Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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By Demonic
The famous Boohbah's, created by Anne Wood, who also created the children's show Teletubbies, and is produced by the UK's Ragdoll Ltd., modeled after the creator's husband's/boyfriend's micropenis? Just an idea, but the similarities are striking enough to consider it. Looking at the Teletubbies, were they modeled after seeing SM masks with dildo's on top? Maybe it is just the oversexed mind that makes me see these things, or maybe there is more to it.

Now, children will not see this ofcourse, their minds care not for these matters, so the only ones who should take offense are adults with children. The heads are obviously shaped after the helmet of the male penis. When a boohbah is bowing, or is viewed from above, you can see there is even the slit on top, which is but a trick of light because there is something there but it is a pretruding.. something. Why is that placed there? What does it do? It seems to have no function whatsoever. The eyes are placed very low on the head, this makes the rounding underneath it, the cheekarea, perfectly rounded to form an identical line with that of the helmet's underside-cheeks, again I wonder if this is just coincidence or not? Then their bodies, look at it, its just a nutsack, I see nothing else in it. Since a normal male has different proportions this nutsack must be of normal proportions, making the penis a micropenis ergo the creator, designer, the one who came up with the boohbah design, must have taken the example of the micropenis.

"Boohbah is a television show aimed at children between three and six years old, intended to encourage kids to exercise." Then why are these boohbahs so fat? There is no use, maybe it makes them cuddly like a big teddybear, but if so the whole idea is not working except for making them attractive for children to want to have, to hold, to cuddle. They are so colorful, but these are not natural colors, they are very artificial, poisonous, but it makes them look like candy, now why is that? This makes then attractive. That is also why they put these abnormally big eyes on them. Why make them so attractive? Well, will they sell if they'd not be attractive? So essentially the creator has the biggest perverted laugh of all because these micropenis creations are cuddled by hundreds of thousands of pre-schoolers every day, every night. There is nothing about them that promotes children to excercise at all, it is pure commerce here, getting children hooked, then the children will want the parents to buy the stupid dolls, which are shaped after micropenisses. Everyone who has children know that they are very energetic and like to move around anyways, what makes children fat is sitting behind the xbox, playstation, gamecube, pc etc. for way too long while they eat all kinds of sweets. The biggest danger to children is not that they do not move around or don't excersice, no, the biggest danger to children is sitting still for too long in combination with eating stuff with sugar. Sugar is poison to the body, natural products like fruit contain natural unrefined sugar in just enough quantities, but sweet contain refined sugars that will lower your child's immunity, make their sugarblood levels jump dangerously up and down which can result in your children suffering from 'sugar', also known as diabetes, it will make them hyperactive, it will disturb their metabolism, and it may induce long lasting concentration problems similar to those who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Sugar is the culprit when it comes down to the ridiculously high percentage of children now being forcefed ritalin and other such dangerous drugs. Not that the pharmaceutical companies will say anything about this, they will lose all those billions of dollars they earn, now why then say anything? This world is ruled by people who care only about making money over the backs over anyone, even your children, making the whole design of the boohbahs also part of that perverted mindset.

Ok, so why they move so eratic, are they high on sugar, is this type moving around children must think is normal, all under the guise of entertainment/fun? They dance so spasticly in unison that it becomes stupid. To a child this is funny to look at, and has children sit down and look, or if they are energetic stand up and move eratic through the room bumping into eachother and your stuff just like the boohbahs are doing.

Now, also claimed is that the boohbahs are five colorful "atoms of energy" and live in a glowing white ball of light, called the boohball. This explains why they move eratic, but atoms don't look like boohbahs at all. Atoms do move around and bump against eachother, so that fits their movements. This is the only thing that makes sense, the rest is just a perverted drug-induced multicolored trip on acid for children. Who knows what kind of subliminal messages illegaly are projected into the minds of your children? The mind of a child before the age of six is very susceptable to manipulation, all sorts of ideas can be taught to the child, it will store them in the unconscious where it will be part of the child for many many years. But maybe I am just paranoid, if you believe that, you are free to laugh and do nothing, but if you feel there might be some truth to what I say, then who are you to take the risc of doing nothing about it?

You can contact 'Ragdoll Ltd.' (creators of the Boohbahs and other such commercial endevours) to make them aware of this, and to complain, for after all, your children are watching this and who knows what ideas it will place in their unconscious? Be aware, be awake, be watchful! Don't buy Boohbahs, dont keep them in your house. Write your leaders about this, too.