"Imagine working the nightshift in the local hospitals ER. It's a pretty decent night, not too many patients to handle.
Around 03:30 no patient is left. You are extremely thankfull for a chill night like this after all the stressfull shifts you had in the past few days.You're turning on the tv and start napping next to your colleague.
After a little while you're waking up by some weird noises. Your colleague is gone. You know this sound. It's the alarm-sound the monitors make if something is wrong with the patients. So you start searching if your colleague needs help with new patient, but you can't see her anywhere.
Finally you get to the room, where the Alarm is ringing. There is no patient.
You start to freak out a little while slowly moving towards the monitor. Finally you get there and turn it off. But what even caused the monitor-alarm to start. And where tf is your colleague. You start searching for her, but she is nowhere to find.
...Suddenly another monitor starts to ring. Your heartrate is speeding up. Another monitor-alarm started. WHERE THE F IS YOUR COLLEAGUE. WHAT IST GOING ON?
The poor souls of those who died in these rooms came for a visit... and there is nowhere to hide ..."