Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Freelancer Marie
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4. Jan. 2021 um 20:13
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Freelancer Marie

so when Marie was younger, but before she was inducted into the ranks of the NSS by Cuttlefish, both her and her cousin were on a boating trip with their uncle. unfortunately for them they went on a trip at the worst time, as a terrible storm struck their boat and left Marie adrift at sea. now you'd think she would disintegrate in the water but this Marie is from a universe in which inklings and octolings don't "expire" when they touch water, and can drown like humans. so after being adrift at sea for long enough to be halucinating, she was picked up by unlikely saviors. The Salmonids, of all things, "rescued" her from what would have been a watery grave. They wanted to keep around this strange white eyed child, that drifted to them from the sea. She stayed with her "saviors" for years until she was an adult and was able to travel back to the mainland (either Inkopolis or Octo canyon/valley), but when she got their she was met with a rusted wasteland. turns out in her absence the world went to ♥♥♥♥ and everyone tried to kill eachother, ironically the most savage of beings, the Salmonids, were the most civil in the end. Well Marie was accustomed to the "garbage" everywhere as she grew up around Salmonids, and set about scrapping things and making stuff. That gave her something to do and think about while she tried to figure out what actually happend to the world she left behind. One day she found the remains of the only home she knew of, and all the memories of what happend on that day came flooding back. She broke and fully turned into a Warmonger, being half Locator and half Tactician (orange and yellow, I think those are the names but I dont have my book with me right now). Marie stayed in her world a while longer until she sensed someone else, someone like her. She ventured forth into the ruins of the old world and found someone she thought she lost. She had met face to face with Freelancer Callie how came to the world looking for anything that could help her growing "business" and instead found a new business partner. Freelance Marie, still clinging onto belief that her Callie was still alive, rushed into the arms of F. Callie. She was disheartened to hear that she was not her Callie, but instead one of a vast infinity of other Callie's, just as she was one of many Marie's. Marie, wanting to cling onto what little she had of both her old life, and Callie, joined F. Callie in the Freelancer group. F. Marie wears a mask that at first was her only way of breathing the harsh air of where the Salmonids lived, but later after she turned it was repurposed into a "dispencer" for special chemical concoctions that either act as adrenaline and can temporarily numb pain if inhaled, or as a supressent that can help cool ones mood (effectively you get high, like weed in vapor form). one of the gasmask filters is the adrenaline, the other being the "weed vapor".