Gnomes Garden: Halloween

Gnomes Garden: Halloween

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Gnomes Garden: Halloween 100% Achievement Guide & Video Walkthrough.
Vytvořil: anrkyuk
Gnomes Garden: Halloween 100% Achievement Guide & Video Walkthrough For All 49 Levels Earning a 3 Star Score.
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Those of you who have spent any time reading reviews or looking at the discussion boards for Gnomes Garden: Halloween will likely think the game is entirely broken with multiple people claiming certain levels are impossible, most notably level 24.

Well, I'm glad to report that the game is not broken and that none of the levels are "impossible". The fact is, the game is just hard, like way harder than any other Gnomes Garden title on Steam and even harder than some of the early 12 Labour titles, and many other titles of the genre.

That said, I did encounter numerous bugs during my playthrough...

1. When starting level 13, I suffered a CTD (Crash to desktop), this only happened once in my entire playthrough.

2. Quite often, about 20% of the time, after pressing the play button on the level select map as the screen turned black for the level load screen, the game would hang on a black screen for 5 or 6 seconds.

3. The most annoying bug however, is the vanishing resources bug that can occur when upgrading a building. This bug was noted in the discussion boards back in Oct 2020 and sadly has not been fixed, and likely never will be.

What happens is if a resource spawns at a building that you are upgrading, if you do not collect the resource before the construction is complete, the resource will vanish. This isn't just an annoying little bug, it can sometimes lead to you having to redo a level as the 3 star score times are so tight on some levels.
Gnomes Garden: Halloween has a total of 21 Steam achievements, none of which are technically missable as when you complete one level with at least a one star score, the next level is unlocked and any previously completed level can be replayed at any time.

The Grind.
If you have played any of the previous Gnomes Garden titles on Steam you will notice a pattern with the achievements, in that they are pretty much all the same, just worded differently and Halloween is no exception.

In all other Gnomes Garden games that I have played on Steam by the time I got 3 stars on each level, I unlocked all the achievements as part of my natural progression. With Gnomes Garden: Halloween, I did not and as a result had to do some grinding.

I suspect, someone copied and pasted the achievements from the previous Gnomes Garden titles and forgot to playtest the achievements as one in particular has a substantial grind.

The "FUN LOVER" achievement requires you to recruit 100 Merrymakers, that means building a cumulative total of 100 levels of Merrymakers houses.

Now I had to replay many levels more than once and some even 4 or 5 times to earn 3 stars on each level and I still had to spend 45-60 mins grinding to earn this achievement. Consider this, the harder you find the game and the more you have to replay levels to get 3 stars, the less you will likely have to grind, if you are a time management zen master and 3 stars every level first time, your gonna have a 2+ hour grind on your hands.

For more information on this achievement and best practice for grinding it, check out the achievement guide chapter below.

The Difficulty.
As noted earlier, Gnomes Garden: Halloween is the hardest of all the Gnomes Garden titles currently on Steam, it is also much harder than the earlier 12 Labours titles and many other similar games of the genre. While levels 24 and 36 are probably the hardest, I'd still say that you'll end up playing between 33-50% of the levels more than once to earn a 3 star score.

Other than watching my videos for guidance the only other help I can offer is this...

Think ahead, like at least 2 or 3 steps ahead.

At the start of the game focus on getting food and wood buildings up to level 2 (level dependent, sometimes you may need stone early on so adjust as per requirement). The quicker you upgrade the resource buildings, the better.

Once you have a couple of level 2 resource buildings up, add a second worker, one can focus on harvesting the other clearing a path.

Once food and wood are at level 3, add a 3rd worker, the aim is to add the 3rd worker either when resources are abundant or spawned resources are sitting uncollected, as when they go uncollected it slows down production of new resources.

Only build what you need to complete the level, just because you can build something, if you do not need too, then don't, and the same applies to upgrades as well.

Do not be afraid to ignore spawned resources, there is no point wasting time collecting something you do not need.

The Missing Achievement.
On level 9 you will get an in game notification of earning an achievement the first time you scare off a Gremlin. This is an ingame achievement only and not a Steam achievement.
Achievement Guide.
The following achievements are listed in the order that I earned them.

For constructing a building.
This achievement will pop on level 1 when you clear your first log/tree blocking the path.
Find one Collectible.
This achievement pops the first time you construct a building, which will be on level 2.
For completing 5 levels with 3 stars.
This achievement pops when you complete a total of 5 levels with a 3 star scores.
For speeding up workers.
This achievement pops the first time you use the speed up ability, which first becomes available on level 9.
For speeding up construction.
This achievement pops the first time you use the speed up construction ability, which first becomes available on level 14.
For completing 15 levels with 3 stars.
This achievement pops when you complete a total of 15 levels with a 3 star scores.
For stopping time.
This achievement pops the first time you use the time stop ability, which first becomes available on level 19.
For building the first jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 26.
GOLD 100.
Collect 100 of any resource on a level.
For this achievement, you must collect a total of 100 of any resource (this does not mean you have to have 100 in stock), for me this achievement came as part of my natural progression on level 27, although sadly I failed to record it as I had to play it more than once to 100%.
For building the second jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 28.
For building the third jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 30.
For building fourth jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 32.
For building fifth jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 34.
For building fifth jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 36.
For building fifth jack-o'-lantern.
This achievement will pop when you complete level 37.
Collect 50 of every resource on a level.
To earn this achievement you must have 50 of each resource in stock. The best level to earn this achievement is level 40 as the level already requires you to have 40 of each resource in stock to complete the level.

If you do not get the achievement on this level for your 3 star run, just replay the level, ignoring other requirements and farm 50 of each resource as you don't need to complete the level to earn the achievement. If you build a couple of Merrymakers however, you should have no problem earning it on a 3 star run.
Recruit 100 or more workers.
To earn this achievement you must recruit 100 workers, not including the ones you get at the start of each level. This means you must upgrade the worker camp 100 times. I earned this as part of my natural progression on level 42. If you do not earn this as part of your natural progression, you will earn it when you have to grind for the "FUN LOVER" achievement.
Collect 7 keys.
Fear not, this achievement is earned as part of your natural progression, there are no hidden collectables like 12 Labours puzzle pieces. Keys are found on level 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 49 and you have to collect them to complete the level.
For completing all levels with 3 stars.
This achievement pops when you complete all 49 levels with a 3 star score.
Recruit 100 or more merrymakers.
No matter how bad you are, you will not earn this achievement as part of your natural progression. After earning the "GRAND MASTER" achievement you will have to grind for this one. My advice is to load up level 40 play till you build a level 3 Merrymakers house, hit esc and restart and replay again till you build a level 3 Merrymaker, rinse and repeat.

You do not have to complete the level for the Merrymaker builds to count towards your total, just restart once the level 3 upgrade is completed. For me I had to replay the level 11 times, taking around 45-60 mins before the achievement popped.
For collecting all trophies.
This achievement will pop once all other achievements are unlocked.
Level 1 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
0:11 = HEWER Achievement pops.
Level 2 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
0:14 = BUILDER Achievement pops.
Level 3 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 4 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 5 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
3:28 = MASTER Achievement pops.
Level 6 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 7 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 8 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 9 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
0:39 = SPRINTER Achievement pops.
3:21 = An in game only achievement pops when scaring away your first Grimlin, there is no Steam achievement for this.
Level 10 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 11 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 12 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 13 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 14 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
0:45 = SHOCK WORKER Achievement pops.
Level 15 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
4:19 = EXPERT Achievement pops.
Level 16 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 17 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 18 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 19 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
2:06 = TIMELORD Achievement pops.
Level 20 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 21 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 22 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 23 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 24 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 25 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 26 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
5:46 = LANTERN LIGHTER Achievement pops.
Level 27 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
GOLD 100 Achievement popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Level 28 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
5:40 = LANTERN LIGHTER 2 Achievement pops.
Level 29 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 30 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
5:22 = LANTERN LIGHTER 3 Achievement pops.
Level 31 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 32 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
5:39 = LANTERN LIGHTER 4 Achievement pops.
Level 33 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 34 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
LANTERN LIGHTER 5 Achievement popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Level 35 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 36 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
LANTERN LIGHTER 6 Achievement popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Level 37 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
LANTERN LIGHTER 7 Achievement popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Level 38 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 39 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 40 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
5:47 = 50 ALL ROUND Achievement pops.
Note: After completing all 49 levels with 3 stars I had not earned the FUN LOVER achievement, and as a result nor the CHAMPION achievement which pops after unlocking all other achievements. After earning the "GRAND MASTER" achievement you will have to grind for this one. My advice is to load up level 40, play till you build a level 3 Merrymakers house, hit esc and restart and replay again till you build a level 3 Merrymaker, rinse and repeat. You do not have to complete the level for the Merrymaker builds to count towards your total, just restart once the level 3 upgrade is completed. For me I had to replay the level11 times, taking around 45-60 mins before the achievement popped.
Level 41 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 42 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
MASTER MANAGER popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Level 43 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 44 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 45 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 46 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 47 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 48 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
No achievements.
Level 49 Walkthrough Earning 3 Stars.

Video contains...
6:30 = GRAND MASTER Achievement.
SEARCHER Achievement popped on this level although I failed to record it as I had to play the level more than once to earn 3 stars.
Complete Video Walkthrough Playlist Link.
For anyone with problems viewing the embedded videos in this guide (such as those in China having to use a VPN to watch videos on YouTube) here's a link to the playlist...
Other 100% Achievement Guides.
I hope you found this guide of help, all comments, suggestions and criticism (constructive) is gratefully received.

An A to Z list of my Steam achievement guides and walkthroughs can be found @
If you would like to get a notification in your activity feed when I post a new guide, just click the "follow anrkyuk" button on my profile guide list...
Počet komentářů: 1
anrkyuk  [autor] 18. dub. 2021 v 13.33 
I have a free steam key for "Murderous Pursuits"
Key = P*390-M*0RL-HQ80F
* = The letter "E"
(The key is written like this to prevent bots harvesting it)
If you use the key please be so kind as to post saying so to save others wasting their time, thanks and enjoy !!!