Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

116 평점
Map Names [C*M*]
Møx™ 님이 작성
Hi Welcome to my first guide!
In this guide I will show you the map names for all the campaigns in Left 4 Dead 2
즐겨찾기 해제
Dead Center
Dead Center
MAP C1M1 - The Hotel
MAP C1M2 - The Streets
MAP C1M3 - The Mall
MAP C1M4 - Atrium Finale
Dark Carnival
Dark Carnival
MAP C2M1 - The Highway
MAP C2M2 - The Fairgrounds
MAP C2M3 - The Coaster
MAP C2M4 - The Barns
MAP C2M5 - The Concert
Swamp Fever
Swamp Fever
MAP C3M1 - Plank Country
MAP C3M2 - The Swamp
MAP C3M3 - The Shantytown
MAP C3M4 - The Plantation
Hard Rain
Hard Rain
MAP C4M1 - The Milltown a
MAP C4M2 - The Sugar Mill a
MAP C4M3 - The Sugar Mill b
MAP C4M4 - The Milltown b
MAP C4M5 - Town Escape - Milltown Escape
The Parish
The Parish
MAP C5M1 - The Waterfront
MAP C5M1 - The Waterfront - sndscape
MAP C5M1 - DarkWaterFront
MAP C5M2 - The Park
MAP C5M2 - The Park (dark)
MAP C5M3 - The Cemetery
MAP C5M3 - The Cemetery (dark)
MAP C5M4 - The Quarter
MAP C5M4 - The Quarter (dark)
MAP C5M5 - The Bridge
MAP C5M5 -The Bridge (dark)
The Passing
The Passing
MAP C6M1 - The Riverbank
MAP C6M2 - The Underground (bedlam)
MAP C6M3 - The Port
The Scarifice
The Sacrifice
MAP C7M1 - The Docks
MAP C7M2 - The Barge
MAP C7M3 - The Port
NO Mercy
No Mercy
MAP C8M1 - The Apartments
MAP C8M2 - The Subway
MAP C8M3 - The Sewer
MAP C8M4 - The Hospital - interior
MAP C8M5 - The Rooftop
Crash Course
Crash Course
MAP C9M1 - The Alleys
MAP C9M2 - The Truck Depot Finale
Death Toll
Death Toll
MAP C10M1 - The Turnpike - caves
MAP C10M2 - The Drains - drainage
MAP C10M3 - The Church - ranchhouse
MAP C10M4 - The Town - mainstreet
MAP C10M5 - The Town Boathouse Finale - houseboat
Dead Air
Dead Air
MAP C11M1 - The Greenhouse
MAP C11M2 - The Crain - offices
MAP C11M3 - The Construction Site - garage
MAP C11M4 - The Terminal
MAP C11M5 - The Runway Finale
Blood Harvest
Blood Harvest
MAP C12M1 - The Woods - hilltop
MAP C12M2 - The Tunnel - traintunnel
MAP C12M3 - The Bridge
MAP C12M4 - The Train Station - bran
MAP C12M5 - The Farmhouse Finale - cornfield
Cold Stream
Cold Stream
MAP C13M1 - Alpine Creek
MAP C13M2 - South Pine Stream
MAP C13M3 - Memorial Bridge
MAP C13M4 - Cut/Throat Creek
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댓글 13
Freshman 2024년 11월 1일 오전 8시 10분 
moxy games is my favorite map
Rusty777 2024년 9월 30일 오후 12시 22분 
Dude you are totally awesome, thumbnail artists are thanking you.
cralo 2024년 6월 10일 오후 4시 28분 
Charles Ulysses Manning :btd6thumbsup:
WiseArkAngel 2023년 3월 30일 오전 3시 01분 
β¡ղɦʑ109 2022년 10월 29일 오전 8시 13분 
noice :steamthumbsup:
ɪᴀɴɴ 2021년 2월 6일 오전 6시 21분 
InZane 2021년 2월 3일 오후 3시 37분 
It's all fun and games until you realized that you missed a map. Heres the link to it.
Texture of Micheal 2021년 2월 2일 오전 9시 20분 
yup its realy noiceee i need my medic bag
Møx™  [작성자] 2021년 2월 2일 오전 8시 53분 
ty dallas and ressam