223 人が評価
Cheats / Console commands | Indepth guide
作者: 𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡
A simple guide of me showing you Vikings on how to use the console commands in Valheim.
Console command cheats can only be used in a single-player game, with a few specific exceptions for server admins.

Not every console command in Valheim is a cheat, strictly speaking. Quite a few of them just give you easier access to game functions that can be quite important under some circumstances. As such, they can be used in multiplayer as well as single-player, as long as you’re the admin.


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How to enable cheats

Go to your library and search for Valheim.
Right click Valheim and click 'properties'.
Now typ in at 'launch options': -console.
Now start up your world on Valheim and press F5 and write: devcommands.
Utility and admin commands
You can enter the following console commands to help with running your game.
  • help: Shows all available server commands.
  • info: Displays the current system information.
  • ping: Pings the server and displays the delay (in milliseconds).
  • save: Saves the game. (The game usually only saves automatically on logout.)
    loadbias [1-5]: Sets draw distance. Enter “0” or leave number blank to display current draw distance.

The following console commands are available to the host in multiplayer:
  • ban [name/IP/userID]: Bans the named user from the server.
  • kick [name/IP/userID]: Kicks the named user from the server.
  • unban [name/IP/userID]: Unbans the named user from the server.
  • banned: Displays a full list of users banned from the server.
Creative mode
Open up your console by hitting the F5 button and write 'debugmode' and hit enter.
Once you hit enter you can do three things.
  • Press “B” to toggle free building (no workbench/resources needed).
  • Press “Z” to toggle flying. Press spacebar to fly up, Ctrl to fly down.
  • Press “K” to kill all nearby enemies.
Character cheats
// use cheats at your own risk. Though, there is no VAC/Anti-Cheat System //
  • god: Toggles god mode. You become invulnerable and can one-hit kill enemies.
  • ghost: Toggles ghost mode. Enemies ignore you.
  • raiseskill [skill name] [value]: Raises the named skill by the amount entered.
  • resetskill [skill name]: Resets the named skill to zero.
  • heal: Heals your character to full health.
  • puke: Resets hunger and restores default health and stamina.
  • model [0/1]: Switches character model between masculine and feminine body types.
  • beard: Removes your character’s beard. (This appears to be permanent, not a toggle. Use with caution!)
  • hair: Removes your character’s hair. (As above!)
  • resetcharacter: Resets all of your character data.
Gameplay cheats
  • killall: Kills all nearby enemies.
  • tame: Tames all nearby creatures.
  • dpsdebug: Toggles damage-per-second display.
  • location: Sets spawn location.
  • pos: Shows player coordinates.
  • goto [X], [Y], [Z]: Teleports the player to the given coordinates. The “Y” value is optional.
  • event [name]: Starts named event.
  • randomevent: Starts a random event.
  • stopevent: Stops the current event.
  • tod [0-1]: Sets time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight, 0.5 is noon, etc. Enter “-1” to revert to the default.
  • skiptime [seconds]: Skips time forward by the given amount.
  • sleep: Skips time forward one day.
  • players [1-10]: Adjusts difficulty level as though playing in multiplayer with the given number of co-op partners. Enter ‘0’ to reset.
World cheats
  • exploremap: Reveals the entire map.
  • resetmap: Hides the entire map.
  • removedrops: Removes all dropped items in the area.
  • env [environment name]: Sets debug environment.
  • resetenv: Resets debug environment.
  • wind [angle] [intensity]: Adjusts the direction and strength of the wind.
  • resetwind: Resets the wind angle and intensity.
  • freefly: Activates freecam.
  • ffsmooth [0/1]: Sets/resets smooth movement on freecam.
  • listkeys: Lists all global keys.
  • setkey [name]: Sets new global key.
  • resetkeys [name]: Resets the named key.
Item cheats
Enter 'spawn [ItemName] [Amount] [Level]'. Item name and amount are both self-explanatory. Level is only applicable in certain circumstances, e.g. when spawning an enemy or creature.

  • Amber
  • AmberPearl
  • AncientSeed
  • Barley
  • BarleyFlour
  • BarleyWine
  • BarleyWineBase
  • BeechSeeds
  • BlackMetal
  • BlackMetalScrap
  • Bloodbag
  • BoneFragments
  • Bronze
  • BronzeNails
  • BoneFragments
  • CarrotSeeds
  • Chitin
  • Coal
  • Coins
  • Copper
  • CopperOre
  • CryptKey
  • Crystal
  • Dandelion
  • DeerHide
  • DragonEgg
  • DragonTear
  • ElderBark
  • Entrails
  • Feathers
  • FineWood
  • FirCone
  • FishingBait
  • FishRaw
  • FishWraps
  • Flametal
  • FlametalOre
  • Flax
  • Flint
  • FreezeGland
  • GreydwarfEye
  • Guck
  • HardAntler
  • Iron
  • IronNails
  • IronOre
  • IronScrap
  • LeatherScraps
  • LinenThread
  • LoxMeat
  • LoxPelt
  • LoxPie
  • Needle
  • Obsidian
  • Ooze
  • PineCone
  • QueenBee
  • Ruby
  • SerpentScale
  • SharpeningStone
  • Silver
  • SilverNecklace
  • SilverOre
  • Stone
  • SurtlingCore
  • Thistle
  • Tin
  • TinOre
  • TrollHide
  • TurnipSeeds
  • WitheredBone
  • WolfFang
  • WolfPelt
  • Wood
  • YmirRemains
  • NeckTail
  • RawMeat
  • Resin
  • RoundLog
  • SerpentMeat
  • YagluthDrop
Armor Cheats
  • ArmorBronzeChest
  • ArmorBronzeLegs
  • ArmorIronChest
  • ArmorIronLegs
  • ArmorLeatherChest
  • ArmorLeatherLegs
  • ArmorPaddedCuirass
  • ArmorPaddedGreaves
  • ArmorRagsChest
  • ArmorRagsLegs
  • ArmorTrollLeatherChest
  • ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
  • ArmorWolfChest
  • ArmorWolfLegs
  • CapeDeerHide
  • CapeLinen
  • CapeLox
  • CapeOdin
  • CapeTest
  • CapeTrollHide
  • CapeWolf
  • HelmetBronze
  • HelmetDrake
  • HelmetDverger
  • HelmetIron
  • HelmetLeather
  • HelmetOdin
  • HelmetPadded
  • HelmetTrollLeather
  • HelmetYule
Tool cheats
  • AxeBronze
  • AxeFlint
  • AxeIron
  • AxeStone
  • AxeBlackMetal
  • PickaxeAntler
  • PickaxeBronze
  • PickaxeIron
  • PickaxeStone
  • Cultivator
  • FishingRod
  • Hammer
  • Hoe
Food cheats
  • Bread
  • BloodPudding
  • Blueberries
  • Carrot
  • CarrotSoup
  • Cloudberry
  • CookedLoxMeat
  • CookedMeat
  • FishCooked
  • Honey
  • Mushroom
  • MushroomBlue
  • MushroomYellow
  • NeckTailGrilled
  • Raspberry
  • QueensJam
  • Sausages
  • SerpentMeatCooked
  • SerpentStew
  • Turnip
  • TurnipStew
Meads cheats
  • MeadBaseFrostResist
  • MeadBaseHealthMedium
  • MeadBaseHealthMinor
  • MeadBasePoisonResist
  • MeadBaseStaminaMedium
  • MeadBaseStaminaMinor
  • MeadBaseTasty
  • MeadFrostResist
  • MeadHealthMedium
  • MeadHealthMinor
  • MeadPoisonResist
  • MeadStaminaMedium
  • MeadStaminaMinor
  • MeadTasty
Weapon cheats
  • AtgeirBlackmetal
  • AtgeirBronze
  • AtgeirIron
  • Battleaxe
  • Bow
  • BowDraugrFang
  • BowFineWood
  • BowHuntsman
  • KnifeBlackMetal
  • KnifeChitin
  • KnifeCopper
  • KnifeFlint
  • MaceBronze
  • MaceIron
  • MaceNeedle
  • MaceSilver
  • ShieldBanded
  • ShieldBlackmetal
  • ShieldBlackmetalTower
  • ShieldBronzeBuckler
  • ShieldIronSquare
  • ShieldIronTower
  • ShieldKnight
  • ShieldSerpentscale
  • ShieldSilver
  • ShieldWood
  • ShieldWoodTower
  • SledgeIron
  • SledgeStagbreaker
  • SpearBronze
  • SpearChitin
  • SpearElderbark
  • SpearFlint
  • SpearWolfFang
  • SwordBlackmetal
  • SwordBronze
  • SwordCheat
  • SwordIron
  • SwordIronFire
  • SwordSilver
  • Tankard
  • TankardOdin
  • Club
  • Torch
Arrow cheats
  • ArrowBronze
  • ArrowFire
  • ArrowFlint
  • ArrowFrost
  • ArrowIron
  • ArrowNeedle
  • ArrowObsidian
  • ArrowPoison
  • ArrowSilver
  • ArrowWood
Vehicle cheats
  • Cart
  • Raft
  • Karve
  • VikingShip
  • Trailership
Trophy cheats
  • TrophyBlob
  • TrophyBoar
  • TrophyBonemass
  • TrophyDeathsquito
  • TrophyDeer
  • TrophyDragonQueen
  • TrophyDraugr
  • TrophyDraugrElite
  • TrophyDraugrFem
  • TrophyEikthyr
  • TrophyFenring
  • TrophyForestTroll
  • TrophyFrostTroll
  • TrophyGoblin
  • TrophyGoblinBrute
  • TrophyGoblinKing
  • TrophyGoblinShaman
  • TrophyGreydwarf
  • TrophyGreydwarfBrute
  • TrophyGreydwarfShaman
  • TrophyHatchling
  • TrophyLeech
  • TrophyLox
  • TrophyNeck
  • TrophySerpent
  • TrophySGolem
  • TrophySkeleton
  • TrophySkeletonPoison
  • TrophySurtling
  • TrophyTheElder
  • TrophyWolf
  • TrophyWraithTrophyBlob
  • TrophyBoar
  • TrophyBonemass
  • TrophyDeathsquito
  • TrophyDeer
  • TrophyDragonQueen
  • TrophyDraugr
  • TrophyDraugrElite
  • TrophyDraugrFem
  • TrophyEikthyr
  • TrophyFenring
  • TrophyForestTroll
  • TrophyFrostTroll
  • TrophyGoblin
  • TrophyGoblinBrute
  • TrophyGoblinKing
  • TrophyGoblinShaman
  • TrophyGreydwarf
  • TrophyGreydwarfBrute
  • TrophyGreydwarfShaman
  • TrophyHatchling
  • TrophyLeech
  • TrophyLox
  • TrophyNeck
  • TrophySerpent
  • TrophySGolem
  • TrophySkeleton
  • TrophySkeletonPoison
  • TrophySurtling
  • TrophyTheElder
  • TrophyWolf
  • TrophyWraith
Special item cheats
  • BeltStrength
  • Wishbone
  • HelmetDverger
Miscellaneous items cheats (1/3)
  • GlowingMushroom
  • ancientbarkspear_projectile
  • aoe_nova
  • barrell
  • bed
  • bee_aoe
  • beech_log
  • beech_log_half
  • Beech_Sapling
  • Beech_small1
  • Beech_small2
  • Beech_Stub
  • Beech1
  • Beehive
  • Birch_log
  • Birch_log_half
  • Birch1
  • Birch1_aut
  • Birch2
  • Birch2_aut
  • BirchStub
  • blastfurnace
  • blob_aoe
  • BlueberryBush
  • boar_ragdoll
  • BombOoze
  • bonemass_aoe
  • bonemass_throw_projectile
  • bonfire
  • BossStone_Bonemass
  • BossStone_DragonQueen
  • BossStone_Eikthyr
  • BossStone_TheElder
  • BossStone_Yagluth
  • bow_projectile
  • bow_projectile_fire
  • bow_projectile_frost
  • bow_projectile_needle
  • bow_projectile_poison
  • bronzespear_projectile
  • bucket
  • Bush01
  • Bush01_heath
  • Bush02_en
  • CargoCrate
  • CastleKit_braided_box01
  • CastleKit_groundtorch
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_green
  • CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
  • CastleKit_pot03
  • Chain
  • charcoal_kiln
  • Chest
  • CloudberryBush
  • cultivate
  • dead_deer
  • Deathsquito_sting
  • deer_ragdoll
  • DeerGodExplosion
  • DG_Cave
  • DG_ForestCrypt
  • DG_GoblinCamp
  • DG_MeadowsFarm
  • DG_MeadowsVillage
  • DG_SunkenCrypt
  • digg
  • digg_v2
  • dragon_ice_projectile
  • draugr_arrow
  • draugr_bow_projectile
  • Draugr_elite_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
  • Draugr_ragdoll
  • draugr_axe
  • draugr_bow
  • draugr_sword
  • eikthyr_ragdoll
  • dragoneggcup
  • dungeon_forestcrypt_door
  • dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
  • eventzone_bonemass
  • eventzone_eikthyr
  • eventzone_gdking
  • eventzone_goblinking
  • eventzone_moder
  • EvilHeart_Forest
  • EvilHeart_Swamp
  • Fenring_ragdoll
  • fermenter
  • fire_pit
  • FireFlies
  • FirTree
  • FirTree_log
  • FirTree_log_half
  • FirTree_oldLog
  • FirTree_Sapling
  • FirTree_small
  • FirTree_small_dead
  • FirTree_Stub
  • Fish1
  • Fish2
  • Fish3
  • Fish4_cave
  • FishingRodFloat
  • FishingRodFloatProjectile
  • Flies
  • flintspear_projectile
  • ForestTroll_ragdoll
  • forge
  • forge_ext1
  • forge_ext2
  • forge_ext3
  • forge_ext4
  • forge_ext5
  • forge_ext6
  • gdking_Ragdoll
  • gdking_root_projectile
  • goblin_banner
  • goblin_bed
  • Goblin_Dragdoll
  • goblin_fence
  • goblin_pole
  • goblin_pole_small
  • goblin_roof_45d
  • goblin_roof_45d_corner
  • goblin_roof_cap
  • goblin_stairs
  • goblin_stepladder
  • goblin_totempole
  • goblin_woodwall_1m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m
  • goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
  • GoblinArmband
  • GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Attack
  • GoblinBrute_Backbones
  • GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
  • GoblinBrute_HipCloth
  • GoblinBrute_LegBones
  • GoblinBrute_ragdoll
  • GoblinBrute_RageAttack
  • GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
  • GoblinBrute_Taunt
  • GoblinKing_ragdoll
  • goblinking_totemholder
  • GoblinShaman_attack_poke
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
  • GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
  • GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
  • GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
  • GoblinShaman_ragdoll
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
  • GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
  • GoblinSpear_projectile
  • Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
  • Greydwarf_throw_projectile
  • Greyling_ragdoll
  • guard_stone
  • guard_stone_test
  • GuckSack
  • GuckSack_small
  • Hatchling
  • hatchling_cold_projectile
  • Hatchling_ragdoll
  • HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
  • HealthUpgrade_GDKing
  • hearth
  • HeathRockPillar
  • HeathRockPillar_frac
  • highstone
  • highstone_frac
  • horizontal_web
  • HugeRoot1
  • ice_rock1
  • ice_rock1_frac
  • ice1
  • IceBlocker
  • Imp_fireball_projectile
  • iron_grate
  • itemstand
  • itemstandh
  • Leech_cave
  • Leviathan
  • LocationProxy
  • loot_chest_stone
  • loot_chest_wood
  • LootSpawner_pineforest
  • lox_ragdoll
  • lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
  • marker01
  • marker02
  • MineRock_Copper
  • MineRock_Iron
  • MineRock_Meteorite
  • MineRock_Obsidian
  • MineRock_Stone
  • MineRock_Tin
  • MountainGraveStone01
  • mud_road
  • mudpile
  • mudpile_beacon
  • mudpile_frac
  • mudpile_old
  • mudpile2
  • mudpile2_frac
  • Neck_Ragdoll
  • Oak_log
  • Oak_log_half
  • Oak1
  • OakStub
  • odin
  • OLD_wood_roof
  • OLD_wood_roof_icorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
  • OLD_wood_roof_top
  • OLD_wood_wall_roof
  • oozebomb_explosion
  • oozebomb_projectile
  • path
  • paved_road
  • Pickable_Barley
  • Pickable_Barley_Wild
  • Pickable_BogIronOre
  • Pickable_Branch
  • Pickable_Carrot
  • Pickable_Dandelion
  • Pickable_DolmenTreasure
  • Pickable_DragonEgg
  • Pickable_Flax
  • Pickable_Flax_Wild
  • Pickable_Flint
Miscellaneous items cheats (2/3)
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
  • Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
  • Pickable_Item
  • Pickable_Meteorite
  • Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
  • Pickable_Mushroom
  • Pickable_Mushroom_blue
  • Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
  • Pickable_Obsidian
  • Pickable_RandomFood
  • Pickable_SeedCarrot
  • Pickable_SeedTurnip
  • Pickable_Stone
  • Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
  • Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
  • Pickable_Thistle
  • Pickable_Tin
  • Pickable_Turnip
  • piece_artisanstation
  • piece_banner01
  • piece_banner02
  • piece_banner03
  • piece_banner04
  • piece_banner05
  • piece_bed02
  • piece_beehive
  • piece_bench01
  • piece_brazierceiling01
  • piece_cauldron
  • piece_chair
  • piece_chair02
  • piece_chest
  • piece_chest_private
  • piece_chest_wood
  • piece_cookingstation
  • piece_gift1
  • piece_gift2
  • piece_gift3
  • piece_groundtorch
  • piece_groundtorch_green
  • piece_groundtorch_wood
  • piece_jackoturnip
  • piece_maypole
  • piece_sharpstakes
  • piece_spinningwheel
  • piece_stonecutter
  • piece_table
  • piece_throne01
  • piece_walltorch
  • piece_workbench
  • piece_workbench_ext1
  • piece_workbench_ext2
  • piece_workbench_ext3
  • piece_workbench_ext4
  • piece_xmastree
  • PineTree
  • Pinetree_01
  • Pinetree_01_Stub
  • PineTree_log
  • PineTree_log_half
  • PineTree_log_halfOLD
  • PineTree_logOLD
  • PineTree_Sapling
  • Player
  • Player_ragdoll
  • Player_ragdoll_old
  • Player_tombstone
  • PlayerUnarmed
  • portal
  • portal_wood
  • projectile_beam
  • projectile_chitinharpoon
  • projectile_meteor
  • projectile_wolffang
  • raise
  • RaspberryBush
  • replant
  • Rock_3
  • Rock_3_frac
  • Rock_4
  • Rock_4_plains
  • Rock_7
  • Rock_destructible
  • Rock_destructible_test
  • rock1_mountain
  • rock1_mountain_frac
  • rock2_heath
  • rock2_heath_frac
  • rock2_mountain
  • rock2_mountain_frac
  • rock3_mountain
  • rock3_mountain_frac
  • rock3_silver
  • rock3_silver_frac
  • rock4_coast
  • rock4_coast_frac
  • rock4_copper
  • rock4_copper_frac
  • rock4_forest
  • rock4_forest_frac
  • rock4_heath
  • rock4_heath_frac
  • RockFinger
  • RockFinger_frac
  • RockFingerBroken
  • RockFingerBroken_frac
  • rockformation1
  • RockThumb
  • RockThumb_frac
  • root07
  • root08
  • root11
  • root12
  • rug_deer
  • rug_fur
  • rug_wolf
  • sapling_barley
  • sapling_carrot
  • sapling_flax
  • sapling_seedcarrot
  • sapling_seedturnip
  • sapling_turnip
  • shaman_attack_aoe
  • shaman_heal_aoe
  • ship_construction
  • shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
  • shipwreck_karve_bow
  • shipwreck_karve_chest
  • shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
  • shipwreck_karve_stern
  • shipwreck_karve_sternpost
  • shrub_2
  • shrub_2_heath
  • sign
  • sign_notext
  • silvervein
  • silvervein_frac
  • skeleton_bow
  • skeleton_mace
  • Skeleton_NoArcher
  • skeleton_sword
  • Skull1
  • Skull2
  • sledge_aoe
  • smelter
  • stake_wall
  • StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
  • StaminaUpgrade_Troll
  • StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
  • StatueCorgi
  • StatueDeer
  • StatueEvil
  • StatueHare
  • StatueSeed
  • stone_arch
  • stone_floor
  • stone_floor_2x2
  • stone_pile
  • stone_pillar
  • stone_stair
  • stone_wall_1x1
  • stone_wall_2x1
  • stone_wall_4x2
  • stoneblock_fracture
  • stonechest
  • stonegolem_attack1_spike
  • StoneGolem_clubs
  • StoneGolem_hat
  • Stonegolem_ragdoll
  • StoneGolem_spikes
  • stubbe
  • stubbe_spawner
  • sunken_crypt_gate
  • SwampTree1
  • SwampTree1_log
  • SwampTree1_Stub
  • SwampTree2
  • SwampTree2_darkland
  • SwampTree2_log
  • TentaRoot
  • tentaroot_attack
Miscellaneous items cheats (3/3)
  • tolroko_flyer
  • TrainingDummy
  • TreasureChest_blackforest
  • TreasureChest_fCrypt
  • TreasureChest_forestcrypt
  • TreasureChest_heath
  • TreasureChest_meadows
  • TreasureChest_meadows_buried
  • TreasureChest_mountains
  • TreasureChest_plains_stone
  • TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
  • TreasureChest_swamp
  • TreasureChest_trollcave
  • troll_groundslam_aoe
  • troll_log_swing_h
  • troll_log_swing_v
  • Troll_ragdoll
  • troll_throw_projectile
  • tunnel_web
  • turf_roof
  • turf_roof_top
  • turf_roof_wall
  • VegvisirShard_Bonemass
  • vertical_web
  • vines
  • widestone
  • widestone_frac
  • windmill
  • Wolf_Ragdoll
  • wood_beam
  • wood_beam_1
  • wood_beam_26
  • wood_beam_45
  • wood_door
  • wood_dragon1
  • wood_fence
  • wood_floor
  • wood_floor_1x1
  • wood_gate
  • wood_ledge
  • wood_pole
  • wood_pole_log
  • wood_pole_log_4
  • wood_pole2
  • wood_roof
  • wood_roof_45
  • wood_roof_icorner
  • wood_roof_icorner_45
  • wood_roof_ocorner
  • wood_roof_ocorner_45
  • wood_roof_top
  • wood_roof_top_45
  • wood_stack
  • wood_stair
  • wood_stepladder
  • wood_wall_half
  • wood_wall_log
  • wood_wall_log_4x0.5
  • wood_wall_roof
  • wood_wall_roof_45
  • wood_wall_roof_top
  • wood_wall_roof_top_45
  • woodiron_beam
  • woodiron_pole
  • woodwall
  • wraith_melee
Enemies cheats
  • Blob
  • BlobElite
  • Boar
  • Boar_piggy
  • Crow
  • Deathsquito
  • Deer
  • Draugr
  • Draugr_Elite
  • Draugr_Ranged
  • Fenring
  • Ghost
  • Goblin
  • GoblinArcher
  • GoblinBrute
  • GoblinClub
  • GoblinHelmet
  • GoblinLegband
  • GoblinLoin
  • GoblinShaman
  • GoblinShoulders
  • GoblinSpear
  • GoblinSword
  • GoblinTorch
  • GoblinTotem
  • Greydwarf
  • Greydwarf_Elite
  • Greydwarf_Root
  • Greydwarf_Shaman
  • Greyling
  • Leech
  • Lox
  • Neck
  • Seagal
  • Serpent
  • Skeleton
  • Skeleton_Poison
  • StoneGolem
  • Surtling
  • Troll
  • Valkyrie
  • Wolf
  • Wolf_cub
  • Wraith
Bosses cheats
  • Eikthyr: Spawns Eikthyr.
  • gd_king: Spawns The Elder.
  • Bonemass: Spawns Bonemass.
  • Dragon: Spawns Moder.
  • GoblinKing: Spawns Yagluth.
Spawner cheats
  • BonePileSpawner
  • Spawner_Blob
  • Spawner_BlobElite
  • Spawner_Boar
  • Spawner_Draugr
  • Spawner_Draugr_Elite
  • Spawner_Draugr_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
  • Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
  • Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
  • Spawner_DraugrPile
  • Spawner_Fenring
  • Spawner_Fish4
  • Spawner_Ghost
  • Spawner_Goblin
  • Spawner_GoblinArcher
  • Spawner_GoblinBrute
  • Spawner_GoblinShaman
  • Spawner_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
  • Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
  • Spawner_GreydwarfNest
  • Spawner_Hatchling
  • Spawner_imp
  • Spawner_imp_respawn
  • Spawner_Leech_cave
  • Spawner_Location_Elite
  • Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
  • Spawner_Location_Shaman
  • Spawner_Skeleton
  • Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
  • Spawner_Skeleton_poison
  • Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
  • Spawner_StoneGolem
  • Spawner_Troll
  • Spawner_Wraith
28 件のコメント
𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡  [作成者] 2022年3月11日 10時15分 
No worries my friend, about the achievements, there are hundreds and hundreds of people wanting to have this but it's not on their 'priority list' if I can say that. It's quite fun to fiddle and play with the creative mode but to be honest, it gets a bit boring after a while as there are not a lot of building materials/objects you can place down so it feels a bit bland later on.
Samoth 2022年3月11日 9時53分 
I think I understand. Since there are no achiev's yet that's not a worry, I guess :). I just didn't want it to 'act' different if I had enabled or used them. If I do use them I will keep it contained to a unrelated unplayed seed/map. But, thanks for the info!
𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡  [作成者] 2022年3月11日 9時15分 
No, there isn't. It's not like Minecraft where you play survival, toggle on the creative mode and the achievements not counting anymore. Not sure if explained correctly due my language.....
Samoth 2022年3月10日 16時05分 
Nice work. It may be very useful in the future. I still want to finish in Vanilla, but it'd be great to have a seed to simply do creative work. For testing concepts.
* Do you know if enabling the console in any way shows, or is recorded, or matters at all for ongoing vanilla games? *
I prefer not to cause any conflicts, or be subtly 'flagged' as using console commands while playing through it.
𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡  [作成者] 2021年8月8日 9時38分 
evilllie 2021年8月8日 9時37分 
Sweet its been so long since i heard anything about valhiem
𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡  [作成者] 2021年8月8日 7時07分 
Go to your library and search for Valheim.
Right click Valheim and click 'properties'.
Now typ in at 'launch options': -console.
Now start up your world on Valheim and press F5 and write: devcommands.
Kiki is dumb 2021年8月8日 7時04分 
What the heck am I supposed to do if hitting F5 ingame does nothing
𝑾𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑭 ⚡  [作成者] 2021年5月13日 12時29分 
Will be updated in this month.
Skrip 2021年4月6日 15時38分 
Hey Odin's Wholf, have you checked out the SkToolbox mod yet? It makes using the console a much better experience, and enables tab-autocompletion, as well as some additional commands. Feel free to check it out