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[WW2 Collection] Teterycz LMG
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2021년 5월 11일 오전 8시 49분
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[WW2 Collection] Teterycz LMG

Mellamomellamo님의 2 모음집
Mellamo's mods
아이템 309개
WW2 Collection project
아이템 213개
No army may enter that land, that is protected by Polish hand

Wanna join our server? -> https://discord.gg/KNVg6Nj
Full WW2 Collection -> https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1418651185

"Sorry we're bitter"-Moxx
"Anyone else curious if they should move to Vietnam War or WW1 if the project ever somehow covers all of WW2? Food for thought; not meant to be taken seriously."-Admin Aaron VA
"No, I am a mute"-Joshie

Made by a blacksmith in Poland in 1942, the Teterycz Machine Gun (named after it's creator) was a very crude straight blowback machine gun firing 8mm mauser made out of rifle parts and metal plates. Only one was ever made, although it was given to partisans for testing, which makes it unclear if it was ever shot at someone. It seems it spent the rest of the war stored, until it was found in the 70's heavily damaged by time. From the trials done by partisans, it's clear the weapon was as much of a danger to the shooter than to the target


-Damage->65 (2 shots to the chest)
-Loaded ammo->20+1

-Model->Knight Galahad
-Sounds->Galahad, Jay and Erazer
-Thumbnail and UI icons->Erazer
댓글 44
Mellamomellamo  [작성자] 2024년 6월 10일 오후 11시 28분 
There's only 1 iirc
_Maks19_ 2024년 6월 10일 오후 12시 32분 
I'm a Pole and never heard of it. Looks great!
Mellamomellamo  [작성자] 2023년 12월 14일 오전 10시 42분 
And it's basically unknown how it worked, Galahad (Finnish) and Erazer thought that since the bolt is so light it'd fire like a laser (which is how it works here)
Karl 2023년 12월 14일 오전 10시 37분 
Really rare gun as only 1 were made, or more likely I can say "Legendary"
Faceless Moron 2023년 5월 18일 오전 5시 35분 
... i like it
Mellamomellamo  [작성자] 2023년 5월 18일 오전 5시 34분 
Faceless Moron 2023년 5월 18일 오전 5시 29분 
the recoil just goes right upwards... in my ass
Mellamomellamo  [작성자] 2022년 7월 28일 오전 2시 43분 
It's a line from a song
Killerpotato 2022년 7월 27일 오후 4시 01분 
"No army may enter that land, that is protected by Polish hand" what about the germans and soviets
McShooty 2021년 9월 20일 오전 11시 35분 
more like smellamomellamo