Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

32 ratings
Nioh 2 - Dealing With The Online Problem
By outrage204
Tips and ideas to help improve your online experience no matter your level of skill.
This is a guide for other gamers like myself; all of your friends playing Nioh 2 aren't on PC so you're stuck with random players.

I do understand a lot of people are learning this game, you're cool. Keep trying, watch other players, learn the combat mechanics, be patient and you'll get somewhere.

This guide is for dealing with skill-less players using co-op to try to brute force the game rather than actually learning how to play.
Co-op Modes
Expedition - Leave it alone, trust me. Even good players will die once or twice on a mission. You wont be finding a lot of good players here.

Random Encounters - Less frustrating and quite rewarding. I seem to have better luck with gear drops during random encounters than any other mission. Literally the only reason I bother trying to help random players.
Just Walk Away
Tired of watching some moron die repeatedly because they don't manage ki?
Does it annoy you when players starting wailing on a Nurikabe or Mujina without a gesture?
Sick of seeing a disgusting lack of teamwork from the players who call you for help?

You don't have to put up with it!

When you start a co-op mission you have zero amrita, meaning ZERO chance of losing all your hard work for bailing out early.

If you know you're in for a rough ride use the Divine Branch Fragment and away you go. Alternatively you can run off a cliff or make use of the various environmental hazards.

Before you do any of this, make sure you let the host know it is because of them.
There's just something satisfying about standing in fire and directing gestures at your useless host while life ticks down.
Still Having Problems
You've done eveything you can to let this host know they're ruining your online experience and they really shouldn't be playing.

You've been summoned by this person eight times in a row, only to watch them die within 60 seconds each time. This actually happened to me on several occasions. The same player. Multiple missions more than halfway through the base game.

This is THE way to deal with the people using co-op to brute force the game.

Open your overlay, click the "View players" button, go to "Recent Games" and block them.

That's it. This is also good for dealing with other Vistors that use hacks to steamroll the game.

Every time you encounter the type of player that has no interest in how this game is actually meant to be played just block them. You'll be much happier for it.

The Subtle Approach
This section is for the truly frustrated, for the players who have witnessed all possible extremes of human stupidity that can be displayed through a game like Nioh 2.

You use break attacks/status effects to set up grappling, only have your stupid host charge through mashing quick attack, dumping all their ki, causing you to miss the grapple, then getting killed by a different enemy that was already chasing them. They summon again, rinse and repeat.

Your host is either AFK or deliberately hanging back while the Visitors take on everything.

Your host will start wailing on a Nurikabe or Mujina knowing full well they don't have the skill to deal with it. If someone messes up with with a gesture, no worries.
If some button mashing monkey just starts attacking without trying... well you've made your bed.

Anyway that's enough about the problem, you're here for the solution.

Burning Oil Jars

These little beauties create a patch of flame on the ground, damaging anyone inside it. That's right, anyone. They also apply the burning effect!

AFK host? Throw a jar, be ready to "Stifle a Laugh" as soon as they move.

Scaredy-host? Bring the fight to them! Many enemies in Nioh 2 wont give up the chase, use this to your advantage. Shake off your new friend on to the host then "help" the fight with fire!

Does your host think Visitors are for farming Revenants? Much like with the scaredy-host, lend them blazing support from the sidelines!

Sick of seeing friendly yokai get wrecked because you're playing with a moron? Let them know this is not ok with a healthy dose of fire!

Summoned by a repeat offender but can't be bothered blocking them? By now, you should know exactly what to do.

***Nioh 2 offers equipment and soul cores that increase effects of fire damage, elemental damage and damage over time. Do with this information what you will.
Final Notes
I feel I should note again this guide is not for upsetting new players, this is for dealing with players that should know better.

For those I have killed with fire, if I didn't use the "sorry" gesture you're not gonna get an apology here. You deserved it and you're terrible.

Nothing I have written here is intended to be used for griefing, I will say please don't, but I'm not your supervisor.

Thanks for reading, if you have anything that might be worth adding feel free to drop a comment!
Cheek_clapper405 20 Dec, 2022 @ 4:41pm 
you just come off as an extremely bitter troll with this lol
DARK_LORD_SOUL 20 Dec, 2022 @ 4:36am 
In my experience there's nothing worse than those OP ones who run ahead and start killing enemies and one shot bosses, especially in expedition mode. Haven't had too many bad hosts yet. But these OP people, ugh I just Divine branch outta there.
Jeembo 23 Feb, 2022 @ 7:43am 
How about those that want to find multiple if not all four Jizo Kodama in the underworld.... ugh do that shit on your own time, don't drag others into that slogfest.

I don't mind helping you get to one but the moment you start going for a 2nd one I'm looking for a cliff.
Thankfully you can't summon randoms in depths. I'm not carrying some afk person though an entire bossfight.

But of course, i can throw oil jars on them in the earlier difficulties so they never reach it.
Good guide. 10/10
Lawltack 17 Feb, 2022 @ 3:23am 
Lmao truly entertaining read. Well written. Hilarious mashup of like a super-serious and informative tone like you'd expect in a standard, dry info guide but the content is just filled with blatantly apparent disgust and rage hahahaha. Well hey man, you wanna join me we'll never fail. I host all the time and have failed like 2 or 3 of them cumulatively. Got all the quick changes/onmyo buffs and I main spear/switchglaive so have access to what I assume are the two longest range attacks in the game lol. Seriously the Arc of Chaos move for SG... just... so absurd. So overpowered. Spear mid stance heavies with stability turned on, so absurd, so overpowered.
Mary 1 Oct, 2021 @ 12:22am 
The best advice in here for me is that bit about blocking people who decide to use hacks to ruin the game. Past that, I like joining in on a loser that just sucks! It's so much more fun than joining in on someone who's basically a speedrunner. Thanks-ish! :D