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Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - All Crystals Challenge - Todas las Pruebas de Cristales
By 🌌Universe Of Gamer🌌
GUIDE/GUIA Blasphemous Strife & Ruin DLC
Guide de Blasphemous Strife & Ruin (Five Crystals)
A small video-guide on how to complete the missions of Blasphemous Strife & Ruin

In these videos (completed in Spanish) you can see the journey to unlock the power of Miriam, official character and protagonist of Bloodstained as a skill in the game.

Tips: It is advisable to have the skill "Tiento to your Thorned Hairs" to be immortal against attacks at the most opportune moments.
Also if you have completed the game in the other difficulties you can use the benefits of these in your favor by equipping these objects in the reliquary
Finally remember, press down + left / right + attack to use the boost in the floating chandeliers.
Guía de Blasphemous Strife & Ruin (Cinco Cristales)
En estos vídeos (completados en Español) podrás visualizar el trayecto para conseguir desbloquear el poder de Miriam, personaje oficial y protagonista de Bloodstained como habilidad dentro del juego.

Consejos: Es recomendable obtener la skill "tiento a tus cabellos peinados" para ser inmortal contra ataques en los momentos mas oportunos.
También si has completado el juego en las demás dificultades podrás usar los beneficios de estas a tu favor equipandote estos objetos en el relicario.
Por ultimo recordad, pulsar abajo + izquierda/derecha + ataque para usar el impulso en los candelabros flotantes.
0º Crystals Location / Localizacion de Cristales
1º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - Intro
2º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - 1º Crystal
3º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - 2º Crystal
4º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - 3º Crystal
5º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - 4º Crystal
6º Blasphemous Strife & Ruin - 5º Crystal + All Dificults Complete + Skins
And funny video / y un video divertido - Beware with BlaspheBug
7º Beware with BlaspheBug
Mentlegen 15 Jan, 2023 @ 3:20am 
Im very very sorry for asking this
my soul will tear from the lanterns
how do I do it :csgo_gg:
Haste`n`Pursuit 1 Dec, 2022 @ 11:47am 
Some tips for the last challenge (without immortality)
1) you can skip first section and get to the 0:45 place by jumping from the first ladder into the hole between spikes (works better if you wont touch the right wall while doing so), then immediately using dodge to gain momentum and jump again, you`ll also need to press jump right after you touch the second platform or you`ll fall from it (I think it`s a bug) (this jump is difficult).
2) 1:05 it`s better not to activate that switch, the platform wont move and it`s easier to jump without dodging scythes.
3) 1:35 standing right in the middle allows to dodge all fireballs from above.
4) 2:24 the meaniest moment of these challenges, you have to run the whole time, scythes are synchronized - so waiting for the first to fully swing right means you`ll jump into the second (Penitent One in this video is very lucky, usually second scythe`s hit means death), you have to jump and run a little after it started to move right.
Sokabe 24 Feb, 2021 @ 4:05am 
how should you know that with the chandelier, and if so where do you learn that?
Snowthicc 21 Feb, 2021 @ 8:42am 
thx <3
Der_Richterrr 21 Feb, 2021 @ 7:52am 
Alright thanks. I play with the Xbox Pad anyway, guess I don't do it at the right time when it comes to ladders. I'll give it a try again soon. Thank you for the videos and the guide !
🌌Universe Of Gamer🌌  [author] 21 Feb, 2021 @ 6:56am 
Finally, comment that the game sometimes also tends to show bugs that damage the gaming experience. In the last video my character got stuck in a wall ... preventing the completion of the 4th glass.
🌌Universe Of Gamer🌌  [author] 21 Feb, 2021 @ 6:54am 
With the xbox PAD, simply by jumping from one ladder to another when I see that the character is about to reach it, I press the "up arrow" of the pad. Playing with jostick is much more complicated since the game when pressing up many times in an inappropriate way the game recognizes left or right and you end up falling.

All this goes into the game mode and the hardware that each person has. The keyboard should also be just as simple I guess
Der_Richterrr 21 Feb, 2021 @ 5:22am 
This is the way I find inconsistent for the ladders. I guess the problem is me then... Or do you spam Up until you get on it ?
🌌Universe Of Gamer🌌  [author] 21 Feb, 2021 @ 5:20am 
Playing with the cross pad of the xbox controller. The cross pad is much more accurate.
Der_Richterrr 21 Feb, 2021 @ 5:02am 
How do you manage to jump from a ladder to another with being 100% sure you won't miss ? Is there something special to do rather than turning violently the left stick in circle ?