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dragon's Duelist
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Class Mods: New Class
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23 jan 2021 om 8:21
20 nov 2023 om 23:07
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dragon's Duelist

“Inadequacy gives birth to aspiration- and desperate longing.”
The Duelist is a high dodge low hp frontliner. She specializes in movement skills, debuffs, and consistent damage- and has riposte and guard to back her up. She is weak to dots and her resistances are fairly low- especially her deathblow resist.
Keep her hp high or you could lose her in an instant!

Combat Skills:

Blade From the Blue
- o o o | o o o o
Forward 1, -10% damage
Deals bonus damage while stealthed and/or in low light situations.

- - o o | o o o o
-100% damage
A debuff skill that impairs the target’s dodge while raising your own.
Also ignores/removes stealth and riposte.

- - o o | o o - -
-70% damage
A debuff skill meant to reduce the effectiveness of one enemy- it only last for one round but effectively stops the target from hitting your team. The debuff only lasts one round, so it’s only good for one enemy attack.
Ignores and removes riposte.
Can be paired with stun to keep an enemy locked down, since it does not cause or suffer from stun recovery buffs!

- - o o | o o o -
-30% damage, Bleed
This highly accurate attack can also bleed the target.

- - o o | o o - -
Back 1, Stealth
This attack moves you back and stealths you, but be wary- it cannot be used while already stealthed!
Also buffs your speed; and your dodge too if you’re in low light.

On Guard
o o o o | n/a
Guard Ally, +dodge on self
This serves as a ‘panic button’- guard an ally while ensuring you’re less likely to be hit yourself. It only lasts for 2 rounds (so 1 effectively).

Come At Me
o o o o | n/a
Riposte, Mark Self
What is a duelist without a riposte? This is a fairly bland riposte, but it lasts longer than most- look to the trinkets if you want to spice up your riposte game.

Other Info:
  • Religious? - No
  • District: Training Ring
  • Trinkets: 9 total, including CC, CoM and SI.
  • Camping Skills: Yes
  • Name: Kasey

  • English
  • Korean - LAmumu with support by S.Iris
  • Russian - benz0_bear
(also thanks to S.Iris for making placeholder strings for every language!)

  • dragon - design lead, funder, coder
  • Dismas - art
  • 54nbb - animation
  • MetalGy - Disarm tfx
  • Ouroboros-art - trinket art
  • Retrograded - design help, balance help, technical help

Special thanks to the Darkest Dungeon discords!

Please don’t upload my mods elsewhere without my permission, thank you!
105 opmerkingen
dragon  [auteur] 19 mei 2024 om 11:53 
Silent Service 21 jan 2024 om 14:07 
hyped for the watcher
dragon  [auteur] 14 jan 2024 om 8:39 
nah I consider that a fruitless effort because redhook could just use that name as well, maybe in dd3/beyond
plus Kasey got here first!!!!!

side note Watcher had animations now but I ran into issues trying to get the tooltips to display properly and then got distracted from dd1 modding again
Blu_Ni 13 jan 2024 om 20:45 
At least Sahar promotes this mod via proximity. I heard her DD1 mod port is steadily approaching. It'll be funny to have two Duelists... although are you thinking about renaming Kasey's class?
dragon  [auteur] 6 jan 2024 om 8:04 
like a skin of the dd2 character? sure I guess? there's probably some people making full mods of the dd2 duelist who'd appreciate the art more than I would, though- but they might already have some (the runaway was backported independently and I think this is the goal of project iron crown)
but generally skins can be placed over other mods without messing with their files, so it should be fine
Y. Valerunner 6 jan 2024 om 8:00 
Would you mind if I tried to make a DD2 Duelist skin for this mod? I'd rather get your permission first
dragon  [auteur] 19 dec 2023 om 4:30 
Do you mean stalling? It's not labeled as a stall invalidating skill.
Hitting is actually not relevant afaik, you just need to use skills the game deems as capable of killing. Disarm doesn't deal much damage, and if it was marked as stall invalidating it would make stalling even more trivial than it is.
k1k2k1k246 19 dec 2023 om 4:15 
in my test,Disarm won't stop the reinforcement,it won't be counted as a hit like other skills,maybe is a bug.
MLBlue 8 nov 2023 om 23:37 

Also their duelist seems more similar to The Thorn...
dragon  [auteur] 8 nov 2023 om 22:25 
They probably didn't even know the Duelist existed.
Fun random mod lore fact, there was a VERY infamous mod called Runaway that never released, before the DD2 Runaway.
From what I gather, Duelist appeared in the community showcase due to the community moderators having authority over that, not the devs personally picking.
And if we modders could blacklist names by using them, they'd be struggling at this point.

Also if Red Hook bought anything from me I'd prefer it be code related! :P
like either c# or c++, although I've have to brush up on my c++ for sure, so there's definitely a lot more qualified people out there