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[NEW] 100% Achievements in 15 Minutes Guide - 404Sight
By Buskola
A step-by-step guide on how to 100% the the game in less than 15 minutes.
Following The Speedrun Guide from top to bottom is the best effort to 100% the game.
The Speedrun Guide section features 13 of 19 achievements, but you will unlock the remaining 6 in the process. If for some reason you don't - those are explained in Other Achievements section.

[Left Mouse Button] - Ping ON/OFF
[Right Mouse Button] or [SHIFT] - Dash
The Speedrun Guide
Tutorial Triumphant - Finish the tutorial to get this one.

Data Cap - Start level 2 and make sure your Bandwidth Level is below 50% (use Dash or walk through red spots to lower the Bandwidth Level) and then wait for 35 seconds.

Bring Watcher - Start level 5 and make sure your Bandwidth Level is above 50% (you might wanna load it by walking through green spots) and then wait for 40 seconds.

Deus Ex Machina - Start level 7 and destroy 5 inhibitors (falling objects) by dashing into them. Stay at this level to get the next 2 achievements.

Connection Bounced - While still being at level 7, jump 10 times total.

Repeat Offender - While still being at level 7, die 3 times by getting your Bandwidth Level to 0% (easiest done by getting close to an inhibitor with your Ping ON).

Power User - Start level 8 and make sure your Bandwidth Level is full and then wait for 60 seconds. Stay at this level to get the next achievement.

Dial-Up Denizen - While still being at level 8, walk through red spots for a total of 15 seconds. The best effort for this is loading your Bandwidth Level on green spots to 100% and then walk through red spots to lower your Bandwidth Level. Repeat this several times while avoiding death.

Gigabit Guru - Start level 10 and keep running through green spots for 24 seconds total.

Prims - Start level 12 and run through the map until 42 inhibitors total fall off the sky. The best effort for this is rush close to the finish line and fall off the map. You will respawn at the checkpoint on some sort of a 'bridge' and then take your left and run towards finish line again, but just fall off the map again and repeat. While repeating, keep track of all fallen inhibitors count. As soon as you make 42 (total) inhibitors fall, just cross the finish line. (NOTE: You have to finish the level to unlock this achievement).

DDOS - Start the LAST LEVEL and repeatedly click [Left Mouse Button] 50 times. Stay at this level to get the next 2 achievements. (NOTE: This achievement can be obtained on other levels too and there is a possibility you have already unlocked it)

Why Would You Do That? - Stay at the LAST LEVEL and press [H] on your keyboard. (NOTE: This achievement can be obtained on other levels too and there is a possibility you have already unlocked it)

Internet Saved - Stay at the LAST LEVEL and simply finish it.

Other Achievements
NOTE: This achievements are already unlocked if you followed The Speedrun Guide.

Speed Test - Use dash.

Speed Is King - Use dash 10 times.

I Missed - Fall off the map.

404 Flight - Fall off the map 4 times.

Packet Loss - Die due to running out of Bandwidth (walk through red spots until you die).

Common Carrier - Have your Ping OFF for 40 seconds.

TashuDaCashew 26 Jan, 2022 @ 9:15pm 
Thank you! I was struggling
@leo 1 Oct, 2021 @ 12:19pm 
Helped me out, thanks!
Buskola  [author] 18 Jun, 2021 @ 2:06pm 
Glad you liked it!
A Ninja After Lewds 16 Jun, 2021 @ 8:07pm 
Thanks for the guide