Battlestations: Midway

Battlestations: Midway

Submarine challenge 3 Walktrough
Walktrough for submarine challenge 3 - Coup de Grace
This is very hard mission if you don't know what to do. But keep calm, with my strategy it's pretty easy to beat. We will get gold medal in this mission, and of course destroy not only USS Enterprise, but every single godda*n ship, and we will do that without loss of single submarine. Ready? Let's get started.

Repelling first wave
Surface your submarine and set course for Enterprise. Enemy will send 1 PBY Catalina and 3 TBF Avengers armed with depth charges to intercept you. Focus on Catalina, when it's 1 mile away from you, start shooting her with your AA pea shooter.

Next, shoot down the Avengers to get revenge for damage they dealt to you. After shooting them down, take care of PT boat rushing at full throttle at you, also using AA gun.

Note: aim at the top left corner of the target frame to hit it effectively, as shown on the picture above.

Gilmer and Denver
After destroying the PT boat time to get interested with destroyer Gilmer heading on you from west. Dive to level 2 and perform head - on attack. Wait until he's 0.2 miles away from you and make him absorb your torpedoes. 2 is eneugh to sink him, homever feel free to give him more if you really want to.

Next let's fulfill secondary objective by sinking USS Denver.

She performs some crazy as* sh*t dodges, so approach close to her and lodge four torpedoes to put the ship under the sea.

(Farewell, Denver)

Finishing USS Enterprise
Approach gently to USS Enterprise. Try to lure out the PT boat that is ner him. You can use map to determine when it starts rushing you.

When it takes the bait, punish it with AA gun.

Then, proceed to sink DeHaven. Same procedure as with Gilmer, head on attack, and put her to sleep. This will accomplish secret objective.

Now, when the destroyer is no more you can freely surface, there is no need now to stay underwater. The Enterprise will start fleeing in terror, but your submarine is faster than her. Deal with last PT boat

and then, Enterprise is all alone. She can't fight back at you, so it's more execution now than a real fight. Approach her freely and lodge all torpedoes you have to her hull.

As soon as Enterprise is taken down, mission ends. Congratulations!