Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers

33 人が評価
421.709 KB
2021年5月28日 11時38分
2021年8月30日 10時07分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


Updated August 30, 2021

This mod makes some ""small"" changes to gameplay, so you can easily gain max level crew, ships and equipment. Use this mod to help test your mod with high level content. You can easily edit the mod to select which changes you want.

Gameplay changes
  1. Start with ten million credits.
  2. All officers and crew start with enough experience to be level 45. Leveling crew doesn't take effect until they are paid.
  3. Every ship costs 1 credit. This also means when you sell a prize ship you only get 1 credit.
  4. Every ship component costs 1 credit and takes 1 day to install. Shipyards still have a minimum charge of 2500 credits.
  5. Every ship holds 20 officers and every officer cabin holds 10 officers. You can promote any crew and add jobs so that you can cover all jobs with your officers.
Optional, non-default changes
  1. The weapon locker level 5 contains every weapon and armor available from salvage or from quests. This is not activated by default. With this active, gaining a weapon or armor set by salvage will cause a crash, because the group of salvage rewards is now empty. You can edit the mod as described below to activate this as long as you understand the risk.

How to configure the mod
This is not an ideal method, but it will work. By editing one text file, you can control which of the above features will take effect.
  1. Find the directory containing the mod: .../steamapps/workshop/content/335620/2500463612 (don't blame me, steam assigns these cryptic numbers)
  2. Use any plain text editor such as notepad to edit the file data.sql in this directory.
  3. Following the comments in the file, add "--" to disable lines you don't want, and save the file
  4. In the same directory, save a backup of your changes with some name like my_backup.sql
In case I update the mod, steam will replace your data.sql file with my updated one. You can use your backup to put back the changes you want.

21 件のコメント
SmartT 2023年11月23日 11時17分 
Hi Davea,
thank you for the mod.
Is it possible to grant starting reputation and/or ranks with every faction, so I can easily buy and outfit ships with high-tier components?
davea  [作成者] 2022年9月3日 15時50分 
Well, I can make it a little simpler for you. You already have the file on your disk:
Open that file in notepad. Replace the entire contents with these two lines:
insert into Block2 (_id, eventType, postBlock1Type, postBlock1StoryId, postDeleteGameBlock, postLogEntry, blockName) values (72000, "StartingEvent", 3, -1, 72000, "", "instamax start event");
update Block2 set postGold=2000000 where _id=72000;
Save the file. Now, as long as you don't unsubscribe from the mod, and I don't update it, that will start you with 2 million credits and no other changes.
davea  [作成者] 2021年11月8日 7時38分 
Thanks for the feedback, but I need some more specifics. Are you able to get the game screen where you select mods? Are you able to run other mods? If other mods work and this one "doesn't" can you say a little more about what does not seem to work?
Vrakastalion 2021年11月8日 2時29分 
It doesn't work for me T_T
davea  [作成者] 2021年10月26日 17時10分 
Thanks! If you can edit a text file, you can probably configure your local copy of the mod to be less powerful. See the instructions in the description. For example, to start with only 10,000 extra credits, find the 1000000 in the corresponding line and change to 10000.
davea  [作成者] 2021年8月30日 17時04分 
The problem only affected granting salvage rewards. Quests reward specific items so changing their group ID doesn't hurt anything.
Tal'Raziid 2021年8月30日 16時19分 
when your SQL says "if gained by salvage" does this include quest rewards, or just orbital salvage?
davea  [作成者] 2021年8月30日 13時41分 
> I do not mod, but I like making adjustments to existing mods..
Congratulations, you are a modder!
Tal'Raziid 2021年8月30日 13時34分 
I noticed last i played, it seemed like the lvl 5 locker in this mod had multiple of the same weapons in it (the basic ones, i think). WIll doublecheck
jamesthesecond 2021年8月30日 13時04分 
I did one test, no crash, it seem to reset. Also, the items that were equip to a particular character were not gone. Not sure if a story item that is equip to a character, will crash when that item is presented again in the story.