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物种国度/Species Countries
Autor: Jrant
Engilsh localization is available now 此版本为公测版本,更新频率暂定为一周一次 内测版本为每天一次 已兼容1st Liberation Manual:The Empire in fallen 已兼容Warship Girls R And MIST Species 物种国度Mod旨在于探索解决群星目前种族同质化严重的方法。通过给每个大类物种进行专属特质锁定,来达到区分不同物种的效果。在游戏过程中,凸显不同物种特点的功能为物种国度。相应物种只有在相应的物种国度才能发挥最大效...
Autor: 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...
!! 00 FW 无尽群星框架 [已废弃]
Autor: seven
Get renewed version here Click on this Link Infinite Stellaris Modmenu and Framework 无尽群星MOD设置面板 如果你喜欢我的mod请务必 点赞 收藏 奖励! 排序参考/ Suggested Load Order 0-!...
Upgraded to Ver. 3.0.* ,I don't know whether it's really activated and run correctly for I didnt play this game for a long time. If you meet any bug, leave me a message. ...
Ancient Cache of Technologies
Introduction Panada's Work Summary of 3.12 Super Update can be read here. Ancient Cache of Technology explores the stories of the ancient enigmatic precursors, including the Curators, the Fallen Empires and those that came before them. Behind their history...
Coop: Start in Teams
Autor: Persepheus
finally updated for 3.8 Thanks @ Snownova for finding a fix Please tell, if something else does not work Added some Vassal features. It's not much, I want to do it right with a complete rework, but that may cost some time... For now you can: - Set Slot 2-1...
Fleet Transfer Mod
You have an outdated, extra fleet and you don’t know where to put it, and disband or modify is stingy? Your vassals suffer from internal feuds or external threats and they lack the fleet, and to solve their problems yourself - laziness? You want to covertl...
More Events Mod
Autor: Malthus
COMPATIBLE with Stellaris 3.14.* Are you looking for more action and interesting events to show up while you are doing your day to day enslaving and conquering business? If, like us, you find the mid to late game a little lacking of interesting diversion, ...
More Origins Mod
Autor: Malthus
This mod adds multiple new origins to the game, most of which are once per galaxy and may appear in randomly generated ai empires if all conditions are met. List of content: by Malthus: A House Divided You start out with your two starting colony targets al...
Precursor Story Pack
Autor: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible There was an ancient civilization before us... this is their story. This mod adds 3 precursor stories written by the community members. This is ...
Archaeology Story Pack
Autor: XVCV Stellaris v3.9.* Compatible A year ago, there was a contest to make archaeology event mod in my community. This mod is made as a reward for the contest. It adds 19 archaeol...
Expanded Stellaris Traditions
Currently non-maintained, see link for alternative version/h1] I currently do not have the time to maintain this mod as thoroughly as I would like. An update may happen in the future, but in the meantime consider this alternative version of it being mainta...