Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

172 Bewertungen
General Tips and Boss Info
Von Heza
This guide will give general tips, as well as information on the bosses; such as their weaknesses/resistances and what missions they appear in.
The guide will be updated whenever new and useful information is learned.
Potential spoilers will be marked to make this guide as blind playthrough safe as possible (avoid the "different ways to do missions" and "bosses" sections, both at the end of this guide, if doing a blind playthrough).
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General Tips
  • Missions have a recommended skill level (player level) and a difficulty ranking (represented by the 'sword icons' on the mission tab). Leveling above what's recommended and equipping the best gear you have available will often lower the difficulty ranking of missions.
  • You can see how many locks of hair, hotsprings, etc. a mission has by selecting the mission (select, don’t start!) and hitting R1/RB (controller) or 1 or 2 (default keyboard controls) to view the next page.

  • If you move your cursor around on the map, you might see it turn from a blue circle to red. Clicking when it is red will get you an item!

  • Exhaust NPC dialogue (speak to them until they begin to repeat). Sometimes, you will get an item in return. For example, Tokichiro will often hand over spirit stones if you speak to him enough times.
  • At a certain point in the game, an NPC will state how performing certain gestures at people will get different reactions (NPCs may hand over items). So, try gesturing at any NPC you find!
  • Scampuss (the lil' round cat yokai) can be found hiding in multiple spots during missions. When pet, they will follow you around for a short time, giving you a buff to anima regeneration and attacking enemies on your behalf. You can have multiple of the little scamps following you at once.

  • Obtain prestige from titles when available! Titles are objectives you can work towards throughout the game (kill this enemy x times, deal x amount of dmg, etc.) With each title you complete, you get reputation points. Earn enough reputation to unlock a point of prestige which can be spent on buffs like increased anima charge, gold earned, etc. There are 2 pages (Agyo and Ungyo) so make sure to check both!
  • The dojo offers unique "boss fights" for some of its missions (mainly weapon and onmyo magic/ninjutsu mastery missions). Completing these missions unlocks new skills for that weapon, etc.
  • Astral Wisdom is a stat in-game that determines whether or not you can understand what the yokai are saying. The higher your astral wisdom, the more yokai you can understand. You can increase this stat by acquiring new types of soul cores and by completing missions.
  • Don’t know what a boss/enemy is weak against? Use either corruption or purity!
    Corruption is useful against almost all human enemies
    Purity is useful against almost all yokai

  • When you gain access to your house you can:
    -Change your appearance (character creator and transforming into NPCs you’ve bought from the hidden teahouse)
    - store/remove items directly from the storehouse
    -Create equipment sets/Create character builds
    -View illustrations of enemies and NPCs you met, along with lore information (yokai illustrations have an extra tab that gives info on times fought, their weaknesses, etc.)
    -Remodel your hut (place visitor-cosmetic, set tea utensils, etc.)
    -Check on deliveries (obtain rewards if your benevolent grave was used)

  • When you gain access to the hidden tea house you can:
    -Join a clan: gives a buff depending on what clan you pick (can always change to a different clan)
    -Trade in glory points for items, gear, gestures, etc.
    Glory can be earned by defeating summoned bloody grave revenants, by helping other players via co-op, or by donating items to your clan.
    -Have your tea utensils appraised. The tea utensils can then be placed in your house for buffs to things like luck, gold drop rate/amount, or tea utensil discovery. You can also sell any unwanted utensils for a good bit of gold, or donate them to your clan for a good amount of glory.
Summoning Help
There are two ways to get help during missions, but each method requires you to have ochoko cups.

  • First, you can find and activate a benevolent grave (blue). There are two types of these graves, one where an NPC is summoned (their name is a aqua blue color when looking at the grave) and the other summons a NPC version of another player.
    Some missions will have unique changes/events that occur when you summon an actual NPC over a player, so I recommend summoning the special NPCs when you can!

    **Very rarely some side missions will be locked behind whether or not you summoned a specific NPC or not. The only one I know of that's like this is summoning Yamanaka Shikanosuke in the mission "Scattered Fragments" in order for "A Prayer in the Moonlight” to unlock.

    The amount of ochoko cups required to summon a NPC depends on their level, which is stated on the grave along with the same markers used for the "difficulty" ranking of missions.
    So at the lowest it would cost you a single ochoko cup, and at max you would need to spend 5 to summon a spirit.
    You can only use one benevolent grave at a time. The summoned NPC player will have a bar above their name, and when it completely fills, that summon will disappear when you are not in combat. After they depart, you can use another benevolent grave to summon again.
    Also, when they depart, you will receive anywhere from 1 to 3 righteous jasper.

  • The second way you can summon is via the shrine. Offering an ochoko cup there will allow you to get aid from another player. You can offer 2 cups total, which means co-op with 2 other players.

    You can use a benevolent grave while having a summoned player, but can't use a grave if you have 2 summoned players.

  • Lastly, if you want to place your own benevolent grave for other players to use, then you will need a righteous jasper. which are found as a mission reward or treasure drop.
    Simply use this item, and a menu will pop up, allowing you to change the gestures the NPC version of you uses upon arrival/departure, and let you place the grave.
    You can have up to three benevolent graves placed at a time (not just in one mission either, you can have 3 different graves in 3 different missions).
    **benevolent spirits are not healed by shrines, so if you want NPC you to live longer, equip some onmyo healing magic before placing your grave.

    If your grave was used, then the next time you visit your hut you will get rewards (ochoko cups, glory, and/or righteous jasper) based on how many people NPC you helped, and whether or not NPC you stayed alive until departing or completing the mission with the host.
Torii Gate - Expeditions and Random Encounters

Expeditions are a co-op mode where you can create a room for up to 2 other players to join in and do multiple missions together. While in the room, you can:
  • Select which mission you want to do. Doing a mission in this mode completes it for all players, so if it's one you haven't done yet, don't worry about having to redo it on your own later.
    Once you've completed that mission, it will ask if you'd like to continue the expedition. Doing so allows you to pick another mission you wish to do with your group.
  • Go to your hut. You can do everything at your hut except remodeling and viewing the illustrations/cutscenes for the story.
  • Use the shrine
  • Use the blacksmith
  • Open the select menu to equip new gear, learn new skills, etc.
  • View your companions information (level, skills, etc.)
Basically, you can do nearly everything you could from the game map while in a room.

A few details about Expeditions:

Expeditions are a game mode in where all players who join you are in non-phantom form. They can open chests, talk to NPCs, find kodama, and pretty much do anything you can do.

While in this mode, you will have a bar on the left side of you screen known as the assist gauge. This assist gauge is used for reviving players when they die. Each death removes a chunk of the bar, and when it runs out fully the mission will end in failure and you will have to start from the very beginning. The only time the bar is allowed to run out fully is in boss encounters. So if you make it to the boss and at least one of you survives and wins, the mission is a success.
**You can get some of the assist gauge back by banishing any dark realms in the mission.

Shrines do not act the same way in expeditions. You can still access all the shrine menus like normal, but the shrines no longer act as checkpoints that you can revive back at upon death (reviving players replaces this basically).
Your first visit to a shrine will replenish health and restore any ninjutsu/onmyo magic you used, but any further shrine visits will not (this is per shrine, so you can use the shrine at the start of a mission to regain health, and then use a shrine at the end to regain health).

There are more enemies in expedition mode, and all enemies get a health buff. More enemies equals more of a challenge, but also means there's increased rewards. Also, enemies do not respawn if you use a shrine.

With all of that said, expeditions are a great way to do co-op if you're looking for a challenge or want to play with friends and you both are at the same stage in the game.

Take note though that the amount of glory you obtain in expeditions is lower than what you would get doing missions solo or as a summon. You also do not get umbracite like you would as a summon. So if you're trying to farm those, do random encounters instead.

Random Encounters

Random encounters are a simpler version of co-op. A player uses an ochoko cup at a shrine, and then anyone searching via the torii gate has a chance to join that mission as a summon.
This is a less risky way to do co-op than expeditions, as the shrines are still checkpoints and the number of enemies will not increase when another player is summoned in.

As a summon, you can't search chests, open doors, interact with scampuss, etc.
You can use shrines.

If you're looking to be summoned for a specific mission or by friends only, you can set these things at the torii gate before beginning your search. You can only be summoned to help with missions you've already completed.
Kodama and Sudama
Kodama are friendly lil' dudes you will find scattered throughout most missions (the mission select screen shows if there are kodama, and how many are in that mission).

Finding them can be tricky, but is worthwhile because they offer blessings at the shrines.
These blessings are as follows:
Oracle: increased amrita acquired (25%)
Samurai: equipment drop rate increased (5%)
Yamabushi: soul core drop rate increased (5%)
Healer: elixir drop rate increased (25%)
Hunter: materials drop rate increased (25%)
**the number in () is the max % increase you can get from a blessing

What blessing you go for is up to you, and you can change whichever you have selected at any time when visiting a shrine.
That being said, I recommend that new players use the healer blessing, so you can have a spare stock of elixirs on hand for when you face tough enemies and bosses (you don't want to die and then revive with no healing items left at your disposal, right?).
Once you feel you have enough elixirs stocked up, feel free to switch to another blessing.

If you're having trouble finding kodama in the mission, try equipping a set of gear or guardian spirit that has the kodama sensor skill. This will show the kodama as green dots on your mini-map.
If you're still struggling even with the kodama sensor skill, then I recommend using a guide, such as this one for base game:
OR these for the DLC:
-Tengu's Disciple:
-Darkness in the Capital:
-The First Samurai:

Sudama are similar in appearance to Kodama, but have a different role.
You will find Sudama in varying places in missions, and can approach and talk to them. If your astral wisdom is low, then what the sudama (and any other yokai) says may appear as red gibberish. However if it is high enough, you'll be able to understand them and notice that they are asking for trade.

  • If they ask you to "give them something, anything will do" then feel free to trade whatever item you wish to them. Giving a weapon or piece of armor will get you a random weapon/armor piece in return of the same rarity, along with a lantern plant fruit.
  • If they ask for a "round, smelly thing" hand over either a normal or royal dung ball.
  • If they ask for "something warm" hand over a summoner's candle.
  • Handing over a soul core gives you a chance of receiving a Kodama soul core in return.
  • Handing over items that can be used to hurt spirits (check their description) will anger the sudama and cause them to attack you.
  • Handing over the wrong item when they ask for a specific thing will also make them angry and cause them to attack you.
Nurikabe and Mujina
Nurikabe are yokai 'illusionary walls' so to speak. They can be spotted based on the fact that a wall in game looks like it has eyes that are closed (they also make a 'hm?' noise when approached).

Approaching a Nurikabe will make it open its eyes and leave you with 2 options:
1) fight it so it disappears, or
2) perform a gesture towards it and have it disappear peacefully.

The type of gesture you need to do is different per wall, but you have 3 options: either a good (blue), neutral (yellow), or negative (red) gesture.
You get two tries to get it right, so if the second option you pick turns out to be wrong, prepare for a fight.
Any bloody graves near the wall can give you a hint of what gesture not to do. For example, if the grave says "Leroy was killed by Nurikabe for his neutral behavior", then you know that a yellow gesture is the wrong choice. So picking either red or blue will guarantee success.

Sometimes, you may also find a path that leads behind the Nurikabe. You will know you are behind it because you will see a single talisman on a wall. Removing it will make the Nurikabe disappear.
Mujina are the mimic chests of Nioh, but unlike their Dark Souls counterparts, they are generally much more friendly when you open them.
The Mujina mimic chests can be identified by the 3 metal bands they have (normal chests only have 2).

Opening a Mujina chest will have the yokai spring out, draining all your stamina. It will then laugh and take your form, before performing a gesture towards you.
Using the same gesture the Mujina did will have it bounce happily, before waving and disappearing (leaving the contents of the chest behind).
If you don't want to be jump scared, whistling (gesture) at a Mujina chest will have it come out on its own.
If you perform the wrong gesture, or take too long in acting, the Mujina will get upset and fight you.
**the gesture it performs will always be one of the 9 shown currently in your emote list. So if you were looking at the bottom 9 gestures in the list when you whistled or opened the chest, it will be one of those.
Smithing Texts: Weapons
Smithing Texts allow you to forge a certain weapon or set of armor at the blacksmith. They are random drops from enemies and bosses, so be prepared to farm for these items!

A good way to farm for these skills is as follows:
- raise your luck stat (increases rare drop chances, and smithing texts are exotic items)
-raise your item drop chance
- fight and defeat the boss
- check what loot you get
- if what you want doesn't drop, exit to the title screen (game doesn't auto-save after boss fights)
- fight the boss again (and repeat previous steps if you still don't get the text)

  • Wooden Sword: Tsukuhara Bokuden
  • Bizen Kageyasu: Tsukuhara Bokuden
  • Swift Hawk: Kato Danzo
  • Onimaru Kunitsuna: Enenra
  • Tokagemaru: Imagawa Yoshimoto, Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Udoto: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Kaikunigo: Takeda Shingen
  • Smirkwiper: Shibata Katsuie
  • Starcutter Sword: Obsidian Samurai
  • Azai Ichimonji: Azai Nagamasa
  • Jikkyu Matsutada: Oda Nobunaga
  • Haccho Nenbutsu: Saika Magoichi
  • Sohaya Tsurugi: Kasha
  • Hikoemon Ichimonji: Kasha
  • Odenta Mistsuyo: Maeda Toshiie
  • Raikiri: Shuten Doji
  • Wave Swimmer: Shuten Doji
  • Akechi Chikakage: Shuten Doji, Akechi Mitsuhide
  • Suijingiri Kanemitsu/Water God Slayer: Shuten Doji
  • Mikazuki Munechika: Kashin Koji
  • Dodanuki Masakuni: Kato Kiyomasa
  • Demon's Maw: William
  • Kusanagi Tsurugi: Otakemaru
  • Usumidori: Minomoto no Yoshitsune
  • Dojikiri Yasutsuna: Minamoto no Yorimitsu
  • Dragon Sword: Ren Hayabusa
  • Demon Cutter: Watanabe no Tsuna
  • Kenmyoren: Nightmare Bringer
  • Transient Blade: "Hidetatsu's Dying Wish" (NG+)

    Dual Swords
  • Wooden Dual Swords: Ashikaga Yoshiteru
  • Bamboo Cutter & Bone Feaster: Ashikaga Yoshiteru
  • Sozasamonji Matsukurago: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Udoto: Saito Yoshitatsu, Kamaitachi
  • Fudo Kuniyuki & Yagen Toshiro: Matsunaga Hisahide
  • Regal Lion & Bone Eater: Lady Osakabe
  • Tarobo Kanemitsu & Rapier: Kato Yoshiaki
  • Great Kanehira Sword & Nightingale: Ikeda Tsuneoki
  • Ogo & Nagamei Masamune: Tokichiro
  • Ichigo Hitofuri & Oyako Toshiro: Tokichiro
  • Shokudaikiri Mitsutada & Shinogito Shiro/Candlestick Slicer & Riged Sword: William
  • Shichisei & Heishishorin: Otakemaru
  • Tsuruga Masamune & Hocho Toshiro: Otakemaru
  • Little Crow & Quick Draw: Uminyudo
  • Chi Azamaru: Taira no Kagekiyo
  • Bloodsucker & Spider Cutter: Minamoto no Yorimitsu
  • Beardcutter & Hobbler: Watanbe no Tsuna
  • Kenmyoren: Nightmare Bringer
  • Yamanba's Knives: Yamanba (general enemy)
  • Dual Bloodstained Cleavers: Namahage (general enemy)
  • Daihannya Nagamitsu & Kannagiri/Wisdom Sutra Sword & Plane Cutter: "The Golden Nation (NG+)
  • Basket Blade & Boar Cutter: "The Roaming Artisan" (NG+)

  • Wooden Spear: Hattori Hanzo
  • Hanzo the Demon's Spear: Hattori Hanzo
  • Bonepile Spear: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Torch Spear: Saito Yoshitatsu, Tatarimokke
  • Tombokiri: Honda Tatakatsu
  • Mataza's Long Spear: Maeda Toshiie
  • Ningen Mukotsu: Mori Nagayoshi
  • Realmtaker Spear: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji
  • Red Demon Spear: Daidara Bocchi, Lady Osakabe
  • Vermillion Spear: Maeda Keiji
  • Otegine: Kashin Koji, William
  • Great Halberd of Hihiragi/Great Holly Spear: Otakemaru
  • Sakon's Spear: Otakemaru
  • Great Chidori Spear: Otakemaru
  • Swan Spear: Uminyudo
  • Bishamon Spear: Urabe no Suetake
  • Hayakaze Spear: Ancient Nyotengu
  • Koroka Spear: Koroka (general enemy)
  • Coin Threader: "Hidetatsu's Dying Wish" (NG+)

  • Wooden Axe: Sakata Kintoki
  • Kintaro's Axe: Sakata Kintoki
  • Gozutenno's Axe: Obsidian Samurai
  • Ryomen Sukuna's Axe: Ryomen Sukuna
  • Holy Axe: Shuten Doji
  • Shuten Doji's Club: Shuten Doji
  • Slayer's Axe: Kashin Koji
  • Genno's Hammer: William
  • Demon God Hammer: William, Otakemaru
  • Ame-no-Mahitotsu's Axe: Otakemaru
  • Benkei's Axe: Mysterious Warrior Monk (Benkei)
  • Blessed Vajra Hammer: White Tiger
  • Gojinka Hammer: Nightmare Bringer
  • Ippon-Datara's Hammer: Ippon-Datara (general enemy)
  • Demon's Axe: Yoki (general enemy)

  • Wooden Kusarigama: Shisenin Kosen
  • Shishido Kusarigama: Shisenin Kosen
  • Rotten Rope Cutter: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Kawanami Kusarigama: Hachisuka Kuroku
  • Tobikura Kusarigama: Azai Nagamasa
  • Will-o'-Wisp Blade: William
  • Nightstorm Kusarigama: William
  • Earthfall Kusarigama: William
  • Snowfall Kusarigama: Otakemaru
  • Narukami: Otakemaru
  • Mitsuyo Kusarigama: Nue
  • Suwa Myojin Sickle: Tsuchigumo
  • Fuki Kusarigama: Fuki ('general' enemy)

  • Wooden Odachi: Shisenin Kosen
  • Jiro Tachi: Magara Takamoto
  • Taro Tachi: Magara Naotaka
  • Great Kanemitsu: Saito Toshimitsu
  • Ryomen Sukuna's Sword: Ryomen Sukuna
  • Sekishiu Kazusada: Yamanaka Shikanosuke
  • Kamui: Tokichiro
  • Futsunomitama: Otakemaru
  • The Drying Pole: Otakemaru
  • Black Lacquer Sword: Otakemaru
  • Nene Slayer: Nue
  • Stone Splitter: Usui Sadamitsu
  • Bloodstained Blade: Namahage (general enemy)
  • Bloodspider Blade: Nure-Onna (general enemy)
  • Ippon-Datara's Odachi: Ippon-Datara (general enemy)

  • Wooden Tonfa: Hattori Hanzo
  • White Bone Spirit Tonfa: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Double-Headed Snake Tonfa: Magara Naotaka
  • Twin Dragon Tonfa: Tokichiro
  • Yin-Yang Tonfa: Shuten Doji
  • Seventh Sword Tonfa: William
  • Varja Tonfa: William
  • Sarutobi's Gunsticks: Otakemaru
  • Lost Kingdom Tonfa: Uminyudo
  • Pagoda Tonfa: Lightning Gods of Yomi
  • Searing Bolt Tonfa: Tate Eboshi

  • Wooden Hatchets: Sakata Kintoki
  • Wave Cutter Hatchets: Sakata Kintoki
  • Barbarian's Hatchets: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Urn Splitter Hatchets: Shibata Katsuie
  • Radiant Flame: Tokichiro
  • Iceberg: Shuten Doji
  • Echoing Thunder: William
  • Zenki and Goki: William
  • Sun and Moon Hatchets: Nue
  • Black Rain & Thunder: Tate Eboshi

  • Wooden Switchglaive: Mumyo
  • Black Lotus: Mumyo
  • Seething Dragon: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Raijin's Claw: Tokichiro
  • Evil-Crusher Switchglaive: Shuten Doji
  • Watatsumi's Watch: William, Otakemaru
  • Phoenix Wing: Otakemaru
  • Stone's Bane: Mysterious Warrior Monk (Benkei)
  • Myojin Scythe: Usui Sadamitsu
  • Tate Eboshi's Switchglaive: Tate Eboshi
  • Kiryoki's Switchglaive: Kiryoki (general enemy)
  • Sasayuki: "The Viper and the Butterfly" (NG+)

  • Wooden Splitstaff: Hattori Hanzo
  • Tengu's Khakkhara: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Evil-Crusher Splitstaff: Shuten Doji
  • Tempest Splitstaff: Kashin Koji
  • Varja Splitstaff: Otakemaru
  • Flashfire Splitstaff: Otakemaru
  • Benkei's Splitstaff: Benkei
  • Dragon King Splitstaff: Giant Toad
  • Kobo Daishi's Khakkara: Kukai
  • Kiryoki's Splitstaff: Kiryoki (general enemy)
Smithing Texts: Weapons
  • Wooden Fists: Kato Danzo
  • Tsuchigumo Clawed Fists: Imagawa Yoshimoto, Saito Yoshitatsu
  • White Lotus Fists: Shuten Doji
  • Frost Blossom Clawed Fists: William
  • Raging Fire Clawed Fists: Otakemaru
  • Falcon Claws: Ren Hayabusa
  • Demon Arm Fists: Watanabe no Tsuna
  • Exorcist Fists: Nightmare Bringer
  • Scampuss Fists: Ancient Nyotengu

  • Master Archer's Bow: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Ryomen Sukuna's Bow: Ryomen Sukuna
  • Warrior of the West Bow: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji
  • Tsunonotsuki Bow: Otakemaru
  • Seer's Bow: Otakemaru
  • Five-Man Bow: Uminyudo
  • Raishodo: Nue
  • Marksman's Bow: Urabe no Suetake
  • Fan-Piercing Bow: "The Lost Sword" (NG+)

  • Ravenwing Rifle: Saika Magoichi
Smithing Texts: Head Armor
  • Enenra Mask: Enenra
  • Wild Boar Crest Helmet: Okabe Motonobu ("Imagawa Diehard" mission)
  • Kamaitachi Helemet: Kamaitachi
  • Onryoki Helmet: Onryoki
  • Suwa Myojin Helmet: Takeda Shingen ("The Fallen Star" mission)
  • Dokisai's Helmet: Yamamoto Kansuke (revanent enemy in "The Fallen Star" mission)
  • Coiled Snake Helmet: give Ryunojo 25 dung balls (located in the "Bird in a Cage" mission or the Interim later on)
  • Horned Turban Kabuto: give Ryunojo 30 dung balls
  • Devotional Helmet: Mori Ranmaru (revenant enemy in "The Warrior" mission)
  • Dragon Head Helmet: Mori Nagayoshi ("The Two Faces of Hospitaility" mission)
  • Curious Crown Helmet: Ikeda Tsuneoki ("The Two Faces of Hospitaility" mission)
  • Branded Straw Helmet: Sengoku Hidehisa ("A Message From the Deceased" mission)
  • Shuten Doji Mask: Shuten Doji
  • Ichi-no-Tani Kabuto: Fukushima Masonori ("Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo" mission)
  • Linked Ring Helmet: Katagiri Katsumoto ("Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo" mission)
  • Mount Fuji Helmet: Kato Yoshiaki ("Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo" mission)
  • Black Bear Fur Helmet: Wakisaka Yasuharu ("Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo" mission)
  • Royal Horned Helm: William
  • Golden Sun Helmet: Otakemaru
  • Tengu Visor: Karasu Tengu (general enemy)
  • Women's Face Mask: Nure-Onna (general enemy)
  • Black Fox Mask: Onmyo Mage (general enemy)
  • White Fox Mask: Onmyo Mage (general enemy)
  • Vengeful Spirit Mask: Mitsume Yazura (general enemy)
  • Old Sage Mask: Mitsume Yazura (general enemy)
  • Demon God Mask: Mitsume Yazura (general enemy)
  • Female Demon Mask: Mitsume Yazura (general enemy)
  • Red Kappa Kabuto: Red Kappa (general enemy)
  • Kodama Hat: Complete every Main and Sub Mission in Dream of the Strong or Above
  • Scampuss Hat: Complete every Main and Sub Mission in Dream of the Demon or Above
  • Sudama Skull Hat: Complete every Main and Sub Mission in Dream of the Wise or Above
  • Mumyo's Mask: Complete every Main and Sub Mission in Dream of the Nioh
  • Ugyo Nioh Mask: Complete floor 5 of the Depths of the Underworld
  • Ango Nioh Mask: Complete all 108 Floors of the Underworld
Smithing Texts: Armor
  • Eccentric's Armor: Enenra, Maeda Keiji
  • Shrine Maiden's Clothes: Yatsu-no-Kami
  • Master Archer's Armor: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Merchant's Clothes: Kamaitachi, Saito Yoshitatsu, Tokichiro
  • Genryu's Armor: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Oni Shibata's Armor: Shibata Katsuie
  • Kawanami Clan Armor: Hachisuka Kuroku
  • Tatenashi Armor: Takeda Shingen - "The Fallen Star"
  • Obsidian Armor: Obsidian Samurai
  • Onmyo Warrior's Armor: Saito Toshimitsu,"Restroing Harmony" (NG+)
  • Kohoku Master's Armour: Azai Nagamasa
  • Greater Good Armor: Azai Nagamasa
  • Warrior of the East's Armor: Honda Tatakatsu
  • Vice-Minister's Armor: Oda Nobunaga
  • Yatagarasu Armor: Saika Magoichi
  • Diehard's Armor: Ryomen Sukuna
  • Melefactor's Armor: Matsunaga Hisahide
  • Mataza's Armour: Maeda Toshiie
  • Golden Gourd Armor: Tokichiro
  • Child of the Sun's Armor: Tokichiro
  • Kingo's Armor: Tokichiro, Daidara Bocchi
  • Red Demon Armor: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji
  • Legendary Strategist's Garb: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji, Lady Osakabe
  • Warrior of the West Armor: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji
  • Realmtaker Spear: Daidara Bocchi, Shuten Doji
  • Moonprayer's Armor: Yamanaka Shikanosuke - "A Prayer in the Moonlight"
  • Arrowsbane Armor: Kashin Koji, William
  • Tiger of Higo's Armor: Kato Kiyomasa - "Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo"
  • One-Eyed Dragon's Armor: William, Otakemaru
  • Gallant Armor: William, Otakemaru
  • Sanada's Crimson Armor: William, Otakemaru
  • The Exceptional One's Armor: William, Otakemaru
  • Tosa Governor's Armor: William
  • Yoshiie's Birthright Armor:William
  • Youngblood's Armor: William
  • Kintaro's Armor: Sakata Kintoki
  • Master Swordsman's Attire: Tsukuhara Bokuden
  • Flying Kato's Attire: Kato Danzo
  • Master Swordsman's Armour: Ashikaga Yoshiteru
  • Iga Jonin Apparel: Hanzo Hattori
  • Justice Ministry Armor: Otakemaru
  • Dreaming Demon Armor: Otakemaru (DLC)
  • Legendary Shogun's Armor: Otakemaru (DLC)
  • Benkei's Armor : Mysterious Warrior Monk (Benkei)
  • Great Hachiro Armor: Uminyudo
  • Taira no Kagekiyo: Taira no Kagekiyo
  • Yoshitsune's Armor: Minomoto no Yoshitsune
  • Demon Slayer Armor: Minamoto no Yorimitsu
  • Dragon Ninja Armor: Ren Hayabusa
  • Brave Demon Hunter Armor: Watanabe no Tsuna
  • Scion of Tamura Armor: Urabe no Suetake
  • Samurai Noble's Attire: Fujiwara no Yasumasa
  • Sincere Buddha Armor: Usui Sadamitsu
  • Suzuka's Armor: Tate Eboshi
  • Ancient Vestments: Ancient Nyotengu
  • Kobo Daishi's Priest Vestments: Kukai
  • Sohaya Garb: Sohaya (general enemy)
  • Sohaya Armor: Sohaya (general enemy)
  • Tsuchigumo Attire: Tsuchigumo Ninja (general enemy)
  • Pit Viper's Garments: "Hidetatsu's Dying Wish" (NG+)
  • Wandering Shrine Maiden's Clothes: "The Shrine of Oaths" (NG+)
  • Swallowtail Armor: "The Golden Nation" (NG+)
  • Conqueror's Armor: "The Warrior" (NG+)
  • Imakomei's Armor: "The Scented Letter" (NG+)
  • Blessed Sleeve Armor: "The Lost Sword" (DLC) (NG+)
  • Genmei Onmyo Mage Attire: "The Nine Symbols" (training mission) (NG+)
  • Training Robes: Way of the Warrior: Veteran (training mission) (Dream of the Nioh difficulty)
  • Million Demon Armor: Unlocked through the Boons selection in the Shrine
Boss Skills
Boss skills are unique weapon, samurai, ninjutsu, onmyo magic, and shiftling skills that can only be obtained from certain bosses. These skills are random drops, so be prepared to fight a boss multiple times to get what you want.

A good way to farm for these skills is as follows:
- fight and defeat the boss
- check what loot you get
- if what you want doesn't drop, exit to the title screen (game doesn't auto-save after boss fights)
- fight the boss again (and repeat previous steps if you still don't get the skill)

Boss skills have a chance to drop from the boss in any mission they appear in. Do the quickest/easiest mission they are in to save yourself time when trying to get these skills!

  • Dragon Fang: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • True and Through: Azai Nagamasa
  • Kurama Sword Dance: Minamoto no Yoshitsune
  • Severing Spin: Minamoto no Yorimitsu
  • Izuna Drop: Ren Hayabusa
  • Reverse Impact: Fujiwara no Chikata

    Dual Sword
  • Punish the Proud: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Dragon Claw: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Double-Headed Slice: Tokichiro
  • Ultimate Sign of the Cross: Tokichiro

  • Bracing Breeze: Maeda Toshiie
  • Triple Threat: Maeda Toshiie

  • Spirit Storm: Obsidian Samurai

  • Second Wind: Hachisuka Koroku
  • Water Drop: Hachisuka Koroku

  • Dragon Horn: Saito Yoshitatsu
  • Swirling Snow: Magara Naotaka

  • Storm of Strikes: Hattori Hanzo

  • Deadly Spiral: Shibata Katsuie

  • Windswept: Imagawa Yoshimoto
  • Fleeting Edge: Mumyo
  • Arc of Chaos: Tate Eboshi

  • Roar Power: Benkei

  • Tiger Claws: Ren Hayabusa
  • Izuna Drop: Ren Hayabusa

  • Sacred Bird Cry: Minamoto no Yoshitsune
  • Sacred Bird Flight: Minamoto no Yorimitsu

  • Exorcist Blade: Ren Hayabusa
  • Flame Dragon: Ren Hayabusa
  • Umbral Bullet: Ren Hayabusa

    Onmyo Magic
  • Luminous Blade Talisman: Ashiya Doman

  • Brutal Combustion: Otakemaru (First Samurai DLC), Nightmare Bringer
  • Ferocious Gale: Otakemaru (First Samurai DLC), Nightmare Bringer
  • Phantasmic Burst: Otakemaru (First Samurai DLC), Nightmare Bringer
Stats and Build Info.
A recommended section, this will cover stat info., blacksmith tempering, and some of the possible build types.


Stats affect everything from health to ki, to damage delt with certain weapons.
Here's a list of the stats and what they effect.

  • Body: Health (high), Poison resist (medium); Spear (high), Tonfa (medium), Kusarigama (medium)
  • Heart: Ki (high), Ki recovery speed (medium), Life (low); Sword (High), Dual Swords (medium), Fists (medium?) Odachi (low)
  • Courage: Ki recovery speed (high), Lightning resist (medium), Life (low), Onmyo power (low); Tonfa (high), Axe (medium), Hatchets (medium), Splitstaff (medium?)
  • Stamina: Equipment weight (high), Life (medium); Axe (high), Odachi (medium), Hatchets (low)
  • Strength: Ki pulse (medium), Life (low), Equipment weight (low); Odachi (high), Fists (high?), Sword (medium), Spear (medium), Dual Swords (low), Axe (low), Kusarigama (low), Splitstaff (low?)
  • Skill: Ki pulse (high), Life (low), Ninjutsu power (low); Dual Swords (high), Hatchets (high), Sword (medium), Spear (medium), Kusarigama (medium), Switchglaive (medium)
  • Dexterity: Ninjutsu power & capacity (high), Poison resist (medium), Paralysis resist (medium), Life (low); Kusarigama (high), Tonfas (low), Fists (low?)
  • Magic: Onmyo power & capacity (high), Life (low); Switchglaive (high), Splitstaff (high)

For more detailed stats info. I recommened checking out this link:

Remember stats are not set in stone. If you ever want to try out a new build, or feel a few areas could use improvement/changes based on your playstyle, you can easily reallocate stats by using a Book of Reincarnation.

Blacksmith Tempering

Tempering gear at the blacksmith allows you to change the special effects on your armor/weapon. This allows for a wide range of varying builds you can create. Rather than listing out every single effect that can be gained/changed, I'm just going to leave a link to a Google doc of the temper table created by some amazing people over on Reddit.


Nioh 2 builds can be very versatile, and honestly it all falls down to what your preferred playstyle is when it comes to creating a build. The most important thing to consider for a build is what weapon and skills you plan on using, so you can adjust stats appropriately.
Ultimately You should just go with what feels good or fun to use.
For example, I mainly played through Nioh 2 using the tonfa in high stance and onmyo magic, so my build involved high courage and magic, and wearing armor tempered with abilities that increased tonfa damage and whichever element I was using at the time (usually lightning). I also unlocked and upgraded the skills in the tonfa tree that were for high stance and damage output, generally ignoring the trees for low and mid stance.
Here are some images from sets I have made, as well as what my current build is for more of an example.

Past Builds:


So, given how varying builds can be (a build list could seriously be an entire guide on its own), I'm just going to leave a few links here from different sites on some of the builds that exist. If anyone has other good sources for builds then please share away in the comments!

Also throwing in a link to youtuber/streamer FightinCowboy's playlist of Nioh 2 guides and builds, since he gives some pretty in depth info. on different builds:
Different Ways to do Missions
Some missions have slightly different outcomes based on what you do (mainly just the mission completion text changes and you may receive a slightly different reward). Here are the missions I noticed had different ways to do them:

  • "The Shiftling's Wise Judgement" - there are 3 different outcomes for this mission:
    -side with (talk to) Hachisuka Koroku and fight Shibata Katsuie
    -side with (talk to) Shibata and fight Hachisuka
    -side with neither of them (don't talk to either of them) and fight them both

    **In order to do the side mission "Restless Spirits" you must side with Shibata for this mission, and then gain his help in the main mission "Pervading Waters." Shibata will now appear in the Interim.

  • "Immovable" - two options here: either kill the NPC at the end (the one when spoken to that only says "...") or perform the 'relax' gesture near the NPC.

  • "Abduction" - two options here: the first is to summon the NPC Lost Shotaro and bring him with you to the last area of the mission. The other option is to ignore his benevolent grave and fight all the enemies at the end.

  • "A Prayer in the Moonlight'' - the mission summary text may differ depending on whether or not you summon the NPC and they are alive at the end of the mission. The NPC will give you dialogue at the end of the mission at the very least (if summoned and still alive).

    **It is required that you summon Yamanaka Shikanosuke in the mission "Scattered Fragments" in order for "A Prayer in the Moonlight" to unlock.
Enemy Weaknesses & Resistances
In this section I'll be listing all the common enemies you will come across, and what their weaknesses and resistances are.

Some general weakness rules of thumb:
Corruption - good for humans
Purity - good for Yokai
Fire - weak to Water, sometimes Lightning
Water - weak to Fire, sometimes Lightning
Lightning - weak to Fire, sometimes Water

To make things easier to follow, here is how things will be categorized:
Enemy name || W: weaknesses || R: resistances

  • Humans || W: usually Corruption || R: varies
  • Gaki || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Yoki || W: Purity, Paralysis || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Enki || W: Paralysis || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Ippon-Datara || W: Water || R: Fire, Corruption
  • Kappa || W: Lightning || R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Dweller || W: None || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Nurikabe || W: None || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Oni-bi || W: Varies based on the element || R: Varies, Corruption, Poison
  • Skeleton Warrior || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Yamanba || W: Lightning, Paralysis || R: Corruption
  • Waira || W: Poison || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Paralysis
  • Mitsume Yazura || W: None|| R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Nure-Onna || W: Lightning || R: Fire, Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Toxic Slime || W: Fire, Purity || R: Water, Corruption, Poison
  • Aberrant Soldier || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Karakasa Umbrella || W: Fire || R: Water, Corruption, Paralysis
  • Magatsu Warrior || W: Purity || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption
  • Biwa Boku-boku || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Mujina || W: None|| R: None
  • One-eyed Imp || W: None || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • One-eyed Oni || W: None || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Onyudo || W: Varies based on the element || R: Varies, Corruption
  • Wheelmonk || W: Water || R: Fire, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Flying Bolt || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Karasu Tengu || W: None || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Rokurokubi || W: Purity || R: Fire, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Red Kappa || W: Fire || R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Snowclopse || W: Fire || R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Koroka || W: Water || R: Fire Corruption
  • Ubume || W: Lightning, Purity || R: Fire, Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Tesso || W: Fire, Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Lesser Umi-bozu/b] || W: Fire, Purity || R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Spider || W: Purity || R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Namahage || W: None || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Kiryoki || W: Paralysis || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Nuppeppo || W: Lightning || R: Fire, Water, Purity, Poison, Paralysis
  • Bakegani || W: Lightning || R: Water, Corruption, Paralysis
  • Underworld Soldier || W: Purity || R: Corruption
  • Hellish Hag || W: Purity || R: Corruption
  • Yasha || W: Lightning || R: Water, Corruption
  • Oboroguruma || W: Fire || R: Corruption, Poison
  • Fox Spirit || W: Purity || R: Fire, Corruption
  • Itsumade || W: Purity || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Konaki-Jiji || W: Purity|| R: Corruption
  • Kinki || W: Fire, Water, Lightning, Purity || R: Corruption
  • Fuki || W: Purity || R: Lightning, Corruption
  • Suiki || W: Fire, Purity || R: Water, Corruption
  • Ongyoki || W: Purity || R: Corruption
  • Harinobo || W: Fire, Purity || R: Corruption
Bosses - Part 1
Here I will be listing all the bosses that appear in Nioh 2 (including the DLCs), along with their resistances/weaknesses and all the missions they appear in.

To make things easier to follow, here is how things will be categorized:
Boss name || "Mission"sub category (chapter) || W: weaknesses || R: resistances
Missions for each boss will be listed in order from first encounter to last. Twilight missions are always listed last.
The sub categories are as follows:
SM = side mission || OSM = "online" side mission || TM = Twilight mission || m = boss appears as a normal enemy/mini-boss in that mission || DLC = was a dlc mission
**Even when not stated, it’s safe to assume that a yokai boss will be weak to purity, and any human boss will be weak to corruption.
***For the “human” enemies, the weaknesses/resistances listed are just guesses based on my own observations.

  • Mezuki || "The Village of Cursed Blossoms" (Awakening), "The Refined Man of the Underworld"SM (Dawn), "The High-Spirited Demon"(Twilight), "The Golden Castle" (Dream), "In the Eye of the Beholder"m (Afterglow), "Eternal Rivals" (Tengu's Disciple)DLC, “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC, "The Violet Cherry Blossoms"TM || W: Fire || R: Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Gozuki || "The Village of Cursed Blossoms"m (Awakening), "A Voice in the Twilight"SM (Awakening), "The Refined Man of the Underworld"SM (Dawn), "The Golden Castle" (Dream), "Cherry Blossom Viewing in Diago"m (Dream), "In the Eye of the Beholder"m (Afterglow), "Wave of Terror"OSM (Afterglow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Water || R: Fire, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Enenra || "The Beast Born of Smoke & Flames" (Awakening), "Okuni's Search"SM (Twilight), "The Golden Castle" (Dream), “Battle at the Temple”SM (First Samurai)DLC, "Traces of the Raging Blaze"TM || W: Water || R: Fire, Corruption, Poison
  • Yatsu-no-Kami || "The Vipers Sanctum" (Awakening), "The Golden Castle" (Dream), "Calamity's Pulse"OSM (Afterglow), "In Search of the Elixir"SM (First Samurai)DLC, “The Bewitching Tower”TM || W: Lightning || R: Water, Corruption, Poison
  • Imagawa Yoshimoto || "The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama" (Soaring), "Imagawa Diehard"SM (Soaring) || W: Corruption, Poison?, Paralysis? || R: Purity, Lightning?
  • Kamaitachi || "The Mysterious One Night Castle" (Soaring), "Blood on the Wind"TM || W: None ||
    R: Lightning, Corruption , Poison
  • Onryoki || "The Hollow Fortress"m (Soaring), "The Golden Nation"SM (Shadow), "Stray Cats"SM (Twilight), "Dawn of Hope"SM (Afterglow) || W: Water, Confusion || R: Fire, Corruption, Poison
  • Saito Yoshitatsu || "The Hollow Fortress" (Soaring), "The Point of No Return"SM (Shadow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption, Poison?, Paralysis || R: ?
  • Shibata Katsuie || "The Shiftling's Wise Judgement"SM (Soaring), "Ruin Draws Near" (Twilight), "Restless Spirits"SM (Dream), "Wave of Terror"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Poison (human & yokai forms), Paralysis (human) || R: Fire (yokai form)
  • Hachisuka Koroku || "The Shiftling's Wise Judgement"SM (Soaring), "The High-Spirited Demon" (Twilight), "Japanese Heart, Yokai Smarts"SM (Dream) || W: Lightning? || R: ?
  • Tatarimokke || "A Way Out" (Shadow), "The Island of Monsters"TM || W: Fire, Purity ||
    R: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Magara Naotaka || "Corpses & Ice" (Shadow), "The Brothers' Blades"SM (Shadow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Fire || R: ?
  • Obsidian Samurai (Yasuke) || "A Formal Match"SM (Shadow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Lightning
  • Saito Toshimitsu || "The Chinese Bellflower Dager"OSM (Shadow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Azai Nagamasa || "Bird in a Cage" (Shadow), "Yaksha Returns"SM (Dream), "The Cursed Castle Ruins"TM || W: Lightning?, Poison || R: ?
  • Honda Tadakatsu || "Horns on Head, Dragonfly in Hand"SM (Shadow), "The Trustworthy"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis || R: Lightning
  • Oda Nobunaga || "The Demon King's Blade"SM (Shadow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis || R: ?
  • Gamo Ujisato || "The Child Prodigy's Invitation"OSM (Shadow) || W: Corruption ||
    R: Purity
  • Saika Magoichi || "Pervading Waters" (Dawn) || W: Corruption, Poison, Paralysis? || R: ?
  • Gyuki || "Pervading Waters" (Dawn) || W: None || R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Kasha || "The Frenzied Blaze" (Dawn), "The Golden Castle" (Dream), "The Dream's End"SM (Dream), "The Defiled Sanctuary"TM || W: Water || R: Fire, Corruption, Paralysis
  • Ryomen Sukuna || "The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno" (Dawn), "Restoring Harmony"SM (Dream), "Wave of Terror"OSM (Afterglow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC, "Mountain of the Dark Lord"TM || W: Red side - Water, Blue side - Fire; Both sides - Lightning, Purity, Poison || R: Red side - Fire, Blue side - Water; Both sodes - Corruption, Paralysis
  • Matsunaga Hisahide || "Master of the Three Evils"SM (Dawn) || W: ? || R: ?
  • Maeda Toshiie || "Ruin Draws Near" (Twilight), "Mataza of the Spear"SM (Dream) ||
    W: Corruption, Poison || R: Paralysis?
  • Tokichiro || "The Two Faces of Hospitality" (Twilight), "Cherry Blossom Viewing in Diago" (Dream) || W: Disrupt him from using amrita (can't buff himself), Corruption || R: Fire, Lightning
  • Daidara Bocchi || "The High-Spirited Demon" (Twilight) || W: Fire || R: Water, Lightning, Corruption, Confusion, Poison, Paralysis
  • Shuten Doji || "The Mausoleum of Evil" (Dream), "Calamity's Pulse"OSM (Afterglow), “The Revelry Ends”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, "Wings of the Phoenix"TM, “The Mystery of Rashomon”TM || W: Poison || R: Fire, Corruption
  • Lady Osakabe || "The Golden Castle" (Dream) || W: Purity || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Maeda Keiji || "The Bravest of the Brave"SM (Dream) || W: Corruption || R: ?
  • Kashin Koji || "Cherry Blossom Viewing in Diago" (Dream) || W: ? || R: ?
  • William || "The Blue-eyed Samurai" (Afterglow), “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC ||
    W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Sakata Kintoki || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow), “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC ||
    W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Tsukahara Bokuden || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Shisenin Kosen || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Kato Danzo || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Ashikaga Yoshiteru || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Hattori Hanzo || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow), "The Trustworthy"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Mumyo || "Winds of Ruin"OSM (Afterglow) || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Otakemaru ||"In the Eye of the Beholder" (Afterglow), "Calamity's Pulse"OSM (Afterglow), "Dawn of the Demon" (First Samurai)DLC, “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC, “Rivals Return”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Purity || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Confusion, Poison, Paralysis
Bosses - Part 2
    Tengu's Desciple DLC
  • Mysterious Warrior Monk (Benkei) || "A Song to Calm the Storm" (Tengu's Disciple), "Soul of the Warrior Monk"SM (Tengu's Disciple)DLC, “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC ||
    W: ? || R: ?
  • Uminyudo || "A Song to Calm the Storm" (Tengu's Disciple)DLC || W: Fire || R: Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison
  • Nue || "Shadows Dream in Kurama"SM, (Tengu's Disciple)DLC, "Palace of the Damned"m (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, "Darkness Brewing"TM ||
    W: Water || R: Lightning, Corruption, Poison
  • Taira no Kagekiyo || "The Lost Sword" (Tengu's Disciple)DLC, "The Tale of the Taira"SM (Tengu's Disciple)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Minamoto no Yoshitsune || "Eternal Rivals" (Tengu's Disciple)DLC, "Bond of the Blade"SM (Tengu's Disciple)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Fire?

    Darkness in the Capital DLC
  • Minamoto no Yorimitsu || "Suzune in the Flames" (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Tsuchigumo || "The Blighted Gate" (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: Fire || R: Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Giant Toad || "The Buddha's Palm"SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: None ||
    R: Water, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • White Tiger || "Palace of the Damned" (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: None ||
    R: Lightning, Purity, Poison, Paralysis
  • Ashiya Doman || "Palace of the Damned" (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, "A Storm in the Underworld"SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: Corruption? || R: ?
  • The Lightning Gods of Yomi || "Palace of the Damned" (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, "A Storm in the Underworld"SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC, “Against all Comers”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Purity || R: Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Ren Hayabusa || “The Dragon Clan”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Watanabe no Tsuna || “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC ||
    W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Urabe no Suetake || “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC ||
    W: Corruption ||R: Purity
  • Fujiwara no Yasumasa || “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC ||
    W: Corruption || R: Purity
  • Usui Sadamitsu || “The Demon Slayers”SM (Darkness in the Capital)DLC ||
    W: Corruption || R: Purity

    The First Samurai DLC
  • Tate Eboshi || "Dawn of the Demon" (First Samurai)DLC, “Battle at the Temple”SM (First Samurai)DLC, “Rivals Return”SM (First Samurai)DLC, "The Cradle of the Demon"TM || W: Purity || R: Corruption
  • Nightmare Bringer || "A Distant Dream" (First Samurai)DLC, “A Familiar Glow”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: ? || R: Fire, Water, Lightning, Corruption, Poison, Paralysis
  • Ancient Nyotengu || “The Alluring Ancient”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: None ||
    R: ?
  • Fujiwara no Chikata || “A Spirit’s Return”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption ||
    R: Purity
  • Kukai || “Undying Light”SM (First Samurai)DLC || W: Corruption || R: Purity
16 Kommentare
Heza  [Autor] 19. Juli um 18:28 

- removed fextralife links
- added a weaknesses/resistances section for common enemies
-added a missing mission that had multiple ways to complete it

I most likely WILL NOT BE UPDATING this guide ever again after this. The most you may see is added missing info (if any) and maybe some grammar/spelling corrections.

I will not be adding any new sections, links, etc. from this point on!
Succubutt 3. Juni um 6:41 
Thank you for the informative guide miss ma'am, much appreciated c:
Succubutt 3. Juni um 6:41 
Scampuss, my love!
TerunagaTV 27. Dez. 2023 um 13:14 
it's a good guide but delete all the fextralife links, they are view botting to hell and back and bans anyone who question them.

recently they stopped streaming entirely on twitch because they had to remove embedding from their sites. and they never update their site either if there are new content or changes!

very bad site to be quoting.
UnNamedBlade 10. Nov. 2023 um 0:38 
Just something I noticed about the Mujina, the gesture they use isnt limited to the top nine slots. its limited to the nine slots currently shown, so, if you move down to the bottom of the gesture menu and leave it there the Mujina will use any of those nine
VaalStaix 4. Jan. 2022 um 16:00 
Thanks a lot sir.
Heza  [Autor] 4. Jan. 2022 um 12:58 
Final, Final Update (hopefully):

Added a stats & build list section.

Just want to make it clear though, that since Nioh 2 builds can be very versatile and varying, the section on builds is mainly compromised of links to other sources that include info on different builds you can do.
If there was a specific build you were looking for or thinking of, then I highly recommend asking about it either in the steam discussions or on another site like reddit, etc. Someone else will probably be able to give you a better answers on builds than I can, as I only really focused on builds for the tonfa, and they were not 'optimal' builds, just composed of skills I preferred using.

Hope what info I did include in the section helps though!
VaalStaix 3. Jan. 2022 um 15:08 
Please make a build list sir thanks.
Heza  [Autor] 3. Jan. 2022 um 12:40 
Final update:

Hey everyone! I finally got around to adding the "smithing texts: armor" section to the guide (way late, I know, sorry about that). And with that, I am officially done adding to this guide. Edits may be made, but only to add missing items or fix incorrect info. that already exists within the guide.

Thank you all for the awards, ratings, and favorites! I hope this guide continues to be helpful to players, new and old!
VaalStaix 2. Jan. 2022 um 16:03 
Thanks a lot man.