Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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11 janv. 2021 à 6h41
14 janv. 2021 à 19h02
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More Title Elective Laws

Dans 1 collection faite par cat
The Ultimate Crusader Kings 3 Mod Collection
50 objets
Added custom Title Laws for further options to match your own style of play.

Elective Laws Added

1. Aristocratic Law
  • Nobles are gathered upon from every part of the de jure title realm to elect the best qualified individual from a ruling class to succeed the current ruler. Decision of the Nobles from all dependent realm will be represented by the [ruler|E]'s de jure title [vassals|E]. The more developed counties held the more nobles who can vote.
2. Totalitarian Law
  • This title law increases all vassal levy contribution by 15%, feudal government tax by 20%
    and other more buffs. However General opinion is greatly decreased and varies on every types.
3. Prætorium Imperium Law
  • Title law from Ancient Rome, this title focuses on military background being able to muster a great army. Downside is it lacks the ability to properly maintain and govern its domain resulting to decreased domains to hold.
4. Aedile Imperium Law
  • Inherited from the great Roman Empire, this title is granted for stewards to govern cities and states keeping it well supplied and happy. Having its manpower focused on infrastructural works the army size has been diminished but are still able to defend without its full power.
5. Consul Imperium Law
  • Being a great empire means to have a Great Consul to govern the states. With the study of how to appease vassals and the entrustment of holding more vassal to aid is always a great addition to any states.

Supported Version: 1.2.2 (Argent)

Ideas, suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
14 mars 2021 à 14h15
army size cap
24 commentaires
cat  [créateur] 15 févr. 2022 à 18h59 
@Anti4iteR: Thanks for the heads up.
Anti4iteR 14 févr. 2022 à 3h02 
Hey! I have updated your mod to version 1.5 and added Russian localization:
spargbotu 2 aout 2021 à 5h48 
Guys , please help. How do i get a title (empire tier) to have elective sucesion? deicison? tech? i drives me crazy, it is nowere
Dave the Wave 2 12 juin 2021 à 8h43 
Is it possible to add the HRE election law? So you can create a second HRE for instance just with a different empire title.
Nibbes 19 mai 2021 à 8h17 
Maybe add some elections for more militaristic republics or knights? Basically, only nobles and knights/commanders can vote. If the religion has priest as commanders they can vote as well. Or appoint positions among themselves. Maybe make more unlanded titles for them. Give the Norse reformed pagans their own version of a "samurai"/warrior class. Generals/commanders can be appointed to border territories, cities, and places with high unrest. They need to bring back baron titles which would be good for majority of positions you point warrior class too. Basically they police realm
OwnGoal99 2 mai 2021 à 13h31 
Is it possible to have an Elective Monarch law like Tanistry that allows the candidates only be from the ruling dynasty?
jglennv1 11 avr. 2021 à 3h16 
I love your mod but I think it is broken a little. I have ruler from other counties in my elections.
Caedwyn 14 mars 2021 à 14h13 
cat  [créateur] 30 janv. 2021 à 7h16 
Maybe he can look into it as it may be integrated within the games mechanics
XJ-9 23 janv. 2021 à 11h23 
Ah, I see. Could there be a way to fix that issue or does the more game rules developer have to look into that?