Industry Idle

Industry Idle

35 ratings
Hitchhiker's Guide to Industry Idle
By FishPond and 3 collaborators
An introductory guide to Industry Idle, covering the basic mechanics, and general tips for getting started.
Game Overview
What am I doing here?
Your goal is to create the most valuable possible corporation by integrating resource and power generation, processing resources into products, and moving those products to market. When the time is right, you can sell your corporation for $wiss Money, a permanent currency that you carry with you into new companies and cities, that can be spent on upgrades that you carry with you into new companies and cities. This means that each time through the game, you can build your company up faster, and therefore larger, to get even more $wiss Money and upgrades.

There is a guide that contains step by step instructions for the first basic steps of City Construction that will be helpful after reading this guide. It is located here.
Special Resources
Virtually all of your structures require power to run. Power is measure in Watts, and is generated by several types of building. There are three forms of power generation that are always available on every map: Solar, Wind and Coal power.

Solar Power: Generated by building Solar Panel which can be placed anywhere on the grid. Solar power only generates power for 5 out of every 10 seconds.

While the Solar Panel generates power it will have the cycling indicator moving around it, and then no indicator while it is not generating power. The cycle of all Solar Panels is in sync, to represent a day/night cycle, so it will generate power at a 100%/0% rate

Wind Power: Generated by building Wind Turbine which can be placed anywhere on the grid. Wind power generates power for 8 out of every 10 seconds.

The cycle of Wind Turbines is determined by the grid space it occupies, and not the timing on when it was built or other factors. This means if you tear down a Wind Turbine and rebuild it on the same space, it will be on the same cycle it was previously. Since each cycle is different, you can have some Wind Turbines running while others are not running, as pictured here. This makes for a more steady power generation across the full 10 cycle loop than Solar, but with less predictable fluctuations.

Coal Power: Coal power is the only one of the three guaranteed forms of power generation that requires power itself, and also additional resources. Coal for the power plant is generated by building Coal Mine on a Coal resource square (Like the one above the mine in the image, marked with a [C]. This will generate coal. That coal can then be transported to Coal Power Plant which will convert the Coal into Power.

It will cost Fuel to move Coal from the Coal Mine to the Coal Power Plant unless the two are touching directly (not diagonally) so where possible, try to build Coal Power Plants where they can directly touch one or more Coal Mines.

Even if you have no Solar or Wind power generation, there will still be fluctuations in the power grid due to things like transportation distance between resources and the power plant and so on, so it is generally a good idea to create a healthy surplus of power so that every structure can be powered even during the low point of the cycle. Excess power doesn't "go anywhere" or "store" you simply have the total amount of available surplus power at any given moment shown beside the lightning bolt icon at the top of the screen.

The next core resource used on all maps is Fuel. Fuel is the resource that is spent moving objects from one location to another. The further away an object is, the more expensive it is to transport. This is why it is usually good if possible, to cluster your supply chains together to minimise the amount of travel that needs to be done.

There are two kinds of Fuel resource: Natural Gas and Petrol. Every city is guaranteed to contain at least one of these, though they can contain both.

Natural Gas is a basic tile resource labelled [Gas] on the map. The extraction building is a Natural Gas Pump. Once extracted it is immediately available to be used as fuel for transportation.

Oil is a basic tile resource labelled [Oil] on the map. The extraction building is an Oil Well. Unlike Natural Gas, the Oil itself is not usable as a fuel source. Instead it has to be processed into Petrol at an Oil Refinery which will convert Oil into Petrol and Plastic, another resource used in many supply chains.

You can select which Fuel resource you want to use to handle your transportation at any given moment by going to your Logistics Center, the city building on the far right, displayed as a set of traffic lights. In addition to choosing between Petrol and Natural Gas, the Logistics Center will also show you your fuel economy, how much of a resource stockpile you have currently, your overall surplus or deficit shown with both production and consumption per second, and further down, your 20 highest current fuel costs, which can show you where you may have inefficiencies to either build a better supply chain or interpose warehouses to reduce fuel cost.

Research Point
Not all structures are available to build right away. Most need to be researched first. As you gain access to new resources, the Research Lab will gain new projects to research. The cost to research the project is a number of each of the kinds of resource that go into the new item (So researching Shoes requires Plastic, and researching a Battery Factory requires Aluminum, Coal and Iron) and an amount of Research Points, which is a base amount, modified by the current Market Price of the goods it requires. (The more expensive the materials, the more research points are needed.)

Research Points are generated at the Research Lab, by taking in Science as an input. All power plants (Anything that generates Power Supply) will generate a small amount of science while they are generating power.

The far faster, but more resource intensive way is to build structures that generate Science as an output, such as Polytechnic and School. The Research Lab can be upgraded to increase the amount of Science per cycle it can take as input, to convert to Research, and will stockpile excess Science, so occasionally you can research new structures instantly, or at least, without needing to wait for Science requirements.

Policy Point
The final special resource is Policy Points. At the Policy Center (The City Center Building on the right that is a judge's gavel) there are a number of Policies that can be enacted that have various effects on your game. Most modify the way structures work, exchanging resources for others, making buildings produce more but use more fuel etc, almost always improving something while also making something else worse, or more demanding. If your corporation is structured to take advantage of the upsides and mitigate the downsides, they can have substantial positive effects.

Policies us Policy Points as their output, which are generated by taking in Culture as their input. You can gain lump sums of Policy Points by completing orders at the Wholesale Center, but policies all require an amount of Policy Points per cycle, so depending on which ones you want to enable, you may need to generate a more steady supply.

Culture is generated by several buildings, such as the Colosseum, and Book Publisher. Building up a high rate of passive Culture generation is fairly expensive, making it so you may have to choose between policies for only the most optimal ones for your setup unless you focus heavily on producing more Policy Points.
Special Policies
There are two special policies found at the top of the policy center, both of which cost 0 policy points to turn on.

Unlock Warehouse *OutDated*
The warehouse is a building which can be used to aid the transportation of resources between factories. Any resources currently in your factory can be selected to be sent to the warehouse. The input capacity of the warehouse is the amount of resource which can be sent to the warehouse each cycle, while the output capacity is unlimited. When a resource is sent to the warehouse a fuel savings bonus is applied to the amount of fuel required to transport the resource, this discount scales with the level of the warehouse. However this bonus is only applied when transporting to the warehouse, transporting from the warehouse does not give this bonus.

This percentage number means that 40% of the fuel cost will be saved.

Here a warehouse is being used to transport far away resources (batteries, glass, semiconductors) to the factory (camera factory)

Sticky Input
Turning on sticky input causes a factory to only transport resources from the building it last transported from.

Here a coal mine and coal power plant were built with stick input active.

If another coal mine were to be built the coal power plant will still transport its resources from the first coal mine, even though the new one is closer.
Building Settings
Input Strategy

There are three input strategies
The building still has to have at least the input capacity in its warehouse to be drawn from.
  • Closer (default)
    The closest building with the required amount (input capacity) will be drawn from.
  • Farther
    The farthest building with the required amount (input capacity) will be drawn from, the building still has to be within the max input distance. (Be aware of petrol costs)
  • Amount
    The building with the largest amount of the resource will be drawn from.

Production Cycle
This setting effects how many ticks in between each production cycle. The default is 1, meaning the building will have a production cycle every tick, where as a value of 3 would mean the building will have a production cycle every 3 ticks. The production cycle affects when the factory produces as well as when it requests resources from other buildings. However this setting will also multiply the input and output capacity of the building (as if the production cycle is every 2 ticks, the building will produce double every 2 ticks instead of single every tick) With this settings it is possible to set a building to only draw resources after other buildings already have their resources by setting the input capacity of the building higher than the others.

Max Input Distance
This setting sets the maximum distance a factory will draw from.

Max Input Distance of 2

Stock Pile Mode
If this setting is active the building will transport resources to itself every production cycle regardless of if the building requires the resources or not.
Technical Information
Stock Rating
The stock rating will affect other values in game, such as your market cap or your cash in value for $wiss Money.

0.5 - 0.7
0.7 - 0.9
0.9 - 1.1
1.1 - 1.3
1.3 - 1.5
Your current stock rating can be found in the Central Bank, this value changes randomly every 2 hours to a number between 0.5 and 1.5.

Market Cap
(buildingValuation + resourcesValuation) * stockRating

$wiss Money Cash In
cubeRoot(((buildingValuation + resourcesValuation) * stockRating) / 1e6)
Note: buildingValuation, resourcesValuation, and stockRating can be found in the Central Bank. resourcesValuation includes your current cash.
SkyeNeamhní 29 May @ 3:12pm 
hhgttg is a great book
Shah Zulkifal 26 Nov, 2023 @ 10:31am 
how to grow crops??? need a crop and meat guide.
Con737 16 Aug, 2021 @ 10:16am 
please translate the guide into Russian
stump 24 Jun, 2021 @ 8:57am 
Very nice. Thanks!
ItsKarma 24 Apr, 2021 @ 12:53am 
HI, what is swiss money and how to earn it?
As you wish 15 Apr, 2021 @ 4:06am 
Devonin  [author] 8 Apr, 2021 @ 6:42pm 
Fuel, Science, and Culture don't use Fuel to transport. And yeah, especially on Natural Gas maps, where you can build Gas Pump for Fuel and Gas Power Plant for Power way out on the outskirts and you don't need to worry about them.

On Oil Maps, your Oil Refinery makes both Petrol -and- Plastic so you end up "wasting" the Plastic or spending a ton of fuel to move it around, if you put it on the edges.
ngppgn 8 Apr, 2021 @ 3:25am 
Great, that makes for a fantastic "strategy": Put the energy and and fuel facility in the side of the map and the actual industries in the center.
Though energy buildings also produce science. I wonder if science takes fuel to be produced.
Devonin  [author] 7 Apr, 2021 @ 12:31pm 
Whatever resource you use for fuel does not cost money to transport. When transporting goods from one location to another, the fuel is simply "used" it doesn't need to be moved to the source location first.
ngppgn 7 Apr, 2021 @ 4:27am 
Regarding fuel, does it require being transported physhically to each industry tile, or do each tile pull it from a global storage?