Accel World VS. Sword Art Online Deluxe Edition

Accel World VS. Sword Art Online Deluxe Edition

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Infinite Dungeon Farming Tips
By devilxyu4t
Some useful tips that help you farm in infinite dungeon.
About This Guide
This guide discusses some in-depth contents. I know no one has interest in because most people's play time are between 20-30 hours. means they only clear main story. Also, they only have interest in boring stuff like “how to collect all CGs“ or “How to solve control problem“, if you are looking for question like these you better go other page.

If you are doing some easy r12 weapon gathering or collecting instead of getting strongest weapon, I will recommend you to play in easy mode and go 100F above.

But if you focus on playing end-game stuff and looking for max attack weapon, I will be glad to play together or discuss some questions. You can add me so that we can farm weapons and materials, the multiplayer is so dead...

Some of my informations may be similar with this ---> BK Brent's Guide [], Honestly I get a lot useful informations from that guide. I highly recommend reading it.

Well...Anyway, I will try my best not to offend original content.

Also, sorry for my poor English.

About build R12 weapon
The ultimate weapon should be like:

I strongly recommend you to make such a weapon with all 23% passives and max attack. It may takes up a lot time to farm.

Max Attack weapon should be max physical attack + half element (11%).

Recommended passives:
Boss Killer & Skill Connect+
Reduce Cooldown Time
Vulnerable Up (Reduce enemy's defense, useful when your team doesn't have debuffer)

You need to farm Max Attack weapon, and some of other weapon with 22/23% passives, this is quite hard because you need at least 1 friend work with you and use some tricks, even so you won't get desired weapons if you have bad lucky.

You need to get enough corresponding r12 materials to enhance your weapons to +10, this is not as hard as farm weapon but also cost a lot time.

Update 2023/7/27
r12 drop list:
Trick - Reset Floor (IMPORTANT)
First, clear a floor which its number are multiples of 5 (eg:105F,110F,125F), ask your friend to stay on the interface of selecting floor, then you get out of dungeon and your friend enters, the floor will reset.
The boss will revive as well. However, boss type won't change. By this way you can farm a specified boss.

If I didn't say clearly, watch this video
If you wanna farm specified weapon or material,
Ask you friend to play online and use Refresh Trick.

For example,
If you need to farm Night Sky Sword:
1.Stand on 109F and ask your friend to go 110F.
2.If your friend doesn't meet Providence, he needs to suicide and join your floor, then repeat this process until the boss is Providence.
3.Defeat Providence with your friend, then use the Refresh Trick to restart your farm process.

If you need to farm Kamikaze Talon:
1.Stand on 104F and ask your friend to go 105F, suicide and repeat this process until the boss is Vedfolnir.
2.If your friend doesn't meet Vedfolnir, he needs to suicide and join your floor, then repeat this process until the boss is Vedfolnir.
3.Defeat Vedfolnir with your friend, then use the Refresh Trick to restart your farm process.

If you need to farm Eye of Enma:
Unfortunately Eye of Enma can't be dropped from boss. The only way is farming Enigma Chest.
I will recommend you to farm it above 200F offline, all materials from Enigma Chest will be double there.

Rank-12 Material Drop List
These are rare materials for enhance R12 weapons (above +4), BK Brent has posted a database about most r12 materials ( click here []) so I won't list his result, I found other drops that he remembered wrong or didn't mention, write here:

[Kamikaze Talon]
  • Munin
  • Hugin
  • Vedfolnir
[Mythical Ironfang]
  • Skoell
  • Hati
[Deformed Envyhorn]
  • Skadi
  • Aurboda
  • Jarnsaxa
  • Satanachia**
[Hell Scythe]
  • Death
  • Arngrim
  • Eyfura
[Illusory Azurebone]
  • Charon
[Eye of Enma]
  • Enigma chests only

Note: I'm 99.99% sure Eye of Enma only appears in Enigma chests, I really never got one from Satanachia or Providence above 100F. Someone told me it can be dropped from some bosses below 100F, but after some experiments I denied.

I predict that it can be dropped from these two bosses in early version, after some updates the drop has been removed from all bosses.

Updated 2023/07/27:
Eye of Enma can be farm by spam Eye-ball boss at 30F & 70F.
Boss Position
I have a general understanding where bosses can appear:

x10 floor:
Satanachia**, Diablos - The Demon Marquis, Providence

Common & x5 floor:
Mimir, Loki, Vedfolnir, Hati, Jarnsaxa

x5 floor only:
Farbauti, Ran, Thokk

x5 & warning floor:
Ruhiel, Skoell, Eyfura, Abbadon

x5 & warning & common floor:
Chernobog, Hati, Bestla, Borr

Warning floor only:
Arngrim, Rashiel

Stable floor only:
Diablos (60F), Apesh (80F)

Other bosses only appear in common floor.
Update 2023/07/27
Most effective way to farm materical for enhance rank-12 weapons:

The author stopped playing on Steam but still on PS
Some contents are out-dated
If you have any problem contract me

KYC777 1 Oct, 2021 @ 3:32am 
Thank you so much it helped a lot.