receive them) in phases 1-3 are applied.

    If M is suppressed within S seconds...
    • if S = 0 , set chance to 0% Instantly. (=thus immune to intimidation)
    • if S is between 0 and 2 seconds, set chance to "chance * S/2"
      • In other words, the enemy completely recovers from a 0% success chance to the current calculated chance after 2 secounds
      • Hence P needs to wait 2 seconds after damaging M to maximize your success chance.
    Phase 5 : Player skill
    1. Your base intimidation power is 1 by default.
    • if P has MM dominator skill Aced then your base power is multiplied by 1.25x.
    • If P has the Mastermind T6 Tier bonus then Base power × 3

    2. Apply power to FailureChance( = Phase 4 result) to get your SuccessChance.
    SuccessChance = 1-FailureChance^BasePower = 1-(1-Chance)^BasePower
    • Note that this is calculated to the power. It is NOT multiplied.
    • If you have any of these two skills, as long as you get past through phase 2, your chance to get a successful intimidation increases.
      • Ex1) Before = 30% success chance → Ace only = 35%, MMT6 only = 65%, Both = 68%
      • Ex2) Before = 50% success chance,→ Ace only = 57.9%, MMT6 only = 87.5%, Both = 92.5%

    3. The game now picks a value at random between 0% ~ 100%.
    If the value selected is within your SuccessChance then your enemy SURRENDERS!
    31 коментара
    Nam McSpazz 16 апр. 2017 в 15:30 
    One quick thing I discovered while playing single-player, if one cop is in the process of surrendering, but not cuffed yet, you can get a second cop to surrender, then have them both cuff themselves for two hostages.
    Undefined 2 юли 2014 в 3:04 
    I know I'll catch flak for this, but from my experience, increasing Threat has made it easier for me to dominate enemies. Before that, I had a pretty low success rate in overkill. After buying the Oppressor skill in Enforcerer (and I'm guessing the Tier 3 skill helps), I'm able to dominate enemies more successfully than before. I think the most I've gotten was 5-6 in one "Day". And if include the ones that got killed in the process of being dominated, I've gotten that amount quite a few times since I got Oppressor and probably have surpassed it.
    dTTb 21 юни 2014 в 7:17 
    hmm coming back to
    1. ..
    Seeing Kevin&Mark's posts just now, they don't seem to be talking about having been in custody at all.
    Curious if they themselves have any explanation for how that was possible for them..
    dTTb 21 юни 2014 в 7:13 
    Esp that Threat is unrelated, total shocker for me.

    I have some remarks on a few tidbits to help you clear&clean up the guide:

    1. " It has been confirmed that trading a hostage to release a crew from custody can increase the hostage limit for your current crew. "
    That whole bit, are you absolutely positive that is not because the one being released from custody simply was one that had Dominator ?
    2. You mention that specials can't be intimidated twice or thrice in the RoT section.
    3. " M is isolated " You underline 10/8 but not /0, any meaning to that (which could use a clarification if so)? Got it, to show that for H the bonus still applies, but not towards getting enough to make the first threshold; so nvm this one.
    dTTb 21 юни 2014 в 7:13 
    4. Phases
    You use 'E N H' in health ratio section, while calling them easy medium hard , perhaps better to refer to Medium as Normal in that case; since the M is taken for any sub .
    Also, it might warrant clarifying how you use x/y/z% ; I presume you mean E/N/H respectively, but it's not wholly clear to me.
    5. It's contribute , not contrabute . (And cylindrical area instead of cylinder area .)
    6. "M is flanked * by a P that is at least 2.5 M away"
    I'm not sure, but I'm guessing you mean at most 2.5m away (since the farther the flanker, the less intimidating the situation I'd think)?
    7. "Hence P needs to wait 2 seconds after damaging M to maximize your success chance" That belongs in the TL;DR section imho.

    Lastly, "Also, If M has no ammo" ...
    You mean they actually have an ammo counter, that can run out?! 0.0
    Castorice 10 юни 2014 в 15:43 
    Mataza 8 юни 2014 в 15:10 
    Huh, I remember this guide being more visually pleasing.
    Just a Sheep Plushie 26 май 2014 в 20:26 
    Screenshots of results:
    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Screenshot 3
    As you can see, there are 4 blue FBI law enforcers held hostage and 1 kevlar-vested security guard held hostage. 4+1=5, as evidenced by the hostage counter in the upper right corner of the screen. Clearly, there are no civilian hostages taken.
    Mark 25 май 2014 в 13:18 
    One more detail, no, none of them were dominated simultaneously, and I am almost positive that I dominated all of them in that shot personally (my teammate did not dominate any of those particular cops).
    Mark 25 май 2014 в 13:15 
    I see a slight problem with one facet. There does not appear to be a limit on the number of cops you can dominate. Your guide states that with my crew of two players (myself and one other, both with the dominator skill) and the two AI, I can thus only dominate 2 cops. However, on a recent Big Oil Dr. Miserable run, I was able to dominate 5+ (I think the greatest number I had at any given time was 6 or 7). In the screenshot linked below, I currently have 5 cops dominated and, if I remember correctly, one jokered but I believe he is currently out of the frame of the shot. Regardless, that is far greater than the two that the guide currently says are possible.

    Screenshot of hostages on Big Oil