Space Haven
33 valoraciones
Change from career mode to sandbox mode and reverse | Unlimited ressources
Por criz
Change from career mode to sandbox mode and reverse for a already started game by editing the save file.
Change from career mode to sandbox mode and reverse | Unlimited ressources
Go to steam list, right click on game and open the settings.

Yes, this is german.

Open the games local files.

Go to savegames.

Open the folder of the save game you want to modify.

Open the save folder.

And open the file called game.

Simply use Notepad.

Now this is where the magic happens. Press [Ctrl] + [F] to open a search window and search for sandbox.

On a german keyboard you have to press [Strg] + [F] instead.

Simply change this value to true to enable sandbox mode.

Or change it to false to disable sandbox mode and change to career mode.

Don't forget to save the changes with [Ctrl] + [S]. Then you can start Space Haven and load your modified save game.

On a german keyboard you have to press [Strg] + [S] instead.

In sandbox mode you can place any ressources you want.

Have fun.

Never forget to backup your files before fingering around with them. Works fine in March 2021. Noone knows if this will still be working with further updates of the game.
4 comentarios
criz  [autor] 9 MAY 2022 a las 11:46 p. m. 
Red Tape 15 ENE 2022 a las 12:59 p. m. 
Thanks for this!
criz  [autor] 18 ABR 2021 a las 9:12 p. m. 
You're welcome. :battlesgrin:
[SC]Solrax 18 ABR 2021 a las 2:16 p. m. 
Thanks! Saved my game that I messed while I learned how some stuff worked.