DoDonPachi Resurrection

DoDonPachi Resurrection

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2K 1440p ini Settings
By PubLiic
I had issues getting 1440p fullscreen to work, now hopefully you won't.
File Location
Locate your ini file in your steam folder:

\Steam\steamapps\common\DoDonPachi Resurrection\Daifukkatsu.ini

Open it in your editor of choice, I recommend Notepad++
The ini settings that worked for me:
[Daifukkatsu] AspectRatio=1 DispFull=1 DispX=32 DispY=32 DispW=2560 DispH=1440
2K Rotation
If you can rotate your 2K monitor, set zoom to 150%. Hear me out:

PCB runs 1x 320x240
360 runs 2x 640x480
100% runs 4x 1280x960
150% runs 6x 1920x1440

It uses the full width (height) of your monitor, and looks good without smoothing.