LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™

LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™

391 ratings
LEGO Lord of the Rings: Level Walkthrough and 100% Playthrough
By Sarah and 1 collaborators
There is a video for every level detailing all the Treasures, Minikits, and Blacksmith Designs. Free-Roam is done in pictures/text for the Red Bricks, Mithril Bricks, Characters and Quests.

Have fun, and help put meat back on the menu!
Story Mode/Free-Play Levels

All levels will have two walkthrough videos: the Story video will just be a quick run through. while the Free-Play will be 100% collectibles.

Story videos are on the left and Free-Play videos are on the right.

Every Story/Free-Play level upon completion gives give one Mithril Brick for the following:

  1. True Adventurer: (Collecting enough studs to fill the top meter to max)

  2. Minikit: (Collecting all ten Minikit chests)

  3. Treasure Items: (Collecting all three Treasures)

  4. Designs: (Collecting Blacksmith Design)

The Fellowship of the Ring:

Character Unlocks:
  1. Elendil
  2. Isildur

Item Unlocks:
  1. Elven Sword
  2. Magma Armour
  3. Shimmering Armour
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Shockwave Axe

1. The Black Rider

Character Unlocks:
  1. Frodo
  2. Sam
  3. Frodo (Shire)
  4. Merry
  5. Pippin

Item Unlocks:
  1. Ferryman's Cap
  2. Soup Pot
  3. Mushroom Crown
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Music Horn

2. Weathertop

Character Unlocks:
  1. Aragorn

Item Unlocks:
  1. Rubber Duck
  2. Sun Hat
  3. Quill
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Music Boots

3. The Pass of Caradhras

Character Unlocks:
  1. Arwen Evenstar (Ranger)
  2. Gandalf the Grey
  3. Gimli
  4. Legolas
  5. Boromir

Item Unlocks:
  1. Bill's Riding Crop
  2. Luminous Stone
  3. Ice Lolly
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Cluster Bow

4. The Mines of Moria

Item Unlocks:
  1. House Key
  2. Moria Orc's Helmet
  3. Artist's Hat
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Headdress

5. Amon Hen

Item Unlocks:
  1. Arrow Helmet
  2. Stop Wand
  3. Uruk Sword
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Rope

The Two Towers:
1. Taming Boromir

Item Unlocks:
  1. Fishing Rod
  2. Rock Hat
  3. Snowman Hood
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Carrot Bow

2. The Dead Marshes

Item Unlocks:
  1. Wooden Bucket
  2. Fancy Umbrella
  3. Toy Snake
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Stud Mallet

3. Track Hobbits

Item Unlocks:
  1. Uruk Shield
  2. Ent Draught
  3. Wooden Armour
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Fishing Rod

4. Warg Attack


Character Unlocks:
  1. Gandalf the White

Item Unlocks:
  1. Giant Ancient Crown
  2. Warg Tooth
  3. Decorative Horseshoes
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Gloves

5. Helm's Deep

Character Unlocks:
  1. King Théoden (Armour)

Item Unlocks:
  1. Ladle
  2. Feathered Cap
  3. Bandages
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Fire Bow

6. Osgiliath

Character Unlocks:
  1. Faramir
  2. Madril
  3. Gollum

Item Unlocks:
  1. Goggles
  2. Bubble Pipe
  3. Statue Hat
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Boxing Gloves

The Return of the King:
1. The Secret Stairs

Item Unlocks:
  1. Spider Fang
  2. Muddy Armour
  3. Surefooted Greaves
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Squeak Sword

2. Cirith Ungol

Character Unlocks:
  1. Frodo (Orc Disguise)
  2. Sam (Orc Disguise)
  3. Shagrat

Item Unlocks:
  1. Rotten Drumstick
  2. Chef's Hat
  3. Beard Comb
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Ice Bow

3. The Paths of the Dead

Item Unlocks:
  1. Calcium Armour
  2. Skeleton Key
  3. Golden Axe
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Shield

4. The Battle for Pelennor Fields

Character Unlocks:
  • King Théoden
  • Éowyn (Dernhelm)
  • Merry (Rohirrim Squire)

Item Unlocks:
  1. Flower Hat
  2. Golden Carrot
  3. Glowing Shield
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Top Hat

5. The Black Gate

Character Unlocks:
  • Aragorn (Gondor Armour)
  • Pippin (Gondor Armour)

Item Unlocks:
  1. Flaming Hat
  2. Handprint Armour
  3. Elven Lute
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Tinderbox

6. Mount Doom

Character Unlocks:
  1. Frodo (Weary)
  2. Sam (Weary)
  3. Aragorn (Royal Armour

Item Unlocks:
  1. Trophy Shield
  2. Palantir Hat
  3. Magma Rock
Blacksmith Design:
  1. Mithril Climbing Boots


Well done, but you're not finished yet!
Bonus Stage

Character Unlocks:
  1. Sauron
  2. Mouth of Sauron
Free Roam


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Pull the hook with the rope, then give him the Stop Wand you found in Amon Hen: Story/Freeplay to receive one Mithril Brick.

3. Go around the houses and shoot both targets. Jump along the bars and ropes to receive one Mithril Brick.

4. Shoot the target with a bow, and give her the House Key you found in The Mines of Moria to receive one Mithril Brick.

5. At night, set fire to the fireworks here and receive one Mithril Brick.

6. Blow up the padlock, and give her the Golden Carrot you found in Battle of Pelennor Fields. You will receive one Mithril Brick.

7. You can buy Bilbo Baggins (Old) here for 125,000 Studs.

8. You can buy Rosie here for 25,000 studs.

9. Plant a seed here and receive one Mithril Brick.

10. Break this wall to receive one Mithril Brick.

11. Break the padlock and give him the Mithril Rope you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Amon Hen) to receive one Red Brick (Poo Studs), which you can buy for 25,000 studs.

12. Use the fishing rod with this jetty to receive a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Paintbrush.

13. Shoot all of the targets here to receive one Mithril Brick.

14. Ride the pig through all of the gates within the time limit, and receive one Mithril Brick.

15. At night, set fire to the pile of wood to receive one Mithril Brick.

16. Break the padlock and hit the chest to acquire a Mithril Brick.

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

*Despite what the Map Stone says, there are actually only 4 Side Quests and 2 Bricks in Bree. The other quest and brick are located in Weathertop, so that's where they will be posted.

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Give him the Soup Pot you found in The Black Rider, and he will give you a Mithril Brick in return.

3. Give him the Fancy Umbrella you found in The Dead Marshes: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

4. Turn the crank by the stove to receive one Mithril Brick.

5. Destroy the padlock to find the Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Whistle Sword.

6. In between the Prancing Pony and the gate, you'll find a hobbit tunnel. Crawl through it to receive one Mithril Brick.

7. From doing the story missions you'll automatically receive the Mithril Trowel and unlock the Red Brick (Quest Finder) that costs 50,000 studs.

8. Destroy the padlock to find the Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Hairbrush.

7. Blow up the padlock, and give him the Mithril Boxing Gloves you forged (from the Blacksmith Design acquired in Osgiliath: Story/Freeplay) and he will give you one Red Brick (Mithril Brick Finder) that costs 75,000 studs.

8. Break the tile by the lake, then fish to receive a key. Jump along the boards to get to a cave, then open the door with the key. Break the chest to receive one Mithril Brick.

9. Push the pillar to the empty slot, then jump up the pillars. Break the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. You can buy Radagast the Brown here for 500,000 studs.

11. Jump and grab the rail against the chimney, then climb up to the wooden platforms. Walk along the platforms and ropes until you reach the Mithril Brick.

12. Shoot all targets to receive one Mithril Brick.

13. Shoot the bars and swing-jump to receive one Mithril Brick.

14. Dig up and assemble all skeletons to receive one Mithril Brick.

15. Give him the Mushroom Crown you found in The Black Rider, and he will give you one Mithril Brick. You can also get the Return of the Mushroom King Achievement[/i] by equipping Aragorn with it.[/h1]


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Throw a dwarf at the cracked wall, then plant a seed. Jump off the plant to reach the Mithril Brick.

3. Use a strong character to open the door to the crypt. In the first room, jump up with the rails, then grab the vine and swing-jump towards the Mithril Brick.

4. Give him the Mithril Stud Mallet you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design in the Dead Marshes: Story/Freeplay) and you will receive one Red Brick (Minikit Detector) that costs 50,000 Studs.

5. In the room where you grabbed the brick from #7, plant a seed and bounce off the plant. Grab the vine then swing-jump to the rail on the wall. Jump to the chain and walk to the Mithril Brick.

6. After beating him up, you can buy the Ringwraith (Twilight) here for 200,000 Studs.

7. Break the cracked tile in the floor, and defeat all scorpions within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

8. Blow up the padlock on the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

9. Dig up the key in the marshes, then use it with the chest behind some breakable stones to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. Climb up the tree, swing-jump from the vine, and climb up to get the Mithril Brick.

11. After beating him up, you can buy the Ringwraith here for 200,00 studs.

12. Destroy the boulders, and find the Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Skeleton Sword inside.

13. In the cave where you acquired #12, jump on the sheep and race through the gates before the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

14. From the nearby jetty, obtain a crank from fishing and use it on the lever to obtain a Mithril Brick.

15. In Trollshaws, either find a water source for your bucket or use the Mithril Bottomless Bucket, and extinguish the fire. Use the Phial to enter and receive a Mithril Brick.

16. Blow up the mithril blocking the entrance, and give him the Mithril Ice Bow that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Cirith Ungol). He will then give you a Red Brick (Regenerate Hearts) that costs 100,000 Studs.

17. Use the rope on the hook, the shoot the target. Jump and break the tile in the middle of the lake, then shoot the holes with your bow. Swing-jump from the bars and walk across the vine, then drop down to receive a Mithril Brick.

18. While following a trail, head past Trollshaws and into a cave. The Mithril Brick is beside the campfires and places to dig.


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. You can buy Bilbo Baggins here for 125,000 studs.

3. Throw Gimli at the cracked wall, and shoot the target inside. Jump up the newly formed stairs, and receive a Mithril Brick.

4. At night, you can buy Elrond (Second Age) here for 200,000 studs.

5. Push the pillar to the hobbit tunnel, and go through. Give him the Quill you found from Weathertop: Story/Freeplay, and he'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

6. Use a wizard to arrange stairs, and jump up top. Run to the left and when you see a railing behind pillars, jump down to receive a Blacksmith Design for Mithril Spring Boots.

7. Use a wizard to arrange stairs, and jump up top. Give him the Luminous Stone you found in The Pass of Caradhras: Story/Freeplay, and he'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

8. A very easy (and fast) way to get up is to use Legolas. Stand on the left half of the wooden (unraised) bridge, and double jump to the right half of the bridge. Just before you drop, hit the attack button and you get an extra bit of lift, enabling you to safely reach the other side. Climb up the hanging rope, and you'll be able to buy Elrond (Third Age) for 200,000 studs.

9. Either by using the technique from #8 or by shooting the rocks and swing-jumping to the top of the cliff, break all of the lute statues within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. Jump between the platforms on the water, then walk on the rail. Give her the Mithril Gloves you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Warg Attack) and she will reward you with a Red Brick (Studs x2) that costs 250,000 studs.

11. Right before #10, head to the right and into the cave. Extinguish the fire on the head of the statue to the left, and take the crank from the chest. Use the crank with the machine and use the hobbit tunnel beneath the statue to the right. Use the rope with the hook, and open the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

12. Break the cracked tile, then shoot the two targets. Walk past the newly formed bridge, and break the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

13. Break the padlock to receive a Mithril Brick.

14. Use the rope with the hook, and climb up to the top of the tower. Use an Elf and keep going until you reach the bars. Swing-jump to reach the Mithril Brick.

15. Go inside the cave behind the waterfall, and use Gollum/Mithril Climbing Boots to reach the top. Plant a seed and head outside. Jump off the plant, and break the cracked tile with your axe to receive a Mithril Brick.

16. Easily the most annoying Mithril Brick to acquire in the whole game; mainly due to aiming at the Mithril Brick at the end. The best strategy is to use an Elf and wear Mithril Climbing Boots, then jump to the rope. Walk across, then swing-jump until you reach the rope. Try to correctly angle with the Mithril Brick, and jump to (hopefully) acquire it.

17. After blowing up the mithril boulders, you can purchase Glóin here for 25,000 studs.

The Pass of Caradhras

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. After beating him up, you can buy the Moria Orc here for 25,000 studs.

3. Blow up the grate to receive a Mithril Brick.

4. Use the wheel, and blow up the ships with your cannon to receive a Mithril Brick.

5. Get the crank from fishing, and use it with the lever. Give her the Sun Hat you found in Weathertop: Story/Freeplay, and she will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

6. With an Elf, jump up to the rope and walk across. Jump to the chest and break the padlock, which will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

7. Open the door with a strong character, then give him the Magma Rock you found in Mount Doom: Story/Freeplay. He will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

8. Break the padlock to receive a Mithril Brick.

9. Use a rope and a bow to get across, and then break open the cracked tile to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. Destroy the morgul with Aragorn, then light up the cave with Frodo (or an item) to find a Mithril Brick.

11. Blow open the cell, then give him the Mithril Music Horn you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from the Black Rider). He will reward you with a Red Brick (Boss Disguises) that costs 100,000 studs.

12. Use a strong character to enter, then use your rope with the hook. Climb up and walk/shimmy towards the Mithril Brick.

13. Give him the Beard Comb you found in Cirinth Ungol: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

14. Shoot the arrow holes and swing-jump your way to acquire a Mithril Brick.


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. You can buy Haldir here for 200,000 studs.

3. Go to where you were for #14 and #15, and jump behind them. Keep going until you find the Mithril Brick.

4. Light up this area to receive a Mithril Brick.

5. Use an Elf to shoot and jump your way to this Mithril Brick.

6. After using the rope, give him the Mithril Carrot Bow that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Taming Gollum). He will reward you with Red Brick (Attract Studs), that costs 100,000 studs.

7. Climb the wall with Gollum, then enter the hobbit tunnel. Use an axe to destroy the cracked tile and receive a Mithril Brick.

8. You can buy Lothlórien Elf here for 25,000 studs.

9. Destroy all the plants within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. Give him the Golden Axe you found in The Paths of the Dead, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

11. Behind #10, break the chest open to receive a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Skeleton Bow.

12. Throw Gimli at the cracked wall to receive a Mithril Brick.

13. Give him the Mithril Shockwave Axe that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Prologue), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Fall Rescue) that costs 75,000 studs.

14. You can buy Celeborn here for 200,000 studs.

15. You can buy Galadriel here for 200,000 studs.

16. Plant a seed then jump from it to the rope. After a few jumps you'll reach the Mithril Brick.

17. Blow up the padlock to receive a Mithril Brick.

Amon Hen

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Hit the bell and give him the Toy Snake you found in Dead Marshes: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

3. Whack all the moles within the time limit, and receive a Mithril Brick.

4. After beating him up, you can buy Lurtz here for 200,000 studs.

5. Blow up the Mithril rocks and break the cracked tile to receive a Mithril Brick.

6. Use the fishing rod nearby to fish up a crank, and use it with the entrance. Shoot the targets, then break the cracked tile and blow up the mithril rocks. Finally, push the pillars into the slots to acquire a Mithril Brick.

7. Break all of the statues within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

8. Give him the Mithril Fishing Rod you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Track Hobbits), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Studs x4) that costs 1,000,000 studs.

9. Shoot the targets then open the chest to acquire a Mithril Brick.

10. Use Gollum to climb up the wall, then enter the hobbit tunnel. Keep climbing then hit the ballista. Cross the line to receive a Mithril Brick.

11. Shoot the targets, then bounce to the Mithril Brick.

12. At night, hit the Orc to receive a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Camouflage Tome.

13. At night, break the small chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

14. Give him the Feathered Cap you found in Helm's Deep: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

Emyn Muil

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Use the rope with the hook to acquire a Mithril Brick.

3. Light up the niche to receive a Mithril Brick.

The Dead Marshes

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Give him the Mithril Headdress you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from The Mines of Moria), and he will give you Red Brick (Mithril Hearts) that costs 75,000 studs.

3. Jump between the moving platforms, then climb up the final one to acquire a Mithril Brick.

4. Light a fire to receive a Mithril Brick.

5. Destroy the padlock to acquire a Mithril Brick.

6. Give him the Muddy Armour you found from The Secret Stairs: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

7. At night, defeat the dancing ghosts with Aragorn to receive a Mithril Brick.

8. Jump between the pillars to reach the Mithril Brick.

9. Give him the Skeleton Key you found in The Paths of the Dead, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

10. Lighten up the niche to acquire a Mithril Brick.

11. Plant a seed to acquire a Mithril Brick.

12. Destroy the plants within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

13. After beating him up, you can buy Haradrim here for 25,000 studs.


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

This is a really odd one to collect 100%, so be prepared to go quite a bit out of your way.

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Light up the niche to receive a Mithril Brick.

3. Blow up the mithril padlock to acquire a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Bottomless Bucket.

4. You can buy Háma here for 125,000 studs.

5. Give her the Mithril Top Hat that you forged (after acquiring the design from The Battle of Pelennor Fields), and she will reward you with Red Brick (Studs x6) that costs 4,000,000 studs.

6. Plant three seeds then give him the Ent Draught you found in Track Hobbits. He'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

7. Swing-jump to reach the Mithril Brick.

8. You can buy King Théoden (Cursed) here for 200,000 studs.

9. After extinguishing the fire, give him the Mithril Cluster Bow that forged (after acquiring the design from Pass of Caradhras: Story/Freeplay). He will reward you with Red Brick (Disguises) that costs 50,000 studs.

10. Destroy the cracked tile to receive a Mithril Brick.

11. Give him the Bandages that you found in Helm's Deep: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

12. You can buy Éowyn here for 125,000 studs.

13. At night, defeat all of the undead soldiers within the time limit. You will receive a Mithril Brick in return.

14. *Not listed, but he doesn't seem to belong anywhere
You can buy the Soldier of the Dead here for 25,000 studs.

15. You can buy Corsair here for 25,000 studs.

16. Whack all of the moles within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

17. At the farm nearby, dig up the ground to receive a crank. After destroying the blocks at the top of the stone structure, use the crank to acquire a key. Use the key with the nearby chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

18. Destroy the cracked tile to receive a Mithril Brick.

19. Destroy all piles of heads within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

20. At night, go completely out of your way to Fangorn Forest, and beat up Grishnákh. You can then buy him for 125,000 studs.

21. In Fangorn Forest, give him the Chef's Hat you found in Cirith Ungol: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

22. In Fangorn Forest, you can buy Gamling here for 125,000 studs.

Helm's Deep

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Give him the Mithril Shield you forged (after acquiring the design from The Paths of the Dead), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Studs x8) that costs 8,000,000 studs.

3. After beating him up, you can buy Uruk-Hai here for 25,000 studs.

4. Blow up the Mithril grate to acquire a Mithril Brick.

5. Shoot the target, then shoot all moving targets to unlock a Mithril Brick.

6. Jump and climb to the very top of the tower, then light a fire to receive a Mithril Brick.

7. *Not listed, but he doesn't seem to belong anywhere
You can buy the Beserker here for 200,000 studs.

8. Give him the Decorative Horseshoes you found in Warg Attack, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

9. Open the door with a strong character, push the pillar, and enter the hobbit tunnel to receive a Mithril Brick.

10. Destroy all of the statues within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

11. Destroy the morgul brick and the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

12. Give him the Uruk Sword you found in Amon Hen: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

13. At night, you can buy Rohirrim Soldier here for 25,000 studs.

14. You can buy Éomer here for 200,000 studs.


Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Give him the Mithril Music Boots that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Weathertop: Story/Freeplay) and he reward you with Red Brick (Fast Build), that costs 100,000 studs.

3. Get on the horse at Helm's Deep, and race all the way back to Isengard, Successfully do it within the time limit, and receive a Mithril Brick.

4. Use the crank (after fishing it up at the waterfall) to receive a Mithril Brick.

5. At night, defeat all Uruk-hai within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

6. At night, you can buy Grima Wormtongue here for 200,000 studs.

7. Climb all the way up the tower to acquire a Mithril Brick.

8. While climbing the tower, drop down after the second hobbit tunnel to acquire a Mithril Brick.

9. At the very top of the tower, you can buy Saruman the White here for 500,000 studs.

10. Turn all five cranks (after digging one up, and extinguishing another one) to receive a Mithril Brick.

11. Give him the Handprint Breastplate you found in The Black Gate: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

12. Destroy the chest to receive a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Ice Sword.

13. Destroy the stones then light up the niche to acquire a Mithril Brick.

Minas Tirith

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Shoot the 7 targets to reveal the Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Disco Phial.

3. Give him the Stone Hat you found in Osgiliath story/free-play, and he'll reward you with a Mithril brick.

4. Smack the tree in the middle of the courtyard and a Mithril Brick will appear on top of it.

5. When climbing the tower, you can find the Citadel Guard just before the very top.

6. Climb to the very top of the tower and start a fire. After a cutscene, a Mithril Brick appears.

7. You can buy Denethor here for 125,000 studs.

8. You can buy Boromir (Captain) here for 200,000 studs.

9. Ring the bell, and give him the Surefooted Greaves you found in Secret Stairs story/free-play. He'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

10. Complete whack a mole within the time limit, and you get a Mithril brick.

11. Shoot all of the targets and you'll receive a Mithril Brick.

12. Ride the horse cart (by Minis Tirith) and pass through all the gates before the time runs out. You'll receive a Mithril Brick.

13. Defeat the three Orcs here, and you will receive a Mithril Brick.

14. Attach a rope to the hook to receive a crank. Use the crank with the lever, and use Frodo to grab the key inside. Use the key to unlock the target. Shoot the target, then climb to the top to receive a Mithril Brick.

15. At Dunharrow, shoot the poles then swing-jump to get to the Mithril Brick.

16. At Dunharrow, you can purchase King of the Dead here for 500,000 studs.

Minas Morgul

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Jump between the bars and platforms, and use the rope to reach the Mithril Brick.

3. After beating him up, you can purchase The Witch-king here for 500,000 studs.

4. After shooting the targets and bouncing over, give him the Artist's Hat (that you obtained from The Mines of Moria) and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

5. Give him the Mithril Fire Bow that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Helm’s Deep), and he will reward you with a Red Brick (Character Studs) that costs 25,000 studs.

6. Defeat all Orcs within the time limit and receive a Mithril Brick.

7. Break the cracked wall to receive a Mithril Brick.

8. Use a wizard to arrange the platforms so you can jump up to the rail. Climb up and after walking a bit, jump up to the Mithril Brick.

9. You can buy the Gondor Ranger here for 25,000 studs.

10. Climb up the bars to receive one Mithril Brick.

11. Give him the Glowing Shield (that you acquired from The Battle of Pelennor Fields) and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

12. Start off the same way as #14, but head to the right and work your way around to receive a Mithril Brick.

13. You can buy the Gondor Soldier here for 25,000 studs.

14. Fish a key from the jetty, and shoot arrows into the empty holes. Extinguish the fire and plant a seed, then bounce off the plant. Climb up the rails then open the chest with your key, receiving a Mithril Brick in return.

15. Give him the Elven Lute that you found in The Black Gate: Story/FreePlay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

16. Bounce off the leaf, and destroy the chest up top to acquire a Mithril Brick.

Cirith Ungol

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Give him the Mithril Tinderbox you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design in The Black Gate: Story/Freeplay), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Invincibility); that costs 500,000 studs.

3. Give him the Mithril Whistle Sword you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Bree), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Action Assist), that costs 25,000 studs.

4. Use Gollum to climb up, then jump backwards to acquire the Mithril Brick.

5. Give him the Shimmering Armour you found in Prologue, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

6. Head up the Secret Stairs and through the cave to dig up the key, then use it with the chest to obtain a Mithril Brick.

7. To the left of #13, plant a seed, bounce off the newly grown plant, then blow up the boulder. Fish out the crank, then use it with the gate to unlock it. You can now buy Gil-galad for 125,000 studs.

8. Ride the sheep through the gates before the time limit, and you will receive a Mithril Brick.

9. Give him the cool, refreshing Ice Lolly you found in The Pass of Caradhras: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

10. Instead of using Gollum, I would highly recommend using the Mithril Climbing Boots to climb up. It's a lot less glitchy and will get you to the Mithril Brick at the end a lot faster.

11. Whack all of the moles within the time limit, to receive a Mithril Brick.

12. Jump up the pillars and avoid the flames to reach the Mithril Brick at the top.

13. Give him the Mithril Squeak Sword you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from The Secret Stairs: Story/Freeplay), and he will reward you with Red Brick (Studs x10) that costs 10,000,000 studs.

14. Destroy the morgul brick, and use a strong character to pull the orange handle. You will obtain a Mithril Brick.

15. At night, defeat all Orcs within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

The Black Gate

Blacksmith Designs
Mithril Bricks
Red Bricks

1. Activate the Map Stone here.

2. Use Gollum to climb up, then jump and break the cracked tile with an axe to obtain a Mithril Brick.

3. After beating him up, you can buy Easterling here for 25,000 studs.

4. Blow up the mithril boulders, then push the pillars to the slots. Afterwards use an Elf to jump up, then break the morgul brick to receive a Mithril Brick.

5. Climb up using the rope to reach the Mithril Brick.

6. Shoot an arrow into the hole, then climb to the very top of the tower. Give him the Mithril Climbing Boots you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Mount Doom: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with Red Brick (8-Bit Music) that costs 200,000 studs.

7. Jump and use the axe to break the cracked tile, and give him the Bubble Pipe that you obtained from Osgiliath: Story/Freeplay. He will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

8. Use a strong character to open the cave, and use the rope with the hook to obtain a Mithril Brick.

9. Right after #8, continue to the right, then use the rope to acquire a Mithril Brick.

10. Blow up the mithril boulder to obtain a Mithril Brick.

11. Defeat all of the Orcs within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

12. Destroy the rocks, then move the pillar to the slot. Use the hobbit tunnel to reach the Mithril Brick.

13. After beating him up, you can buy Mordor Orc here for 25,000 studs.

14. Blow up the mithril grate, then climb up the wall with Gollum to obtain a Mithril Brick.

15. Destroy the morgul brick to receive a Mithril Brick.

16. Destroy the padlock, then jump up. Jump across the platforms (an easier way is to jump across diagonally at certain points) then destroy the morgul chest to obtain a Mithril Brick.

17. After picking up the crank from underneath the nearby boulders, use it to lower the platform. Walk across the rope to receive a Mithril Brick.

18. At Barad-dûr, after beating him up, you can buy Gothmog here for 125,000 studs.

19. At Barad-dûr, where #18 was, climb up the rail then walk across the platform to receive a Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Fireworks.

20. At Barad-dûr to the left of #18 and #19, blow up the mithril grate, then extinguish the fire with your bucket. Cross the platform to obtain a Mithril Brick.

21. Jump across and up the moving platforms to receive a Mithril Brick.

Achievements & Extras
Unless requested, achievements that are self-explanatory, automatically unlocked, or achieved by following our guide are not listed.

Don't tell the Elf...
Throw Gimli 20 times in one session. An easy way to do this is to go to Bree, and continuously throw Gimli at the people walking by.
That is a rare gift.
Completely avoid Boromir and don't touch him in Amon Hen: Story.
... And away he goes, Precious!
Either in co-op or by switching between characters, make both characters Gollum and defeat one.
Dance of the dead.
Use the Mithril Skeleton Sword/Bow to turn an enemy into a skeleton, then use the Mithril Phial to make them dance.
One does not simply...
Teleport to Cirith Ungol, then walk up the steps.
Taking the Hobbits to Isengard.
Spawn at Isengard then walk into the entrance as one version of each Hobbit: Rosie, Frodo, Sam, Bilbo, Merry, and Pippin.
An expected journey.
As Bilbo, spawn at Weathertop and walk to Trollshaws.
Worth greater than the Shire.
Using your treasure inventory, equip a character with mithril boots, armour, gloves, and hat.

These codes I found in the packed data files, they're for quicker progression of the game. I don't know if using one of these will stop Achievements or not let you progress to 100%, use at your own risk!

Mouth of Sauron
Elrond 2nd Age
Bilbo Baggins
Ringwraith White
Gondor Ranger
Radagast The Brown
Grima Wormtongue
Lothlorien Elf
King of the Dead
Corsair of Umbar
Boromir Captain
Lurtz Newborn
Action Assist
Attract Studs
Boss Disguises
Fall Rescue
Fast Build
8-Bit Music
Minikit Chest Finder
Mithril Brick Finder
Mithril Hearts
Poo Studs
Quest Finder
Regenerate Hearts
Studs x2

*Note* These may or may not work, I have not tested them as I have just found them in text files while unpacking.
The End

Congratulations on achieving 100%! Hopefully this walkthrough was helpful to you.
If you enjoyed it, please consider rating this guide up!

I think you're quite ready for another adventure!

Shabakacorax 15 May, 2024 @ 11:24am 
When I destroy the center tile in the weathertop crypt it doesn't spawn any scorpions. Does anyone know about this glitch?
Bender 31 Mar, 2024 @ 5:45am 
Sarah  [author] 2 Jan, 2024 @ 4:11pm 
@Dolphin We haven’t played the game in years now, so we’re truthfully not going to upload a new guide or redo the whole thing.

Either way, there’s many text based guides online, so if you’re having issues with this one I would suggest perhaps following one of those instead of this one if you don’t like it!
Dolphin 2 Jan, 2024 @ 3:07pm 
Can’t you give me TEXT GUIDES instead o attaching videos that are really hard to follow
The Doctor 16 Aug, 2023 @ 9:19am 
how do you do the dead marshes with 1 player
Denzel 22 Jul, 2021 @ 10:12am 
How the fuck do you drop straight down with legolas on keyboard
Sauron 14 Jan, 2021 @ 11:32am 
Sauron 14 Jan, 2021 @ 11:32am 
Also I had the same glitch where Aragorn did not have Anduril. Just restart the level and i will work.
Sauron 14 Jan, 2021 @ 11:29am 
Where do you do the bonus level? I've herd about it but I can't find it anywhere!
Sarah  [author] 10 Nov, 2020 @ 4:39pm 
I actually created it long ago, and it was a program (I forget the name now) that was able to inject custom textures into DX9 games.

So you could unpack the textures that loaded into a scene, edit them in photoshop, then inject them back into the game. It had a lot of problems and a tendency to crash, but it was bloody hilarious to look at when it worked!