FlatOut 2

FlatOut 2

122 rating
What car fits your playstyle?
Oleh Andreas444
More or less I`ll describe each car`s pros and cons and what playstyle does it fit best so that you can buy it and drive it.
This guide is mostly towards newbie drivers,but your average FlatOut fan still should get something out of this...I think.
Batalkan favorit
I`m not a professional player,I`m your average player who just enjoys the hell out of this game and decided to play the game extensively with almost any car on the grid in the Career/FlatOut mode.
Also,I do not have a lot of experience with some cars on the grid,so expect me to mostly talk about the cars I have an extensive practice with.
And finally,DO NOT take this guide too seriously,and don't be salty if I insult a car that you like.

To make my life easier a little bit,I decided to put each car where I think they fit for a main playstyle:

Passive: Cars usually are weak and can't put up a fight,need a lot of patience to win races or derbies with. And you should never bump into the opponents or let them bump into you.

Passive Aggressive: Wait for the perfect opportunity to strike at your opponent to damage them and take some nitrous too along the way. Hit & Run

Aggressive: A death machine,hits hard,drives hard,dies hard. Kill or be killed.
(FYI If I put a car in this category that doesn't mean you are allowed to drive recklessly and wreck yourself instead.)

Derby Class
1: Chili

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Can get through tight spaces no problem
-Great handling

-Poor top speed
-Underwhelming acceleration

Will forever be the underdog of this class and also a pest on your side cause Sofia drives it.

2: Malice

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Can take some heavy hits
-Great handling
-Decent acceleration

-Terrible top speed
-Can barely get nitro

Not much to say about the Malice,fun car to drive,but in the later stages it will be tougher to even stay in the top 3 in races. The best starter car in it`s class imo.

3: Roamer

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-It`s a brick

-Everything else
No really,it`s actually a terrible car,can't even keep up in the later stages,it`s only purpose are on demolition derbies BUT there is the thing,there are vehicles in this class that can BOTH race and crush the opponents in demolition derbies.

4: Shaker

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Good acceleration
-Can both do and take heavy hits
-Good handling

-Can understeer in some situations
-Nitro dependent so you need to be careful when you use it
-Poor top speed

One of the toughest cars to destroy in this class,and Jason driving it,oh boi,it can get worse if he focuses his sight on you specifically. Quite a bit too slow for my liking tho.

5: Blaster XL

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Excellent handling
-Can crush everything in it`s path
-Decent acceleration

-Underwhelming top speed

One of my favorites from this class,but unfortunately for me,this car makes my Career a bit too easy,cause you`ll have next to no challenge when you drive it.

6: Banger

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Good acceleration
-Decent handling

-Weak so it can't resist heavy hits especially that much
-Jumps can be a gamble
-Mediocre top speed

You`ll probably come to hate this car cause of Jack and how incredibly annoying he is to race against.

7: Splitter

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great handling
-Good acceleration
-Jumps are relatively safe
-Decent top speed

-Tends to understeer

Again,I don't have much to say about this car just that it`s engine sound is awful to listen to...

8: Switchblade

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Great acceleration and top speed
-Can give and take hits

-Jumps are a gamble
-Slides quite a bit sometimes

A fast boi but can be quite a mouthful to handle it.

9: Venom

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Fast boi
-Great acceleration
-Good handling
-Can give and take punches

-Tends to understeer

Favorite car from this class,can compete at everything.
Race Class
1: CTR

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Good handling
-Can get through tight spaces no problem
-Decent acceleration

-Poor top speed

Again,you`ll get used to hate this car cause of Sofia.

2: Boxer

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Decent top speed

-Everything else
Crappy handling,understeers like hell,poor acceleration etc.

3: Mad Rash

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great handling
-Good acceleration
-Decent top speed

-Jumps can be a gamble sometimes

Underrated car.

4: Nevada

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Can crush opponents easily
-Good handling
-Decent acceleration

-Mediocre top speed
-Jumps are unreliable sometimes
-Later stages will be harder to stay in the top 3

5: Lancea

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive

-Great acceleration
-Decent handling

-Mediocre top speed
-Kind of weak

One of my favorites despite being weak.

6: Fortune

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive

-Good handling
-Good acceleration
-Decent top speed
-No u ability (aka U Turn)

-Understeers sometimes

You`ll DEFINITELY hate to go against this car in the Career as Jack drives it.

7: Daytana

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Decent top speed

-Hard to control

8: Bullet

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Decent top speed
-Good handling

-Tends to understeers
-Level 3 nitro upgrade is useless most of the time since you are gonna reach it`s max speed without it anyway

9: Lentus

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Decent top speed
-Good acceleration
-Tough as it can get
-Great handling

-W I D E
Seriously,this is the easiest car to have an accident with.

10: Ventura

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Great top speed

-Tends to slide
-Jumps are a gamble

11: Insetta

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Almost everything

-Understeers worse than my grandma

Favorite Race car,GOTTA GO FAST.
Street Class Part 1
1: Chili Pepper

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Good handling
-Good acceleration
-Can get through tight spaces

-Poor top speed
-Jumps are not worth taking most of the time

Again,the Chili,just that it`s the Street version,forever the underdog.

2: Scorpion

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Tough boi
-Decent acceleration
-Decent top speed
-Good handling

-Tends to understeer
-Nitro dependent
-It does not say "GET OVER HERE!"

Quite poorly represented by Ray.

3: Insetta Sport

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Easy to control
-Decent acceleration

-Underwhelming top speed,especially when compared to it`s Race counterpart
-Loves to understeer

4: Sparrowhawk

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Good top speed
-Perfect for a Hit & Run playstyle

-Tends to slide a lot
-Hard to control

Here is another underrated car,but i can see why most won't even bother trying this car.

5: Crusader

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Can crush opponents easily
-Decent acceleration
-Good handling

-Underwhelming top speed

6: CTR Sport

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Passive

-Can get through tight spaces
-Decent top speed
-Good acceleration
-Good handling

-Fragile (even more than the Chili)
-Tends to understeer

7: Vexter XS

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive



If it`s license plate "Save Me" doesn't tell you that this car is absolute trash I don't know what will,only recommended for masochists to even try this...thing.Also the worst engine sound in the entire game.
Street Class Part 2
8: Speedshifter

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Great top speed

-Tends to slide
-Hard to control

If Bullet GT was a Level 2 car. It also has the same handling stat like it.

9: Canyon

Skill level: Easy
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Can kill everything in it`s path,including you
-Good top speed
-Great acceleration
-Great handlling

-Tends to understeer

Who doesn't hate facing this car in races or derbies at this point am I right?

10: Terrator

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive

-Great top speed
-Great acceleration

-Loves to slide
-Hard to control

11: Sunray

Skill level: Medium
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Great acceleration
-Great top speed
-Decent handling
-No u ability (aka U turn)

-Understeers like hell

You`ll also hate to race against this car cause of Jack.

12: Speedevil

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Excellent top speed
-Excellent acceleration
-Can crush opponents

-Kind of weak
-Hard to control
-Loves to slide

Jason is the perfect example of how driving this car like a kamikaze gets you nowhere.
Also,the best engine sound in the entire game,change my mind.

13: Road King

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Passive Aggressive

-Excellent top speed
-Excellent acceleration
-Can do a lot of damage if the opportunity is there

-Underwhelming handling
-Loves to slide
-Can easily be destroyed

The most iconic car in the series,It`s cool,but i`m not it`s biggest fan,personally i prefer the Speedevil or Bullet GT.

14: Bullet GT

Skill level: Hard
Playstyle: Aggressive

-Fastest car in the game
-Excellent acceleration
-Can crush anything and resist heavy hits too

-Underwhelming handling
-Tends to slide

The chad car.

This is just my personal opinion,you can win with any car if you try hard enough!

Derby Class
S: Venom
A: Blaster XL,Switchblade
B: Splitter,Shaker
C: Malice,Chili,Banger
D: Roamer

Race Class
S: Insetta
A: Ventura,Bullet,Lentus,Daytana
B: Mad Rash,Lancea,Fortune
C: CTR,Nevada
D: Boxer

Street Class
S: Bullet GT,Road King
A: Speedevil,Sunray,Canyon,Speedshifter
B: Terrator,Insetta Sport,Sparrowhawk,Scorpion
C: CTR Sport,Chili Pepper,Crusader
D: Vexter XS

I hoped this guide helped you find a car that you want to drive. If not,that`s fine too.
Feedback is welcome.
Have a nice day! :)

Edit 1: Added Daytana in the Race tierlist as i forgot to add it initially.

Edit 2: Small changes in the Road King and Bullet GT descriptions,will probably replace the current BGT top speed screenshot once the game decides to work normally once again.
No promises there.

Edit 3: Changed Bullet GT`s second screenshot with it`s accurate top speed which is roughly 347-350 KMH. And some texts too.
56 Komentar
Diego (real) 8 Feb @ 2:00am 
The FWD understeering problem... How about you POWERSLIDE using BRAKES? I'm using insetta/insetta sport right now, and I have no issues with understeering. That's just my opinion of course, but consider this. :steamhappy:
Serendipity!? 25 Des 2024 @ 7:44am 
I tried the Vexter XS on the basis of this guide and was not disappointed. What a shed! :happycloudy:

Great guide.
SymphonyNo28CoTkin 10 Des 2024 @ 4:42pm 
Does the weight in this game matter for more acceleration and maximum speed? I compare the Road King and Bullet GT for example. Their parameters are almost the same, except for weight and Strength.
The Ottoman Lobster 1 Agu 2024 @ 2:26am 
yeah...... idk why i remembered it that way. I was gonna delete the comment anyway but i got too lazy to find it. Still, fuck sofia martinez, all my homies hate sofia martinez
Andreas444  [pembuat] 25 Jul 2024 @ 5:20am 
Not sure where you got that info from but I assure you,the AI always drives the same cars as always,no matter what car you buy lol
The Ottoman Lobster 25 Jul 2024 @ 4:51am 
you forgot to mention, when you pick canyon in street league, sofia martinez (the annoying girl who takes "pride" in driving clean in a damn derby race) drives ctr sport instead of her usual canyon, which means you have the tankiest car in the race where 2 opponents drive really weak cars. Though you will still have johnny walker to deal with.
Andreas444  [pembuat] 25 Jun 2024 @ 1:49am 
No problem,at the end of the day,doesn't matter what car you choose to play with as long as you're having fun with the game,can be the worst one but who cares as long as you are enjoying the game. I might update this guide in the future to include top speed of each car when you don't put Strength upgrades as I recently found out that your car gets faster if you don't upgrade it's Strength,for both FO2 and FOUC. It's not recommended but it's for players who are already familiar with the game and want a better challenge alongside better top speed.
MAYOOO 24 Jun 2024 @ 6:23am 
this is so dope, thank you for your contribution to the community dude. grew up playing this game
PTLD_93 29 Feb 2024 @ 2:31am 
In my opinion i would put Splitter in A tier because i was able to finish all cups from derby class aswell as the Derby finals with it,it has good Acceleration,Handling and Decent top speed,plus the only derby class car with 5 speeds,usually i struggled with acceleration with Shaker and spun out too many times with the switchblade,when it came with Splitter,it solved all of my problems and i was able to complete the Entire derby class with it and i never had a problem with racing on it.
Dreckiger Dan 23 Des 2023 @ 3:13am 
my favorite cars are

Derby Class

Malice (starter car)
Blaster XL

Race Class

Insetta (for Street)

Street Class

Insetta Sport
Sunray (for Offroad races for some reason)
Road King (only for Street and Speed)

that's my list with cars i would drive