Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

125 人が評価
Quad Killswitch
33.430 MB
2021年5月1日 1時54分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Quad Killswitch

Quad Rioters 作成の 2 件のコレクション
234 アイテム
Cities Skylines: Assets - Quad Futuristic
95 アイテム

- Asset: 2
Killswitch (6x6)
Barricade Killswitch (10x6)

- Type: Unique Level 5
- Main Tri: 9xxx-13xxx, 2048x2048
- LOD Tri: 356-604, 512x512
- Description: Killswitch railgun defense system tower. Also Has Barricade version.
- Worker: 10/10/10/10 - 15/15/15/15

- Cost: 10,000 - 15,000
- Upkeep: 100 - 150
- Entertainment: 15-35
- Entertainment Radius: 50

- Expansion for Barricade, also comes with stand-alone tower for those who do not use Barricade.

Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.



12 件のコメント
Exsosus|Cryo| 2023年9月11日 8時50分 
Hey @Cody Alenko, check out the mod 3D designer CushyCrux. He paints 3D buildings much like how Star Wars world has made buildings and he brings them to your city in all its magic.
Quad Rioters  [作成者] 2022年6月14日 23時26分 
Hmm, it has been a while. Try Visu or Indapni. Otherwise, look for the public collections and search Future or Futuristic, you should get what you want. :theta:
Cody Alenko 2022年6月14日 20時29分 
love the work, definitely my favorite cities skylines modder, do have a question though. Are there any other big futuristic asset makers out there to add more? I just need MOAAAR than any one person probably has the time to make lmao
Quad Rioters  [作成者] 2021年8月12日 19時11分 
Wait... what? :ccskull:
Vainonajat 2021年8月12日 16時40分 
Thank you! This will be perfect for my labor camps
TechiCat 2021年5月19日 9時59分 
Finally! A weapons defense system for my barricade!
Quad Rioters  [作成者] 2021年5月15日 4時07分 
ThunderMcNeil 2021年5月15日 3時54分 
Does this work against tsunamis?
TOMCAT 2021年5月3日 5時55分 
Killswitch??? inspired of the new series on amazon prime: The 100
Your buildings are amazing. I love it.
AOD_Danitoba 2021年5月2日 19時24分 
What's the purpose of having a defense system in this game? is it just for looks?
Don't get me wrong. it looks frigging awesome. but does it defend against meteorites or something? JW