Night of the Full Moon

Night of the Full Moon

39 ratings
How to fix game breaking bug
By Aryath
If your game is unplayable, because enemy sprites are shown incorrectly and enemies' turns are slow and sluggish, then you need to change your date / region format to English.
Changing the date / region format in Windows 10
If your game is unplayable, because enemy sprites are shown incorrectly (only feet are visible), enemies' turns are slow and sluggish, and bosses have way too much HP, then you need to change your date / region format to English.

Albeit being in German, I hope these following screenshots may help you find the correct setting if you are using Windows 10.

After restarting the game, everything should work as intended.
Dark Hex 28 Mar, 2022 @ 8:12am 
@epic gamer moment not your system just the date and time works my windows 7 cannot change system language but can swap dat and time language and that worked click on the date in the lower right corner of the task bar choose the option to change date and time format there set that to english boom you arer done
Dark Hex 28 Mar, 2022 @ 8:08am 
@The mysterious Trixie your weird computer accuponcture worked! (I call it accuponcture because stick a needle in a foot and your headache will be gone sounds like change your date and time region and the graphic glitch goes away!)
Lettuce 17 Mar, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
@The Misterious Trixie nope, not working
The Misterious Trixie 21 Dec, 2021 @ 1:18am 
Hey, I've figured out the actual thing that causes problems: it's not "Regional settings", but the way US region handles date/time formatting.

In most countries/regions current date appears like this: "DD.MM.YYYY" or "MM.DD.YYYY", doesn't matter. What matters is separation symbol. In USA date is formatted like this: "MM/DD/YYYY" and this difference screwes the game over: the hame looks for "/" symbol to use as a number separator, but cannot find it, so it gets confused and stuck.

TLDR: If you can change your date/time format to USA, it would be sufficient (no need to change the whole system region: that stuff requires rebooting you PC, after all — and that's not convenient at all). And if you are — like me — running Windows 7, changing system region without changing the date/time formatting won't do you any good in solving this problem.
Deso 17 Nov, 2021 @ 10:38am 
The best guide for the game is about fixed a gamebreaking bug. Who would have thought.
The guide itself works.
erty 8 Sep, 2021 @ 11:25pm 
Change my SYSTEM settings for a Game? Are you nuts?
dinoaurus 23 Apr, 2021 @ 5:10am 
i literally cant change my language settings from recommended (finnish) to finnish (finnish)
Sakubo 31 Mar, 2021 @ 4:22am 
Not work too me
都怪这月色 30 Mar, 2021 @ 9:44am 
Nice guide!
Bombertrebor 17 Mar, 2021 @ 1:10pm 
this is an big help but this bug should still go