Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

35 arvostelua
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Assets: Building
2.932 MB
19.4.2021 klo 15.21
1 muutos ( näytä )
Gallows built from solid timber, suitable for the hanging of up to 4 horse thieves.

This asset uses the abandoned house template, so in order to place it you need mods that will let you place the abandoned house asset. (More Beautification and probably Prop Anarchy)

-Known Issues-

*No custom LOD (Coming soon, currently uses the standard game generated LOD)
*Nooses only appear on one side of face, two sided noose coming soon.


Created with Blender & Gimp
Requested by Teabag1984
In-Game screenshots by Teabag1984

Free for any use whatsoever!
4 kommenttia
bvnsheechvpter 26.6.2021 klo 16.10 
gonna try to turn this into a prison building in-game tbh
Impact 25.4.2021 klo 8.52 
Nice place to hang out.
ABlueHairedFox 24.4.2021 klo 12.31 
First time?
_doctorvandoom_ 19.4.2021 klo 20.49 
thanks again - it's wonderful :)