The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

Оценок: 156
100% Achievement - Comprehensive Walkthrough
От mywingedhorses
A step-by-step guide for Cold Steel III on completing side quests, gathering character notes, filling out the monster guide, and everything else you need to collect every achievement in Cold Steel III.

While this guide covers all of the achievements, it does not include all missable items in the game.
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This guide covers all of the things you'll need to get every achievement for the game. There are a number of missables that are not included. In the interest of keeping this guide concise, I left out almost everything not achievement related.

Can I play this game first?
Well, the answer to this is technically yes. The game is advertised as a "jumping in point" for the series, but it's a lot like picking up a TV show at the start of the third season. You can probably figure out what is going on to a certain extent, and some background is provided for previous events for those who have forgotten or are new. However, the Legend of Heroes games are all interconnected, and this game references the previous arcs frequently. As a result, it's going to be a very different experience than if you played the other games. This is even more true in Cold Steel IV, which frequently touches back on the Liberl and Crossbell stories. I strongly recommend at least playing the first two Cold Steel games as most of the references in Cold Steel III are to these two games. Additionally, they're shorter and cheaper than Cold Steel III, so it's less of a loss if you find you don't like the series. Cold Steel III has major spoilers for the previous two games as well as some significant spoilers for both the Crossbell and Sky games.

The ideal way to play the series is in the order they were released. This would mean starting with the Sky trilogy, followed by the Crossbell duology, and ending with the Cold Steel series. Characters from Liberl and Crossbell begin to play a more prominent role in the Cold Steel series at this point, so it is beneficial to have played the previous games.

If you're still undecided where you should start, I highly recommend this guide. The author does an excellent job of breaking down the franchise for newcomers.

Can I Get All of the Achievements in a Single Playthrough?
Yes! Unlike the other Cold Steel games, it's possible to get all of the achievements on your first playthough. You do need to save and reload during the festival event near the end of the game, but that only requires playing though the festival activities multiple times versus having to go back several in-game days like you may have needed in earlier games.

This leads to the next question. Should you complete everything in one playthrough? There are pluses and minuses to both.

Single Playthrough: Trails of Cold Steel III is a long game. If you like to complete side quests and talk to everyone in town, you're looking at quite the time commitment for two playthroughs. Personally, my first playthrough of Cold Steel III took me notably longer than any of the 7 titles leading up to it. I used spoiler tags in this guide if you choose to go this route.

Two Playthroughs: This gives you the opportunity to enjoy the game in your own way the first time through. Don't want to talk to students whenever there is a break in the plot? You don't have to. Hate tracking down random books in residents' homes? Skip them. Trying to avoid any and all spoilers for upcoming plot points? This is the way to do it. Additionally, Cold Steel III does not limit what you carryover for NG+, so you can choose to use all of your equipment and orbments from the first playthrough. As there is an achievement for completing the game on nightmare difficulty, this will give you an advantage in all battles. You can also opt to play with maximum bonding points without sacrificing anything else you might want to carry over. Maximum bonding points will allow you to forge a strong bond with every character without having to reload any saves.
Notes on Achievements
For the "Monsterology 101" achievement, enemies must be analyzed, not just defeated, in order to count. This can be done using battle scope, certain characters' detector craft, or using the Analyze quartz. The Dragon Vision quartz will provide the information but only if the character carrying it deals the final blow. Simply fighting monsters will also fill in their entry, but it may take multiple encounters to gather all of the information. I highly recommend double checking that all new entries are completely filled out before leaving each area. I did not include any of the Divine Knight/Panzar Soldat battle information as it is automatically completed after combat. Monsters you fight during bonding events do not count towards the achievement.

To get every characters' bonding achievement, you will ultimately need to get their relationship rating to 5 stars (Elise/Alfin only need 4 stars). This is a lot easier than it sounds. All of the old Class VII plus Elise, Alfin, and Towa start with 2.5 stars. Old Class VII characters get a 0.5 star bonus just for featuring in the chapter and another 0.5 star bonus when you send them their gift. They only need their bonding level to be at 3.5 stars by the festival event on July 17th. You can use tickets to bring their rating up to 5 at that time. In short, this means you don't need to do any bonding events with Old Class VII as long as you send them their gifts. New Class VII will need their relationship rating to be at least 2.5 stars by the festival.

You need to catch all of the fish and upgrade your rod to the maximum level to get the "Teach a Man to Fish" achievement. Ideally, you should upgrade your rod whenever you have the mira as it makes catching the required fish significantly easier. Rod upgrades can be purchased from Old Man Rod in Leeves and Freddy at camp.

For the "Food Warrior" achievement, you'll need to make all four variations of every recipe at some point during the game.

You only need 415 AP out of the available 422 to get the "Teacher of the Year" achievement. Similarly, you only need 210 points out of the available 231 (only 222 max on first playthrough) to get "The Ultimate Academy" achievement for top school ranking.

Chests are only counted if you empty the item from the chest. If you have 99 of an item in your inventory, you will be unable to take the one out of the chest. Use the Moon Lens quartz to see chest locations on the mini map. This is available as early as chapter 1 if you exchange 3 analyze and 6 U-material for it at the exchange shop. You'll get it for free near the start of chapter 2. I've noted missable chest locations in the guide up until that point.
Start the game on Nightmare difficulty

No missables in this part. Don't worry about scanning any enemies; they will show up again later in the game.

- 4 treasure chests. The first 3 are all easy to find along the path. After opening the 3rd chest, go left at the next intersection to get to the final chest.
- Enemies: jeweled ripper, carabose, juicy organ, fate spinner, gigant organ, Magic Knight Dire Wolf
Chapter 1 - Part One
- Talk to Aurelia in her office on the 1F
- In the library on the 1F, examine the NE bookshelf. Read Crossbell Province Travel Brochure and Panzer Soldat Almanac
- Talk to Towa in the hallway on the 2F
- Talk to Altina on the roof
- Talk to Kurt in the training room (basement level between the cafeteria and clubhouse)
- In the cafeteria, talk to Juna. Talk to Gina for the recipe book and the chunky potato salad recipe. Buy Imperial Chronicle 1 from her.
- Talk to Tita in the hangar
- Leave campus

- On the 3F, talk to Aurelia and Towa
- On the 2F, talk to Kurt and Juna
- On the 1F, talk to Louise (hallway) for her 1st note and Altina (cafeteria)
- Use the men's bath to increase the school's rating

- Use the bath to increase the school's rating and strengthen your bond with Towa

- Talk to Rachel in Carnegie Books & Games for Heartless Edgar 1
- Visit the chapel
- Buy the white silk kerchief from Lupin Boutique. Send it to Elise.
- Buy the recommended dish "piled onion rings" from Barney in Barney's Tavern & Inn to learn the recipe
- Talk to Old Man Rod in Nyo-Sui-An Imports for fishing supplies. Buy Mizu Yokan and gift it to Altina.
- Leave the store. Deliver the packages and report back.
- Visit the chapel
- Go to Carnegie Books & Games. Win the match against Zach for the Magic Crystal cards. Win against Rachel for the D-Arma cards. Buy the cards Sister, Marme, Medic, and Conjugate from Rachel.
- Attend Musse's bonding event for her 1st note
- Read the book The Life of Tomatonio 1 in Leeves - Private Home
- Fishing spot near the east exit (kasagin, snow crab, carp, rockeater)

- Talk to Juna on academy field for her 1st note
- Talk to Ash in the library for his 1st note
- Talk to Aurelia in the arts room on 2F for her 1st note
- Talk to Gina in the cafeteria to start her quest. Collect the spice and report back.
- Go to the tactical conference room on the 1F to advance the plot
- Talk to Pablo on the roof to start his quest
- Talk to Sidney in the clubhouse twice. Win against him in Vantage Masters for the Hepetus cards

- Talk to Munk in Radio Trista
- Use the dorm bath to strengthen your bond with Millium and improve the school's rating
- Talk to Valerie by the fountain. You'll automatically report back to Pablo and get his 1st note.
- Talk to Altina in Recette Bakery and Cafe

- 1st treasure chest to the right before climbing the first ladder
- After climbing the ladder, there are two barriers to smash through. 2nd treasure chest is behind the left barrier
- After the conversation with Millium & Altina, go right at next intersection. Up the ladder to the 3rd treasure chest
- 4th treasure chest just to the left after soft shellion monster
- After the second conversation with Millium & Altina, go right to the 5th treasure chest
- Enemies: grass drome, koboldfly, soft shellion, ronters
Chapter 1 - Part Two
- Talk to Towa, Claire (you'll get her 1st note), all of Class VII, and Valimar
- Talk to Yuna a second time to play her in Vantage Masters. You'll receive the Ranger card.

- Buy Imperial Chronicle 2 from Stark
- Talk to Freddy to start his quest
- Talk to Sandy for her 1st note
- Buy the Kaleido and Oberon master quartz from Tita in car 5

- Go to the east side of the map (right side of the road) and head north. 1st treasure chest is behind the rhinocider
- Fishing spot (kasagin, skygill, snow crab, carp, red perch)
- Continue to follow the eastern edge of the map to the 2nd treasure chest.
- Head directly west for the 3rd treasure chest behind another rhinocider.
- Enemies: vampskipper, pom, hyenadon, rhinocider

- Challenge Celestin to a game of Vantage Masters in Marquis Hyarms manion. Win Guene-Foss cards
- Talk to the maid, Izzy, in the Saint-Arkh - Mansion to start her quest. Examine the bookshelf on the 1F for Coby and the Mysterious Museum 1.

- Buy the recommended dish "fluffy chiffon cake" from Nash in April Cafe & Inn to learn the recipe. Talk to Old Man Ivan on the 2F to start his quest.
- At Demeter Exchange & Antiques, trade accessories (you can buy them at the dept store if you don't already have them) for the brass fountain pen. Gift it to Kurt.

- Talk to Sir Cassette

- Talk to Archbishop Ramsen in the cathedral to start his quest
- Buy the recommended "southern punch" from the juice stall to learn the recipe
- Approach the airport for a cutscene
- Talk to the maid Kisela in Hotel Augusta for a radio story. Report it to Munk.
- Buy Immoral Hero 1 at Ernool Used Books in the Albion Garden Dept Store. Talk to Kestner at Springer Weapons & Armor.

- Search the NW corner for the cat
- Leave the city through the west exit

- You can get the 3 plant bits in this area. They're dropped by simiamanita and bomb grass
- Skip the first path branching right (north)
- Treasure chest in the second path branching right
- Return to the road. Take the next path branching right. Keep to the left (head NW) to a treasure chest
- Return to the road. Skip the first path branching left.
- Take the next path branching left to the final treasure chest
- Continue to follow the branch and keep right
- Enemies: simiamanita, bomb grass, hypnotoad

- Go left (west). There is a fishing spot on the pond (skygill, cangiru, snow crab, carp, red perch) and a treasure chest at the end
- Return to the entrance. Go right (east) down the path.
- Small branch to the left (west) has a photo spot and a treasure chest. Send the photo to Vivi.
- Third treasure chest is just off the main path to the left
- At the next intersection, go right (SE). The fourth treasure chest is behind the spider.
- Follow the main path to the end. Collect the flowers and report back to the archbishop
- Enemies: witch cat, brockary, dedigaga, agilataran

- Treasure chest in the branch/loop to the right
- Second treasure chest is by the arch
- Enemies: crop muncher, iron vise, danghorn, phalanx J9

- Talk to Elma on 2F of Luna Crest Apartments for Heartless Edgar 2

- If you haven't caught a red perch and given it to Izzy in the noble district for her quest, do that now.

- Head toward Parm. Treasure chest to the left just before passing between the wooden barriers.

- Follow the road. Take the first branch going right (west). The branch splits in two shortly thereafter. To the right is a treasure chest and to the left is a fishing spot (cangiru, snow crab, carp, red perch)
- Return to the road. Take the next branch to the left (east). Treasure chest at the end
- Return to the road. Cross over to the right side (west), and open the last treasure chest behind the rhinocider
- Enemies: egg-guard snake, feathered guest, neo mantis

- Buy the quilted pouch from Iris at her stall. Send it to Millium
- Buy the recommended dish "hearty white stew" from Bertrand in White Footpath Tavern & Inn to learn the recipe
- Visit Jerome's General Store
- Visit the chapel
- Fishing spot off the north bridge (cangiru, snow crab, carp, rockeater, red perch)
- Challenge Clover on the bridge to a game. Win for the Zamilpen cards
- Visit the training hall
- Talk to Reggie in the manager's residence to start his quest

- Buy rainbow rubio from Rosumi at Sterr Farm Luxury Foods in the Albion Garden Dept Store

- Take the first branch to the left (north). It splits in two. One way goes to a treasure chest and the other to the Loess Stone
- Return to the road and continue toward Legram. On the right side (south) just off the road is a treasure chest and fishing spot (skygill, snow crab, carp, green arowana, red perch)
- Cross back over the road to the left side (north). There are a number of branching pathways to go down. You'll find 3 more treasure chests
- Enemies: emperor sparrow, tagamemnon, fell hydra, zephyranthes

- Report back to Reggie with the materials

- You can get the 3 bee larvae in this area. It's dropped by kumanba.
- To the left side (east) of the road is a fishing spot (skygill, cangiru, carp, green arowana, red perch)
- Across the road to the west is a treasure chest
- Return to the road. To the left (north) are two more treasure chests
- After speaking with the woman fishing, take the branch directly across the road around to another treasure chest
- Return to the main road. Continue toward Titus Gate. There is a treasure chests to the right near the arch
- Backtrack to the barrier to advance the plot
- Enemies: kumanba, fanged wolf, doom spinner, balancing clown

- Talk to Laura for her first note
- Talk to Sheila in Parm - Private Home for a radio story. Report it to Munk
- Return to camp

- Enemies: phalanx J9, zephyranthes, balancing clown
Chapter 1 - Part Three
- Give Freddy the ingredients. You'll get his 1st note
- Talk to Jessica for her 1st note
- Leave for Saint-Arkh

- Defeat the wanted monster - grime drome

- Take the first branch right (south) for a treasure chest
- Continue to follow the branch and keep right (southeast) for the wanted monster, a fishing spot (kasagin, carp, rockeater, red perch) and a treasure chest. Send the records to Rosine.
- Return to the main road and continue on. After the cutscene there is a photo spot on the bridge. Send it to Vivi
- Next treasure chest is right along the road to the left
- Continue straight passed the fortress. Treasure chest at the end next to the arch. Backtrack to the fortress
- Enemies: attack dog, mothro, rock bison, queen kumanba

Follow the plot until it takes you to Parm

- Talk to Sister Simone in the church for Heartless Edgar 3
- Talk to the group on the bridge to start their quest. Missing wallet is where the fight with Zephyranthes on Old Agria Rd was. Report back

- Go left (south) for a treasure chest
- Return to the entrance. Go right (north). Treasure chest just off the road to the left.
- Follow the road. After the cutscene, go right (NW) for a treasure chest
- Return to the road and go south. Fishing spot on the river after the cutscene (cangiru, carp, green arowana, red perch)
- Next branch to the left (west) has a treasure chest
- Next branch to the right (NW) has a treasure chest
- Return to the road. After the cutscene, there is a treasure chest directly to the left
- Enemies: rainbow mosquito, crimowl, feeler blob, sneak gunner G, sneak gunner R, sneak gunner M

- First loop has nothing
- Second loop has a small branch on both the left and right side that each have a treasure chest. These are both before the flower cutscene
- At the next intersection, go left (south) for a treasure chest
- Last treasure chest is right along the road on the left side
- Enemies: spark herb, king snail, Hamel kong, crimson cougar, sleipnir F2, Shirley, Duvalie
Chapter 2 - Part One
- Talk to Aurelia in her office
- Talk to Kairi in the 1F hallway for his 1st note
- Talk to Celestin in the terminal room for his 1st note
- Talk to Leonora in the swimming pool for her 1st note
- Play a game against Major Michael in the cafeteria. Win for the Wall cards. Buy Imperial Chronicle 3 from Gina.
- In the hangar, talk to Professor Schmidt twice for his 1st note. Talk to Mint for her 1st note.

- Talk to Stark in his room for his 1st note
- Use the bath to raise school rating and increase bond with Kurt

- At Carnegie Books & Games, buy Sports Compendium. Gift it to Juna
- Talk to Rosine twice in the chapel for her 1st note and to receive Copy of Black Records 2. Talk to Tatiana to start her quest.
- Talk to Munk in Radio Trista for his 1st note
- Talk to Liza in the bakery
- Talk to Cain in the tavern. You'll automatically report back to Tatiana and get her 1st note
- Talk to Barney in the tavern

- Use the bath to raise school rating and increase bond with Musse
- Use Arcus to contact Millium for her bonding event. You'll get her 1st note.

- In the bakery, buy the recommended "juicy ham sandwich" to learn the recipe. Play a game of Vantage Masters with Louise. Win for the Dullmdalla cards
- Go fishing (rainbow trout)
- Talk to Old Lady Chammy near the mayor's house to start her quest. Find the gift.
- Talk to the mayor to start his quest

- Talk to Sidney in the cafeteria to start his quest
- Talk to Aurelia in the training room across the hall from the pool. Reduce opponent's health to 70% for +2 AP
- Enemy: Aurelia
- Talk to Mint 3 times in the hangar (ex orb, watch repair, soldat training). Clear the training to increase the school's rating by 10 points
- Talk to Tita (garden), Pablo (general arts room), Old Man Rod (his store). Bring the parts back to Mint

- Talk to Randy in Carnegie Books & Games

- Talk to Maya in the tea ceremony clubroom. Automatically report back to Sidney. You'll get his 1st note.

- First treasure chest is after the duct. Keep straight at the intersection to reach it.
- After crossing the bridge you unlocked, go left (south) for the second treasure chest
- At the next intersection, continue straight (west) passed the eunoira monster for the third treasure chest
- In the next duct, go left at the intersection for the fourth treasure chest
- Enemies: eunolia, baba batsui, diver bit, abyss maggot, stratos diver

You'll get the Moon Lens quartz after defeating the stratos driver. Equip this to one of your characters to see all chest locations on the mini map. The rest of this guide will assume you're using the quartz and will not detail the exact locations of all of the chests

- Talk to Wayne by the swimming pool. Win for +2 AP. You'll get Wayne's 1st note

- Attend Elliot's bonding event for his 2nd note
- Talk to Jingo in her shop for her 1st note
- Play a game against Munk in front of the tavern. Win for the Uptide cards
- Use the dorm bath to raise school rating and increase bond with Altina

- Win
Chapter 2 - Part Two
- Talk to all of Class VII plus Randy
- Talk to Kurt a second time to play a game against him. Win for the Knight card

- Talk to Louise in car 1 for her quest
- Talk to Major Michael for his 1st note
- Buy Imperial Chronicle 4 from Stark
- Talk to Maya for her 1st note
- Buy the Gloom master quartz from Tita

- 3 treasure chests
- Photo spot on island across the bridge
- Fishing spot near where you take the photo (azelfish, green arowana, puffer, rainbow trout)
- Send the picture to Vivi and Black Records 2 (in a chest) to Rosine
- Enemies: ripper noa, forest mosquito, green raccoon, sepith bison

- Fishing spot near the lighthouse (azelfish, puffer, snakehead, rainbow trout)
- Buy the recommended "fresh tomato noodles" from Ozelle at his stand to learn the recipe
- Go to the Reinford building and talk to the receptionist

- In Acacia Apartments, read The Life of Tomatonio 2 in the 1F apartment
- Buy 2 dried salmon from Marte at her stall
- In Neinvali Exchange, trade the dried salmon for a retro Mishy strap
- Buy the blue glass wind chime from Puck at his stall
- Buy the recommended "dragon fried rice" from Finn at Long Lau Tavern & Inn to learn the recipe

- Talk to Captain Kate to start her quest
- Talk to Wendy in the orbal store for the sale info. Talk to her a 2nd time to play a game. Win for the Da-Colm cards. Buy the orbal dryer from Chaco.
- In the Times Department Store, buy Immoral Hero 2 and the orca floatie from Southwark General Store. Gift the floatie to Altina. On 2F, buy camellia lipstick from Lucca Boutique and gift it to Laura.
- In Vingt-Sept Cafe, buy the recommended "cafe macchiato" to learn the recipe
- Collect the sales info from the remaining two locations and report back to Kate

- Talk to Lyd for Heartless Edgar 4

- View the event in Bellhein Apartments
- Buy the recommended "honey bagel" from Oscar in Morges Bakery to learn the recipe. Talk to Bennet and give her 7 unique dishes for +2 AP

- Return to Reinford Building to start the quest

- Sector 1: 4 treasure chests
- Sector 2: 6 treasure chests
- Enemies: rozu, dovon, neo roach, great geenew, magic knight heavy ruby

- Give Louise the Mishy strap. You'll get her 2nd note
- Gift Towa the orbal dryer

- 4 treasure chests
- Fishing spot at S end of the map (green arowana, red perch, rainbow trout, hide shark)
- Enemies: bracken monkey, death scorp, terribrous, stray sheep, gordi ossa, seah unsurtr

- Talk to Vivi for her 1st note

- Enter the building near the East Street exit to start a quest. Recover the item and report back.
- Talk to Xin twice to play a game. Win for the Kyria-Bell cards.

- Talk to Shanshan in Long Lau Tavern & Inn for a radio story. Report to Munk.

- Area 1: 2 treasure chests
- Photo spot near the 1st chest
- Area 2: 4 treasure chests
- Fishing spot on S side of the road (green arowana, red perch, snakehead, rainbow trout)
- Area 3: 2 treasure chests
- Fishing spot off the dock (green arowana, snakehead, rainbow trout, noble carp)
- Enemies: magma drome, ogrefly, coco panda, harimander, neo fall eagle, blade fang, mordreian

- Talk to Freddy in the dining room for his 2nd note
- Lower Campanella's HP to 10% for +3 AP
- Enemies: sneak gunner G, sneak gunner R, sneak gunner M, Campanella, McBurn

- Talk to Towa for her 1st note
- Talk to Gustaf for his 1st note

- Talk to Coppe on the SSS building rooftop for Celine's 2nd note
- Talk to Patiry in the department store for a radio story. Report to Munk.

- Talk to Alfin to increase your bond with her

- Area 1: 3 treasure chests
- Area 2: 4 treasure chests
- Enemies: blood monad, stray dog, ice condor, torso mk III, guelmar, Magic Knight Zelsheim

- Talk to Becky in the Business Owner's Association for her 1st note

- Talk to Coppe to start his quest

- Defeat the monsters in area 2
- Talk to Kopan near the boat shack for Heartless Edgar 5 and Kenneth's 1st note
- Defeat the wanted monster beyond the boat shack
- Enemy: giga murder crab

- Deafeat the wanted monster - regenenkopf type II

- In area 2, pick up Black Records 4 where you fought the cryptid. Report to Rosine.

- Photo spot outside of the tower. Report to Vivi
- Area 1: 4 treasure chests
- Area 2: 2 treasure chests
- Area 3: 1 treasure chest
- Lower McBurn the Blazing Demon's HP to 30% for +5 AP
- Enemies: fyeye, death slugger, armored veil, dark widow, living armor, raging armor, Campanella, McBurn the Almighty Conflagration, McBurn the Blazing Demon
Chapter 3 - Part One
- On 1F, talk to Linde in the medical office for her 1st note. Read Understanding Board Games and The Northern War in the library.
- On 2F, give Musse and Ash their notebooks
- On rooftop, talk to Valerie for her 1st note
- Buy the recommended "thick hamburger steak" in the cafeteria to learn the recipe. Buy Imperial Chronicle 5 from Gina
- Talk to Becky in the student store for her 2nd note. Buy the green star pendant from her and gift it to Fie.
- View the event in the hangar
- Attempt to leave campus to advance the plot
- Talk to Jessica in the training room to start her quest. Lower opponent's HP to 30% for +2 AP. You'll get her 2nd note
- Enemy: Rean

- New fishing spot on Leeves River on the south side of the bridge (skygill, green arowana, snakehead, speckled trout)
- Talk to Maya in the bakery to play a game. Win for the Ae-Ferrion cards
- Buy the orchid hairpin from Nyo-Sui-An Imports. Gift it to Musse
- Buy the blue leather book cover from Carnegie Books & Games. Gift it to Kurt
- Return to the dorm
- Choose "The Black Workshop" +1 AP

- Use the dorm bath to bond with Ash
- Attend Alisa's bonding event for her 1st note.
- Talk to Rosine in the chapel to start her quest. Choose correct answers for +2 AP. You'll increase your bond with Elise.
  • A market town
  • Armorica Village
  • The wind
  • Snowboarding
  • Any answer
- Talk to Rosine again for Copy of Black Records 3
- Talk to Franky on the bridge to start his quest. Choose "Sort documents at the branch campus" and I'll check his reputation in town +2 AP. These monsters don't count toward the "Monsterology 101" achievement.

- Talk to Stark in the student store to play a game. Win for the Thief card
- Talk to Kairi in the tea ceremony clubroom to start his quest. Choose correct answers for +2 AP. You'll get his 2nd note
  • Eat everything
  • Bow head for grace
  • Wipe cup with fingertips
- Attend Juna's bonding event for her 3rd note
- Talk to Mint in the hangar for the Panzer Soldat training. Win. Talk to Professor Schmidt on 2F.

- Area 1: 3 treasure chests
- Area 2: 3 treasure chests
- Enemies: luminous rat, tri-copter, dimensional bug, wild dog, omegacean, oliphemus

- Talk to Randy on 2F to play a game. Win for the Oonvievle cards

- Talk to Rosine in the chapel for her 2nd note
- Talk to Tita in the inn to start her quest. Choose correct answers for +2 AP. You'll get her 2nd note
  • Eastern tea
  • Scenery of Erebonia
  • Talk to Elise, then choose "A stylish knit hat"

- Lower opponent's HP to 50% in first battle +3 AP
- Win second battle +5 AP
Chapter 3 - Part Two
- Talk to Pablo in car 1 for his 2nd note
- Talk to Kurt twice for his 3rd note
- Talk to Altina to play a game. Win for the Vanish cards
- Talk to Major Michael, Musse, Towa, and Ash

- Buy Beowolf master quartz from Tita
- Talk to Gustaf to start his quest

- Go to Juno Naval Fortress first for plot
- Area 1: 4 treasure chests
- Saltpeter along the road
- Photo spot along road
- Enemies: creepy sheep, rime butterfly, fell broodmother, kijimun, hornbore

- In Kleist Mall, buy the royal tea from Kendall Import Foods. Gift it to Alfin. Buy Black Records 3, Immoral Hero 3, and Imperial Chronicle 6 from Manista's Bookstore. Report to Rosine. Buy the compact juicer from the RF store. Gift it to Juna.
- In Riviera Court, buy the aromatic tonic at Hereford's Drugstore. Gift it to Ash. Buy Marion's Rum from Luciole's Shop for an upcoming quest.

- Visit Count Egret's mansion
- Talk to Strauss in the orbal factory to start his quest. Buy trilogy hearts from Luther. Gift it to Alisa.
- Buy the watermelon seeds from Glycine's Flower Shop
- Buy the recommended "colorful bouillabaisse" from Sea Breeze Taver & Inn to learn the recipe
- Buy a ground sausage from Bartolo's Sausage Stall to trade later for a gift

- Talk to Eston to start his quest. After inspecting the boats, talk to the sailor Angelo. +2 AP
- In Miranda's Tavern, buy the recommended "fisherman's paella" to learn the recipe
- Fishing spot off one of the docks (spiky puffer, cobalt crab, queen azelfish, forest gill)
- Photo spot on the south side. Report to Vivi

- Talk to the women on 1F of Count Florald's Residence. Examine the bookshelf on 2F for Coby and the Mysterious Museum 2

- 4 treasure chests
- Keep picking up shiny objects on the beach until Ash finds the flawless jade shell
- Defeat the wanted monster
- Fishing spot at the north and south sides of the beach. Same types at both (spiky puffer, queen azelfish, forest gill, blue marlin)
- Enemies: wingal, killer shmark, rotten lancelet, supreme giant isopod, purple jaeger - rifle, purple jaeger - greatsword

- Talk to Lady Eleanor on 2F of Hotel Ortensia for Heartless Edgar 6

- Report back to Strauss (+2 AP for flawless shell)
- Talk to the boy in Ordis - Private Home for a radio story. Report to Munk

- Area 2: 4 treasure chests

- 4 treasure chests
- Enemies: bundidge, harpoon hornet, nightmare frog, grand kumanba

- In Ikaros Mart, buy white amber soap. Gift to Elise
- Talk to Gaspar in Hermit Inn to start his quest
- In Decken Pub & Diner, buy the recommended "heavy meat pie" to learn the recipe
- Talk to the worker at the station
- Talk to the theater director
- Visit the chapel and apartments.
- In the pawn shop, talk to McEnroe twice. Trade the ground sausage for the coffee grinder. Gift to Machias
- Talk to Joseph in Hermit Inn. Report to Gaspar +2 AP. Buy the recommended "purple hearts" from Julia to learn the recipe
- Talk to Mimika twice outside of the casino to play a game. Win for the Gia-bro cards

- 4 treasure chests
- Sulfur on the rock wall
- Photo spot in a path branch- Choose "Another jaeger corp" +3 AP
- Enemies: dong, meteor sparrow, abyss worm, jagd cougar, Nidhoggr - rifle, Nidhoggr - greatsword

- Give Gustaf the gunpowder materials. You'll get his 2nd note

- Visit all of the spots marked on the map
- Talk to Cathy in Ikaros Mart to start her quest. Find Clark and report back.
- Enemy: great abyss
- Visit Neue Blanc and Alisha Casino
- Talk to the roulette dealer for a radio story. Report to Munk
- Go upstairs for plot. Win with personal deck +3 AP or borrowed deck +1 AP

- Talk to Angelica
- Talk to Valimar
- Go outside for plot

- Talk to Leonora in car 3 to start her quest

- 2 treasure chests
- Defeat the wanted monster
- Enemies: ice drome, billgasso, stone fly, mother billgasso, urkaganon

- Talk to Ferris in Riveira Court to start her quest. +2 AP for correct answers. You'll get Hugo and Ferris' 1st notes
  • Choose anyone
  • Talk the Herman route
  • Try to drift too
  • Wait for an opening
- Talk to Aleister on the south side of the beach to start his quest

- Lower opponent's HP to 10% in first match +1 AP
- Lower opponent's HP to 50% in second match +1 AP
- Enemy: Bardias (two notebook entries)
- Examine shiny object outside of fortress

- Report to Leonora. You'll get her 2nd note
- Examine shiny object on the ground

- Report back to Aleister

- Go to marquis estate for plot

- Talk to Granny Jacqueline

- Talk to Setsuna twice in Count Egret's Residence to play a game. Win for the Amoltamis cards
- Talk to Edmund in Sea Breeze Inn

- Talk to Miranda in the tavern
- Choose "Ice Cream Stand -> Inn -> Sailor's Tavern" and "Millium was trying to go to the island" +2 AP

- Fishing spot off the pier (spiky puffer, queen azelfish, blue martin)
- 8 treasure chests
- Fishing spot in the basin (noble carp, cobalt crab, speckled trout, gold salmon)
- Fishing spot on the NW beach (spiky puffer, queen azelfish, blue martin)
- Photo spot on the beach. Report to Vivi
- Black Records 5 in a treasure chest. Report to Rosine
- Enemies: zippoda, devil flower, sasa panda, spike gellar, sidelle, voig tiger, armored dino, ancient ossa, scalyptera, Duvalie, Ines, Ennea, Arianrhod

- Talk to Annabelle on the beach for Heartless Edgar 7. You'll get her 1st note

- Talk to Lady Romona in the street for a radio story. Report to Munk

- Talk to Charlotte to start her quest

- Buy the recommended "aquamarine ice cream" from Granny Jacqueline at her stall to learn the recipe
- Examine the object near the statue

- 3 treasure chests
- saber cougar, Northern Jaeger - rifle, Northern Jaeger - greatsword, crimson cougar, Red Constellation - rifle, Red Constellation - greatsword

- Group A: 3 treasure chests
- Group B: 2 treasure chests
- Group A: 1 treasure chest

- Group A (Junction): 1 treasure chest
- Group A: 2 treasure chests
- Group B: 3 treasure chests
- Group B (Junction): Lower Ines or Ennea's HP to 30% +3 AP
- Group A (Junction): 2 treasure chests

- Group A: 5 treasure chests
- Group B (Junction): 1 treasure chest
- Group B: 1 treasure chest
- Naval Fortress Enemies: sneak gunner G, sneak gunner R, sneak gunner M, phalanx J9, saber cougar, Northern Jaeger - rifle, Northern Jaegar - greatsword, zephyranthes, balancing clown, sleipnir F2, gespard gerrod, Duvalie, Ines, Ennea, Arianrhod
Chapter 4 - Part One
- On the 1F, talk to Aurelia. Examine the book on the desk in the faculty lounge (+2 AP)
- On the 2F, talk to Towa in the Class IX room (+2 AP). Talk to Gustaf in the Class VIII room (+2 AP). Talk to Tita in the terminal room (+2 AP).
- On the rooftop, talk to Valerie to start her quest
- Talk to Gustaf
- Talk to Pablo in the cafeteria (+2 AP). Talk to Pablo again. Buy Imperial Chronicle 7 from Gina
- Report back to Valerie. You'll get her 2nd note

7/5 - 7/8
MIDTERMS - If you answer all of the questions correctly, you'll receive +3 AP on 7/12
  • Fourth Prince Orthos
  • A bullet spinning clockwise skews right
  • While engaging, attack from behind
  • Capital gain
  • Look to the Sky
  • Cloth -> charcoal -> sand -> pebbles
- Talk to Musse twice on 1F to play a game. Win for the Tarbyss cards
- Use the bath to increase bond with Juna and increase school's rating
- In Carnegie Books & Games, buy Iris in Fantasy Land. Gift to Altina
- In Neinvalli, trade silver chain and cool necklace (can buy these in town) for the silver cufflink. Gift to Kurt
- In the tavern, buy the recommended "pasta pepperoncino" to learn the recipe
- Talk to Altina in the bakery for her 3rd note
- In Nyo-Sui-An Imports, buy the colored braid. Gift to Towa. Talk to Randy. Give him Marions Run. You'll get his 2nd note later that night

- Use the dorm bath to increase the school rating
- Talk to Munk in Radio Trista to start his quest. There are four options, each with a different quartz reward. +2 AP for correct answers
  • Mint (hangar): "Thank Neun nonchalantly" and "Urge her sternly" - Holy Breath SR
  • Becky (student store): "Casually urge her" and "Reprimand and decline" - Adamantine Shield SR
  • Rosine (chapel): "With a smile, tell Neun to kill you" and "Provoke her" - Shining SR
  • Linde (medical office): "Regretfully choose the vaccine" and "Forcefully encourage her" - Athelas SR
- Attend Altina's bonding event for her 4th note
- Talk to Liza in the bakery to start her quest
- Examine the object on the bench in Leeves Station
- Talk to Tatiana in Carnegie Books & Games for her 2nd note
- Talk to Rosine twice in the chapel to play a game. Win for the Fifenall cards. Talk to Father Henry
- Talk to Wayne in Lapin Boutique for his 2nd note
- Talk to Jingo in Neinvalli. Buy the card case

- Examine the tree in the garden
- Talk to Stark in the terminal room. Choose "refuse". You'll get his 2nd note
- Attend Ash's bonding event in the hangar for his 3rd note. Talk to Mint for soldat training. Win to increase the school's rating

- Area 1: 3 treasure chests
- Area 2: 4 treasure chests
- Enemies: silver drome, celestial scarab, tri-attacker R2, tri-attacker HG, brain matter, rainbow drome, pale apache S

- Enemies: Aurelia, Viscount Arseid
- Talk to Maya in the firing range
- Talk to Altina in clubhouse to start a quest. +1 AP per victory for the first 3 rounds. +2 AP if you win the final round. Talk to Altina afterwards.
- Talk to Juna on the field
- Talk to Professor Schmidt in the hangar to play a game. Win for the Witch card.

- Talk to Sidney in Lapin Boutique
- Talk to Randy in the dorm training room. Report back to Maya for her 2nd note
- Talk to Linley in Radio Trista for Munk's 2nd note
- Attend Emma's bonding event for her 1st note
- Use the dorm bath to increase the school's rating

- Win
Chapter 4 - Part Two
- Talk to Major Michael, Musse, Ash, Towa, and Altina
- Talk to Ash a second time to play a game. Win for the Greon cards

- Buy Imperial Chronicle 8 from Stark
- Talk to Sandy to start her quest
- Buy the Pandora master quartz from Tita

- 4 treasure chests
- Fishing spot on the S side (red perch, rainbow trout, gold salmon, deep grouper)
- Fishing spot on the N side (cangiru, carp, red perch, noble carp, gold salmon, deep grouper)
- Enemies: tail jumper, sinister hornet, hz maus, goldcider

- Buy the recommended "tomato curry" in Foresta Inn to learn the recipe
- Buy the recommended "croquette burger" in Lafite Bakery to learn the recipe
- Buy the ebony brush in Herschel's Shop
- Examine the bookshelf on 1F in Holy Flat Apartments for The Life of Tomatonio 3. Talk to Bernard on 2F to start his quest.

- Visit the places marked on the map: embassy, cathedral, girls' school
- Examine the fountain. Catch the bird

- In Plaza Bifrost Departemnt Store, buy Steinrose '96 at Weston House. Buy the recommended "septetto tea" at Mimosa to learn the recipe. Buy the aurora barrette from Lepanto Co. Gift to Juna
- Talk to Vivi in the Imperial Chronicle
- Buy the red leather key case at the orbal factory. Gift to Ash.
- Buy the lovely flat cap in Le Sage Boutique. Talk to Howard twice.

- Buy the starry night minuet from Rieveldt Company. Gift to Musse
- Buy the recommended "white velvet shortcake" at Lucien Art Cafe to learn the recipe
- Talk to Rilke in the museum to start his quest. Examine the display in the NW corner
- Visit the Vander Training Hall

- 4 treasure chests
- Photo spot to the S along the river
- Examine the shiny object to the S
- Fishing spot on the river (skygill, snakehead, speckled trout, queen azelfish, forest gill, mega arowana)
- Defeat the wanted monster
- Receive Black Records 5 upon returning to the city
- Enemies: elder burdon, metal monsilo, grass hydra, scorpion king, dicephalosaurus

- Talk to Fred near Herschel's Shop to play a game. Win for the Neptjuno cards

- Approach the palace
- Talk to Annabelle to the NE for her 2nd note

- Talk to Johannes in the orbal factory to start his quest. Take readings in the surrounding area. After the cutscene, take a reading behind the new truck parked by the dept store for +2 AP. Go to the Imperial Chronicle to complete the quest.

- Talk to Seri at the bus stop to receive Heartless Edgar 8
- Defeat 3 groups of enemies

- Talk to Harris in Lakelord Company for a radio story. Report to Munk

- Buy riding gloves at the betting window
- Enter the racecourse. Bet on Lino Bloom +1 AP
- Talk to Charlton in VIP room to start his quest

- Area 1: 3 treasure chests
- Area 2: 4 treasure chests
- Examine shiny object on the ground on one of the central platforms
- Fishing spot (puffer, hide shark, spiky puffer, cobalt crab, blue marlin, phantom shark)
- Defeat the wanted monster
- Area 3: 1 treasure chest
- Reach the end within 20 seconds +3 AP
- Enemies: death squirm, bloody fang, murder organ, blurred shadow, galactic shark, Magic Knight Heavy Golem, Hercules - rifle, Hercules - greatsword

- Report to Rosine (Black Records from chest)
- Photo spot overlooking the city. Report to Vivi

- plot

- Give Sandy the moon truffles to complete her quest. You'll get her 2nd note

UNDERGROUND (from Himmel Cemetery)
- Area 3: 1 treasure chest
- Defeat the wanted monster - Mega Kraken

- Talk to Simmons to start his quest
- Talk to Alisa twice for her 2nd note

- Talk to Roscoe near the juice stand to start his quest
- Talk to Emma

- In the cathedral, talk to Millium for plot. Talk to Mrs. Elba for a radio story. Report to Munk.
- Talk to Berkely near the tram stop
- Go to St. Astria Girls' School to start a quest. Choose correct answers for +3 AP. You'll increase Rean's bond with Alfin/Elise increases
  • Resist a little before giving in
  • Dodge while stringing them along
  • Disarm him with the switchaxe
- Talk to Lady Laniela in the street
- Talk to Kenneth twice in Lakelord Company for his 2nd note

- Talk to Chris in front of the dept store
- In Bifrost Plaza, talk to Lepanto at his store on the 2F. Talk to Thomas at the cafe for his 1st note
- Talk to Jingo in the weapons shop for her 2nd note. Talk to her again to play a game. Win for the Swordsman card

- Talk to Nancy at Lucien Art Cafe

- Talk to Dolce in the street
- Talk to Fred in the general store
- Talk to Vivi in the street for her 2nd note
- Talk to Fie in the guild

- Visit the embassy

- Talk to Machias twice for his 2nd note
- Talk to Artem in the plaza

- Talk to Private Mickel near the entrance for Heartless Edgar 9

- Photo spot near the tram stop. Report to Vivi
- Fishing spot near the tram stop (kasagin, snow crab, green arowana, noble carp, cobalt crab, mega arowana)
- Talk to Gaius for his 1st note

Return to the city for lunch

- 1 treasure chest (backtrack to this area after the cutscene)

- Team C: 3 treasure chests
- Team A: 3 treasure chests
- Team B: 3 treasure chests

- Team C: 1 treasure chest
- Team A: 3 treasure chests
- Team B: 5 treasure chests
- Team C: 4 treasure chests
- Team A: 2 treasure chests

- Team C: 2 treasure chests
- Team A: 2 treasure chests
- Team B: 2 treasure chests
- Dragon's Nest Enemies: octofiend, evil eye, speculo I, speculo II, vampire bat, weed beetle, vargem, werewolf, star lambda, Hercules - rifle, Hercules - greatsword, iglute garmr, oi-gadia, lucifuge, ginosha-zanak, True Zoro-Agruga (3 separate entries in monster list), Azure Siegfried
Chapter 4 - Part Three
For the summer festival, you're given 5 tickets (13 if you're playing with maximum bonding points) to start with. You'll receive an additional 4 by completing a few quests. At one point you'll need to spend at least 2 tickets to advance the plot, but you're otherwise free to use them whenever. Each festival ticket will increase a character's bond level by half a star. To receive a character's strong bond achievement, they will need to be at 5 stars and have at least one ticket used on them. Elise and Alfin share their bonding activities, and only one will need to be a 4 stars to get the achievement.

Hold off on doing Jusis, Sara, Gaius, and Emma until you've given them their gifts. An optional quest later in the day can be used to increase Altina's bond level if you need that boost as well.

- Talk to Professor Schmidt in the museum
- Outside of the cafe, talk to Dorothee twice for Heartless Edgar 10. Talk to Emma, then gift her the cap.
- In the Vander training hall, talk to Ada start a quest. Win for +2 AP. Talk to Aurier three times to play a game. Win for the Chevalier master quartz
- Talk to President Morgan in Rieveldt Company to start a quest

- Talk to Major Michael

- Talk to Jusis for his 1st note. Gift him the riding gloves
- Talk to Brecker at his stall to buy the recommmended "hearty kebab" to learn the recipe. You will need to make all four version of each of the recipes for the "Food Warrior" achievement
- Talk to Sidney for his 2nd note
- Talk to Claire

- Talk to Major Michael in Rieveldt Company. Choose "Order of Age" +2 AP. You'll get Claire and Major Michael's 2nd notes

- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Special Issue from Chris in front of the dept store
- Talk to Tio in front of Mishy for her 2nd note

- Buy Coby and the Mysterious Museum 3 from the purple-haired student
- Talk to Celestin and Patrick in the cathedral for their 2nd notes

- Talk to Agate in the bracer guild for his 1st note

- Talk to Mint for her 2nd note
- Talk to Gaius. Gift him the brush
- Talk to Old Man Lombard for a radio story. Report to Munk
- Talk to Sara in the VIP room. Gift her the Steinrose

- Talk to Hugo for his 2nd note

- Examine the shiny object on the 2F for Black Records 7. Report to Rosine

Use at least 2 tickets to advance the story. Meet Lechter at the station to start his quest

- Find the target
- Area 1: 2 TC
- Enemies: octogeist, tomb beetle, ultimate being, deathstench, regenekopf type II, supreme giant isopod, dicephalosaurus, giant abyss, Magic Knight Azura-Luciel

- Defeat the wanted monster. You'll inc your bond with Altina when you complete the quest
- Enemy: meghidoradon

- Catch the final fish

Final Chapter
- Show book notes to Tatiana to increase the school's rating
- Show battle notes to Valerie for the Emblem master quartz and to increase the school's rating
- Show character notes to Louise to increase the school's rating
- Show the completed recipe book to Sandy to increase the school's rating
- Buy Imperial Chronicle - Extra Issue from Stark
- Talk to Aurelia to start a quest
- Enemy: Aurelia

- Plot

- Defeat the wanted monster - Lustful Arachne

- Talk to Schmidt. Forge a character's strongest weapon

- Talk to Alan in the bracer guild for his 2nd note

- Talk to Myria in the cafe for Marching Toward Dystopia

- Defeat the wanted monster - False Abaddon

- Talk to Ferris for her 2nd note

- Report to Aurelia

- Cathedral for plot

Monsters fought between the cathedral and the Gral of Erebos do not count toward the monsterology achievement

- Area 1: 3 treasure chests
- Area 2: 2 treasure chests
- Enemies: calvary lancer, teropes, tiamat, Arianrhod, McBurn

- Area 1: 5 treasure chests
- Area 2: 1 treasure chest
- Enemies: zahkiel, archangel, true abaddon, Shirley, Kreuger, Azure Siegfried, Jaeger King

- Area 1: 2 treasure chests
- Area 2: 3 treasure chests
- Enemies: dark knight, greater devil, arachne zigma, Millium, Claire Lechter, Rufus

- 3 treasure chests
- Complete any remaining battle achievements
- Sell everything for the 1 million mira achievement, "Full Scholarship"
- Enemies: afterglow vessel, shadow vessel, Nameless One

You should get the remaining achievements after the credits roll
Комментариев: 14
Kijame 3 авг. 2024 г. в 11:34 
I noticed that the 4th card I can buy in Chapter 1 Part 1 is not called Conjugate, but Transmute. Not sure if it's just a name change or entire card swap, but I figured I'd mention it.
Kijame 1 авг. 2024 г. в 9:11 
I thought that might be the case. Which is a shame. But at least it happened so early into the game, haha. And yeah I'm planning to do it all in one playthrough, that's how I do it for Ys games as well. I already own them physically on Switch, where achievements aren't that big a deal, and that's where I play them blind, but it's been years, I don't quite remember all the finer details anymore.
mywingedhorses  [создатель] 31 июл. 2024 г. в 12:23 
@Kijame If you are aiming to complete the achievements in one play through, you’ll want to just restart the game now. Any repeat monsters to run into later in the game have their own section
Kijame 29 июл. 2024 г. в 6:16 
So I forgot to scan the giant organ in the prologue since I scanned the tiny ones and the large one didn't show any ??? when attacking. Was that the only time I'll ever see one (and thus I am better off replaying that part before getting too deep into the game)?
SittingBear 12 мар. 2024 г. в 19:13 
thanks for the guide! I have one for you. if you talk to Celine on Leica street during chapter 4, she gives you a hexen bell
mywingedhorses  [создатель] 23 фев. 2023 г. в 8:24 
Thank you everyone who pointed out errors/missing information from the guide! Corrections have been made. After an extended break from gaming, I am back to working on a guide for Cold Steel IV. However, it' a behemoth of a game that will take quite some time.
eli 12 янв. 2023 г. в 20:36 
6/17 west lamare highway area 1 has a photo for vivi
sarteck 25 ноя. 2022 г. в 11:25 
In Chapter 3 - Part Two
- for the map sidequest, you have "Report back to Aleister" set in the "HARBOR DISTRICT", but he's actually on "NORTH STREET" in the Tavern & Inn.
sarteck 22 ноя. 2022 г. в 21:09 
Apologies if it gets mentioned somewhere later, but in Chapter 2, Part 1, you don't seem to mention that you can trade a Holy Chain accessory for a "Elegant Scrunchie" gift for Claire at Neinvalli.
Macpain 26 окт. 2021 г. в 5:23 
Thanks a lot <3