163 ratings
Android 21 Combos
By Pravix
This guide shows all the basic combos you can do with Android 21
7 8 9 ↖ ↑ ↗
4 5 6 ←N→
1 2 3 ↙ ↓ ↘

L= Light attack

M= Medium attack

H= Heavy attack

S= Special

DR = Dragon Rush

SD= Super Dash

J= Jumping (Meant to describe performing the following notation while in the air.

JC= Jump Cancel, (jumping right after imputing an attack to cancel the ending of the attack and go directly into another attack faster)

J2H meaning performing the down heavy attack while airborne)

DHC= (Delayed Hyper Combo) Calling in your assist to do a super attack.

FAD= Forward Air Dash, dashing forward mid air

IAD= Instant air dash, rapidly dashing as soon as you jump in the air

Combo 1
5L, 5L, 2M, 5M, JM, JL, JL, J2H, SD,
JM, JL, JL, J2H, JCL, JL, JS, 236S, L/M,
VANISH, 66 (run), 5L(Wif), 5L, 5L, SD
Combo 2
Your Air Combo Here - J214S, L/M,
VANISH, 236S, JL, JL, JS, 236S L/M
This is great if you have no assists and need to get your powers. Just make sure the combo isn't too long otherwise they'll drop out.
Combo 3
236S, S, M, VANISH, 5L, 5L, 5L, SD, JH
J2H, JCL, JL, JL, JS, 236S, S,
M, ASSIST, 236S/ 214S, M/L, ASSIST
M, SUPER 3 or 1, DHC, DHC
TOD Combo
This one is a rather tricky one to perform but it's a TOD which means "TOuch of Death"

It's a combo that kill a character on full health

The combo goes as followed:

2M > 5M > jM > jM >214M > Sparking Blast > 2M > 5M > jM 2H > jLLS > 214M >assist1 > jMS > jMS 214M > assist2 > 2S 236S-L > Vanish Dragon Rush > 214S >236L+M> assist1 > 214assist2

SanBluX 3 Jul, 2024 @ 10:44am 
Gracias Hombre:slimetabby:
Glitch_ink 20 Aug, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
add me on steam
Splatboy0612 13 Feb, 2023 @ 12:29am 
Thanks man
Somalae 25 Dec, 2022 @ 9:07pm 
ayo that image tho :flushed:
MrMatterzz 26 Sep, 2022 @ 2:07am 
I didn't test the other two combos but the fist combo does way to little damage. it barely cracks 4000 dmg, you can just start it with 2M skipping first 2 5L and it will do way more dmg
Ayashimi 19 Sep, 2022 @ 7:27pm 
Thanks so much from this combo guide
RikiBDGD 3 Feb, 2022 @ 12:44am 
these combos kinda sussy i not gonna lie bruh :bbtagyu:
Raven 3 May, 2021 @ 11:19am 
Now I know what people mean when they say 2M. Thank you.
CANUTO 2 May, 2021 @ 8:38am 
dylanisonfire 15 Jan, 2021 @ 6:38pm 
Thank you SO MUCH for the definitions; I can now begin to actually understand things now :demoticon: