106 ratings
Guide to removing filters - making this game look good again
By pinpondasher and 1 collaborators
Do yourself a favor and enjoy the pixels!


(TW: smoothening of beautiful pixel art🤢🤢🤢)

Which files to remove
To remove the filtering you'll have to mess with the game files.
For me the game files are located here:
S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GRANDIA HD Remaster

  1. Delete all .tpk files inside the content\BATLE folder (5 in total)
  2. Delete the pgmdt_pgmdt__spriteinfo.bin file inside the content\BIN folder (1 in total)
  3. Delete all spriteinfo.bin files inside the content\FIELD folder (1434 in total)

If you plan on reverting the changes for some weird reason you can always right click the game in your Steam Library and click "Verify Integrity of Game Files" files to redownload the missing ones. Imagine creating backups pff.

Your BATLE, BIN and FIELD folders should contain 2665 files after this process:

How to access the config.ini
After this you may head to
(just type/paste it into your windows explorer and hit enter)
Inside this folder you'll find config.ini which you can edit with whatever editor you like.

Set the "video_antialiasing" variable to 1 to disable AA to prevent graphical glitches.

If you'd like you can also set the resolution to 4:3 WHICH the launcher doesn't allow for some reason! (Probably because they couldn't be arsed to remove the blurry edges from the fmvs LOL)

someone let me know that you don't need to modify the config.ini file if you're just looking to change the resolution:

Originally posted by Albus Percival Dumbledore:
Thanks for the guide, really appreciated.

Just a small note, you don't need to modify the config.ini file if you're just looking to change the resolution. You can manually erase and type in the resolution you want via the pre-launch settings and it'll work.

To achieve this just set the X and Y video resolution variables to your desired resolution, e.g.:
video_resolution_x=1280 video_resolution_y=960

nvidia GPUs btfo
If you're not on an AMD GPU you might encounter graphical glitches on black textures.

But fret not, some dude in the comment section found a solution for that. Added edits for it!

As to why it's only affecting NVIDIA GPUs is currently unknown.

I've played through the entire game on a NVIDIA GPU (RTX 3070) so I've encountered the glitches on the black textures which got kinda bad at some parts. Here's how bad it can get:

You don't encounter them on AMD GPUs as far as I'm aware (tested on RX 580) so if you can't run the game on AMD GPUs you're out of luck.

IMHO the game looks infinitely better without the filters that I'm willing to take that con but in the end it's up to you to decide!


According to DkZ in the comments it might be worth a try to to set the game to energy saving mode to remove the texture errors on NVIDIA GPUs:

Originally posted by DkZ:
I found a way to make it work without texture errors on Nvidia gpus, I don't know it's running on nvidia card, but it worked. as the game does not require a powerful gpu, intel integrated cards work without a problem.
1. Just go to the windows settings and look for: Graphics Settings and add the game executable.
2. in options you switch from high performance mode to energy saving.
that way when I opened the game it was without the errors in the dark textures.
apparently it works, at least for me.


According to Scouali in the comments there's a way to get rid of the flickering:

Originally posted by Scouali:
For Nvidia users who don't want to remove the filter on the terrain to avoid weird flickering but still want to remove it from sprites, you can follow the guide but just dont touch the "maps__spriteinfo.bin" files from the "field" folder.
That way all the terrain will still have the filter applied to it so no flickering but the sprites should be ok.
Credits and Speedrun Discord
Big thanks to jblackan for figuring out all this filter removal business Link to original thread

Did I mention that this version is the best one for Speedrunners since it's the fastest one? There's also some cool PC-specific bugs which only drive the fastest possible time even lower!

Link to the Grandia Speedrunning discord for those who're interested in learning the HD Remaster exclusive Glitched any% category run: Discord invite[]

Enjoy this game! =)
Disclaimer that's conveniently placed at the bottom of the guide even though it's kind of important information!!
love yourself, take care
MushyOnion 10 Oct @ 8:54am 
I'm using an NVIDIA card and was able to resolve the visual glitches by going to the Graphics Settings in Windows (11) and setting Grandia to "Power Saving". This runs it using Integrated Graphics.
THE3NDER 8 Aug @ 11:03pm 
"you absolutely could see the pixels if your TV wasn't a piece of shit"
No shit. It was never as crisp as modern screens though. CRTs impart a level of blur no matter how good it is which is well documented online. LTT has even done a video on it and I'm fairly certain they know what they are talking about. Most people had middle quality TVs were playing on a maybe 20" screen at up to 480i. That's smaller than most PC monitors in use today.

"Or to phrase it another way, furry avatar: opinion disregarded."
If you disregard a person's opinion based on their avatar you have some logical issues you need to work on and are generally an a-hole.
Rusty 4 Aug @ 5:27am 
Thank you so damn much, you absolute legend! I was about to refund this version when I stumbled across this guide!
Siris the Viris 31 Jul @ 1:15am 
I just got this port and I am wildly unimpressed. I applaud your effort to remove the filter from the textures but I have an NVIDIA GPU and it causes other issues. The 16:9 implementation just cuts off part of the screen as well. This game runs MUCH better on DuckStation. The Sega Saturn version with an English patch is even better and supports widescreen as well with action replay codes.
Luciann 14 Apr @ 11:17pm 
Thank you so much for this!!!
Bill 30 Mar @ 2:12pm 
Meadow, you absolutely could see the pixels if your TV wasn't a piece of shit. Quit being disingenuous just to appear superior. Or to phrase it another way, furry avatar: opinion disregarded.

Anyways, thanks to the OP for the guide, smoothing is ott on a lot of these modernised versions of game and it's almost always to the game's detriment. Really appreciate the work you put into making this, it'll allow me to play this as I remember it from multiple rentings in the now long distant past. All the best!
TurboHorror 24 Mar @ 6:15am 
First thanks to OP for the guide, looks crispy AF now. Then a little addition to to the fix of the graphical glitches on black when using NVIDIA.

If you're using desktop PC and try to switch the game to use Integrated graphics, you probably have to enable it from BIOS/UEFI. Atleast this was the case with my setup. Otherwise Windows won't/can't use Integrated Graphics for the Power saving mode. I'l link a video (not mine) below how to enable Intel Integrated Graphics on an ASUS mobo.
Meadowbrook 17 Mar @ 4:28pm 
You know that back in the day we didn't see the individual blocky pixels, our old TVs had such a shit resolution it essentially did the exact same thing the filters the devs added to Grandia HD do, lol. I have no idea why the kids these days are obsessed with the stupid ass pixels.
Nautilus88 15 Jan @ 12:09pm 
Can we get a step further and replace the mirrored sprites with the ones used in the saturn version? I hate to see Justins sword changing from right to left shoulder while changing walkong directions. The same with Sues purse....
pinpondasher  [author] 1 Aug, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
@the ones who're happy with the fix
I'm so glad this little guide helped you with your Grandia experience! Enjoy!

Sorry I can't help you, haven't taken a look at this thread in a WHILE. lmao
Hopefully your issues resolved themselves. If that's not the case and you still want to play Grandia with this fix, feel free to add mile_man and he'll try to help.