Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

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Entire Timeline Explained (LORE)
From the ancient civilisations and Greek gods to the vikings & pirates. This is a comprehensive breakdown of the entire timeline thus far.
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An @ symbol has been added below due to STEAM censoring what they think is a derogatory use of the word in question. There is a lot more information that I have purposefully removed due to the fact that a lot of content that is associated with the franchise is of ambiguous canonicity. So therefore, all the content listed below is canonically accurate, accepted and approved throughout all the media attached to this franchise.
Origins of The ISU:
The Isu are an ancient and highly advanced species of humanoid beings who were active on Earth during the eponymous era several millennia before the rise of even the most ancient human civilizations. The Isu are responsible for the creation of the Pieces of Eden, powerful artifacts and weapons that augmented their already superhuman abilities, as well as forming the human race itself.

Due to their long and storied history, and the legacy that their existence left, the Isu, as a species, were known by various names to humanity. Classified H@mosapiens Divinus by Abstergo Industries, they were also interchangeably referred to as Those Who Came Before, the First Civilization, or the Precursors.

The Anglo-Saxon branch of the Order of the Ancients compared the Isu to the Archons in Gnostic religion or Nephilim from the Biblical mythos. Beyond this, certain groups of Isu, such as the Capitoline Triad, the Æsir, and the Isu Authority in Eden, were believed by most human religions to be a part of a pantheon of gods.

Their history shrouded in mystery, the Isu ruled over Earth roughly 77,000 years ago, before they were largely wiped out, alongside their human creations, during the Great Catastrophe. By that point, the Isu had been in a decade long war with a human rebellion led by two hybrids, Adam and Eve, who sought to free humanity from servitude to their "gods".

Following the Great Catastrophe, the Isu population rapidly declined to the point of near extinction within the century, but their legacy would live on for thousands of years through myth and legend, becoming the focal point of many human religions, whether polytheistic or monotheistic.

Further still, those Pieces of Eden that survive the Great Catastrophe also influenced early man’s development and eventually became a pivotal desire for both the Templar Order and the Brotherhood of Assassins, who waged a war of their own for control of the Pieces, and by extension humanity’s future.
Instruments of The First Will:
The Instruments of the First Will, also known as the Juno cult, was a secretive polytheistic religious organization who worship the First Civilization as their deities. A Sage, a reincarnation of Juno's Isu husband Aita, has often held a prominent position within the Instruments of the First Will.

A collective secret society that draws members and resources from within both the Templar Order and the Assassin Brotherhood, their primary mission was to revive their Isu deities, most notably Juno, and allow them to rule the world in deference to mankind's origin as a First Civilization slave race.

The Instruments of the First Will became an enemy in common between the Assassins and the Templars whose brief alliance in August 2018 to counter the Instrument threat is thought to have dismantled the cult when Juno's "Resurrection Day" was undone and the Isu was assassinated. However, Assassin historian Shaun Hastings has since spoken of the Instruments in the present tense.

The exact origin of the Instruments of the First Will is unclear. Juno herself had begun amassing followers among her own people before the Great Catastrophe. Former Abstergo Industries employee Sebastian Monroe spoke of the cult around 2016 and pointed out that the rumors held that the Instruments of the First Will were a secret faction from within the Templar Order.

Assassin historian Shaun Hastings theorized in 2020 that there may be a connection between the Instruments and the Order of the Ancients, the Isu-worshipping precursor of the Templars, due to their common reverence of the First Civilization as well as sharing much of the same theology and philosophies. Shaun even went as far as to point out the fact that the Instruments of the First Will are far more likely to be a proper reincarnation or successor of the Order of Ancients than the Templar Order.

During the First World War:

In 1916, a war nurse, who was a member of the cult, and her associate were taking soldiers’ blood in "odd looking cubes" for an unknown purpose. Winston Churchill recommended to the British Assassin Lydia Frye to silencing her and her associate, which the Assassin did. Another member, a spy, was detained by the British Military in the Tower of London. He started making fanatic claims about the Assassin's Brotherhood, so Churchill suggested it would be in Lydia’s best interests to silence him. He eventually broke out and tried to escape. Lydia sneaked into The Tower of London and tricked the guards into murdering him.

After ridding much of the spies’ strongholds and weapons, Lydia eventually tracked down the spies to their main hidden hideout. After she killed the German Templar spies, the Master Spy appeared and began to battle her while "calling out" to his beloved. After a short fight, he was forced to escape by using a flash grenade and flew to the cult's main stronghold. At the Stronghold, the Master Spy had all of his followers burn up all of their things relating to Juno or the Isu. After catching up to the Master Spy surrounded by his followers in a Stronghold, she killed them all. Churchill thanked her for this service to Britain.

Infiltrating Abstergo:

In operation around 2013, one of the Instruments of the First Will's primary agents was head of Abstergo IT, John Standish, who was also a Sage. During his time at the Abstergo Entertainment office in Montreal, John distributed the collective's manifesto throughout the building via quick response codes on sticky labels. John provided the Assassins with intel through a research analyst. He also got the analyst to hack into confidential folders regarding Abstergo data regarding the Precursors and Templars.

However, Abstergo got wind of the hackings and detained all of the research team. John Standish, not wanting to expose himself, reassures Melanie Lemay, the acting head of the Sample 17 Project, that he would find the hacker within a week's time. Meanwhile, he gets the research analyst to go to the main servers to wipe out evidence of the hackings. His true intentions were to provide Juno, now a digital being, with the research analyst's body so as to transfer her essence into.

Juno was weak from being in the servers and was not strong enough to shift her essence into the analyst's body, thus foiling John's plans and enraging him. He went insane, exposed himself as a Sage and injected a non-lethal amount of poison into the analyst. John was killed by the Abstergo security team and the analyst eventually recovered from the poisoning.

Foundations & Memberships:

Being an religious organization that holds a strict supremacist view of the Isu, the members of the Instruments of the First Will believe that humanity should submit to and worship the First Civilization once more. Their primary purpose is the release of Juno's essence from her imprisonment and create a new body for her essence to inhabit and re-enter the physical world. At most times, a high-ranking member of the cult is often a Sage. Examples of these are John Standish or The Master Spy.

Religious Belief System:

Unlike the Templar Order or the Assassin Brotherhood, who both view the Isu as an extremely advanced precursor species to humanity, the Instruments instead view the Isu as deities to be worshiped. Their theological beliefs are similar to the zealous views of the Order of the Ancients. The Instruments of First Will wish to take over the world so as to turn humanity into slaves for the First Civilization.

They believe that the First Civilization, particularly Juno, will establish a New World Order by which all of humanity will live progressively and happily under her absolute rule. The members of this cult are often very fanatical. Examples of this are Heinrich Hart's suicide bombing, which killed 170 people, in the name of Juno. While their primary goal has always been to revive Juno into a physical vessel so as to allow her to take over the world. It is still speculated that they also wish to resurrect other members of the Isu race as well. Despite these speculations, in one of the breach memos, it did state that they would revive the Isu race as well.

The Pieces of Eden:

Juno has commissioned her followers to find various Pieces of Eden so as to use them for her ultimate goal. The Instruments of the First Will have infiltrated Abstergo Industries, the Templar Order and various Assassin Cells, so as to get close to the Templars' and the Assassin's Pieces of Eden. Juno seems to regard the Shroud of Eden as a necessary tool for her rebirth into the physical world.

Infiltrating The Assassins & Templars:

Members of this cult has infiltrated both the Assassins Brotherhood and the Knights Templars and are extracting resources from both of them to further progress with their goals. Examples of this are Violet da Costa, who is also a high ranking Templar Knight and a secret member of The Instruments of the First Will. There is also one known Assassin, Jasdip Dhami, who defected to the Instruments of the First Will and is hunting his former Assassin allies and possibly Templar allies.

So far at least two known Instruments have infiltrated Abstergo Industries. One of them is a Sage John Standish who had infiltrated Abstergo Entertainment in Montreal, Canada and the other is an engineer, Heinrich Hart, who had infiltrated an Abstergo Branch in Berlin, Germany developing experimental technologies, such as his electrical whip.
Order of The Ancients:
The Order of the Ancients, also known as the Order of Ancients, the Snake, and derisively as the Order of Heretics, was a secretive religious cabal which operated throughout the ancient world. The Order of the Ancients was founded in 1334 BCE by the Egyptian pharaoh Smenkhkare, who not only strictly revered the Ancient Ones, but also upheld a strict supremacist view of them and sought to use the Pieces of Eden in order to politically and religiously shepherd humanity into recreating Isu societies on Earth as well as revive the Isu.

Throughout their entire history, the Order of the Ancients held dominion over major empires in the known world. The reach of their members extended to military readers, religious elders, scholars, nobles, ealdorman and philosophers, political leaders as well as criminal masterminds. With the rise of Abrahamic religions and the decline of polythetic religions across Europe and Asia, the Order began to decline and were eventually mostly wiped out in 878 AD by King Alfred of Wessex, who used the Vikings' expansion into England to his advantage by manipulating them into unknowingly targeting influential members of the Order in Northern Europe. He then reformed the Order into the Knights Templar, otherwise known as the Templar Order.


Despite repeated persecutions, remnants of the Order still existed elsewhere in Europe such as Ireland and France but were eventually either eliminated or they disappeared. In 2020, given the similarities in theological beliefs, the Assassin Shaun Hastings theorized that the Order of the Ancients could have been a predecessor organization to the seemingly collapsed modern day secluded religious organization called the Instruments of the First Will.

The Order of the Ancient's foundations heavily rely on their supremacist view of the Isu and their strong desire to shepherd humanity into recreating Isu societies on earth by leading humanity using the wisest and strongest members of society.


By the time Egypt had been under the control of the Ptolemaic dynasty over one thousand years, the Order comprised of various men and women at the upper echelons of the ruling class; these individuals retained positions of power and, for the most part, were involved in political, religious, economic and military proceedings.

Members of the Order of the Ancients symbolically wore identical masks, headdresses, and robes when they met in congress, a visual display of their loyalties. Each key member of the Order was responsible for their own sphere of influence within Egyptian society and they were scattered all over Egypt, due to the antiquated constraints of communication and transport.

Within the Persian sect, members carried a necklace featuring the Faravahar, an emblem of the Achaemenid Empire, with a stylized wings design.

During the 9th century, the Order in Anglo-Saxon England adopted a hierarchy system being led by a Grand Maegester with five Maegesters, while the remaining members were either of the Palatinus or Preost rank. Within this sect, members carried a silver medallion featuring an embossed Yggdrasil. Likewise, members of the Chinese sect of the Order known as the Golden Turtles carried a turtle badge as their symbol.


During the Greco-Persian Wars, the Order was primarily situated in Persia and had influenced the reigns of centuries of Achaemenid Emperors. Members of the Order believed their work to be divine and that few hundreds had to be sacrificed for tens of thousands to achieve long lasting peace and prosperity. The primary aim of the Order during the 1st century BCE was to bring back a strong dynastic power, equal to that of previous dynasties which had ruled during the glory days of Ancient Egypt, prior to the arrival of the Ptolemies.

This was reinforced by the belief that the pre-existing system had been founded on order, on the divine power of the Pharaohs. In this perspective, the Order was looking for means of control, be they political, religious, military or cultural, to regain what had been lost. In addition, they also had people looking for the secrets of the past, such as the Pieces of Eden, and how to unlock said secrets' potential.

By the 9th century, the Order of the Ancients gained a more stronger political standing in Northern Europe. During this time, they began to heavily invest in researching the Isu and occult lore, more strictly revering their trinity of deities as well as accumulating wealth, manpower, weapons and resources in order to further expand their influence.

Unlike most of the people in the ancient world, the Order of the Ancients were trinitarian in their faith and were not fully polytheistic nor monotheistic. They did believe in a spiritual afterlife and their strict reverence of three deities, namely, the Father of Understanding, the Mother of Wisdom, and the Sacred Voice.

The Order of the Ancients were also known for their strict supremacist view of the Isu and these views allows them to make a fetish out of searching for and using the Pieces of Eden. Their worship for their Trinity of Deities would be conducted in secluded temples which were not assessible or known of by the polytheistic and the monotheistic people of those times. For instance, during the 9th century in England, the abandoned Temples of Mithras located around the Roman ruins of England served as their base of operations, a place for them to conduct their worship and as repositories for their secret wisdom.

One member of the Order, Fulke, believed that these beliefs were based on the Gnostic texts from before the Nicene Creed, and as such took a strict dislike to Abrahamic religions in general. The Order of the Ancients were also aware of Juno's imprisonment as well as the existence of Aita's Sages. The Order members were even well versed in how to identify Sages, even though their descendants, the Templar Order, were not. With the capture of Sigurd Styrbjornsson, the Order also became aware of other Isu Sages as well.

Despite the Order of the Ancients' strict supremacist view of the Isu, the Order of the Ancients had a less than favorable view of Tainted Ones, humans who directly descended from the Isu. This was because they feared them and strongly believed that the Tainted Ones have the power to oppose them and burn down their centuries of work. However, they were not opposed to recruiting Tainted Ones into their organization, with one such member, Phila, even rising to the rank of Magus/Sorcerer in the Persian branch of the Order of Ancients due to her enhanced abilities and strategic brilliance.
Prior to 75,383 BCE:
✮ During the War of Unification, the Isu scientist Consus created the first Shroud of Eden to treat casualties of the war. He later transferred his consciousness into the Shroud in a desperate bid to escape death but became trapped within his own creation.

2161 Isu Era:
✮ The Isu High Council ordered the creation of a new workforce under the supervision of the Father of Understanding Yaldabaoth, the Mother of Wisdom Saklas, and the Sacred Voice Samael. Project Anthropos took place in Eden under direction of Isu scientist Phanes and with the approval of the Isu Authority in Eden, in which the Isu created the human race as slaves from a pre-existing species. The humans were made to be susceptible to the powers of the adamant-based Apples of Eden.

✮ The Isu Poseidon took control of the city of Atlantis from his son Atlas and let Atlas and his other sons serve as the Archons of Atlantis.

✮ The Isu Hades abducted the Isu Persephone and forced her to become his wife, with the consent of his brother Jupiter. He imprisoned Persephone in an area of the Underworld that she reshaped as Elysium, which Hades allowed her to rule alongside her friend Hekate.

✮ The Sister Realms were formed between Atlantis, ruled by Poseidon; the Underworld, ruled by Hades; and Elysium, ruled by Persephone.

2200 Isu Era:
✮ The Isu craftsman and philosopher Hermes Trismegistus created a Staff of Eden which could grant biological immortality to its wielder.

2223 Isu Era:
✮ Juno recovered the prototype Shroud of Eden which housed the consciousness of its creator, Consus.

✮ Poseidon granted Juno and her husband Aita access to Atlantis, where they secretly started the Olympos Project, in which they experimented on humans and created monstrosities. Poseidon banished them from the city back to Feyan and outlawed human experimentation in Atlantis.

✮ A summit was held by the Sister Realms through a delegation of Atlantean embassies regarding the findings of Atlantis' Solar Dynamics Observatory and the threat of solar instability. Hades was the only leader to attend but embraced the prospect of annihilation.

✮ Poseidon, on the advice of his dikastes Aletheia, destroyed the city of Atlantis due to recurring upheaval and friction between its Isu and human populations, by sinking it into the ocean.

2296 Isu Era:
✮ Adam and Eve, two Isu-human hybrid slaves, escaped from the city of Eden with an Apple of Eden.

✮ Humanity rose up in rebellion against the Isu, starting the Human-Isu War. The Isu Saturn, Juno's father, was one of the first victims of the conflict.

✮ The Father of Understanding Jupiter, the Mother of Wisdom Juno, and the Sacred Voice Minerva retreated to the Grand Temple to find a solution from the impending solar flare, ultimately trying six unsuccessful options.

✮ Balor defeated Cú Chulainn but was struck by the latter's weapon, the Gae Bolg, which became lodged into his back. Later, the Isu Odin faced Balor in combat and claimed the Gae Bolg following his victory.

✮ Odin imprisoned Fenrir, the son of Loki and Aletheia, after it was calculated that Fenrir would kill Odin during the impending catastrophe.

✮ Baldr, the son of Odin, was fatally poisoned with mistletoe by Loki in retaliation for the imprisonment of Fenrir.

✮ Aita volunteered as a test subject in an experiment to transfer Isu consciousness into human bodies, though his mind swiftly deteriorated.

✮ Juno developed a seventh solution to escape annihilation, a serum that would allow the Isu to be reborn as humans. Due to worries concerning the pollution of the human genome, the solution was abandoned by Jupiter and Minerva and the serum was locked away.

✮ With Juno's aid, Odin stole the serum of the seventh solution in order to survive the impending catastrophe. Using the serum, Juno secretly added samples of Aita's genetic code into the human DNA allowing him to be reborn in humans as Sages, after which she agreed to end his suffering. Vejovis also took advantage of a similar method to develop Sages of his own self.

✮ Juno secretly tampered with the Eye built by Minerva to prevent humanity from inheriting the Earth. After her treachery and role in Odin's theft of the serum were discovered, the High Council stripped her of her title before Minerva and Jupiter digitally imprisoned her consciousness inside the Grand Temple.

✮ After being gravely injured, Loki helped Aletheia upload her consciousness into the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, hoping for the two of them to reunite after the impending catastrophe.

75,000 BCE - (2306 Isu Era):
✮ Minerva made preparations for another solution involving the global aurora borealis device to be tried during the next solar cycle, hoping that it would be successful without Juno's influence.

✮ A solar flare struck the Earth, exterminating most of the Earth's population; less than ten thousand humans, and far fewer members of the Isu, survived the catastrophe.

✮ As the Great Catastrophe struck the Earth, Odin, Tyr, Thor, Freyja, Idun, Frey, Sif, and Heimdall used the serum to upload their DNA into the Yggdrasil device and be reborn as humans in a future generation, before meeting their inevitable doom. Loki killed Heimdall before he could leave the Yggdrasil Chamber and secretly used the serum to be reborn as well.

✮ In the wake of the Great Catastrophe, humanity and the Isu started working together to rebuild civilization. The Isu influenced the early stages of human civilization and would subsequently come to be revered as gods by the humans.

75,010 BCE:
✮ Eve, together with Adam, discovered they were immune to the human-controlling effects of Isu devices known as Pieces of Eden. Knowing this, they stole a Piece of Eden and escaped the Isu city of Eden, which kickstarted a rebellion that later became a full-blown war between Isu and humans.

✮ Abel, the son of Adam and Eve, was killed by his brother Cain in order to steal Abel's Apple of Eden. Cain was later believed to have been the first precursor to the Order of the Knights Templar.

✮ Perseus, an Isu-human descendant, used a Sword of Eden to kill Ketos, after he had killed a woman named Medusa who had been turned into the Writhing Dread by an Isu artifact.

✮ Herakles, an Isu-human descendant, performed the Twelve Labours as penance for the murder of his wife and children in an episode of madness.

✮ Jason and the Argonauts went on a quest to find an artifact called the Golden Fleece, which was a Shroud of Eden.

✮ Theseus, a legendary king of Athens aided by Isu technology, slew the Minotaur in the labyrinth below Knossos Palace in Krete.

✮ In order to rebuild the world, the remaining Isu and humans decide to work together. The Isu share their technology with humans, allowing them to do incredible feats, which eventually become the basis for many mythologies and religions - like Hercules being an actual hero or the aforementioned Æsir. Eventually, the Isu still became extinct.

1250 BCE:
✮ Using the powers of a Staff of Eden, Moses parts the Red Sea.

1334 BCE:
✮ The Order of the Ancients was founded by Pharaoh Smenkhkare, with the goal of obtaining knowledge and artifacts previously possessed by the Isu. The group served as a precursor to the Templar Order and, possibly, also the Instruments of the First Will.

✮ Pharaoh Tutankhamun restored the religion of the Egyptian gods discarded by his father Akhenaten and passed his father's Apple of Eden to the priests of Amun to maintain order and justice for the Egyptian people.
1st Century BCE (Origins Timeline) Part 1:
70 BCE:
✮ The Medjay Sabu of Siwa left his home to go on the run from the mercenary Bion, who had been hired by the Order of the Ancients member Raia to eradicate the Medjay bloodline.

✮ Sabu's son Bayek left Siwa to search for his father and traveled to Zawty to find the messenger who had warned Sabu about Bion. In Zawty, Bayek was reunited with his lover Aya and befriended the street urchin Tuta, both of whom decided to accompany him on his journey.

✮ Bayek, Aya and Tuta traveled to Thebes, where they met up with Bayek's childhood friend Kensa and planned to eliminate the grave robber Menna, who had broken into Bayek's home years prior and captured Kensa's companion Neka. With the help of Neka's brother Seti, the group rescued Neka before Bayek and Kensa chased and killed Menna.

✮ Bayek, Aya and Kensa went to the island of Yebu after hearing rumors that Sabu was being held prisoner there but were led into a trap set by the local militia. The trio escaped from the trap after an encounter with Bion, and ran into Sabu, who explained to his son the reason behind his mysterious disappearance.

✮ Bayek and Aya went on the run from Bion alongside Sabu, during which time Sabu trained his son in the ways of the Medjay and he in turn trained Aya.

56 BCE:
✮ Aya left Bayek and Sabu to return to Siwa and tend to her sick aunt Herit but was attacked by horse thieves on the way. She was saved by Bion, which inadvertently allowed the mercenary to find Bayek and Sabu's hideout and attack them. Sabu sacrificed himself to protect his son by pushing him into a river, effectively leaving Bayek as the last Medjay of Egypt.

✮ Bayek was rescued from the river and nursed back to health by villagers and returned to Siwa, where he, Aya and his mother Ahmose fought and killed Bion in their home. Before dying, Bion revealed the Ancient Raia to be his employer.

✮ Bayek tracked Raia to his home in Alexandria and assassinated him, unaware of the latter's affiliations.

49 BCE:
✮ Masked members of the Order of the Ancients abducted Bayek and his son Khemu in Siwa, in an attempt to obtain information about the Isu vault located there, resulting in Khemu's death.

✮ Bayek temporarily abandoned his Medjay duties to start a quest for vengeance against the Order of the Ancients, sending him on a journey across Egypt.

✮ Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII, under the influence of the Order of the Ancients, banished his sister Queen Cleopatra from Alexandria to become the sole ruler of Egypt.

48 BCE:
✮ Rudjek, one of the masked Ancients who had abducted Bayek and Khemu, was killed by Bayek in the Bent Pyramid in Giza, Egypt.

✮ Bayek returned to Siwa, where he exacted revenge on the false Oracle of Siwa and Order of the Ancients member Medunamun, and acquired the Order's Apple of Eden.

✮ Bayek reunited with his wife Aya in Alexandria, where she gifted him, the Hidden Blade once owned by Darius, which she had received from Queen Cleopatra. Bayek then assassinated the phylakitai Gennadios to prevent him from arresting Aya for the murders of the Ancients Actaeon and Ktesos.

✮ The Royal Scribe Eudoros, a member of the Order of the Ancients, was killed by Bayek inside the Bathhouse of Alexandria. During the assassination attempt, Bayek accidentally amputated his ring finger when his Hidden Blade was unintentionally activated.

✮ Bayek and Aya met with Queen Cleopatra at Apollodorus' Estate, where she informed them of more Order of the Ancients members at large: Taharqa, Khaliset, Hetepi and Berenike. Bayek traveled across Egypt to find and eliminate them, hoping to achieve vengeance for the death of his son Khemu.

✮ Roman general Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus was killed by Lucius Septimius, a member of the Order of the Ancients, to prevent an alliance between him and Queen Cleopatra.

✮ Bayek, Aya and Apollodorus smuggled Cleopatra into Alexandria to allow her a meeting with Roman general Gaius Julius Caesar, who subsequently chose her over her brother Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII for an alliance.

✮ Aya infiltrated and opened the door to the Tomb of Alexander the Great to help Cleopatra impress Julius Caesar. This allowed Caesar's ally Flavius Metellus, a Roman general and leader of the Order of the Ancients, to take Alexander the Great's Staff of Eden.

47 BCE:
✮ The Battle of the Nile was fought between the forces of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII and those belonging to Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Ptolemy was killed by crocodiles while attempting to escape and his advisor, the Ancient Pothinus, was killed by Bayek.

✮ Julius Caesar, under the sway of the Order of the Ancients, prevented Bayek from killing the Ancient Lucius Septimius during the Battle of the Nile.

✮ Cleopatra became the new ruler of Egypt, under the influence of the Order of the Ancients through her ally Julius Caesar.

✮ Bayek and Aya formed a secret group consisting of Tahira, Phanos the Younger, Phoxidas, and Pasherenptah in opposition of Cleopatra's rule, believing her to have betrayed Egypt and vowing to oppose the Order of the Ancients.

✮ Roman general and Order of the Ancients leader Flavius Metellus killed Apollodorus to recover the Order's Apple of Eden. He and Lucius Septimius subsequently used the Apple and Alexander the Great's Staff of Eden to open the door to the Siwa Vault, killing Bayek's friend Hepzefa when he tried to stop them.

✮ Bayek killed Flavius Metellus in Cyrene, where the latter had used the Apple of Eden to enthrall the population and be proclaimed proconsul. Having achieved vengeance for Khemu's death, Bayek retrieved the Apple and hid it away.

46 BCE:
✮ Aya recruited Roman senators Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus to her and Bayek's cause and intended to leave for Rome to combat the Order of the Ancients.

✮ Bayek and Aya agreed to part ways and named their Brotherhood the Hidden Ones, vowing to spread its influence throughout both Egypt and Rome.

✮ The priest Menkhtu, a former follower of Medunamun, allied with the remnants of the Order of the Ancients in Egypt to form the Sect of the Ibis Reborn, seeking to take control of the country. As they attempted to access an Isu complex under the Great Pyramid of Giza, Menkhtu and his followers were killed by the Hidden Ones, putting an end to their plans.

✮ The Ancient Habibah was assassinated by the Hidden One and Vejovis' Sage Khepri inside the Temple of Philae. Khepri then retrieved one of the blades of Vejovis' dagger from Habibah's personal effects and brought it to Mesopotamia, where she had been tasked to establish a Hidden Ones bureau.

44 BCE:
✮ Lucius Septimius, a Roman soldier and member of the Order of the Ancients, was killed by the Hidden One Aya in combat at the Theatre of Pompey in Rome.

✮ Gaius Julius Caesar, the dictator of the Roman Republic and figurehead of the Order of the Ancients, was killed during a Roman Senatorial meeting at the Theatre of Pompey by the Hidden Ones Aya, Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and at least 40 other Roman Senators.

✮ As her newly founded Brotherhood in Rome continued to grow, Aya abandoned her birth name and adopted the name "Amunet."

42 BCE:
✮ Marcus Junius Brutus committed suicide when nearly defeated by Marcus Antonius and Octavian, the new leader of the Order of the Ancients, at the Battle of Philippi. The other Hidden Ones, including Publius Volumnius, only temporarily managed to revive Brutus with their Shroud of Eden.
1st Century BCE (Origins Timeline) Part 2:
38 BCE:
✮ Roman general Gaius Julius Rufio, a member of the Order of the Ancients, conspired to conquer the Sinai Peninsula as a starting point to take Egypt from Cleopatra's control.

✮ The Mentor Bayek assassinated the Ancients Tacito, Ptahmose, and Ampelius in the Sinai, to aid the local Hidden Ones bureau led by Tahira.

✮ The Sinai bureau of the Hidden Ones was attacked and destroyed by Gaius Julius Rufio's forces, and Bayek and Tahira were taken captive. Amunet rescued Bayek, and the pair later saved Tahira from Fort Clostra, though she soon died from the injuries she had sustained.

✮ Gaius Julius Rufio was assassinated by Bayek aboard his personal octareme off the coast of the Sinai, shortly after the Roman general's fleet arrived in Egypt.

✮ Sinai resistance leader Gamilat was killed by his former ally, Bayek, after the latter discovered Gamilat had deceived the population of the Sinai to rally them against the Romans. Gamilat's actions later inspired Bayek to create the first tenet of the Hidden Ones' Creed: the prohibition of harming innocents.

34 BCE:
✮ High Priestess and God's Wife of Amun Isidora used Akhenaten's Apple of Eden to create illusions of ancient pharaohs across Thebes, which would become known as the Curse of the Pharaohs, in retaliation against grave robbers who had killed her mother.

✮ At Amunet's request, Bayek investigated the Curse of the Pharaohs in Karnak. His investigation, aided by Isidora, Sutekh, Merti, and Tahemet, led him to explore illusions of Aaru, Aten, Heb Sed, and the Duat, where he defeated apparitions of Nefertiti, Akhenaten, Ramesses II, and Tutankhamun.

✮ Isidora was killed by Bayek in the Valley of the Kings after Bayek discovered she was behind Curse of the Pharaohs. He passed her Apple of Eden on to Sutekh, a descendant of Ramesses II, and trusted him to keep it safe.

✮ Sutekh died in the Waset Desert after having seemingly fallen prey to cobras in the Cobra Oasis, and his Apple of Eden mysteriously vanished.

30 BCE:
✮ Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt and a former ally of the Order of the Ancients, was persuaded by her former friend Amunet to give up resistance against Octavian's Roman forces and use poison to take her own life. Amunet would later be honored as a legendary Assassin who killed Cleopatra with an asp.

✮ Amunet escaped Alexandria amidst the Roman army's attack on the city with Cleopatra's son Caesarion, whom she promised to take in as a Hidden One.
2nd Century BCE:
196 BCE:
✮ A granodiorite stele, later known as the Rosetta Stone, was inscribed with a decree issued in Memphis on behalf of Pharaoh Ptolemy V Epiphanes, as a result of Greek and ethnic Egyptian tensions. It would also contain sensitive information concerning what would later be known as the Assassin Brotherhood.
3rd Century BCE:
227 BCE:
✮ Jing Ke attempted to assassinate King Zheng of Qin, who was supported by the Order of the Ancients, but failed and was killed during the attempt. He was posthumously remembered as one of the "Five Great Assassins" by Sima Qian.

215 BCE:
✮ During the Second Punic War, Kassandra and the Chinese warrior Wei Yu helped the Carthaginian forces commanded by Hannibal Barca defeat the Romans on the Ionian Islands. Wei Yu killed the Roman general in combat and acquired a stone tablet in his possession, which he gave to Kassandra in exchange for information regarding his disciple's condition.

210 BCE:
✮ Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China previously known as King Zheng of Qin, was killed by Wei Yu with a spear named after the late Jing Ke, ending the emperor's tyranny over China. Wei Yu would later be honored as a legendary Assassin for this act.
4th Century BCE:
330 BCE:
✮ Alexander the Great, ruler of the Macedonian Empire and ally of the Order of the Ancients, started construction of the Herat Citadel, built on top of an ancient Isu temple.

323 BCE:
✮ Alexander the Great died after having been fatally poisoned by Iltani, who would retroactively be honored as a legendary Assassin. Though Iltani attempted to obtain his Staff of Eden, Alexander would be interred in the Tomb of Alexander the Great in Alexandria with the artifact.

✮ The Prongs of the Trident of Eden that Alexander the Great held were divided after his death. His generals Ptolemy I Soter and Seleucus I Nicator received the Faith and Fear prongs respectively, while the Devotion prong was sent to Macedonia.
5th Century BCE (Odyssey Timeline) Part 1:
500 BCE:
✮ Pythagoras establishes a religious movement that would become known as the Cult of Hermes. Pythagoras would meet the Isu known as Hermes and become the guardian of a piece of Eden that would make him immortal.

✮ Pythagoras and his assistant Kyros of Zarax met Hermes Trismegistus in a remote desert, where Pythagoras was entrusted with Hermes' Staff of Eden, which would prolong his life.

✮ Guided by Pythagoras, Kyros of Zarax travelled to the Abandoned Temple of Aphrodite where he saw visions of the Isu Aphrodite and acquired an Apple of Eden.

✮ Kyros of Zarax won a race against Atalanta, daughter of King Iasius of Arkadia, using the Apple of Eden, winning her hand in marriage.

✮ The Cult of Kosmos was formed after a number of disillusioned followers of the Cult of Hermes decided to form their own splinter-group. In time, the Cult of Kosmos shifted its goal toward taking over the Greek world.

480 BCE:
✮ During the Greco-Persian Wars, the invading Persian Empire led by Xerxes I fought the resisting Greek forces led by Sparta's King Leonidas I at the Battle of Thermopylae. Leonidas and his Spartan army perished during the fight.

465 BCE:
✮ Darius and the Protectors of Persia set up a road ambush for Xerxes I, an ally of the Order of the Ancients. Darius personally killed Xerxes and his assassination marked the first recorded use of the Hidden Blade. For this act, Darius would later be considered one of the earliest Assassins.

✮ Darius planned to assassinate Xerxes' successor Artaxerxes I out of fear he would fall under the Order's influence but was stopped by his former ally Amorges, who had joined the Order to bring peace to Persia. Darius and his son Natakas were subsequently forced to flee Persia while the Order hunted down and killed the rest of their family.

✮ The Order of the Ancients planned to assassinate King Artaxerxes after he refused to fall under the Ancients' sway and framed Darius for the attempt; however, the assassination failed, merely leaving Artaxerxes blind and on the run.

✮ A group of Order members led by Ianthe attempted to retrieve an Isu dagger once wielded by Vejovis from a hidden vault on Kephallonia. Unable to access the vault, Ianthe hired the mercenary Cadmus, who was secretly a Sage of Vejovis, to recover the dagger, only to betray him afterwards and steal the artifact while leaving Cadmus trapped inside the vault.

✮ Cadmus escaped the Kephallonia vault and pursued Ianthe and his accomplices, killing the Ancient and recovering Vejovis' dagger. After the blade was broken into two pieces, an Order member fled with one half of the dagger while Cadmus kept the other half and later hid it away.

451 BCE:
✮ Myrrine, the daughter of King Leonidas, gave her daughter Kassandra the Isu artifact her father once possessed, which would come to be known as the Spear of Leonidas.

✮ The Cult of Kosmos influenced the Oracle of Delphi Praxithea to prophesize that King Leonidas' grandson, Alexios, would bring about the fall of Sparta. After Alexios was thrown off Mount Taygetos, and his sister Kassandra was presumed dead, the Cult kidnapped Alexios to raise as their weapon.

✮ Kassandra met and befriended Ikaros, the golden eagle once owned by Pythagoras, who became her lifelong companion. She later fled to Kephallonia, where she was taken in by a merchant named Markos. Under Markos' care, Kassandra would grow up to become a skilled misthios renowned as the "Eagle Bearer."

✮ Alexios, now known as "Deimos", gained more influence within the Cult of Kosmos and leadership slowly shifted towards him. Aspasia, the lover of the Athenian leader Perikles and the Cult's leader, became disillusioned with the Cult and started devising ways to bring them down.

458 BCE:
✮ Kassandra / Alexios is born. (Whoever you choose is the protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.)

446 BCE:
✮ The Cult of Kosmos, a splinter-group from the Cult of Hermes that hopes to rule all the Greek world, tricks the Oracle of Delphi into prophesying that one of the grandchildren of King Leonidas (either Alexios or Kassandra) would bring the fall of Sparta, resulting in the presumed death of both kids, with one of them being raised in secret by the Cult.

431 BCE (Events of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey):
✮ The Peloponnesian War started between the Greek states of Athens and Sparta, secretly orchestrated by the Cult of Kosmos as part of their efforts to take control of the Greek world.

✮ Kephallonia was freed from the tyrannical rule of the crime lord known as the "Cyclops" by Kassandra, who killed the Cyclops.

✮ Kassandra befriended the naval captain Barnabas after saving him from the Cyclops, and assumed command of his ship, the Adrestia.

✮ Kassandra accepted a contract from the Cultist of Kosmos Elpenor to kill her stepfather, the Spartan general Nikolaos. After helping the Spartans win the Battle of Megara, she ultimately chose to spare Nikolaos despite him attempting to kill her as a child.

✮ Kassandra killed Elpenor for manipulating her and discovered the existence of the Cult of Kosmos.

✮ The Cult of Kosmos held a meeting in the Sanctuary of Kosmos beneath the Sanctuary of Delphi. Kassandra secretly attended and discovered that her brother Alexios lived and was serving the Cult as Deimos, through a shared memory displayed by an artifact known as the Pyramid.

✮ Kassandra relocated to Athens with the help of Herodotos, and became acquainted with Perikles, Sokrates, Alkibiades, and Aspasia, unaware of the latter's Cultist affiliations.

✮ Kassandra started a search for her mother Myrrine, hoping to reunite her family and find out more about her family's lineage that the Cult of Kosmos was interested in.

✮ Through her travels throughout Greece, Kassandra dismantled the Cult of Kosmos' hierarchy and influence over the states of Athens and Sparta by killing their high-ranking members.

430 BCE:
✮ Kassandra took down the Monger, a Cultist of Kosmos who had taken over the city of Korinth. During the attempt, she met and allied herself with the Spartan general Brasidas.

429 BCE:
✮ Kassandra returned to Athens in the midst of a plague. She tried to find her friend Phoibe who was out on an errand for Aspasia, but Phoibe was killed by the Cult of Kosmos.

✮ Athenian leader Perikles was abducted by the Cult of Kosmos and executed by Alexios. Perikles' rival, the Cultist Kleon, became the new leader of Athens.

✮ Kassandra smuggled Aspasia out of Athens to escape the Cult of Kosmos, with aid from Sokrates and Hippokrates.

✮ Kassandra reunited with her mother Myrrine on Naxos Island after a 22-year separation, using information she received from Aspasia. Alongside Myrrine, she helped stop the threat Paros Island imposed on Naxos and killed the Cultist Silanos.

✮ While hiding from the Order of the Ancients in Makedonia, Darius and Natakas came into contact with Kassandra and worked alongside her to free the region from the Order's influence.

✮ Kassandra, Darius and Natakas killed Pactyas, Darius' former ally and the leader of the Order of Hunters within the Order of the Ancients. Darius and Natakas parted ways with Kassandra as they left Makedonia to hide from the Order once more.

✮ Kassandra travelled to Thera and discovered the Gateway to the Lost City, the entrance to the ancient Isu city of Atlantis, where she met her biological father, Pythagoras. Through him, she started a search for the ancient Atlantis artifacts that would open the Gateway.

✮ Myrrine and Kassandra relocated to their former home in Sparta and reintegrated themselves into Spartan society.vvvvv
5th Century BCE (Odyssey Timeline) Part 2:
428 BCE:
✮ The Olympic Games of 428 BC took place. Kassandra represented Sparta as its champion after the death of Testikles and won, allowing her to get close to the Pankration judge and Cultist Kallias and kill him.

427 BCE:
✮ Kassandra helped her stepbrother Stentor conquer Boeotia for Sparta. In the process, she dispatched the region's four champions Drakon, Deianeira, Aristaios, and Nesaia, with the assistance of her stepfather Nikolaos.

426 BCE:
✮ Pausanias, King of Sparta alongside Archidamos, was dethroned and imprisoned after Kassandra exposed his affiliations with the Cult of Kosmos.

✮ Kassandra reunited with Darius and Natakas in Dyme, where they discovered that Phila, leader of the Order of the Storm within the Order of the Ancients, had set up a naval blockade around Achaia.

✮ Kassandra and Darius confronted Phila, which resulted in the latter's death, and took down the Order of the Storm. They subsequently settled down in Dyme, where Kassandra and Natakas had a son, Elpidios.

✮ The Order of the Ancients led by Amorges attacked Dyme, killing Natakas and taking his and Kassandra's son Elpidios captive.

425 BCE:
✮ Kassandra killed the Ancient Gergis, from whom she learned of the alliance between the Order of the Ancients and the Cult of Kosmos.

✮ Kassandra and Darius confronted Amorges in Messenia, where they killed Darius' former comrade and stopped the Order of the Ancients' plans in Greece.

✮ Kassandra and Darius recovered Elpidios from Prince Darius II south of Messenia. At Kassandra's request, Darius took Elpidios to Egypt where they settled down, and their descendants would eventually give rise to the Hidden Ones.

✮ The Battle of Pylos was fought between Athens and Sparta. The battle resulted in an Athenian victory, and Kassandra was taken captive when she was defeated in combat by Alexios.

424 BCE:
✮ During her imprisonment, Kassandra learned of Kleon's affiliations with the Cult of Kosmos and conversed with her brother Alexios. She escaped with the help of her friends Barnabas and Sokrates.

✮ Kassandra formed a resistance to Kleon's rule of Athens comprised of Barnabas, Sokrates, Hippokrates, Alkibiades, Herodotos and Aristophanes, which became known as the Periklean Circle.

422 BCE:
✮ The Battle of Amphipolis was fought between Athens and Sparta. On the battlefield, the Spartan commander Brasidas was killed by Alexios and the Athenian leader Kleon was killed by Kassandra.

✮ Alexios was killed by his sister Kassandra during a confrontation with her and their mother Myrrine atop Mount Taygetos.

✮ After eliminating the Cult of Kosmos, Kassandra returned to the Sanctuary of Kosmos in Phokis to confront the Cult's leader, whom she discovered to be Aspasia. Explaining her ambitions to achieve world peace and find a philosopher king, Aspasia was ultimately spared by Kassandra, who instead destroyed the Cult's artifact, the Pyramid.

✮ Kassandra defeated the Writhing Dread, Minotaur, and Cyclops, and passed the Sphinx's riddle to acquire all four Atlantis artifacts, with which she activated the Gateway to the Lost City.

✮ Instructed by a message from Aletheia, Pythagoras passed the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus down to Kassandra. Without the artifact's powers extending his lifespan, Pythagoras passed away.

✮ Aletheia began to communicate with Kassandra through the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus and tasked her to find three symbols intended for the "Heir of Memories."

✮ Kassandra explored simulations of Elysium, the Underworld, and Atlantis created by Aletheia using heavily modified memories of her time as dikastes in order to help Kassandra better understand the powers and importance of the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. Afterwards, Aletheia officially appointed her the new Keeper of the Staff.

420 BCE:
✮ After six months spent at a holiday resort on Korfu, Kassandra was found by her friends Barnabas and Herodotos, who had organized a treasure hunt to re-awaken her spirit of adventure.

✮ Kassandra killed a group of pirates who had found an Apple of Eden hidden on Korfu by a treasure hunter centuries prior. The Apple interacted with the Spear of Leonidas, permanently de-powering it.

✮ Barnabas found the Apple of Eden, becoming corrupted by it, and was defeated and saved by Kassandra, who destroyed the artifact.

✮ Aletheia tasked Kassandra to find and destroy other dangerous Pieces of Eden across the globe.

✮ Kassandra begrudgingly accepted her new mission and departed Greece with Barnabas and Ikaros after bidding farewell to Herodotos, to whom she gifted the depowered Spear of Leonidas.

✮ Barnabas and Ikaros passed away, leaving Kassandra to continue her journey alone. She developed very anti-social behavior as a result, choosing to focus entirely on her mission from Aletheia and avoid social interactions as much as possible.

405 BCE:
✮ After the decisive Battle of Aegospotami, Kassandra headed to Delos to tighten Sparta's stranglehold on the island and eliminated two Athenian commanders who were setting up a shipment to offer relief to Athens.

✮ Kassandra reunited with her old friend Odessa, who informed her that Odysseus' Bow was hidden on Delos and told her how to access the temple where the artifact was kept. This allowed Kassandra to retrieve the bow.
1st Century AD:
Unknown AD:
✮ John the Baptist, using a Staff of Eden, started a religious movement with baptism as its central symbol.

✮ Jesus of Nazareth, wielder of a Shroud of Eden, was crucified by the Order of the Ancients, who proceeded to take possession of the artifact. On his way to his crucifixion in Golgotha, Jesus was met by a Sage known as the Wanderer.

✮ Peter, one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles, used John the Baptist's Staff of Eden to become the first leader of Christianity and the first Pope.

✮ James, son of Zebedee, one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles and alleged owner of a Staff of Eden, passed away. The Staff would subsequently be broken into three pieces.

41 AD:
✮ The Roman Emperor Caligula, who was affiliated with the Order of the Ancients, was killed by the Hidden One Leonius using a dagger. For this act, Leonius would later be honored as a legendary Assassin.

72 AD:
✮ Construction began on the Colosseum in Rome under Emperor Vespasian, atop an ancient Isu vault.

90's AD:
✮ Governor Verus of Roman Britain was assassinated by Acolyte Anicius of the Hidden Ones, after the Hidden Ones' pleas to Verus and Emperor Domitian to support citizenship for the Iceni were ignored.
2nd Century AD:
122 AD:
✮ Caius, a Hidden One working on a contract from the Londinium bureau, attempted to assassinate Roman Emperor Hadrian, but was captured and killed.

164 AD:
✮ Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius agreed to cease hostilities in Britannia and retreat south of the Antonine Wall after motions from the Hidden Ones. Master Eghan of the Hidden Ones was sent to oversee the retreat to verify Aurelius kept his word.
3rd Century AD:
211 AD:
✮ Roman Emperor Septimius Severus died after having been fatally poisoned by Khloe, a Magister of the Hidden Ones, inside his villa in Eboracum.
4th Century AD:
330 AD:
✮ The city of Byzantium was renamed Constantinople by Emperor Constantine I, an associate of a Roman Hidden One; it would later become the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

380 AD:
✮ Roman Emperor Theodosius I established the Church of Rome as the new state religion of the Roman Empire, and subsequently started the persecution of pagans. The Hidden One Teague subsequently assassinated the priests Vitus, Secunda, and Agapitus in Britannia.

383 AD:
✮ Magnus Maximus, proclaimed Roman Emperor by his troops, retreated a large portion of the Roman army in Britannia to conquer Gaul.

✮ Marcellus, a Magister of the Hidden Ones, evacuated the Hidden Ones from the bureaus in Eboracum and Venta Belgarum following the Roman retreat from the north of Britannia, and to avoid the hostility of the local population.
5th Century AD:
423 AD:
✮ The Hidden One Magister Vitus ordered the withdrawal of their faction from Britannia due to the collapse of the Roman Empire in western Europe, and the threat of invading tribes, advising the Hidden Ones to retreat to the bureau in Cologne.

434 AD:
✮ Attila became leader of the Hunnic Empire. Utilizing a Sword of Eden named the Sword of Mars, Attila would become feared for his invasions of Europe.
6th Century AD:
✮ King Arthur of Britain, a leader of the Order of the Ancients and owner of a Sword of Eden called Excalibur, died after having been betrayed by those he loved.

✮ Sigmund recovered a Sword of Eden called Gram from the tree Barnstokkr. The artifact was said to have been placed there by Odin.
8th Century AD:
705 AD:
✮ Empress Wu Zetian was overthrown in the Shenlong Revolution, ending her short-lived Zhou dynasty, and the Tang was restored. The Golden Turtles, the Chinese branch of the Order of the Ancients, were decimated and retreated into hiding.

751 AD:
✮ The Battle of Talas was fought between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Tang dynasty, ultimately resulting in an Abbasid victory. The Tang soldier Li E joined the Hidden Ones after being rescued by a group led by Éléna.

754 AD:
✮ The military governer, An Lushan dispelled accusations of treason and acquired sweeping new powers for his imminent rebellion by answering Emperor Xuanzong's summons and arriving in Chang'an during the Flower Banquet.

✮ The Hidden One Li E assassinated Right Chancellor Yang Guozhong's winning team at the Flower Banquet contest in retaliation for their massacre of Duling village.

755 AD:
✮ An Lushan established the Yeluohe and rebelled against the Tang dynasty from Fanyang in a secret bid to supplant Yang Guozhong as leader of the Order of the Ancients, beginning the devastating civil war known as the An-Shi Rebellion.

756 AD:
✮ An Lushan captured the Tang eastern capital of Luoyang. The Hidden One Li E and the Yan family of Changshan Commandery organized a counter-rebellion in the territories under Lushan's control, freeing Tumen Pass by assassinating three Yeluohe lieutenant generals.

✮ An Lushan declared himself emperor of the new state called the Yan.

✮ The road to the Tang imperial capital of Chang'an was exposed after Tong Pass fell to Yan forces due to sabotage by Yang Guozhong, who caused the deaths of the Tang generals Gao Xianzhi, Feng Changqing, and Geshu Han leading its defense.

✮ Chang'an fell to Yan forces. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and his court fled, but a mutiny by their disaffected guards at Mawei Station led to the execution of his favorite consort Yang Guifei and Right Chancellor Yang Guozhong.

757: AD:
✮ An Lushan was assassinated by the Hidden One Li E.

796 AD:
✮ King Offa of Mercia, a member of the Order of the Ancients whose rapid territorial expansion paved the way for the unification of England, passed away and was succeeded by Ecgfrith of Mercia.
​9th Century (Mirage & Valhalla Timeline) Part 1:
804 AD:
✮ Alcuin, an Anglo-Saxon scholar in service of Emperor Charlemagne of the Carolingian Empire, was killed after discovering the existence of the Order of the Ancients, likely on the orders of Charlemagne, himself a leader of the Order.

819 AD:
✮ A Persian harbor master was killed in Baghdad by one of his wives, Roshan, due to his mistreatment of her and his other spouses. Becoming a fugitive, Roshan found refuge in the House of Wisdom, where she befriended the Sudanese inventor Bakhit and accepted to work as his assistant.

✮ Bakhit was invited to work for the prince of Thatta, Pakistan, and moved there alongside Roshan. During the journey to Thatta, Roshan befriended one of the royal guards, Advi, and began training in combat and swordsmanship under him.

822 AD:
✮ Roshan was forced to flee Thatta after Bakhit's secret deals behind the prince's back were discovered. She was aided during her escape by Advi, who sacrificed himself to protect her from the guards.

✮ Roshan joined the traveling brothel of Maryam, one of Bakhit's former clients, where she worked as a bookkeeper and Maryam's bodyguard.

823 AD:
✮ During a stop in Tabriz, Roshan went to visit her family in her home village of Kandovan and learned of her sister Masha's problems, caused by her controlling husband, a Mongolian merchant named Bogd. With the help of Dervis, a master thief and one of Maryam's clients, Roshan discovered that Bogd owed money to loan sharks and risked losing all of his wives, including Masha.

✮ Roshan learned that the loan sharks Bogd was indebted to be the same people who financed Maryam and that they were planning to take over her brothel. Forced to end her work for Maryam, Roshan accepted an invite to work for Dervis after the two paid off Bogd's debts in exchange for him releasing Masha.

✮ During her work for Dervis, Roshan disabled numerous of Bakhit's deadly devices that she and Dervis had been hired to transport to their buyers.

824 AD:
✮ While residing in Fustat, Egypt, Roshan was framed for theft and imprisoned, but later managed to escape with the assistance of the Hidden One Fuladh Al Haami. Fuladh then recruited Roshan into a team of mercenaries he had assembled with the goal of recovering an artifact from the Martyrs of Agaunum, a cult working with the Order of the Ancients.

✮ Fuladh's mercenaries ambushed the Martyrs of Agaunum near the Sinai but failed to recover the artifact due to being sabotaged by one of their own, Francis, who was secretly working with the Martyrs.

✮ Following the loss of two of their team members, Mared and Wei, Fuladh's mercenaries traveled to Karachi. After a series of strange incidents during the journey, Roshan, Azadeh and Nafanua began to suspect there was a traitor among them.

✮ In Karachi, Roshan was attacked by two of her fellow mercenaries, the twins Geir and Gud, but managed to escape by luring the brothers to a harem where they were killed by the guards.

✮ While tracking the Martyrs of Agaunum in Karachi, Fuladh's mercenaries were led into a trap by Francis but managed to survive and kill their attackers. Roshan correctly identified Francis as the traitor after discovering that he had poisoned Nafanua and allowed him to escape so that he would lead them to the Martyrs.

✮ At the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, Roshan, Dias, Azadeh and her wolf companion Onyx ambushed the Martyrs of Agaunum while they were meeting with an Order of the Ancients member to pass on the artifact in their care. With Fuladh's assistance, the mercenaries killed all the Martyrs, including Francis, and secured the artifact, but Dias and Onyx perished during the battle. Afterwards, Fuladh invited Roshan to join the Hidden Ones.

855 AD:
✮ Eivor Varinsdottir was adopted by King Styrbjorn Sigvaldisson of the Raven Clan following the death of her parents Varin and Rosta at the hands of Kjotve the Cruel, during an attack by the Wolf Clan on her hometown of Heillboer.

858 AD:
✮ King Æthelwulf of Wessex, Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients in Britain, passed away and was succeeded as King of Wessex by Æthelbald.

861 AD:
✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq infiltrated the Winter Palace in Anbar to steal a chest sought by the Hidden Ones, at the same time as Caliph Al-Mutawakkil was having a meeting with five members of the Order of the Ancients to show them the chest's contents: a Memory Seal. After the Ancients left, Basim stole the Seal and killed Al-Mutawakkil in self-defense when he confronted him, before fleeing the palace.

✮ The guards began hunting down all thieves in Anbar in retaliation for Al-Mutawakkil's murder.

✮ Basim was saved by the Master Assassin Roshan, who took him to Alamut to start his training as a Hidden One.

862 AD:
✮ Basim and Nur killed several mercenaries attempting to locate the Hidden Ones' Alamut camp. After reporting their findings, Nur was sent to Baghdad to investigate the mercenaries' presence.

✮ The Hidden One Nur returned to Alamut after having been injured during his investigation of the Order of the Ancients in Baghdad. Mentor Rayhan sent Basim Ibn Ishaq, Roshan, and Fuladh Al Haami to Baghdad to continue Nur's investigation.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq rescued Ali ibn Muhammad, the leader of the Zanj Rebellion and a Hidden One ally, from the Damascus Gate Prison in Baghdad.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq assassinated Mas'ood Al-Ya'qoob, a soap mill owner and member of the Order of the Ancients who used captured prisoners to excavate Isu relics in the desert.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq assassinated the House of Wisdom's scholar and Order of the Ancients member Fazil Fahim al-Kemsa during one of his experiments with the Alruh, a machine created using scavenged Isu technology.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq assassinated the merchant and Order of the Ancients member Ning during Baghdad's annual Da'irat Al-mal held at the Bazaar.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq infiltrated Baghdad's Great Garrison and assassinated the Abbasid Caliphate's warlord and Order of the Ancients member Wasif al-Turki with the help of Ali ibn Muhammad.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq retrieved ten Isu shards from various Tha'abeen members of the Order of the Ancients in and around Baghdad. Traveling to a vault underneath the Northern Oasis, Basim placed the shards in their corresponding pedestals, which allowed him to retrieve three pieces of Isu equipment: a sword, a dagger, and an armor set.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq attempted to assassinate Qabiha, Al-Mutawakkil's former concubine and the Order of the Ancients' leader in Baghdad. However, he hesitated when Qabiha told him to investigate the Isu temple underneath Alamut to understand his true nature, resulting in Qabiha being killed by Roshan instead.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq returned to Alamut, where he helped the Hidden Ones fend off an attack by Tahirid forces who had ended their protection of Alamut due to a deal made by the Order of the Ancients with Governor Muhammad ibn Tahir. Roshan tried to stop Basim from accessing Alamut's Isu temple but was defeated and subsequently left the Hidden Ones.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq investigated the Alamut temple, which led him to discover his own nature as the reborn form of Loki. Embracing Loki's memories, Basim decided to seek out the other Isu reincarnations, to exact retribution for the suffering inflicted upon his past self.

865 AD:
✮ Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok was captured and executed in a pit of snakes by Northumbrian King Ælla, a leading figure among the Order of the Ancients.
​9th Century (Mirage & Valhalla Timeline) Part 2:
867 AD:
✮ King Ælla of Northumbria, a member of the Order of the Ancients, was executed in a blood eagle ritual by the Sons of Ragnar, in retaliation for the execution of Ragnar Lothbrok.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq and his apprentice Hytham traveled to Constantinople to investigate an assassination plot by the Byzantine Emperor Basil I and the Order of the Ancients, against Basil's son Leo VI.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq and Hytham formed an alliance with Thyra, the leader of the Eagle Clan and captain of the Varangian guard in Constantinople. Hytham joined the Varangian guard to keep watch over Leo VI and foiled an attempt on his life involving a loose viper.

✮ The Varangian guard Steros and an accomplice attempted to assassinate Hytham on the orders of Emperor Basil I and the Order of the Ancients. However, the Hidden One survived and killed Steros with the help of Basim Ibn Ishaq and Thyra.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq and Hytham followed the Varangian guard Justin to a secret meeting with the Order of the Ancients and protected him when the Ancients tried to kill Justin due to his refusal to aid their schemes. The Hidden Ones and Thyra subsequently foiled another attempt by the Order to eliminate Leo VI at the royal palace.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq, Hytham and Thyra foiled an attempt by the Order of the Ancients to kill Leo VI during an attack on the royal palace. Hytham subsequently tailed one of the Ancients involved in the attack but was captured and interrogated by the Ancient Arman. Basim and Thyra rescued Hytham and killed most of his captors.

✮ Theodore, the childhood tutor of Leo VI, was executed after his involvement with the recent attacks against the prince was uncovered by Hytham.

✮ The Order of the Ancients led by Isaac attempted to kidnap Leo VI while his family was attending a race at the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Basim Ibn Ishaq, Hytham, Thyra and Justin protected the prince and killed the Ancients, including Isaac, marking the end of the Order's alliance with Emperor Basil I.

870 AD:
✮ Eivor Varinsdottir captured Gull, a slave of Kjotve the Cruel and the reincarnation of the Isu Iðunn, who led her to a temple in the Feiknstafir mountains in search of a treasure. However, Gull betrayed Eivor and took the Apple of Eden they found for herself, only to lose it when the temple began to collapse. Eivor chose to escape while Gull stayed behind and was presumed dead.

✮ The Hidden One Ammon was killed in combat with the Viking raider Sigurd Styrbjornsson during a mission to recover a Shroud of Eden from a merchant in Bulgar. Sigurd claimed Ammon's Hidden Blade as a battle trophy.

✮ Sigurd Styrbjornsson met and befriended the Hidden Ones Basim Ibn Ishaq and Hytham in Constantinople, who subsequently taught him many of their organization's customs.

871 AD:
✮ King Æthelred I of Wessex, Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients in England, passed away. His brother, Alfred, succeeded him as King of Wessex and, reluctantly, as Grand Maegester.

872 AD:
✮ Sigurd Styrbjornsson returned home to Fornburg, Norway after a two-year expedition, accompanied by Basim Ibn Ishaq and Hytham. He gifted Ammon's Hidden Blade to his adoptive sister, Eivor Varinsdottir.

✮ The Raven Clan gained King Harald Fairhair's support in taking down the Wolf Clan leader and Order of the Ancients member Kjotve the Cruel. Eivor Varinsdottir killed Kjotve during a siege of the latter's fortress, avenging her parents.

✮ Dissatisfied with the unification of Norway's petty kingdoms under Harald Fairhair's rule, Eivor Varinsdottir, Sigurd Styrbjornson and select members of the Raven Clan left their homeland and sailed to England.

873 AD:
✮ The Raven Clan arrived in Ledecestrescire, Mercia where they established the settlement of Ravensthorpe from the remnants of an abandoned settlement from the Great Heathen Army.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir helped the Viking jarlskona Soma to retake the region of Grantebridgescire, Mercia, which had fallen under the control of the Order of the Ancients.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir, Sigurd Styrbjornson, Ivarr the Boneless and Ubba Ragnarsson overthrew King Burgred of Mercia and instated a client king, Ceolwulf II, in his place.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir helped to instate the Anglo-Saxon nobleman Oswald as King of East Anglia and defeated an invading Viking clan led by Rued.

✮ The Order of the Ancients attempted to take control of Lunden, but was foiled by Eivor Varinsdottir and the city's reeves, Stowe and Erke Bodilsson, who killed the Ancients Avgos Spearhand, Frideswid, and Vicelin.

✮ Bishop Deorlaf was appointed temporary ealdorman of Sciropescire following his predecessor's death and attempted to negotiate a peace treaty with King Rhodri the Great. However, his efforts were sabotaged by Ivarr the Boneless, who wanted to convince Eivor Varinsdottir to help him kill Rhodri. Eventually, Eivor killed Ivarr himself after he forced her hand by murdering their friend Ceolbert.

✮ During her travels, Eivor Varinsdottir dismantled the Order of the Ancients' hierarchy and influence in England by killing its high-ranking members, following tip-offs from an anonymous informant known only as "the Poor Fellow-Soldier of Christ."

✮ At Hytham's request, Eivor Varinsdottir explored all six abandoned Hidden One bureau in England and retrieved several pages of The Magas Codex to aid Hytham's research of the original Hidden Ones.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir retrieved the Sword of Eden known as Excalibur from an Isu vault underneath Stonehenge.

✮ The Ancient Stowe, who possessed one of the blades of Vejovis' dagger, sent the artifact to the Levant before being killed in Lunden by the Hidden Ones and their ally, the Viking warrior and Vejovis' Sage Alva. Alva also explored an Isu chamber underneath the Londinium bureau, where she was contacted by a hologram of Vejovis, who urged her and an unseen "spectator" to locate the blade by finding his other Sages.

874 AD:
✮ Eivor Varinsdottir, Sigurd Styrbjornson, and Basim Ibn Ishaq allied with the scholar Fulke and helped Geadric to overthrow Eadwyn and become ealdorman of Oxenefordscire, in order to retrieve the Saga Stone from Eadwyn's vault at Cyne Belle Castle. However, Fulke betrayed her allies afterwards and convinced King Alfred the Great to take Sigurd as a prisoner of war, revealing herself to be a member of the Order of the Ancients in the process.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir and Basim Ibn Ishaq tracked Fulke to Cent, where they tried to help Abbot Cynebert earn the favor of future ealdorman Tedmund in exchange for Fulke's whereabouts. However, the plan failed and Fulke escaped after killing Cynebert.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir uncovered a plot by the Order of the Ancients to take over Jorvik and assassinated the people responsible: the High Reeve of Jorvik, Audun, and his two lieutenants, Ingeborg and Grigorii.

875 AD:
✮ Eivor Varinsdottir discovered that the Order of the Ancients had killed the ealdorman of Lincolnscire, Hundbeorht, and prevented them from taking control of the region through one of their members, Bishop Herefrith.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir helped Birstan, the ealdorman of Essexe, to reunite with his childhood love Alfida, and had his current wife Estrid escorted back to Francia by the Viking Rollo under the guise of a kidnapping.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir and her allies stormed the fortress of Portcestre, where Eivor killed Fulke and rescued her brother Sigurd Styrbjornson, who had been tortured by Fulke in an attempt to awaken Týr's conscience inside him.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir travelled to an unknown territory called Vinland, where she assassinated the Order of the Ancients Maegester Gorm Kjotvesson at Narfljot Camp. Eivor then recovered a Crystal Ball from Gorm's personal effects and gave it to the Kanien'kehá:ka of Karonhiakèn:iate'.
​9th Century (Mirage & Valhalla Timeline) Part 3:
876 AD:
✮ Halfdan Ragnarsson enlisted Eivor Varinsdottir's help in investigating his lieutenant Faravid, whom he suspected of treason. After the real traitor was revealed to be King Ricsige of Northumbria, who had betrayed Halfdan by siding with the Picts, Eivor hunted him down and killed him.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir discovered and foiled a plot by the ealdorman of Glowecestrescire, Cynon, and the high priestess Modron to kill Cynon's successor Tewdwr, who they believed to be unfit to rule.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir reunited with her childhood friend Vili Hemmingson in Snotinghamscire and helped him decide on a new leader for his Viking clan following the passing of his father, jarl Hemming.

877 AD:
✮ King Alfred the Great enlisted Eivor Varinsdottir's help in flushing out and eliminating members of the Order of the Ancients who had infiltrated Wincestre and were plotting against him. Eivor found and killed the Ancients Selwyn, Hilda, and Ealhferth, but was banished from Wincestre after refusing Alfred's offer to convert to Christianity.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir and Sigurd Styrbjornson returned to Norway, where they uncovered the Yggdrasil Chamber, in which they experienced a simulation of Valhalla. Realizing they were the reincarnations of Odin and Tyr, respectively, Eivor eventually came to reject Odin and convinced her brother to abandon the simulation.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq revealed himself to be the reincarnation of Loki and vengefully attacked Eivor after deducing she was the reincarnation of Odin. Eivor defeated Basim with Sigurd's help and left him trapped inside Yggdrasil's simulation.

878 AD:
✮ Ubba Ragnarsson was killed in the Battle of Cynwit by soldiers of Odda, Ealdorman of Devon at Uffentune.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir and her allies fought in the Battle of Chippenham, in order to weed out King Alfred the Great and kill him. Alfred escaped, but the Vikings were victorious, despite suffering heavy losses, including Soma, Hunwald, and Hjorr Halfsson.

✮ King Alfred found refuge in the village of Athelnay, where he contacted Eivor Varinsdottir and revealed himself to be "the Poor Fellow-Soldier of Christ," as well as the reluctant Grand Maegester of the Order of the Ancients. In the wake of the Order's destruction, Alfred vowed to establish a new, "universal" order, which would eventually become the Templar Order.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir found and retrieved Mjölnir, a Piece of Eden formerly wielded by the Isu Thor, in Rygjafylke, Norway.

879 AD:
✮ Mentor Fuladh of the Justanid region held a council at the Hidden Ones' newly constructed fortress of Alamut. Acolyte Hytham was invited by Mentor Rayhan to attend the council in order to receive a promotion and give an account of Basim Ibn Ishaq's betrayal.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir was invited by her cousin, the King of Dublin Bárid mac Ímair, to attened the coronation of Flann Sinna as High King of Ireland. During the coronation, there was an attempt on Flann's life, which was thwarted by Eivor and Bárid.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir began aiding Flann Sinna's conquest of Ireland to help Bárid mac Ímair gain favor with the High King. In doing so, she discovered that a druidic cult called the Children of Danu was behind the assassination attempt against Flann, seeking to create chaos across Ireland. With the help of Flann's poetess and druid Ciara ingen Medba, Eivor managed to eliminate two Children of Danu, Niamh and Sétnae, who tried to kill Flann after his victory over Connacht.

881 AD:
✮ After Abbot Eogan mac Cartaigh's betrayal at Clogher resulted in King Bárid mac Ímair's death, his son Sichfrith took the throne as Dublin's new ruler.

882 AD:
✮ With the help of King Sichfrith and Eivor Varinsdottir, Flann Sinna launched an assault on Armagh and killed Abbot Eogan mac Cartaigh, who was secretly the leader of the Children of Danu. In the aftermath, Flann and the other kings of Ireland ordered the remaining druids to either convert or leave the country.

✮ Feeling betrayed, Ciara ingen Medba activated the Lia Fáil in order to save her people from persecution but was defeated by Eivor Varinsdottir. Afterwards, Flann Sinna rescinded his order and vowed to serve and protect all the people of Ireland, regardless of their religious beliefs.

✮ During her travels in Ireland, Eivor restored Dublin's trade connection across the land and helped her new ally, the Persian merchant Azar, to settle an old grudge. She also eradicated the last remnants of the Children of Danu, which led to her collecting the amber shards for the druidic priestess Deirdre Na Linni and then obtaining the Gae Bolg after defeating a manifestation of Balor in a hallucination.

885 AD:
✮ The Elgring Clan's jarl Sinric was murdered in his sleep by Bishop Engelwin, a member of the Bellatores Dei religious cult. His brother Sigfred succeeded him as jarl while his daughter Toka Sinricsdottir traveled to England to seek aid from the local Vikings for an upcoming attack against King Charles the Fat.

886 AD:
✮ Eivor Varinsdottir accepted an invitation from Toka Sinricsdottir and the Frankish rebel Pierre to travel to West Francia, where she met with Sigfred to discuss the threat posed by Charles the Fat.

✮ The Elgring Clan and Eivor Varinsdottir were attacked in Melun by Bishop Engelwin's forces, whom they successfully repelled. Afterwards, Eivor tracked Engelwin to the Sainte-Geneviève Church in Paris and assassinated him.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir met with Charles the Fat in the chambers underneath the Boatmen Baths Tavern to discuss the possibility of a peace treaty between the king and Sigfred. Charles agreed to negotiate a treaty with the Vikings on the condition that Eivor find his missing wife, Queen Richardis.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir assassinated the nun Euphrasia, a Bellatores Dei member, in Aquila and rescued a captive Queen Richardis. She then delivered the queen to Charles the Fat, only to be betrayed by the king, forcing Eivor and Richardis to escape from his guards.

✮ After a failed attempt to convince Count Odo of France to negotiate a peace treaty, Eivor Varinsdottir joined Sigfred in planning their siege of Paris. She later met with Charles the Fat once again for a truce, but ultimately failed to persuade the king.

✮ The Elgring Clan, with the assistance of Eivor Varinsdottir, besieged Paris, attacking the Île de la Cité. During the siege, Eivor killed the Bellatores Dei member Ebels and defeated Count Odo, securing the Vikings' victory. During the peace negotiations, Sigfred was named Lord of Rouen by Charles the Fat, which led to Toka Sinricsdottir becoming jarlskona in her uncle's place.

✮ During her travels in West Francia, Eivor Varinsdottir discovered abandoned Hidden Ones bureaus across the land, acquired three keys needed to access the Lutetia bureau, and recovered the sword Joyeuse. Before leaving the bureau, she also learned that the Frankish Hidden Ones were still active, as she was left a note by one of their members, the monk Abbo Cernuus.
​9th Century (Mirage & Valhalla Timeline) Part 4:
887 AD:
✮ At Count Odo's behest, Eivor Varinsdottir went to look for Queen Richardis in Amiens and found Charles the Fat's bastard son Bernard, who informed her of the queen's capture and her trial by fire at the Villa of Amiens. There, Eivor killed Bishop Gozlin, a Bellatores Dei member, and defeated a mentally unstable Charles in combat, while Richardis was fortunate enough to survive her trial unscathed.

✮ Count Odo succeeded Charles the Fat as King of West Francia and formed an alliance with Eivor Varinsdottir and the Raven Clan. After also securing an alliance with Toka Sinricsdottir and the Elgring Clan, Eivor returned home to England.

✮ Kassandra arrived on Scotland's Isle of Skye to search for an Apple of Eden, but her presence inadvertently activated the artifact, which began affecting the locals' minds, giving them intense nightmares and driving many insane.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir traveled to the Isle of Skye to investigate the nightmares and ran into Kassandra in a cemetery. After a brief fight and upon noticing they both wielded Hidden Blades, the two warriors agreed to work together to find the source of the nightmares.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir and Kassandra found the Isle of Skye's Apple of Eden hidden in a cave and together they managed to de-activate it, ending the nightmares plaguing the locals. Kassandra took the artifact and departed the island, though not before accepting Eivor's invitation to celebrate their victory by crashing a nearby wedding, which helped her with her lacking social skills.

✮ Eivor Varinsdottir encountered the former Hidden One Roshan, who had come to England to assassinate the Ancient Makira. Eivor helped Roshan accomplish her mission and the two parted ways, as Roshan left for Jerusalem with documents she had retrieved from Makira's body.

889 AD:
✮ After years of serving the Raven Clan, Eivor Varinsdottir decided she had fulfilled her destiny in England and sailed to Vinland to better understand her connection with Odin. There, Eivor spent her final years conversing with Odin, who explained her nature as a reborn Isu and told her about the Isu's history and eventual demise during the Great Catastrophe.

900 AD:
✮ The first pictorial representation of a gun was made in India, after it had been created using the knowledge from an Apple of Eden.
10th Century AD:
985 AD:
✮ King Eric the Victorious of Sweden, backed by the Hidden Ones, defended himself against the forces of Scandinavian prince Styrbjörn the Strong and his ally Harald Bluetooth, a member of the Templar Order and owner of a prong of the Trident of Eden.
11th Century AD:
1001 AD:
✮ The populace of Rome revolted against Pope Sylvester II, a leader of the Templar Order, who was branded a heretic and sorcerer for his support and promotion of science.

1090 AD:
✮ The Brotherhood that started as the Hidden Ones became a public organization for the first time in their history under the name Assassins, under the directive of Hassan-i Sabbāh in the Levant.

1099 AD:
✮ An army of Crusaders captured the city of Jerusalem, marking the end of the First Crusade and the start of a Crusader presence in the Holy Land for over two centuries.
12th Century (AC I Timeline) Part 1:
1129 AD:
✮ The Order of the Knights Templar was publicly recognized as a military order during the Council of Troyes, with Hugues de Payens serving as the first public Grand Master. With help from Bernard de Clairvaux, de Payens formed the Latin Rule.

1140 AD:
✮ The Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis discovered an Isu temple underneath the city which contained an artifact known as the Head of Saint Denis. Using knowledge gained from the artifact, the abbot created a sword, akin to a Sword of Eden, which would later come to be known as the Eagle of Suger.

1162 AD:
✮ Hassan the Younger sent the Assassin who would later be known as Al Mualim from Alamut to establish a fortress in Masyaf, speculated by some to have been due to an ideological rift between the two.

1176 AD:
✮ Sultan Salāḥ ad-Dīn laid siege to the Levantine Assassins' fortress in Masyaf. Acting on information received from Ahmad Sofian, the Assassins' leader Al Mualim tasked Umar Ibn-La'Ahad with infiltrating the enemy camp, where he left a note tied to a dagger in Salāḥ ad-Dīn's tent.

✮ Šihāb ad-Dīn, uncle to Salāḥ ad-Dīn, brokered a truce with the Assassins on the condition that Umar Ibn-La'Ahad be executed for taking the life of a Ayyubid nobleman during his infiltration of their camp. Against Al Mualim's will, Umar voluntarily had his life taken.

✮ Ahmad Sofian committed suicide inside the quarters of Umar Ibn-La'Ahad's son Altaïr because of his remorse over giving Umar's name to the Saracens while in their captivity.

1187 AD:
✮ The Battle of Hattin was fought between the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Saracen forces of Saladin, resulting in a Saracen victory. King Guy of Lusignan, Templar Grand Master Gerard de Ridefort and Raynald of Châtillon were taken as prisoners and later released.

1189 AD:
✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad killed Haras, an Assassin-turned-Templar, inside Masyaf fortress during an attack by the Templars, saving the life of Al Mualim. Altaïr was elevated to the rank of Master Assassin for his actions.

✮ The Assassin and Vejovis' Sage Faisal, who survived the attack on Masyaf, traveled to Damascus and met a Templar known as The Hideout. Pretending to wish to join the Templars, Faisal was given one of the blades of Vejovis' dagger to transport to Beirut.

✮ The Assassin Rafee tracked down and attacked Faisal, believing he had betrayed the Brotherhood. After reluctantly killing Rafee to maintain his cover, Faisal delivered the blade to Beirut as instructed and later brought it to Constantinople.

✮ Templar Grand Master Gerard de Ridefort was beheaded on orders of Saladin after having been captured during the Siege of Acre by the Saracen army.

1190 AD:
✮ The Knights Templar besieged the Assassins' fortress in Aleppo, on orders of their de facto leader Lord Basilisk, though the Assassins were able to fend off the attack.

✮ Al Mualim tasked Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad with finding the Chalice, an ancient artifact that held powers similar to a Piece of Eden.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad traveled to Damascus and assassinated the Templar Alaat on behalf of Fajera, who handed him one of the keys to the Temple of the Sand, where the Chalice was supposedly held.

✮ Roland Napule, a Templar and head of the hospital in Tyre, was assassinated by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad on orders of the local rafiq Hamid. Altaïr retrieved a second key to the Temple of the Sand from one of Napule's captives.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad retrieved the third key to the Temple of the Sand from Templar leader Basilisk at a party in Jerusalem, acting upon information gained from the rafiq Kadar and the nobleman Ayman.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad killed the Master of the Templars' Jerusalem Tower and his student while attempting to retrieve a map of the Temple of the Sand.

✮ Lord Basilisk attempted to stop the Siege of Acre by poisoning Acre's water supply, though the plan was thwarted by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Altaïr bested Basilisk in combat but spared his life in exchange for the location of the Chalice.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad killed Harash, the second-in-command of Al Mualim, after hearing of his betrayal from Adha, who revealed herself to be the Chalice.

✮ Lord Basilisk was killed in combat with Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad at the harbor of Tyre, after the Templars captured Adha. Despite Basilisk's death, the Templars shipped Adha away from Tyre. Altaïr was eventually able to find Adha again but was too late as she had been executed by the Templars.

1191 AD:
✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and the brothers Malik and Kadar Al-Sayf infiltrated the Jerusalem Vault to retrieve an Apple of Eden. After encountering Templars led by Grand Master Robert de Sable, Kadar was killed and Malik lost his left arm, though he managed to bring the Apple back to Masyaf.

✮ The Assassins fended off a Templar attack on Masyaf fortress led by Robert de Sable. Al Mualim demoted Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad for betraying the three tenets of the Creed during his mission to the Jerusalem Vault and assigned him nine targets to assassinate in order to redeem himself.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad killed eight of his targets; Tamir, Garnier de Naplouse, Talal, Abu'l Nuqoud, William of Montferrat, Majd Addin, Sibrand, and Jubair al Hakim; in the cities of Damascus, Acre and Jerusalem, discovering all eight to be members of the Templar Order.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad attempted to kill Robert de Sable, his ninth and final target, at Majd Addin's funeral in Jerusalem, but Robert had assigned Maria Thorpe as his decoy. Altaïr spared Maria's life after she informed him of Robert's plan to negotiate an alliance between the Crusaders and Saracens against the Assassins.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad confronted Robert de Sable in King Richard I of England's camp at Arsuf, where he informed the king of Robert's betrayal. After Robert denied the accusations, Richard ordered that Altaïr and Robert have a duel to determine who was telling the truth. Altaïr was victorious, killing the Templar Grand Master, and was allowed to leave by Richard.

✮ Crusader forces commanded by King Richard I and the Saracen army led by Saladin clashed at the Battle of Arsuf, where the Crusaders emerged victorious.

✮ Al Mualim was killed by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad after betraying the Assassin Brotherhood by brainwashing his subjects with the Apple of Eden to make them worship him.

✮ Abbas Sofian sparked a minor civil war among the Assassins against Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. Abbas stole their Mentor's Apple of Eden, though it slowly began killing him, until he was saved by Altaïr.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad succeeded Al Mualim as Mentor of the Levantine Brotherhood of Assassins, after persuading the Assassins of his capabilities.

✮ Grand Master Armand Bouchart, who succeeded Robert de Sable, relocated the Knights Templar to Cyprus. During their relocation from Acre, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad led an Assassin attack on Acre's harbor and captured Maria Thorpe.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad killed the Templar captain Frederick "the Red" in Limassol Castle, after establishing contact with Alexander of Limassol, the local leader of a resistance against the Templar occupation of Cyprus.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad rescued Maria Thorpe from imprisonment by Armand Bouchart, who did not intend to break the Latin Rule by conspiring with women. The two traveled by boat to Kyrenia.
12th Century (AC I Timeline) Part 2:
1192 AD:
✮ Jonas, a merchant from Kyrenia, was killed by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad on behalf of a Templar agent posing as the Kyrenia resistance leader Barnabas, triggering a riot among the populace.

✮ Moloch, leader of a local group of fanatics and a Templar ally, was killed by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad in Kantara Castle, acting upon information gained from Maria Thorpe and resistance soldier Markos.

✮ The Dark Oracle, a former Cypriot noblewoman, provided the Templars with the locations of resistance members. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad rescued the members from captivity and killed the Dark Oracle in Buffavento Castle.

✮ Maria Thorpe and Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad infiltrated Saint Hilarion Castle, where Altaïr killed Moloch's sons, the Templars Shalim and Shahar, eradicating the Templar presence in Kyrenia.

1193 AD:
✮ The Knights Templar moved all their artifacts out of the Templar Archive in Limassol to an unknown location, on orders of Grand Master Armand Bouchart.

✮ Grand Master Armand Bouchart was killed by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, during a duel between the two inside the Templar Archive.
13th Century AD:
1204 AD:
✮ The Crusaders conquered and sacked the city of Constantinople, ending the Fourth Crusade. During the siege, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, who had come to Constantinople to spread the influence of the Assassins, was forced to retreat from the city.

1215 AD:
✮ The First Barons' War started between the forces of King John of England, supported by the Assassin William of Cassingham, and the rebelling English Barons, led by the Assassin Robert Fitzwalter and aided by France.

1217 AD:
✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, his wife Maria and their eldest son Darim left Masyaf to oppose the rise of the Mongol Empire and eliminate Genghis Khan. Malik Al-Sayf was left to lead the Assassins, with help of Darim's younger brother Sef.

1226 AD:
✮ Sef Ibn-La'Ahad was killed by the apprentice Swami on orders of Abbas Sofian, in an attempt to claim control of the Levantine Assassins.

✮ Malik Al-Sayf was framed for the murder of Sef Ibn-La'Ahad by Abbas Sofian, who placed a council in charge of the Levantine Assassins, with himself at its head.

1227 AD:
✮ Jochi Khan, first son of the Mongol warlord Genghis Khan, was fatally poisoned by the Assassin Darim Ibn-La'Ahad.

✮ Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire, was killed by the Assassin Darim Ibn-La'Ahad in China, after he fell off his horse when it was shot by Qulan Gal. For his vital role in the Khan's assassination, Qulan Gal would later be honored as a legendary Assassin.

1228 AD:
✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Maria Thorpe and their son Darim returned to Masyaf, where they were informed of the ruling council. Darim traveled to Alamut to meet with his brother Sef's widowed wife and children.

✮ Malik Al-Sayf was rescued by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad from Masyaf's dungeons, and informed Altaïr and Maria Thorpe of the truth regarding Sef's death. In Altaïr's and Maria's absence, Malik was beheaded by Swami.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Maria Thorpe confronted Abbas Sofian in Masyaf fortress. Upon being taunted by Swami, Altaïr used his Apple of Eden to force Swami to kill himself. In the ensuing frenzy, Swami fatally stabbed Maria. Altaïr escaped Masyaf with help from his son Darim.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad exiled himself to Alamut, while Abbas Sofian usurped the title of Mentor of the Levantine Assassins. At Alamut, Altaïr made several discoveries and inventions using his Apple of Eden, and retrived six Memory Seals from the Isu temple beneath the fortress.

1241 AD:
✮ The Battle of Legnica was fought between the Mongol Empire and the Kingdom of Poland, aided by the Knights Templar. A Templar was captured and later brought to the court of the Mongol prince Möngke Khan.

✮ Ögedei Khan, the second Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and the third son of Genghis Khan, was killed by the Assassin Nergüi.

1247 AD:
✮ The merchant Mukhlis was saved from the brigands led by Bayhas outside Masyaf by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, who had returned from his self-imposed exile in Alamut.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad started gaining the support of the Levantine Assassins and Masyaf's villagers in attempting to take back the declining Brotherhood under Abbas Sofian, and befriended Malik Al-Sayf's son Tazim.

✮ Abbas Sofian was killed by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad using the Hidden Gun, during a non-violent assault on Masyaf fortress by Altaïr and his supporters. Altaïr was welcomed back as Mentor of the Levantine Assassins.

✮ Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad ordered the start of the construction of a hidden library beneath the fortress of Masyaf to hide the knowledge and secrets of the Brotherhood.
14th Century AD:
1304 AD:
✮ Pope Benedict XI died after being poisoned by his political rival Guillaume de Nogaret, the councilor to King Philip IV of France and Mentor of the French Assassins.

1307 AD:
✮ King Philip IV of France, under the influence of Mentor Guillaume de Nogaret, branded the Knights Templar as heretics and their Temple in Paris was besieged, resulting in the arrests of numerous Templars including Grand Master Jacques de Molay.

✮ Jacques de Molay's advisor hid de Molay's Sword of Eden and the Codex Pater Intellectus in a Templar crypt underneath the Temple before being killed by Master Assassin Thomas de Carneillon.

1314 AD:
✮ Jacques de Molay, the last publicly recognized Grand Master of the Knights Templar and a Sage, was burned at the stake alongside Geoffroi de Charney. Before his death, de Molay sent nine of his most trusted men across the known world to continue the Templar Order's objectives underground.

1321 AD:
✮ The Assassin Dante Alighieri was killed by the Templars, revealing their continued existence to the Brotherhood.

✮ Dante's apprentice Domenico Auditore, his wife Isabetta, and their son Renato attempted to bring Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex to Spain but were attacked in the Otranto harbor by pirates employed by the Templars; Isabetta did not survive the encounter.

1324 AD:
✮ Marco Polo, and later Domenico Auditore's father, were killed by the Templars.

✮ Domenico Auditore bought and renovated the villa in Monteriggioni, renaming it the Villa Auditore. Monteriggioni became the headquarters of the Italian Assassins.

1338 AD:
✮ Lukas Zurburg was saved by the Assassins from a road thief while travelling from Essen to Adendorf. Zurburg subsequently joined the Assassin Brotherhood.
15th Century (AC II Timeline) Part 1:
1402 AD:
✮ Zhu Di became the "Yongle Emperor" with aid from the Templars, founding the Ming dynasty and succeeding the Jianwen Emperor.

✮ The Chinese imperial army arrested and executed thousands of people on Zhu Di's orders regarding suspicions of being Assassins; the Assassin leader Fang Xiaoru was killed during the purge. Li Tong managed to escape the Assassin headquarters in Beijing with another apprentice and an Apple of Eden.

1417 AD:
✮ The Chinese admiral Zheng He started his fifth exploration voyage, discovering lands in Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, ahead of European explorers.

1424 AD:
✮ Zhu Di was assassinated by the Assassin Li Tong while trying to suppress a rebellion in the Gobi Desert.

1431 AD:
✮ Jeanne d'Arc was saved from imprisonment and execution by the Assassin Brotherhood.

✮ Fleur, posing as her master Jeanne d'Arc, was burned at the stake by the English, an act that was orchestrated by rogue Templars.

1440 AD:
✮ The Battle of Anghiari was fought between the Florentine and Milanese armies. A six-year-old Mario Auditore alerted the Florentine commander Micheletto Attendolo of a surprise attack by the Milanese, resulting in a Florentine victory.

1442 AD:
✮ Ilario Auditore, an old friend of Cosimo de' Medici, was succeeded as Gonfaloniere of Florence by Luca Albizzi.

1453 AD:
✮ Sultan Mehmet II of the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, utilizing an Apple of Eden, effectively destroying the Byzantine Empire.

1454 AD:
✮ Monteriggioni was besieged by the Florentine army led by Federico da Montefeltro. Under Mario Auditore's leadership, Monteriggioni managed to fend off the siege.

✮ Mario Auditore discovered the Shroud of Eden beneath the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni; while exploring the crypts, Mario lost an eye upon triggering a trap.

1455 AD:
✮ Lorenzo de' Medici, grandson of Cosimo de' Medici and future leader of Florence, was saved by the Assassin Giovanni Auditore da Firenze from drowning in the Arno.

1476 AD:
✮ Vlad Tepes, the ruler of Wallachia and a Templar, was killed during an Assassin attack led by Ishak Pasha, the Mentor of the Ottoman Brotherhood.

✮ Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the Duke of Milan, was killed by Templar conspirators Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani, Carlo Visconti, and Gerolamo Olgiati. Visconti and Olgiati were captured and later hanged, while Lampugnani was killed by a Moorish guard.

✮ Giovanni Auditore and his sons Federico and Petruccio were hanged in front of the Palazzo della Signoria, on false accusations of treason against Florence, by their former ally, Gonfaloniere Uberto Alberti, who had secretly defected to the Templars.

✮ Giovanni's son Ezio Auditore assassinated Uberto Alberti as revenge for betraying the Auditore family, while the latter was attending an exposition of Andrea del Verrocchio's work.

1477 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore, his mother Maria, and sister Claudia left Florence and moved to Monteriggioni to live with Ezio's uncle Mario in the Villa Auditore. Mario informed Ezio of his Assassin heritage and began training him to become an Assassin and follow in Giovanni's footsteps.

1478 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore killed his childhood rival Vieri de' Pazzi in San Gimignano, Tuscany for conspiring with the Templars.

✮ Lorenzo de' Medici, ruler of Florence, and his brother Giuliano were attacked by the Templar Pazzi conspirators, resulting in Giuliano's death. Lorenzo was saved by Ezio Auditore, who had spied on the conspirators' meeting earlier with aid from La Volpe and had learned about their plan.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated the Templar Francesco de' Pazzi, one of the Pazzi conspirators, and hung his body from the Palazzo della Signoria, scaring the remaining conspirators into fleeing Florence and abandoning their plan to take over the city.

✮ Ezio Auditore climbed atop San Gimignano's tallest tower and assassinated Antonio Maffei, a monk formerly employed by Lorenzo de' Medici and one of the Pazzi conspirators.

1479 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated Francesco Salviati, the Archbishop of Pisa and one of the Pazzi conspirators, in his villa near San Gimignano.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated Bernardo Baroncelli, a banker employed by the Pazzi family and one of the Pazzi conspirators, in San Gimignano.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated Stefano da Bagnone, a monk employed as Jacopoe de' Pazzi's secretary and one of the Pazzi conspirators, in the Monte Oliveto Maggiore monastery outside San Gimignano.

1480 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore killed Jacopo de' Pazzi in an act of mercy after witnessing Grand Master Rodrigo Borgia and Emilio Barbarigo mortally wound him during a Templar meeting in the Antico Teatro Romano for his failure during the Pazzi Conspiracy.

1481 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore and Leonardo da Vinci sailed to Venice, with aid from Caterina Sforza, where Ezio formed an alliance with the local thief's guild led by Antonio de Magianis.

✮ Sultan Mehmet II of the Ottoman Empire passed away, leaving his two sons Bayezid and Cem, a Templar, competing for the throne. Though Cem managed to secure their father's Apple of Eden, Bayezid secured the Ottoman throne.

1482 AD:
✮ Prince Cem hid his Apple of Eden in the Templar Archive on Cyprus after realizing the artifact refused to communicate with him, so that the European Templars could find it.

✮ Prince Cem met the Knights Hospitaller on Rhodes; however, he was betrayed by the Hospitallers and sent to be imprisoned in Europe, where he would become acquainted with Grand Master Rodrigo Borgia in Italy.

1485 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated Emilio Barbarigo, leader of the Venetian merchant guild and a Templar, inside his palazzo, with aid from the Venetian thief's guild.

✮ Carlo Grimaldi, a member of Venice's Council of Ten and a Templar, lethally poisoned the Doge of Venice Giovanni Mocenigo, but was promptly killed in turn by Ezio Auditore, who had infiltrated the Palazzo Ducale using Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine.

1486 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore infiltrated Venice's Carnevale feast and assassinated Marco Barbarigo, the new Doge of Venice and a Templar, with help from Sister Teodora.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated the Templars Silvio Barbarigo and Dante Moro in the Arsenale di Venezia with aid from Bartolomeo d'Alviano and his mercenaries.

✮ The Italian Templars left Venice to retrieve the Apple of Eden from Cyprus, after ascertaining its location from Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex pages.

1487 AD:
✮ The army of Lambert Simnel, a pretender to the English throne and Templar puppet, was defeated by King Henry VII of England, and Simnel was imprisoned.
15th Century (AC II Timeline) Part 2:
Fourteen Eighty-Eight AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore stole the Apple of Eden from the Templars in Venice after they had just returned from Cyprus. Following a confrontation with Rodrigo Borgia, Ezio was formally inducted into the Assassin Brotherhood by his uncle Mario and allies from the courtesans, thieves, and mercenaries' guilds, all of whom revealed themselves to be Assassins.

✮ The brothers Checco and Ludovico Orsi attacked the city of Forlì on orders of Rodrigo Borgia, after its ruler Caterina Sforza had hired the Orsi brothers to kill her Templar husband Girolamo Riario.

✮ Ezio Auditore arrived in Forlì with the Assassin Niccolò Machiavelli to give the Apple of Eden to Caterina Sforza for safekeeping. He killed Ludovico and Checco Orsi, but passed out after Checco wounded him and he lost the Apple to the monk Girolamo Savonarola.

✮ The Assassin and Vejovis' Sage Giulia prevented a group of Templars from accessing an Isu vault underneath the Basilica di San Marco in Venice. While exploring the vault, Giulia found one of the blades of Vejovis' dagger and was contacted by a hologram of the Isu, who instructed her to hide the blade deeper within the vault.

1491 AD:
✮ Christopher Columbus, accompanied by the Assassin Luis de Santángel, was lured into an ambush in Venice by Rodrigo Borgia, who promised to fund Columbus' next voyage but wanted to keep the New World a Templar secret. Ezio Auditore rescued Columbus.

✮ Luis de Santángel persuaded Ezio Auditore to accompany him and Columbus back to Spain in order to help him and fellow Assassin Raphael Sánchez save the Spanish Assassins from persecution by the Spanish Inquisition.

✮ Aguilar de Nerha was officially inducted into the Assassin Brotherhood by the Mentor Benedicto, having joined their ranks after his parents were killed in the Spanish Inquisition.

✮ Prince Ahmed of Granada, son of Emir Muhammad XII of Granada, was taken from Assassin protection by Templars led by Ojeda in an effort to obtain the King's Apple of Eden.

✮ Mentor Benedicto, along with other Assassins including Aguilar de Nerha and Maria, attempted to stop the abduction of Prince Ahmed. Benedicto, Aguilar and Maria were captured while the other Assassins were killed in the effort. Benedicto was later burned at the stake, but Aguilar and Maria managed to escape.

1492 AD:
✮ Emir Muhammad XII of Granada, during the surrender of the Emirate of Granada, handed the Apple of Eden over to Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada in exchange for the return of his son.

✮ The Assassins Aguilar de Nerha and Maria engaged in a struggle with Tomás de Torquemada and Ojeda for the Apple of Eden, resulting in the deaths of Maria and Ojeda. Aguilar escaped with the Apple.

✮ Ezio Auditore confronted Tomás de Torquemada, who feigned ignorance of his Templar affiliations. Ezio subsequently decided against killing Torquemada and later returned to Italy.

✮ Christopher Columbus was entrusted with an Apple of Eden by the Assassin Aguilar de Nerha in Palos de la Frontera while preparing for his voyage to the New World.

✮ Rodrigo Borgia was elected as the new head of the Catholic Church, after purchasing votes from the other cardinals, and became known as Pope Alexander VI.

✮ The Inquisitor and Templar Gustavo Ramírez discovered a piece of the Staff of Eden hidden in St. Rafael Abbey, and delivered it to Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada, while evading pursuit by the Assassins.

✮ The Spanish Assassins stole a second piece of the Staff of Eden from Dominican monks at the Monastery of St. Lucia before Inquisitor Gustavo Ramírez could recover it.

✮ The Assassin bureau leader in Burgos, Diego de Alvarado, was captured and secretly persuaded to work as a Templar agent by the Inquisitor Gustavo Ramirez. He was subsequently rescued by the Assassins.

✮ Gustavo Ramirez recovered the last piece of the Staff of Eden from Sobroso Castle, where he was betrayed and killed by Diego de Alvarado. De Alvarado fled before the Assassins could recover the artifact.

✮ Christopher Columbus' fleet discovered the Americas, and landed on the island of Guanahani, inhabited by the Taíno.

1494 AD:
✮ Girolamo Savonarola stirred the Florentines into rebelling against Piero de' Medici using the Apple of Eden. The Medici were exiled, and Savonarola became the city's de facto leader.

✮ Ezio Auditore saved Girolamo Savonarola's cousin Marcello from Borgia guards in Florence.

✮ Ezio Auditore saved Piero de' Medici from Girolamo Savonarola's followers in Venice. Together, they took down the attackers and a corrupt herald.

✮ Ezio Auditore retrieved the six Assassin Seals from the Assassin Tombs in Florence, San Gimignano, Forlì and Venice and claimed the Armor of Altaïr from within the Sanctuary in Monteriggioni.

⭐ 1495 AD:
✮ Prince Cem was killed in Capua by the Assassins, who believed the Borgia were planning to use Cem to conquer Constantinople.

✮ The Ottoman Assassins Ishak Pasha, Yusuf Tazim, Murat Bin Husn, and Aleksei Zima travelled to Spain to intercept a trade deal between the Byzantine and Spanish Templars, hoping to recover Niccolò Polo's journal, though the Templars had already taken it elsewhere.

⭐ 1497 AD:
✮ Juan Borgia was killed by the courtesan Fiora Cavazza on orders of his brother Cesare Borgia, allowing the latter to become Captain General of the Papal Armies.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Girolamo Savonarola's nine lieutenants in an effort to remove Savonarola's control over the Florentine population and regain the Apple of Eden.
15th Century (AC II Timeline) Part 3:
1498 AD:
✮ Giovanni Borgia was born to Lucrezia Borgia and the Assassin Perotto Calderon, with whom Lucrezia had a secret affair, but suffered from a life-threatening deformation. Calderon stole the original Shroud of Eden from his Brother's in Agnadello to save his son's life. The Assassins subsequently killed Perotto after discovering his betrayal.

✮ Girolamo Savonarola lost all his power and influence in Florence and was captured by an angry Florentine mob in front of the Palazzo Pitti. Ezio Auditore regained the Apple of Eden, after Savonarola had dropped it and a Borgia soldier had briefly stolen it.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Girolamo Savonarola out of mercy while his target was being burned at the stake in front of the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence.

✮ Tomás de Torquemada reconstructed the shattered Staff of Eden in an Isu vault known as the Forge beneath the Monastery of St. Thomas Aquinas in Ávila, Spain.

✮ Tomás de Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Spain and a Master Templar, was killed by the Spanish Brotherhood of Assassins inside the Forge in Ávila, Spain. The Staff of Eden was subsequently destroyed using the Forge's collapsing structures, and its remnants were buried.

1499 AD:
✮ Perkin Warbeck, a Templar, was hanged by King Henry VII of England for his attempt to claim the English throne.

✮ The Italian Assassins assembled the pages of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex and discovered they formed a map of the world, pointing towards the location of an Isu vault in the Vatican.

✮ Ezio Auditore infiltrated the Vatican and battled Rodrigo Borgia, who wielded the Papal Staff of Eden, in the Sistine Chapel. Ezio defeated Rodrigo and claimed the Staff but chose to spare his target's life.

✮ Ezio Auditore opened the door to the Vatican Vault using his Apple of Eden and the Papal Staff and received a message from the Isu Minerva warning Ezio's descendant Desmond Miles of the Second Disaster.

✮ Ezio Auditore escaped Rome with his uncle Mario and the Apple of Eden, but lost the Papal Staff, which remained secured within an underground chamber in front of the Vatican Vault.

1500 AD:
✮ Monteriggioni was besieged and destroyed by the Papal Army under orders of Cesare Borgia, who executed the captured Assassin leader Mario Auditore and took possession of the Assassins' Apple of Eden. Ezio Auditore was severely wounded during the siege, and Caterina Sforza was captured.

✮ Niccolò Machiavelli became the leader of the Italian Assassins and set up headquarters on Tiber Island in Rome to fight the Borgia. Ezio Auditore joined him and later set up an underground network in the city led by his sister Claudia, La Volpe and Bartolomeo d'Alviano.

✮ Cesare Borgia and Sirus Favero founded the Crows, a Templar organization dedicated to eradicating the Assassins by adopting their own techniques and weaponry. They deceived the Spanish Assassin Raphael Sánchez into training the Crows for five years at Vallombrosa Abbey.

✮ Ezio Auditore saved Nicolaus Copernicus from Borgia attacks in Rome after Copernicus betrayed the Templars by making his scientific discoveries of heliocentrism public.

✮ Italian Assassins destroyed several warehouses and factories in Calicut, India owned by Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese explorer tasked with eliminating the local Assassins Guild. The population of Calicut rose in rebellion against Cabral, and he fled the city.
16th Century (Brotherhood, Revelations & Shadows Timeline) Part 1:
1501 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore helped Caterina Sforza escape her imprisonment by Lucrezia Borgia in the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome.

✮ Agostino Barbarigo, the Doge of Venice and an Assassin ally, died after having been poisoned by an Assassin team consisting of Francesco Vecellio, Cipriano Enu, and Tessa Varzi for making deals with the Borgia.

1502 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore destroyed the war machines that Leonardo da Vinci had designed on orders of Cesare Borgia, at da Vinci's own request.

✮ Yusuf Tazim met with a contingent of Venetian Assassins in a joint effort to steer the Ottoman–Venetian War to a peaceful end.

✮ Pietro de Galencia, a Templar spy who had infiltrated Monteriggioni, was killed by the Assassin Lo Sparviero after it was discovered that Pietro had stolen a chest containing blueprints of the Hidden Blade from the Villa Auditore. The Assassins were unable to retrieve the chest, as it had already been delivered to Cesare Borgia.

✮ The University of Wittenberg opened its doors. Its founder, Friedrich der Weise, previously received a large anonymous donation from the Assassins, stolen from the Templars.

✮ Vasco da Gama bombarded Calicut for two days in retaliation for the Assassins routing Pedro Álvares Cabral; the Assassins later eliminated da Gama's commanders who were left in the city.

✮ Micheletto Corella killed Vitellozzo Vitelli and Oliverotto da Fermo for rebelling against Cesare Borgia.

✮ The Assassin Lo Sparviero foiled an assassination attempt on Leonardo da Vinci by the Crows; the Brotherhood first became aware of the existence of the Crows.

1503 AD:
✮ Giovanni Borgia was recruited to the Assassin Brotherhood by Francesco Vercellio, the former apprentice of Giovanni's late father, the Assassin Perotto Calderon.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated Juan Borgia the Elder, a Templar and one of Cesare Borgia's lieutenants, while his target was hosting a Pagan party in Rome.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Baron Octavian de Valois, a Templar and one of Cesare Borgia's lieutenants, in the Castra Praetoria in Rome with aid from Bartolomeo d'Alviano and his mercenaries.

✮ Cesare Borgia ordered his assassin Micheletto Corella to kill Pietro Rossi for his affair with Cesare's sister Lucrezia; Ezio Auditore thwarted the attempt and defeated Michelleto, but chose to spare his life.

✮ Ezio Auditore was promoted to Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, and his sister Claudia was inducted into the Brotherhood.

✮ Ezio Auditore claimed the Armor of Brutus after unlocking the treasure of Romulus using the six keys he had retrieved from the Lairs of Romulus across Rome.

✮ Grand Master Rodrigo Borgia was killed by his son Cesare after refusing to give him the Apple of Eden, using a poisoned apple that Rodrigo had intended to kill his son with for his reckless behavior. Ezio Auditore retrieved the Apple of Eden from the courtyard of Basilica di San Pietro ahead of Cesare.

✮ Pius III was elected to the Papacy, succeeding the late Rodrigo Borgia. Cesare Borgia attempted to rig the election in his favor but was unable to due to having lost all of his influence in the Vatican.

✮ Julius II became Pope, succeeding Pius III, who had passed away only 26 days after his election.

✮ Margaret of York was fatally poisoned by the Assassins on behalf of King Richard VII of England, for plotting to claim the English throne in a Yorkist Templar plot.

✮ Cesare Borgia was arrested by Fabio Orsini on orders of Pope Julius II, after all his remaining supporters in Rome were eliminated by the Italian Assassins.

1504 AD:
✮ Cesare Borgia escaped imprisonment from the Castel Sant'Angelo but was re-captured by Ezio Auditore near Ostia. Pope Julius II struck a deal with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabela of Spain to have Cesare imprisoned in the Castillo de la Mota in Valencia.

✮ Claudia Auditore stepped down as the madam of the Rosa in Fiore in Rome after having been taken captive by Templar spies. The Venetian thief Rosa took over the position.

✮ Ezio Auditore was nursed back to health by the noblewoman Lisa del Giocondo after having been injured in a battle outside of Florence.

✮ Queen Isabella I of Castille passed away afer having been poisoned by her servant, an acquaintance of Luis de Santángel, at the request of the Assassins for colluding with the Borgia.

1505 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore foiled an attempt on Leonardo da Vinci's life by mercenaries employed by Pope Julius II, who sought to deprive the Borgia of the inventor's genius.

✮ Micheletto Corella was taken captive in Zagarolo after Ezio Auditore led a force of 100 Assassins and thieves on against Micheletto's army. Micheletto was imprisoned in the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence and interrogated.

✮ Pope Julius II employed Leonardo da Vinci as a military engineer and became an ally of the Italian Assassins following a meeting with Ezio Auditore.

1506 AD:
✮ Demetrio il Silente, the inventor who had created the "Corvix Blades" based on the original Hidden Blade blueprints stolen from the Villa Auditore in 1502, was sentenced to death for betraying Cesare Borgia, but was rescued by the Assassin Lo Sparviero.

✮ Sirus Favero, the leader of the Crows, infiltrated the Assassins and began plotting to destroy them from the inside as retribution for his son's murder by Lo Sparviero.

✮ Lo Sparviero became aware of Sirus Favero's deception and informed Niccolò Machiavelli after surviving an ambush by the Crows.

✮ Sirus Favero and most of the Crows were killed in Rome by Lo Sparviero and Niccolò Machiavelli. The surviving Crows fled to Forlì, where they were also eliminated soon after.

✮ Ezio Auditore locked his Apple of Eden in the Isu vault beneath the Roman Colosseum, on the artifact's instructions.

✮ Leonardo da Vinci was kidnapped by the Cult of Hermes, who forced him to lead them to the hidden entrance of the Temple of Pythagoras that da Vinci had discovered. Ezio Auditore and da Vinci's apprentice Salaì investigated his disappearance and found a clue directing them to find five of da Vinci's missing paintings.

✮ Ezio Auditore recovered all five da Vinci paintings and discovered hidden markings on each of them, which combined to form a map leading to the Temple of Pythagoras.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed the Cult of Hermes' leader Ercole Massimo and rescued Leonardo da Vinci. Ezio and da Vinci then explored the Temple of Pythagoras and found an Isu vault which contained, unbeknownst to them, the coordinates of the Grand Temple.

✮ Ezio Auditore, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Leonardo da Vinci started their journey to Valencia to find Micheletto Corella, based on information from a courtesan named Camilla in Naples.

✮ Michelleto Corella freed his master Cesare Borgia from his imprisonment at the Castillo de la Mota. Cesare began rebuilding his forces and killed Michelleto after the latter betrayed and tried to strangle him.

✮ Cesare Borgia shot Niccolò Machiavelli while he and Ezio Auditore were spying on him, and escaped after Ezio chose to take Machiavelli to a doctor rather than pursue Cesare.

1507 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore killed Cesare Borgia by dropping him from the walls of Viana Castle during the Siege of Viana.

1509 AD:
✮ The Republic of Venice and Kingdom of France fought at the Battle of Agnadello, resulting in a French victory. Bartolomeo d'Alviano was captured by the French, while trying to protect their Shroud of Eden from falling into King Louis XII's hands.

✮ An earthquake struck Constantinople. Templars fighting under the Byzantine banner re-emerged in the city.
16th Century (Brotherhood, Revelations & Shadows Timeline) Part 2:
1510 AD:
✮ The Assassin Francesco Vecellio killed Niccolò di Pitigliano in Lonigo for terrorizing the local citizens and abandoning Bartolomeo d'Alviano at the Battle of Agnadello; Francesco took the Shroud of Eden, which Niccolò had stolen, back to the Assassins.

✮ The Prince of Anhua rebellion, orchestrated by the Chinese Assassins in an attempt to assassinate Liu Jin, leader of the Eight Tigers, took place.

✮ Liu Jin was executed via lingchi on several charges of treason after being betrayed by his lieutenant Zhang Yong, secretly a Templar who sought to usurp Liu Jin's position.

✮ Ezio Auditore left Italy and started his journey to Masyaf, after having found a letter in 1509 written by his father detailing Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's library.

1511 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore was ambushed and captured by Byzantine Templars under the command of Leandros in Masyaf, but escaped his execution by hanging.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Leandros in Atlas Village, after pursuing him through the Syrian countryside; Ezio retrieved The Secret Crusade by Niccolò Polo from Leandros' body.

✮ Ezio Auditore arrived in Constantinople and became familiarized with the Ottoman Assassins, led by Yusuf Tazim, and their struggle against the Byzantine Templars.

✮ Ezio Auditore found four of the five Masyaf Keys over the course of several months with aid from bookkeeper Sofia Sartor in the Yerebatan Cistern, the Galata Tower, the Forum of the Ox, and the Maiden's Tower.

✮ The Byzantine Templars attempted to abduct Prince Suleiman during a party at Topkapı Palace but were thwarted by the Ottoman Assassins. Suleiman and Ezio Auditore subsequently formed an alliance to bring down the Byzantine Templars.

✮ Ezio Auditore assassinated the Janissary captain Tarik Barleti based on incorrect suspicions of colluding with the Byzantine Templars.

✮ Ezio Auditore retrieved the Armor of Ishak Pasha from a hidden chamber inside the Hagia Sophia, after uncovering its location from the ten memoir pages of Ishak Pasha he had found scattered around Constantinople.

✮ Ezio Auditore found and explored Vlad Tepes' prison on the outskirts of Constantinople, retrieving Vlad's sword from within his tomb.

1512 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore used explosives to destroy the Great Chain over Constantinople's harbor. Ezio proceeded to set the docked Ottoman fleet ablaze using Greek Fire and made his way to the Byzantine Templars' hideout in Cappadocia alongside Piri Reis.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Shahkulu, a Turkmen Templar, in Derinkuyu with aid from the Ottoman spy Dilara.

✮ Ezio Auditore destroyed the Byzantine Templars' ammunition storage inside Derinkuyu, causing the city to be filled with smoke, creating widespread panic.

✮ Ezio Auditore killed Manuel Palaiologos, the Byzantine Templar behind the efforts to remove Ottoman rule in Constantinople and open Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's library. Ezio recovered the final Masyaf Key from Manuel's body, only to be confronted by Prince Ahmet, who revealed himself to be the true Templar Grand Master and made his way back to Constantinople.

✮ The Ottoman Assassin leader Yusuf Tazim was killed by the Byzantine Templars while trying to prevent Sofia Sartor's abduction in her bookshop.

✮ Ezio Auditore led the Ottoman Assassins in besieging the Templars' hideout at the Harbor of Theodosius, though he was forced to spare Prince Ahmet in order to save Sofia Sartor's life.

✮ Ezio Auditore and Prince Ahmet met on the wall connected to Galata Tower, where Ezio handed Ahmet the Masyaf Keys. Ahmet tricked Ezio and ordered Sofia's execution, though Ezio saved her from strangulation.

✮ Sultan Bayezid II was forced to abdicate the Ottoman throne by his son Selim I, with support from the Janissaries.

✮ Ezio Auditore pursued and defeated Prince Ahmet outside Constantinople, before Ahmet's brother and rival, Sultan Selim I, arrived and slew his sibling. Ezio was spared due to the endorsement of Selim's son Suleiman but was ordered to leave Constantinople.

✮ Ezio Auditore unlocked the library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad in Masyaf, though he decided to leave Altaïr's Apple of Eden locked away. Alongside his and Altaïr's mutual descendant Desmond Miles in 2012, Ezio then witnessed a message from the Isu Jupiter about the Toba catastrophe.

✮ Sofia Sartor sold her bookshop in Constantinople to the Ottoman Assassins, who hid the Masyaf Keys in the cistern beneath the bookshop. Ezio Auditore became engaged to Sofia, and the couple left for Italy.

1513 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore announced his impending retirement as Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins and declared his favored successor to be Lodovico Ariosto.

1515 AD:
✮ Ezio Auditore placed the English Assassin Hiram Stoddard in charge of a mission to take down a Templar plot, accompanied by Giovanni Borgia, based on intel delivered by Michelangelo.

✮ The Assassins Giovanni Borgia and Hiram Stoddard ambushed the Templar Dei Petrucci while the latter was transporting an Apple of Eden, but the Assassins were eventually held back and Petrucci escaped.

✮ In an act of jealousy, Giovanni Borgia revealed Hiram Stoddard's adultery to the latter's lover, Elena, resulting in a violent confrontation on a rooftop. After being hit in the head by Hiram, Giovanni became possessed by the Isu Consus. Elena died in the skirmish, angering Hiram and drastically altering his personality.

1516 AD:
✮ The rogue Assassin Hiram Stoddard attempted to steal an Apple of Eden from a remote Assassin hideout in Greece, before being stopped and overpowered by Giovanni Borgia.

1519 AD:
✮ Hernán Cortés and an army of Spanish soldiers including the Assassin Giovanni Borgia posing as "Botello" on a quest to find a Piece of Eden landed on the Yucatán Peninsula to explore Mexico.

✮ Leonardo da Vinci passed away in the Clos Lucé in Amboise, France, with his friends Ezio Auditore and Niccolò Machiavelli at his side; King Francis I of France would spread stories about being at Leonardo's deathbed as propaganda.

✮ The Spanish expedition party led by Hernán Cortés was welcomed into Tenochtitlan by the Aztec ruler, Moctezuma II.

1520 AD:
✮ The Aztecs in Tenochtitlan were massacred by the Spanish during the Toxcatl feast, in response to the gruesomeness of the feast and to plunder Aztec riches. In the chaos, Giovanni Borgia stole a Crystal Skull from an Aztec priest.

✮ Moctezuma II, used as a puppet by the Spanish to calm the Aztec people, was killed after one of his subjects struck his head with a stone.

✮ Hernán Cortés and his Spanish soldiers made a narrow escape from Tenochtitlan during the night, known as the Night of Sorrow, during which many Spanish soldiers were slaughtered by the pursuing Aztecs.
16th Century (Brotherhood, Revelations & Shadows Timeline) Part 3:
1521 AD:
✮ The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived on the island of Cebu in the Philippines and converted its population to Christianity, effectively turning Cebu into a colony of the Spanish Empire. Magellan also found a Piece of Eden, the Crescent Amulet, hidden on the island, and was informed by Rajah Humabon of the other two artifacts that made up the set.

✮ Zhu Houzhao, China's "Zhengde Emperor", died without an heir, leaving the country in a state of chaos. The Chinese Assassins seized the opportunity to infiltrate the imperial palace and rescue several of the emperor's concubines, including Shao Jun, who was later initiated into the Brotherhood.

✮ Ferdinand Magellan's Spanish forces and their native allies battled the Visayan population of Mactan Island for possession of their Piece of Eden. The Spanish were defeated when the Visayan chief Lapu-Lapu used the artifact's power against them, and Magellan was killed during the battle.

✮ Zhu Houcong became the "Jiajing Emperor" with aid from the Templars, succeeding his late cousin, Zheng He.

✮ The Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León died in Havana, Cuba, after having been shot with a poisoned arrow by the Assassins in Florida for failing to heed Miguel Ramon Carlo de Lugo's warning to give up his search for the Fountain of Youth.

1524 AD:
✮ Zhu Houcong ordered a purge of his enemies under the influence of the Eight Tigers, a group of Templar eunuchs. This resulted in the near eradication of the Chinese Assassin Brotherhood, and the few survivors fled to other countries in the west.

✮ The Assassin Shao Jun and her mentor Zhu Jiuyuan traveled to Italy to seek the help of Ezio Auditore but were ambushed by Templar agents in Venice; Jiuyuan perished in the encounter.

✮ Shao Jun met Ezio Auditore at his villa in Tuscany. Ezio agreed to teach her how to rebuild her Brotherhood, and the two of them fought off Chinese imperial guards in Florence and at Ezio's villa. Ezio entrusted Jun with a Precursor box before her departure.

✮ While Ezio Auditore visited Florence with his wife Sofia and their daughter Flavia, he passed away as a result of old age and the battle wounds he had received during his career as an Assassin.

1526 AD:
✮ The Assassin Shao Jun returned to China at the request of the Chinese Assassins' new leader Wang Yangming to rebuild their Brotherhood and eliminate the Eight Tigers.

✮ Shao Jun allowed herself and the Precursor box to be captured by the Eight Tigers. She escaped imprisonment and killed the Tiger Gao Feng, while Wang Yangming killed the Tiger Ma Yongcheng.

✮ Shao Jun infiltrated the port city of Macau to assassinate the Templar Gu Dayong, a member of the Eight Tigers. During her mission, Shao Jun met a young boy named Kotetsu, the son of an Assassin, and agreed to rescue his father from captivity, though he soon succumbed to his injuries.

✮ The Tiger Qiu Ju ordered that the port of Macau be set ablaze in retaliation for Shao Jun's assassination of Dayong. Shao Jun managed to escape, but many civilians were killed in the fire.

1527 AD:
✮ Giovanni Borgia discovered the formula for the philosopher's stone from the "True Magic" chapter of the Book of Abraham in the study of the Swiss scientist Bombastus, when Giovanni took his Crystal Skull to Bombastus for study.

1529 AD:
✮ Wei Bin, a member of the Eight Tigers, was killed by the Assassin Shao Jun inside his fortress in Nan'an.

✮ Wang Yangming, the Mentor of the Chinese Brotherhood, was killed by the Templar Zhang Yong, the leader of the Eight Tigers, who took the Precusor box from his body.

1530 AD:
✮ The Templar Qiu Ju, a member of the Eight Tigers, was killed in a duel with the Assassin Shao Jun in the Forbidden City, after Shao Jun was ambushed by the Templars during a meeting with her friend, Empress Zhang.

1532 AD:
✮ Altan Khan, ruler of the Tümed Mongols, launched a siege on the Great Wall of China. The Assassin Shao Jun, with the assistance of her apprentice Kotetsu, thwarted the invasion by closing the wall's gates.

✮ Shao Jun killed the Templar Zhang Yong, leader of the Eight Tigers, atop the Great Wall during the Mongol invasion. Before dying, Zhang Yong revealed that the Precursor box had been sent to another Templar branch, outside of China.

1536 AD:
✮ Quila, an Incan chasqui, recovered a letter detailing a plot orchestrated by Francisco Pizarro to assassinate Emperor Manco Inca Yupanqui of the Neo-Inca State.

✮ Quila and Gonzalo Pardo, a Spanish Assassin, were captured by the Inca nobleman Tuti Cusi on false accusations of conspiring to kill the Incan Emperor after trying to enlist his aid. They were saved by Cusi's son, Quila's ex-husband Ayar Acar.

✮ Quila, Ayar Acar and Gonzalo Pardo prevented an assassination attempt on Emperor Manco Inca Yupanqui by killing Tuti Cusi and his henchmen. Quila became the emperor's personal chasqui, and was invited by Pardo to join the Assassin Order.

1541 AD:
✮ The Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of the Inca Empire, was killed by the Assassins.

1542 AD:
✮ The Assassin Giovanni Borgia communicated with Zhu Houcong through his Crystal Skull. Upon realizing the emperor's threats, Borgia warned the Brotherhood of the danger.

1549 AD:
✮ Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary, arrived in Japan to spread the influence of Christianity and the Templar Order.

✮ After completing his training under the Mentor Shao Jun, the Assassin Kotetsu left China and returned to his home country of Japan to establish a new Assassin branch and combat the Templars' influence.

1554 AD:
✮ The Republic of Florence conquered Monteriggioni, after the Florentine exile Giovannino Zeti handed the town keys to Florence. The Medicis allowed the Auditores to continue their rule of the town.

1558 AD:
✮ Queen Mary I of England was killed by the Assassins, to free the people of England from her oppression.

1559 AD:
✮ Queen Elizabeth I of England, successor to her half-sister Mary I, was crowned at Westminster Abbey and began her rule over England, with the aid of an Apple of Eden.

1567 AD:
✮ Zhu Houcong, the Jiajing Emperor, was killed via mercury poisoning by the Chinese Assassins on orders of the Mentor Shao Jun.

1571 AD:
✮ Mōri Motonari, head of the Mōri clan, was assassinated by the Assassin Hattori Hanzō to allow Oda Nobunaga to conquer Chūgoku, paving the way for Tokugawa Ieyasu.

1573 AD:
✮ Takeda Shingen, head of the Takeda clan, was killed in his camp during an attack by Honda Tadakatsu and the Assassin Hattori Hanzō, to obtain Shingen's Sword of Eden.

1576 AD:
✮ The Battle of Gogunda was fought between the Army of the Mughal Empire and the Rajput chief Maharana Pratap Singh. Despite the Mughal Army's victory, Pratap Singh refused to recognize Mughal rule for several years until his army was defeated.

⭐ 1578 AD:
✮ Uesugi Kenshin, head of the Uesugi clan and a member of the Templar Order, was killed by the Assassin Hattori Hanzō.
16th Century (Brotherhood, Revelations & Shadows Timeline) Part 4:
1581 AD:
✮ The Jesuit missionary Francisco Cabral was forced to resign from his post by fellow missionary Alessandro Valignano, after Cabral confronted Valignano about the latter using his position to scour Japan for Templar recruits.

✮ Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of Russia, son of Ivan the Terrible, died; the Assassins were somehow involved in his death.

✮ Oda Nobunaga, head of the Oda clan, was attacked by his vassal Akechi Mitsuhide at Honnō-ji. He was subsequently killed by the Assassin and monk Yamauchi Taka in order to obtain his Sword of Eden, which was then transported to China by Liu Yan.

1586 AD:
✮ English alchemist Edward Kelley moved with his family to Třeboň from Prague, where he worked with John Dee for Count Vilem Rožmberk; using a Crystal Ball, Kelley communicated with the Isu.

1589 AD:
✮ John Dee left Třeboň and returned to England after an argument with Edward Kelley over the use of the Book of Abraham; Kelley started working at the court of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II.

1590 AD:
✮ The Roanoke Colony in the New World was found deserted; the disappearance of the colony had some relation to the Assassin–Templar War.

1591 AD:
✮ The Golem killed various members of the nobility and alchemists in Prague, the seat of the Holy Roman Empire; by conversing with it, Elizabeth Jane Weston prevented its attempt to kill her stepfather, Edward Kelley.

1592 AD:
✮ The Imjin War was fought from 1592 to 1598 between the Joseon dynasty of Korea and invading Japanese forces led by the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The Joseon were ultimately successful in fending off the Japanese invasion, but the conflict led to a long-lasting animosity between the two countries and their people.

1596 AD:
✮ The Assassin Hattori Hanzō was killed by his longtime rival and fellow ninja Fūma Kotarō in Edo.

1597 AD:
✮ Edward Kelley committed suicide, by jumping off the roof of Hněvín Castle, where he was imprisoned by Emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire, for failing to create gold.

1598 AD:
✮ Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the unifier of Japan, was killed by the Assassin Yamauchi Taka in Fushimi Castle.

1600 AD:
✮ The Battle of Sekigahara was fought between the forces of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ishida Mitsunari, ending in a Tokugawa victory. Ishida's vassal Shima Sakon was killed by the Assassin Yamauchi Taka.
17th Century AD:
1615 AD:
✮ The second Siege of Osaka was fought between the Tokugawa shogunate and the Toyotomi clan; the Toyotomi clan was defeated, and thus the last threat to the shogunate. Many samurai, including the Assassin Hattori Masanari, perished in the conflict.

1651 AD:
✮ The Battle of Worcester was fought between the English Royalists and Parliamentarians, resulting in a victory for Parliament and the end of the English Civil War. Prince Charles II fled England and lived in exile in mainland Europe.

1660 AD:
✮ Prince Charles II returned to London after years of exile in France, the United Provinces and Spanish Netherlands.

1661 AD:
✮ King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland was crowned at Westminster Abbey; a man wielding a Piece of Eden was present at the coronation.

1666 AD:
✮ The Great Fire of London started, destroying thousands of buildings in the medieval City of London over the course of four days.

1673 AD:
✮ Thom Kavanagh, a Sage from Boston, was captured by the Mentor of the Caribbean Assassins, Bahlam, to prevent him from falling under Laureano de Torres y Ayala's Templar influence.

1688 AD:
✮ King James II of England was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution, which saw William III and his wife, James' daughter Mary II succeed him as monarchs, ensuring a Protest regime.

1690 AD:
✮ Louis-Joseph d'Albert de Luynes and three other Assassins attempted to recruit Julie d'Aubigny, but d'Aubigny attacked and defeated them. After a second attempt, she agreed to join the Brotherhood and started training under Maréchal.

1692 AD:
✮ The Salem witch trials started, during which people accused of witchcraft in Massachusetts stood trial to face execution in Salem Village, under the supervision of the Templars William Stoughton and Samuel Parris.

✮ Master Assassin Thomas "Tom" Stoddard arrived in Salem from London on an assignment to retrieve a Piece of Eden from the colonies.

✮ Bridget Bishop was hanged in Salem on suspicions of witchcraft. The Assassin Tom Stoddard bore witness to the event.

✮ The Assassin Tom Stoddard and his contact Jennifer Querry infiltrated a Templar warehouse, where they found several imprisoned women in the facility's basement. They rescued Dorothy Osborne and David, after promising to lead them to the artifact, fending off several attackers in the process.

✮ While fleeing through the swamp, Tom was forced to abandon Jennifer and David to protect Dorothy. While carrying her, Dorothy became possessed by Consus' consciousness, who spoke through her, leaving a message intended for Tom's descendant Charlotte de la Cruz.

✮ Tom, Dorothy Osborne, and Jennifer were captured by the Templars at the Salem docks. While being interrogated, Dorothy allowed Consus to take hold of her, giving Jennifer the opportunity to free Tom. Jennifer was killed in the ensuing fight, and Dorothy committed suicide to prevent the Templars from using her.

✮ William Stoughton was shot by Samuel Parris before the former could kill Tom, citing that the Templars' unneeded violence conflicted with their goals. Tom and David were allowed to escape, and later buried Jennifer and Dorothy before Tom realized that David was Jennifer's son and decided to adopt him.

1696 AD:
✮ The Great Recoinage of 1696 occurred, with King William III of England attempting to replace the worn coins in circulation. Subsequently, many counterfeit coins were produced and entered circulation.

✮ William Lowndes, the Secretary of the Treasury in England and an Assassin, tasked fellow Assassin Omar Khaled with lending aid to Warden of the Royal Mint Isaac Newton to resolve the issue of money counterfeiters following the Great Recoinage.

1699 AD:
✮ British pirate William Kidd hid his treasures in the New World, including his sawtooth cutlass on Cerros and his Ring of Eden on Oak Island, after realizing he was pursued by British authorities and the Templars.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 1:
1701 AD:
✮ The British privateer William Kidd was hanged in London on accusations of piracy, after having been captured in New York.

✮ The War of the Spanish Succession started between the powers of Europe to determine the successor to King Charles II of Spain.

1703 AD:
✮ A slave ship bound for the Americas was raided by the Assassin Omar Khaled, who managed to save all 1000 slaves aboard the vessel, but lost his own life in the process.

1712 AD:
✮ Edward Kenway, dissatisfied with his precarious life in Bristol and failing marriage to Caroline Scott, decided to become a privateer in the West Indies. On the night of Edward's set departure, Emmett Scott, Caroline's father, had his Templar associates Tom Cobleigh and Julian burn down the farm of Edward's parents, to prevent Caroline from returning there. Disowned by his father Bernard for the pain he brought upon the family, Edward took revenge on Tom and Julian.

✮ Edward Kenway became a privateer aboard the emperor and reluctantly turned to piracy along with the rest for the crew after the captain, Alexander Dolzell, decided it was the best way to continue earning money once the War of the Spanish Succession was over.

1713 AD:
✮ Benjamin Pritchard, a Templar and the captain of the British merchant ship the Amazon Galley, was killed by the pirate Alexander Dolzell.

✮ Edward Kenway joined the crew of the Sea Dog's Bite, captained by Edward Thatch, after proving himself in a fight against his former crewmate Blaney, who was killed by Thatch for cheating. Mentored by both Thatch and Benjamin Hornigold, Edward became a successful privateer.

✮ The Treaty of Utrecht was signed between the belligerents of the War of the Spanish Succession, effectively ending all armed conflict between the powers of Europe. Privateers in the West Indies were no longer needed, causing many privateers, including Edward Kenway, Edward Thatch and Benjamin Hornigold, to turn to piracy.

1714 AD:
✮ The Assassin Duncan Walpole, disillusioned with his slow rise in the Brotherhood's ranks, secretly defected to the Templar Order after meeting the Templar Henry Spencer in London.

✮ Duncan Walpole traveled to the West Indies to train with the Mentor Ah Tabai, where he acquired maps detailing the locations of the West Indies Brotherhood's bureaus, which Walpole planned to deliver to the Templars in Havana.

1715 AD:
✮ The Assassin Duncan Walpole was killed by the pirate Edward Kenway, after Walpole had killed Edward's captain Abel Bramah and both ships had been destroyed near Cape Bonavista. Stealing Walpole's identity, Edward saved Stede Bonnet from British soldiers and sailed with him to Havana, Walpole's intended destination.

✮ Edward Kenway, impersonating Duncan Walpole, met Woodes Rogers and Julien du Casse in Havana and delivered Walpole's maps of the Assassin bureaus to the Templar Grand Master, Laureano de Torres y Ayala. Torres then inducted "Walpole," Rogers and du Casse into the Templar Order.

✮ The Templars killed several Assassins in Havana while protecting the Sage Bartholomew Roberts, who could lead them to the Observatory, from falling into their hands. That evening, Edward Kenway was caught on suspicions of freeing Roberts and was to be sent to the British Templars with the Spanish Treasure Fleet.

✮ The Treasure Fleet lost eleven of its twelve vessels in a hurricane off the coast of Florida. The remaining ship, later rechristened the Jackdaw, was stolen by pirate captives led by Edward Kenway and Adéwalé, and managed to escape the storm.

✮ The Templar Julien du Casse was killed by Edward Kenway in his stronghold in Great Inagua, to prevent du Casse from warning his fellow Templars of Edward's escape.

1716 AD:
✮ The pirate and Assassin Mary Read invited Edward Kenway to the Brotherhood's headquarters in Tulum, on the Yucatán Peninsula. There, they explored the Mayan ruins, and Edward identified a statue of the Sage.

✮ The Mentor Ah Tabai, Mary Read and Edward Kenway defended Tulum from an attack by the slaver Laurens Prins.

✮ Edward Kenway helped the Assassin Opía Apito defend the bureau on the Cayman Islands from a Templar attack, and killed the Templar and thief Lucia Márquez, from whom he obtained a Templar key.

✮ Edward Kenway helped the Assassin Antó defend the bureau in Kingston from a Templar attack, and killed the British officer and Templar Kenneth Abraham, from whom he obtained a Templar key.

✮ The French pirate Olivier "La Buse" Levasseur destroyed a vessel captained by John Barnes off Devil's Rock, and rescued its captives Alonzo Batilla and Jumao, whom he rewarded with their own ship. Alonzo subsequently obtained the schooner Wanderer.

✮ Samuel Bellamy replaced Benjamin Hornigold as captain of Hornigold's pirate fleet by majority vote and Hornigold's rule to not attack British ships was neglected. Hornigold was escorted away from the pirates to another island by Alonzo Batilla.

✮ Samuel Bellamy, La Buse and Alonzo Batilla attacked a galleon of the Spanish Treasure Fleet but were lured into a trap by Captain Francis Hume of the British Navy, a Templar.

1717 AD:
✮ Alonzo Batilla recovered Laurens Prins' slaver route and destroyed Francis Hume's ship, who had attacked Samuel Bellamy on orders of Laureano de Torres y Ayala.

✮ Edward Kenway attacked the fort at Punta Guarico to steal Laureano de Torres y Ayala's gold, but instead devised a plan to use Torres and his gold to acquire Bartholomew Roberts from Laurens Prins, who had the Sage in his employ.

✮ Samuel Bellamy, La Buse and Alonzo Batilla set a trap for the Whydah, Laurens Prins' slave ship transporting a Piece of Eden. The Whydah and its treasure were secured, and the pirates were able to sink the attacking King George captained by Francis Hume.

✮ The slaver Laurens Prins was assassinated in Kingston by Edward Kenway, aiding his friend Mary Read in finishing her assassination contract after Prins refused to sell Bartholomew Roberts. Roberts managed to escape Kingston.

✮ Edward Kenway helped the Assassin Rhona Dinsmore defend the bureau in Havana from a Templar attack, and killed the Templar Hilary Flint, from whom he obtained a Templar key.

✮ Edward Kenway helped the Assassin Upton Travers defend the bureau in Nassau from a Templar attack, and killed the pirate and Templar Jing Lang, from whom he obtained a Templar key, as well as Upton's brother Vance, who had betrayed the Assassins.

✮ Alonzo Batilla aided Christopher Condent in finding supplies and rum for the Pirate Republic of Nassau; La Buse fled Nassau with the Piece of Eden after discovering the Templars had infiltrated the republic.

✮ La Buse escaped from a Templar attack on an enemy ship, leaving the wreckage of his vessel Le Postillon behind; Alonzo retrieved La Buse's codebook from the Templar John Barnes, detailing his location to be Mayaguana.

✮ John Barnes was fatally shot by fellow Templar Christopher Condent, after being unable to discern the location of Olivier Levasseur to Condent and Benjamin Hornigold.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 2:
1718 AD:
✮ The pirates Edward Kenway and Edward Thatch, the latter now renowned as "Blackbeard," traveled to a shipwreck of the Spanish Treasure Fleet to find medicine for the people of Nassau, without success.

✮ Richard Thompson was saved from marooning on an island by Alonzo Batilla, and revealed that Olivier Levasseur had joined Edward Thatch's crew. Batilla endeavoured to catch up with Levasseur.

✮ Edward Thatch was overrun by a British Man O' War. After being saved by Edward Kenway, Thatch's men discovered a shipment of medicine from Charles-Towne aboard the Man O' War.

✮ Edward Thatch laid siege to Charles-Towne, South Carolina for a week, holding men hostage in exchange for medicine. Edward Kenway infiltrated the town, stealing the town's medicine instead.

✮ Governor Woodes Rogers of the Bahamas arrived in Nassau with Commodore Peter Chamberlaine, extending a pardon from King George I of the Great Britain to all pirates.

✮ Commodore Peter Chamberlaine was assassinated by Edward Kenway for threatening the Pirate Republic. Edward and Charles Vane destroyed the British blockade of the city with a fireship.

✮ Alonzo Batilla and Olivier Levasseur retrieved their Piece of Eden and used its powers to fight off Christopher Condent. Levasseur escaped to hide the artifact from the Templars, while Batilla distracted the pursuing Governor Woodes Rogers before ultimately escaping.

✮ Edward Thatch was killed off the coast of Ocracoke, during a British Navy assault led by Robert Maynard. Edward Kenway and the Jackdaw managed to escape.

✮ Charles Vane and Edward Kenway were marooned on Isla Providencia, after Jack Rackham deposed Vane as captain and captured the Jackdaw.

✮ The pirate Stede Bonnet was executed in Charles-Towne. Before his death, he left behind clues for his friend Edward Kenway to lead him to his hidden treasure on Santa Lucia.

1719 AD:
✮ Edward Kenway was saved from Isla Providencia by an arriving ship, after having fought Charles Vane, who had lost his sanity on the island.

✮ The pirate Benjamin Hornigold joined the Templar Order in Kingston after accepting Governor Woodes Rogers' pardon. Edward Kenway sailed to Príncipe to save the Sage Bartholomew Roberts from the Templars.

✮ The pirate hunters and Templars John Cockram and Josiah Burgess were killed by Edward Kenway, after Edward had saved Bartholomew Roberts from the Templars' attack. Roberts was elected as the replacement of pirate captain Howell Davis.

✮ Edward Kenway and Bartholomew Roberts captured the Portuguese ship Nosso Senhor da Compreensão and secured the Templars' blood vials on board. Roberts renamed the ship Royal Fortune and made it his flagship.

✮ The pirate hunter and Templar Benjamin Hornigold was killed by his former friend Edward Kenway on Santanillas for betraying the Pirate Republic.

✮ Edward Kenway was betrayed by Bartholomew Roberts and turned over to the British authorities in Kingston, after Edward and Roberts visited the Observatory; there, Roberts took possession of the complex' Crystal Skull.

✮ Edward Kenway's former first mate Adéwalé, disillusioned with the pirate lifestyle, decided to join the Assassin Brotherhood and began training under the Mentor Ah Tabai.

✮ Fernando Manuel de Bustillo Bustamante y Rueda, the Governor-General of the Philippines, was killed in a riot by supporters of the Archbishop of Manila, Francisco de la Cuesta, whom Bustamante had imprisoned.

1720 AD:
✮ The pirates Mary Read, Anne Bonny, and Jack Rackham were captured by British soldiers near Jamaica.

✮ Jack Rackham was executed in Port Royal in Kingston, Jamaica.

✮ Mary Read and Anne Bonny were led to trial in Port Royal but managed to delay their sentences by revealing their pregnancies. Edward Kenway, also imprisoned in Port Royal, was present for the trial.

1721 AD:
✮ Edward Kenway and Anne Bonny escaped imprisonment in Port Royal with the aid of the Mentor Ah Tabai; Mary Read died in prison, due to complications from childbirth. Edward decided to join the Assassins, out of respect for Mary.

✮ Woodes Rogers, the Governor of the Bahamas and a Templar, was severely wounded during an assassination attempt by Edward Kenway at a party in Kingston. Rogers survived his wounds and later returned to England but was expelled from the Templar Order for his continued slave trading.

✮ The French bandit Cartouche was saved from death by his lover Mireille, the leader of the French Assassins, who managed to fake his execution. Cartouche joined the Assassin Brotherhood.

✮ Edward Kenway unlocked a hidden vault in Tulum using Mayan keystones he had found while exploring the West Indies and retrieved a set of Mayan Armor created using scavenged Shards of Eden.

1722 AD:
✮ The pirate and Sage Bartholomew Roberts was killed by the Assassin Edward Kenway, who took possession of his Crystal Skull and blood vials. Upon Roberts' request, Edward destroyed his body to prevent it from falling into Templar hands.

✮ El Tiburón, Laureano de Torres y Ayala's right-hand man and bodyguard, was killed by the Assassin Edward Kenway in Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta in Havana.

✮ Laureano de Torres y Ayala, Grand Master of the Caribbean Templars, was killed inside the Observatory in Jamaica by the Assassin Edward Kenway.

✮ The crew of the Jackdaw were taken captive by the pirate Edward Low while attempting to recover gold from a sunken Spanish ship. Edward Kenway rescued his crew members and defeated Low.

✮ Edward Kenway returned to England with his daughter Jennifer Scott, who had just arrived in Great Inagua, after Edward heard news that his wife Caroline Scott had passed away two years earlier.

✮ The West Indies Assassins relocated from Tulum to Great Inagua, after Edward Kenway left them his hideout there.

1723 AD:
✮ Edward Kenway killed the Templars Emmett Scott, father of Caroline Scott, and Wilson in a warehouse in Bristol for the pain they had brought upon his late wife and parents.

✮ Robert Walpole, the future Prime Minister of Great Britain and cousin of the Assassin Duncan Walpole, pardoned Edward Kenway and his pirate crew. Walpole later introduced Edward to both the Stephensen-Oakley family, who helped him purchase a mansion in London, and his future assistant, Reginald Birch.

✮ Edward Kenway joined the British Brotherhood of Assassins and eventually became its co-leader alongside Miko. He also traveled around the world in an attempt to learn more about the Isu, exploring the temples in Rome and Alamut, and found a Shroud of Eden, which he hid away in the Tower of London.

1724 AD:
✮ Edward Kenway met with a West Indies Assassin in London who informed about a potential Precursor site in Southeast Asia, which Edward decided to investigate.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 3:
1725 AD:
✮ A number of Dutch East India Company ships went missing in the Strait of Malacca. The Templars framed the company led by the Macau-based merchant Lee Huiyin for the incident, on behalf of Lee's business rivals.

✮ Hendrik, a navigator for the Dutch East India Company who had discovered the location of a Precursor site in Angkor, asked Lee Huiyin to sponsor an expedition to the lost city, but she turned him down.

✮ Edward Kenway arrived in Macau to begin his investigation of Angkor, and protected the Dutch navigator John Young, who had stolen Hendrik's story about Angkor, from an attack by Shimazu clan ninja.

✮ Edward discovered that Hendrik had been assassinated by the Templars and was mistaken for his murderer by his fellow company men, which led Edward to become a wanted fugitive in Macau. Lee Huiyin purchased Hendrik's sea log upon his death and refused to hand it over to the Templars.

✮ Edward and John took shelter in the village of a Chinese laborer named Zhang, whom the former had rescued during an altercation with Shimazu ninja. Edward later stole resources from one of Lee's warehouses to create a remedy to treat an outbreak of cholera in the village.

✮ Edward infiltrated the Mandarin's House to recover Hendrik's sea log from Lee but was interrupted by an attack by Shimazu ninja. While helping Lee's guards fend off the attack, he lost Hendrik's log to the Templar Shimazu Saito, but managed to keep the cipher needed to decode the journal's contents.

✮ Edward formed an alliance with Lee to recover Hendrik's log and deal with Lee's business rivals, Alan Jacob, Jan van Aert, and Sun, who were secretly backed by the Templars.

✮ Edward Kenway and John Young protected Lee Huiyin's merchant ships from an attack by pirates hired by Sun, and captured their captain, Mustafa.

✮ Edward staged a public raid on a Far East Company ship transporting opium to expose the company's drug trafficking, after Alan Jacob had tried to frame Lee's company for smuggling opium.

✮ Edward destroyed an opium shipment with the help of John and Mustafa to prevent both Shimazu Saito; who was acting on Sun's behalf; and Lee from stealing it, ending his partnership with Lee in the process.

✮ Edward founded the Zhang Wei Union in Macau. During the organization's first contract to escort a merchant ship to Manila, they defended a Dutch East India Company vessel from pirates. Edward rescued the pirates' prisoners, including the Korean scholar and engineer Yun Pyeong-Gyu, whom he later recruited into the Union.

✮ Edward and his associates liberated the Paracel Islands from pirates who had overrun them, at the request of Jan van Aert. This allowed the Zhang Wei Union to secure a lucrative partnership with the Dutch East India Company.

✮ A civil war broke out among the ninja of the Shimazu clan, between the Japanese ninja led by Fuma Sukuna and the mixed-blood ninja led by Shimazu Saito. Sukuna and Saito allied themselves with Lee and Sun, respectively, and the former enlisted Edward's help to eliminate Saito, but the Assassin ended up striking a partnership with her instead.

✮ Xiao Han, the Mentor of the Chinese Brotherhood, was invited by his uncle Sun to his floating gambling hall to decipher Hendrik's sea log, which had been given to Sun by Saito. Upon learning that Sun planned to deliver Angkor's Piece of Eden to the Qing Emperor, Xiao Han killed him and took the sea log.

✮ Sun's floating gambling hall was destroyed by Admiral Jeong on the orders of Lee, resulting in the deaths of all of Saito's followers and a power vacuum which allowed Lee to become Macau's dominant merchant. In the aftermath, Saito was recruited by Edward into the Zhang Wei Union, while the Chinese Assassins formed an alliance with Lee to find Angkor.

✮ The Zhang Wei Union's members deciphered the contents of Hendrik's sea log and sailed to the Philippines on their flagship Fenghuang to investigate their next lead. During the voyage, they were attacked by Jeong's fleet and the Chinese Assassins led by Xiao Han but managed to lose their pursuers by sailing into a storm.

✮ The Union members were joined in their expedition by Jan van Aert, who had learned about their search for Angkor. However, the crews of both the Fenghuang and Jan's ship were later arrested by the Spanish Navy and imprisoned in Manila, due to Jan being implicated in the assassination of Fernando Manuel de Bustillo Bustamante y Rueda six years prior.

✮ Edward rescued Jan and his crew from Fort Santiago before being informed by Saito of a monk who had used the Crescent Amulet to start a riot in Manila. Edward and Saito confronted the monk to take the Piece of Eden away from him, but the artifact was seized by Rajah, the leader of a native resistance against the Spanish occupation of the Philippines. The members of the Zhang Wei Union and Jan's crew escaped Manila, parting ways momentarily.

✮ Monkey Island was occupied by Rajah's resistance, who used the Crescent Amulet to brainwash many of its inhabitants and recruit them to their cause. The Zhang Wei Union's members rescued the brainwashed warriors and destroyed the resistance's fort.

✮ Rajah's resistance traveled to Cebu to retrieve Hendrik's second sea log from the Basilica del Santo Niño and use it to find more Pieces of Eden. Edward Kenway and Shimazu Saito confronted Rajah, but he escaped with the sea log and used the Crescent Amulet to instigate a riot.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 4:
1735 AD:
✮ The Victoire, captained by the Assassin Adéwalé, ambushed a convoy of French Templar ships near Saint-Domingue, and intercepted a parcel addressed to Bastienne Josèphe in Port-au-Prince. While fleeing from the Templars, the Victoire was destroyed in a storm, and Adéwalé washed up in Port-au-Prince.

✮ Adéwalé formed an alliance with Bastienne Josèphe and Augustin Dieufort, the leader of the Maroon rebellion against the Governor Pierre, Marquis de Fayet. Adéwalé stole the Experto Crede, making it his flagship, and helped free the colony's slaves.

✮ The Experto Crede protected the Vautour, a French merchant ship transporting French scientists for the French Geodesic Mission and slave spying for the Assassins and Maroons, from pirate ships.

✮ The Assassin Edward Kenway was killed in his family's estate in London by masked men employed by Reginald Birch, Edward's property manager and secretly a Templar. The masked men proceeded to steal Edward's journal and kidnapped his daughter Jennifer.

✮ Haytham Kenway, son of Edward Kenway, started his tutelage under Reginald Birch on his mother Tessa's request, and left with Birch for Europe to find his sister Jennifer.

✮ On the orders of Governor Pierre, Marquis de Fayet, a French vessel took down a slave ship while the Experto Crede was trying to free its slaves from the French. Adéwalé managed to rescue some of the slaves and vowed revenge against de Fayet.

✮ Pierre, Marquis de Fayet, Governor-General of Saint-Domingue was killed by the Assassin Adéwalé in Port-au-Prince for his harsh treatment of slaves in the colony.

✮ Adéwalé left Port-au-Prince to return to the Assassin Brotherhood after giving Bastienne Josèphe a Precursor box which had resided in the Templar parcel addressed to her.

1738 AD:
✮ The Swedish Levant Company was founded in Stockholm, as a front for the Swedish Brotherhood of Assassins.

1744 AD:
✮ Haytham Kenway was formally inducted into the Templar Order. His first mission was to kill a greedy merchant in Liverpool.

1745 AD:
✮ The Siege of Louisbourg started. The Assassin John de la Tour sacrificed himself fighting off the invading British forces, while Achilles Davenport and Abigail sought the safehouse of the Hermeticist Nicolas Court.

1746 AD:
✮ Achilles Davenport, a former student of the Mentor Ah Tabai in the Caribbean, established the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins in the Thirteen Colonies and assumed the title of Mentor.

1747 AD:
✮ Juan Vedomir, a Templar assigned to decode Edward Kenway's journal, was killed by Haytham Kenway for working with the Assassins. Haytham took the journal with him, and later brought it to Reginald Birch in the Templar headquarters in Prague.

✮ Nāder Shāh, the ruler of Iran and owner of the Koh-i-Noor, was killed by a group of assassins led by the Assassin Salah Bey. The Koh-i-Noor fell into the hands of Ahmad Shāh Durrānī.

✮ During the retreat from the Siege of Bergen op Zoom, Edward Braddock ordered the execution of a family asking for passage on his boat. Braddock's relationship with Haytham Kenway deteriorated as the latter feared Braddock was turning away from the Templar Order.

1749 AD:
✮ The brig Aquila was constructed in Brest, France on orders of the Assassin Council in Paris. The ship would become the flagship of the Assassin Navy within several years.

1751 AD:
✮ The Templar Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer seduced the Assassin Rhona Dinsmore in Havana to steal her maps of the Yucatán Peninsula. While searching for a Precursor box on the peninsula, de Ferrer stumbled upon the Maya city of Chichen Itza and, believing the city had been built atop a Precursor site, wrote to Grand Master Reginald Birch, requesting that an excavation site be set in the area as soon as possible.

✮ The Assassin Vendredi discovered and disturbed the Piece of Eden in the Isu Temple near Port-au-Prince, on orders of the Mentor François Mackandal, triggering an earthquake that destroyed the city. Vendredi was killed by the Master Templar Lawrence Washington during his escape.

✮ Lawrence Washington stole a Precursor box and the Voynich manuscript from the camp of François Mackandal in Saint-Domingue.

1752 AD:
✮ The Assassins Shay Cormac, Liam O'Brien, and Louis-Joseph Gaultier, Chevalier de la Vérendrye rescued a group of allied smugglers from the Royal Navy. Shay stole a Royal Navy sloop, the Morrigan, and made it his flagship.

✮ The Assassin Adéwalé met the Mentor Achilles Davenport of the Colonial Brotherhood at the Davenport Homestead to inform him that their Precursor box and the Voynich manuscript had been shipped to North America. Adéwalé then returned to Saint-Domingue with supplies to help victims of the earthquake.

✮ After meeting with their associate Le Chasseur, the Colonial Assassins discovered that the Voynich manuscript was in the possession of Lawrence Washington.

✮ Lawrence Washington organized a meeting with his fellow Templars at his estate in Mount Vernon to entrust them the Precursor box and Voynich manuscript. After the meeting, Washington was killed by the Assassin Shay Cormac.

1753 AD:
✮ Haytham Kenway abducted Lucio Albertine to help his mother, the captive Monica, a codebreaker and Assassin associate, decode Edward Kenway's journal for the Templars. Haytham stole the Hidden Blade of Miko, Lucio's Assassin bodyguard, while engaged in combat with him.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 5:
1754 AD:
✮ Haytham Kenway assassinated Miko during a performance of The Beggar's Opera at the Theatre Royal in London and retrieved the Grand Temple's key from him.

✮ Haytham Kenway boarded the Providence to start his 72-day long journey to the New World to find the Grand Temple. During the journey, Haytham killed the Assassin sailor Louis Mills and managed to evade capture by the Aquila, luring it to its destruction in a storm.

✮ The Templar Samuel Smith was killed by the Assassins Shay Cormac in Terra Nova. Shay retrieved the Precursor box from Smith.

✮ The Templar James Wardrop was killed by the Assassin Shay Cormac during the Albany Congress in Albany, New York. Shay retrieved the Voynich manuscript from Wardrop.

✮ Benjamin Franklin, with the use of electricity and help of the Assassins Shay Cormac and Hope Jensen, made the Precursor box functional. Reading the Voynich manuscript, the box displayed a holographic map of the globe, highlighting Port-au-Prince, Lisbon and the Arctic.

✮ Haytham Kenway arrived in Boston, Massachusetts and formally took up the position of Grand Master of the Colonial Templars, recruiting Charles Lee, William Johnson and Thomas Hickey.

✮ Haytham Kenway and Charles Lee rescued the surgeon Benjamin Church from capture by the slaver Silas Thatcher and recruited him into the Colonial Templars.

✮ Haytham Kenway recruited the soldier John Pitcairn into the Colonial Templars, after attacking and threatening his former comrade Edward Braddock in order to get him to release Pitcairn from service.

✮ The Colonial Templars besieged the fortress of Southgate in Boston and killed the slaver, Silas Thatcher. They then freed all of Thatcher's slaves, including a Kanien'kehá:ka woman named Kaniehtí:io.

✮ Haytham Kenway formed an alliance with Kaniehtí:io, who claimed she could lead him to the Grand Temple, by planning a joint attack on Edward Braddock.

1755 AD:
✮ General Edward Braddock was fatally wounded by Haytham Kenway during the Braddock Expedition, with aid from Haytham's fellow Templars, Kaniehtí:io, the Abenaki, Shawnee, and Lenape, for his betrayal of the Templar Order's principles. Braddock died four days later.

✮ Kaniehtí:io took Haytham Kenway to the entrance of the Grand Temple, which the latter tried to access using his Key, but was unsuccessful.

✮ Charles Lee was formally inducted into the Templar Order by Grand Master Haytham Kenway.

✮ Charles Lee met with Haytham Kenway to confirm Edward Braddock's death. Overhearing their discussion, Kaniehtí:io realized that Haytham had lied about making sure Braddock was dead and, believing Haytham had used her, cut ties with him.

✮ The Assassin Shay Cormac disturbed the Piece of Eden in the Temple beneath the Carmo Convent in Lisbon, causing an earthquake that destroyed the city and killed thousands of citizens. Shay managed to outrun the earthquake but was left severely traumatized.

1756 AD:
✮ The Assassin Shay Cormac stole the Voynich manuscript from the Davenport Homestead, believing that Achilles Davenport knew about the Seismic Temples and was indifferent to putting innocent lives at risk. After discovering the theft, Achilles ordered his Assassins to capture Shay and they cornered him atop a cliff, where Shay was presumed dead after falling into the ocean.

✮ Shay Cormac was nursed back to health by Barry and Cassidy Finnegan at the request of Colonel George Monro, a Templar. On the insistence of Monro, Shay started financing the renovations of New York.

✮ Shay Cormac rescued Christopher Gist from hanging by the Assassin-affiliated gangs in New York, from whom he reclaimed the Morrigan, and seized Fort Arsenal as his new home.

✮ Le Chasseur, a smuggler and ally of the Colonial Brotherhood, was killed during a Templar attack on Fort La Croix by Shay Cormac, to prevent him from warning the Assassins of Shay's survival.

✮ Shay Cormac received a prototype grenade launcher from Benjamin Franklin and used it to destroy a factory in New York which was being used by the Assassin-affiliated gangs to manufacture poisonous gases.

✮ Shay Cormac infiltrated Fort de Sable, where he found and retrieved the armor worn by the Templar James Gunn during his expedition to North America in 1398.

✮ Shay Cormac retrieved a set of 11th-century Templar armor from a shipwreck in the North Atlantic, after finding all the keys to the chamber where the armor had been locked away.

1757 AD:
✮ Jeanne, a former pupil of François Mackandal, fled from her home in New Orleans to a working colony in Chichen Itza, fearing retaliation from the Assassins for having stolen an artifact known as the Heart of the Brotherhood. Madeleine de L'Isle, the new wife of Jeanne's former husband Philippe Olivier de Grandpré, assisted Jeanne with her departure and promised to look after her and Phillipe's daughter, Aveline de Grandpré.

✮ George Monro and his men escaped an Abenaki ambush led by the Assassin Kesegowaase with the aid of Shay Cormac, after being released following their surrender at the Siege of Fort William Henry.

✮ Jennifer Scott was rescued by her brother Haytham Kenway and Jim Holden from servitude at the palace of Governor As'ad Pasha al-Azm of Damascus. However, they were detected by the guards and Holden was captured while buying Haytham and Jennifer time to escape.

✮ Haytham Kenway rescued Jim Holden from the Abou Gerbe monastery on Mount Ghebel Eter in Egypt, where Holden had been castrated and buried in sand. In retaliation, Haytham set fire to the monastery and killed all the priests present.

✮ Grand Master Reginald Birch was killed in his chateau near Troyes, France by Jennifer Scott, with the help of her brother Haytham Kenway, for having been responsible for their father's death and selling her into slavery.

✮ Haytham Kenway freed Reginald Birch's prisoners Lucio and Monica Albertine but was impaled with a sword by a vengeful Lucio. He was subsequently nursed back to health over the course of several months by Jennifer Scott and Jim Holden.

✮ The Assassin Kesegowaase was killed by Shay Cormac in Albany. The Templar George Monro was killed in a fire lit by the Assassin Liam O'Brien, who stole the Voynich manuscript from Monro.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 6:
1758 AD:
✮ François Mackandal, Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood in Saint-Domingue, was publicly executed after attempting to poison the white inhabitants of the colony. His pupils Agaté and Baptiste fled to Louisiana.

✮ Once Haytham Kenway had made a full recovery, Jim Holden committed suicide, as he was no longer able to cope with the injuries and emotional trauma inflicted upon him at Abou Gerbe.

✮ Haytham Kenway returned to the Thirteen Colonies, where he inducted Shay Cormac into the Templar Order in place of the late George Monro.

✮ The Siege of Louisbourg was fought between the Royal Navy and French Navy. The Templars, using James Cook's HMS Pembroke, thwarted an attack by the Experto Crede captained by the Assassin Adéwalé during the attack.

✮ The Assassin Adéwalé was killed by the Templar Shay Cormac at Vieille Carrière, with the assistance of Grand Master Haytham Kenway, after beaching his ship, the Experto Crede.

1759 AD:
✮ The Assassin Hope Jensen was killed by the Templar Shay Cormac following an altercation inside her mansion in New York. The Assassin Liam O'Brien returned to Achilles Davenport with the location of another temple retrieved from their Precursor box.

✮ Aveline de Grandpré was recruited into the Assassin Brotherhood by the Mentor Agaté. After several months of training, she was formally inducted into the Order.

1760 AD:
✮ The Assassin Louis-Joseph Gaultier, Chevalier de la Vérendrye was killed by the Templar Shay Cormac in the North Atlantic during an expedition to distract the Templars from their search for the Precursor temple in the Arctic.

✮ A Seismic Temple in the North Atlantic created an earthquake after its Piece of Eden was disturbed during a confrontation between the Assassins Achilles Davenport and Liam O'Brien and the Templars Haytham Kenway and Shay Cormac. Liam was killed by Shay, and Achilles was shot in the leg by Haytham, who decided to spare the Mentor at Shay's request, so that they could warn the other Assassins of the dangers of the Seismic Temples.

✮ Colonial Templars led by Charles Lee assaulted Ratonhnhaké:ton, Haytham Kenway's illegitimate son with Kaniehtí:io, during their search for the Grand Temple in the Mohawk Valley. After being unable to locate the site, the Templars eventually abandoned their search.

✮ The Kanien'kehá:ka village of Kanatahséton was set aflame by George Washington of the British Army, killing many villagers including Kaniehtí:io. Unable to save his mother, Ratonhnhaké:ton blamed Charles Lee and the Templars for the attack and vowed revenge.

1762 AD:
✮ Emperor Peter III of Russia was assassinated, possibly by the Assassin Brotherhood. His wife, Catherine the Great, became Empress of Russia.

1763 AD:
✮ The Colonial Templars effectively destroyed the Colonial Brotherhood by wiping out nearly all of its remaining members. Achilles Davenport entered a life of exile in the Davenport Homestead.

1765 AD:
✮ Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie, the Governor of Louisiana and a Templar puppet, was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré for colluding with the Templars to hand over the colony to the Spanish government.

1766 AD:
✮ Baptiste, the leader of a Maroon smuggling operation impersonating his former Mentor François Mackandal, was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré for colluding with the Templar Order, on orders of Baptiste's former Brother, Agaté.

1768 AD:
✮ Antonio de Ulloa, the Spanish Governor of Louisiana and a Templar, was attacked by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré while trying to escape New Orleans during the Louisiana Rebellion.

✮ Aveline ultimately spared the Governor's life and retrieved a map leading to a Templar work camp in Chichen Itza.

1769 AD:
✮ The Templar Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré in the Isu ruins underneath Chichen Itza, where de Ferrer oversaw a working colony made up of freed slaves brought from Louisiana. Aveline also obtained half of an Isu artifact called the Prophecy Disk and was reunited with her mother Jeanne.

✮ Ratonhnhaké:ton came into contact with Juno through the Clan Mother's Crystal Ball, who informed him that he needed to join the Assassin Brotherhood in order to protect his village from destruction.

✮ Achilles Davenport, the former Mentor of the Colonial Assassins, took Ratonhnhaké:ton under his tutelage after seeing him defend himself against a group of bandits trying to rob the Davenport Homestead.

1770 AD:
✮ Ratonhnhaké:ton saw his father, Haytham Kenway, for the first time in Boston, and was unable to prevent him and Charles Lee from starting the Boston Massacre by causing British soldiers to open fire on a group of civilian protesters.

✮ Ratonhnhaké:ton was framed for the Boston Massacre by the Colonial Templars but was able to clear his name with the help of Samuel Adams. At Achilles Davenport's request, Ratonhnhaké:ton renamed himself "Connor" to move more freely throughout the Thirteen Colonies.

✮ Connor was inducted into the Assassin Brotherhood by the Mentor Achilles Davenport. He then started reconstruction on the Aquila, anchored in the harbor of the Davenport Homestead, and became its captain, with Robert Faulkner as his first mate.

1771 AD:
✮ The Spanish Templar Diego Vázquez's attempts to take over smuggling operations in the Louisiana Bayou were disrupted by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré, with the aid of Agaté, Gérald Blanc, Élise Lafleur, and Roussillon.

1772 AD:
✮ Aveline de Grandpré returned to Chichen Itza, where she made peace with her mother Jeanne over her abandonment years prior and retrieved the other half of the Prophecy Disk using a map leading to another Isu ruin.

1773 AD:
✮ The Assassin Connor aided the Sons of Liberty in defying William Johnson's smuggling operation by destroying his tea shipments in Boston Harbor to disrupt Johnson's purchase of indigenous American land.

✮ Stephane Chapheau killed one of William Johnson's tax collectors, with aid from Connor, and started his tutelage under the Assassin.

✮ The Boston Tea Party occurred, in which members of the Sons of Liberty movement and the Assassin Connor dumped British shipments of tea into Boston's harbor in defiance of British authority.

✮ The northern district of Boston was liberated from Templar influence by the Assassin Connor, with aid from Duncan Little. Duncan subsequently joined the Assassin Brotherhood and started his tutelage under Connor.

1774 AD:
✮ The Colonial Templars held a meeting in Boston to discuss recent events and the resurgence of the Colonial Assassins. Haytham Kenway was informed of Kaniehtí:io's death in 1760 and the possibility of Connor being his son.

✮ The Templar William Johnson was killed by the Assassin Connor in front of Johnson Hall, amidst a violent business deal to purchase the lands of clans of the Iroquois Confederacy.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 7:
1775 AD:
✮ The southern district of Boston was liberated from Templar influence by the Assassin Connor, with aid from Clipper Wilkinson. Wilkinson subsequently joined the Assassin Brotherhood and started his tutelage under Connor.

✮ Members of the Sons of Liberty rode out to warn British colonists of an imminent attack by the British Army; with aid from Connor, Paul Revere warned their allies in Lexington and then proceeded to Concord with William Dawes, though the two men were detained by British soldiers.

✮ The British Army and colonial militia engaged at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, where the militia under leadership of John Parker, James Barrett, and Connor managed to emerge victorious.

✮ The Continental Army was formed by the Patriot colonists. The Continental Congress appointed George Washington to be its Commander-in-Chief.

✮ The Continental Army and British Army fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill at Charlestown, Massachusetts. British commander John Pitcairn, a Templar, was killed during the battle by the Assassin Connor, though the British managed to claim victory and captured Charlestown.

1776 AD:
✮ Eseosa, grandson of the Assassin Adéwalé, began to rebuild the Brotherhood in Saint-Domingue, recruiting Dutty Boukman, Toussaint Brédá, Georges Biassou, Jean-François Papillon, and Jeannot Bullet into his ranks.

✮ George Davidson, an African slave, joined up with a group of American revolutionaries and escaped to the Thirteen Colonies with the help of Aveline de Grandpré, on request of her stepmother Madeleine de L'Isle.

✮ The Templar Julie de la Serre and her daughter Élise survived an assassination attempt by the rogue Assassin Bernard Ruddock, who had been hired by a British Templar family, the Carrolls, due to their opposition to Julie's husband François' leadership of the Parisian Rite. In the aftermath, Élise learned about her family's Templar affiliations and began training to succeed her father as Grand Master.

✮ The Assassin Connor was led in New York to hang after having been imprisoned alongside the Templar Thomas Hickey while trying to prevent the latter's assassination of George Washington. With aid from Achilles Davenport and secretly Haytham Kenway, Connor escaped and killed Hickey.

✮ The Declaration of Independence was signed by the Founding Fathers, proclaiming independence of the Thirteen Colonies as the United States from Great Britain.

✮ The Great Fire of New York started, destroying the area west of Broadway in the city.

✮ The Templar Diego Vázquez was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré at a soirée in New Orleans.

✮ Philippe de Grandpré passed away after being poisoned by his wife Madeleine de L'Isle, the secret leader of the Louisiana Rite of the Templar Order, due to Philippe having found evidence of Templar influence in his business.

✮ Continental Army forces led by George Washington and accompanied by Connor crossed the icy Delaware River to launch a surprise attack on Hessian forces at Trenton, New Jersey.

✮ The Assassin Charles Dorian was killed by the Templar Shay Cormac in the Palace of Versailles, after Charles was entrusted with a Precursor box at an Assassin meeting. Charles' son Arno was subsequently taken in by the De la Serre family as a ward.

1777 AD:
✮ New York was liberated from Templar influence by the Assassin Connor, with aid from Deborah Carter, Jamie Colley and Jacob Zenger. All three subsequently joined the Assassin Brotherhood and started their tutelage under Connor.

✮ Connor recovered William Kidd's Ring of Eden from Oak Island after having obtained all pieces of Kidd's treasure map.

✮ George Davidson, who had become a Templar fighting in Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment, was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré with assistance from Connor. From Davidson, Aveline was able to discern that the elusive Templar known as the "Company Man" was her own stepmother, Madeleine de L'Isle.

✮ Agaté, the Mentor of the Louisiana Assassins, committed suicide after having been bested by his pupil Aveline de Grandpré when he attacked her upon hearing news of the Company Man's identity.

✮ Madeleine de L'Isle, the Master Templar leading the Louisiana Rite, was killed by her stepdaughter, the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré, in Saint Louis Cathedral during Aveline's feigned induction into the Templar Order. Aveline then activated the Prophecy Disk using the Heart of the Brotherhood gifted to her by her mother and witnessed a recording of Eve's election to leader of the human rebellion against the Isu.

1778 AD:
✮ Haytham Kenway and Connor formed an alliance to pursue Benjamin Church, who had betrayed both the Templar Order and the Continental Army, stealing several of the Army's supply crates.

✮ Haytham Kenway and Connor besieged the old Smith and Company Brewery in pursuit of Benjamin Church, though instead found a decoy of Church and were attacked by his henchmen, resulting in the brewery being set aflame.

✮ Benjamin Church was killed by Haytham Kenway and Connor aboard his ship off the coast of Martinique, where the pair recovered the stolen supplies of the Continental Army.

✮ Admiral Nicholas Biddle of the Continental Navy, a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Connor on the Caribbean Sea, during a battle between the Aquila and Biddle's ship, the USS Randolph.

✮ Haytham Kenway and Connor attacked and captured several British soldiers in New York to discern the British Army's plans, learning that they planned to march from Philadelphia to New York.

✮ Connor ended his alliance with Haytham Kenway after discovering that the latter knew George Washington had ordered the attack on his village in 1760, a fact he had deliberately kept hidden from Connor.

✮ George Washington ordered an attack on the village of Kanatahséton after receiving reports of indigenous tribes allying with the British. Connor managed to hold off the attack but was forced to kill his friend Kanen'tó:kon, who had been convinced by Charles Lee that Connor had betrayed his people.

✮ The Continental Army, led by the Marquis de Lafayette and aided by Connor, fought the British Army at the Battle of Monmouth in an attempt to stop their march on New York. Despite Charles Lee's attempt to sabotage the outcome of the battle, Connor was able to secure the Patriots' retreat and spare George Washington of a humiliating defeat.

✮ Prompted by Connor, George Washington investigated Charles Lee and eventually had him court-martial led for insubordination and poor command decisions, leading to Lee's suspension from military duty.

1780 AD:
✮ Major General Benedict Arnold betrayed the Continental Army with help from John André and attempted to surrender the garrison at West Point to the British, resulting in the Battle of West Point. The Assassin Connor ensured the Patriots' victory, but Arnold escaped by boat.

1781 AD:
✮ The French Navy, aided by the Aquila, defeated the British Navy at the Battle of the Chesapeake. In exchange for Connor's aid, the French Navy shelled New York with ships for the Assassin's attack on Fort George.

✮ Grand Master Haytham Kenway was killed by his son, the Assassin Connor, who planned to eliminate Charles Lee instead, during his infiltration of Fort George.

✮ Achilles Davenport, Mentor of the Colonial Brotherhood, passed away and was buried next to his wife and son by his apprentice Connor, who succeeded him as leader of the Colonial Assassins.

✮ The Continental Army claimed victory at the Siege of Yorktown, effectively winning the American Revolutionary War; George Washington retrieved an Apple of Eden at Yorktown.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 8:
1782 AD:
✮ Charles Lee, who had succeeded Haytham Kenway as Grand Master of the Colonial Templars, was killed by Connor in the Last Drink tavern in Monmouth, after the Assassin had pursued Lee through New York and Boston. Connor retrieved the Grand Temple Key from Lee.

1783 AD:
✮ Connor came into contact with Juno through his village's Crystal Ball, who told him to hide the Grand Temple Key somewhere safe; the village's inhabitants had been forced to migrate as their land had been sold by the United States government.

✮ The Treaty of Paris was signed between delegates of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies, formally ending the American Revolutionary War and establishing the United States.

✮ The last remaining troops of the British Army departed from the new free and independent State of New York in the United States on Evacuation Day.

✮ George Washington approached Connor to ask him to dispose of his Apple of Eden, which had been giving Washington troubling visions of an alternate timeline where Connor never became an Assassin and Washington, corrupted by the Apple, ruled the United States as a tyrant. After they were both briefly transported to this timeline, Connor took the Apple and tossed it into the ocean.

1784 AD:
✮ Doctor Edmund Judge, a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré in Newport, Rhode Island, in order to recruit Patience Gibbs into Connor's Assassin Brotherhood.

1788 AD:
✮ Élise de la Serre arrived in London to help her mentor Frederick Weatherall search for Bernard Ruddock, the Assassin who had tried to kill Élise's mother in 1776. Élise met with Weatherall at the mansion of the Carroll family, who offered to aid their search in exchange for Haytham Kenway's correspondence with his sister Jennifer Scott.

✮ Élise de la Serre received Haytham Kenway's letters from Jennifer Scott, who hoped she would put them to good use and unite the Assassins and the Templars in their goals.

✮ Élise de la Serre saved Bernard Ruddock from being killed by the Carrolls, who wanted to cover their involvement in the assassination attempt on Julie de la Serre. Élise then fled back to France alongside Frederick Weatherall after killing May Carroll.

1789 AD:
✮ Élise de la Serre saved Bernard Ruddock from execution in order to learn who was behind the assassination attempt on her mother. After Ruddock denied knowing his employer's identity, Élise gave him six months to discover it.

✮ George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States at Federal Hall in New York, after a short retirement at Mount Vernon.

✮ The Estates-General gathered in Versailles, where King Louis XVI of France discussed France's economic crisis.

✮ François de la Serre, Grand Master of the French Templars, was killed by Charles Gabriel Sivert and Le Roi des Thunes in a Templar coup d'état orchestrated by François-Thomas Germain, who had been banished from the Order by de la Serre for his extremist views. De la Serre's adoptive son Arno Dorian was arrested for the murder.

✮ The Bastille in Paris was stormed and captured by the Parisian militia, signaling the start of the French Revolution. Arno Dorian and Pierre Bellec escaped captivity in the Bastille, and Bellec invited Arno to join the Assassins.

✮ Bernard Ruddock met with Élise de la Serre and falsely accused Le Roi des Thunes of having ordered the assassination attempt on Élise's mother in 1776.

✮ Arno Dorian attempted to reconcile with Élise de la Serre, discovering her Templar affiliations in the process, but Élise turned him away for having failed to deliver a letter which could have prevented her father's murder.

✮ Arno Dorian joined the Assassin Brotherhood after discovering their hideout underneath the Sainte-Chapelle and started his tutelage under Pierre Bellec.

✮ The Women's March on Versailles occurred in protest against the monarchy of France. A team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, ensured the march remained peaceful.

1791 AD:
✮ The Templar Charles Gabriel Sivert was killed by the Assassin Arno Dorian inside the Notre-Dame cathedral for his role in the assassination of François de la Serre.

✮ Le Roi des Thunes, the leader of the Cour des Miracles and a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Arno Dorian for his role in the assassination of François de la Serre. The Marquis de Sade, who had helped Arno, became the new leader of the Cour.

✮ Arno Dorian rescued François-Thomas Germain, secretly the new Templar Grand Master, after he feigned capture by the Templars inside his silversmith workshop. Germain falsely accused the Templar Chrétien Lafrenière of having commissioned the pin that killed François de la Serre.

✮ Chrétien Lafrenière was killed by Arno Dorian during a meeting between his faction of conservative French Templars and members from other European branches. Arno discovered that Lafrenière had tried to warn François de la Serre of his impending assassination and realized Germain's deception.

✮ Élise de la Serre was saved by Arno Dorian from an ambush of François-Thomas Germain's radical Templar faction.

✮ Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau, Mentor of the French Assassins, was poisoned by fellow Assassin Pierre Bellec because of his willingness to work with the Templars. Bellec attempted to frame the Templar Élise de la Serre for the murder.

✮ Pierre Bellec was killed his apprentice Arno Dorian, after the latter refused to join his crusade against the Templars and the Assassin leadership, which Bellec believed needed to be eliminated to save the Brotherhood from corruption.

✮ Dutty Boukman held a religious ceremony at Bois Caïman, prophesizing that Jean-François Papillon, Georges Biassou and Jeannot Bullet would become leaders of a revolution to free the slaves of Saint-Domingue.

✮ The Haitian Revolution ignited; led by members of the Assassin Brotherhood, the slaves of Saint-Domingue rose up in revolt against their French masters.

✮ Dutty Boukman was captured in battle with the French Army near Acul and publicly beheaded by General Rouxel. The Assassins Elsie and Fabien were initially assigned to save Boukman, but were ordered to desist to let Boukman's death inspire a revolution.

✮ After repeatedly massacring white colonists and his own men, Jeannot Bullet was ordered to death by Eseosa for breaking the tenets of the Creed.

✮ Arno Dorian solved all of Nostradamus' enigmas around Paris and obtained the keys to a vault in the Parisian Brotherhood's headquarters, from which he retrieved the Assassin outfit once worn by Thomas de Carneillon.

1792 AD:
✮ Théroigne de Méricourt uncovered a Templar conspiracy to starve Paris' population in order to turn them against the French royal family. A team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, helped Méricourt recover some of the stolen food, and killed one of the Templar conspirators, Madame Flavigny.

✮ Tuileries Palace, the residence of King Louis XVI, was stormed by an armed mob. Arno Dorian retrieved the King's correspondence with his late Mentor Mirabeau, and Napoleon Bonaparte retrieved an Isu temple key from the King's secret hiding place.

✮ Frédéric Rouille, a French Army captain and Templar, was killed by the Assassin Arno Dorian in the Grand Châtelet while overseeing the execution of the prison's inmates as part of the September Massacres.

✮ A team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, aided Georges Danton's attempt to stop an Austrian spy ring by killing the Comte and Vicomte de Gambais.

✮ The Templar Marie Lévesque was killed by the Assassin Arno Dorian while hosting a party at Luxembourg Palace, for her involvement in the conspiracy to starve Paris' population. Arno escaped with Élise de la Serre using a stolen hot air balloon.
18th Century (AC III, Black Flag & Rogue Timeline) Part 9:
1793 AD:
✮ Louis-Michel le Peletier, a member of the National Assembly and a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Arno Dorian inside the Palais-Royal.

✮ King Louis XVI of France was executed by guillotine in Paris, as decreed by the National Assembly with the Templars' influence. Arno Dorian and Élise de la Serre made a failed assassination attempt on Grand Master François-Thomas Germain at Louis' execution.

✮ Arno Dorian was expelled from the Assassin Brotherhood for his reckless actions and continued disregard for orders, as voted by the Assassin Council.

✮ The Templar Aloys la Touche was assassinated by Arno Dorian in Versailles while overseeing the execution of prisoners by guillotine.

✮ A group of Girondists were smuggled out of Paris by a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, before they could be arrested by François Hanriot.

✮ General Marcourt, a Templar, and his fellow conspirators were killed by a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, for plotting to overthrow the French Republic.

✮ The French civil commissioner of Saint-Domingue, Léger-Félicité Sonthonax, declared all slaves in the colony to be freed men.

✮ Didier Paton, a spy working for Maximilien de Robespierre, was sentenced to death after uncovering the existence of the Templar Order. A team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, rescued Paton and recruited him into the Brotherhood.

1794 AD:
✮ Jacques Roux, a radical Roman Catholic priest and leading figure among Les Enragés, who were being used by the Templars to stir up chaos in Paris, was killed by a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian.

✮ Georges Danton was executed by guillotine in the Place de la Révolution, despite a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, attempting to save him, as Danton believed his death would ruin Maximilien de Robespierre's reputation.

✮ A team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian, retrieved their late Mentor Mirabeau's Assassin relics from his crypt underneath the Panthéon in Paris, before the Templars could steal them.

✮ The Festival of the Supreme Being commenced at the Le Champ de Mars. However, due to the intervention of Arno Dorian and Élise de la Serre, the festival backfired as Maximilien de Robespierre's influence began to fall.

✮ Maximilien de Robespierre, a French politician, Jacobin leader and Templar, was executed by guillotine in the Place de la Révolution.

✮ François-Thomas Germain, Grand Master of the French Templars and a Sage, was killed by Arno Dorian in the Templar crypt beneath the Temple in Paris. Before his death, Germain killed Élise de la Serre using Jacques de Molay's Sword of Eden.

✮ The remaining Jacobin leaders were killed by French revolutionaries led by Théroigne de Méricourt, with aid from a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian. Following the collapse of the Jacobin party, a less radical government was established under the Directory.

✮ Arno Dorian traveled to Saint-Denis to meet with the Marquis de Sade, who requested the manuscript of Nicolas de Condorcet in exchange for a ship to take Arno away from France.

✮ Arno Dorian retrieved Nicolas de Condorcet's manuscript from a child thief named Léon but was eventually convinced by him to stop Napoleon Bonaparte's men from accessing the Isu temple underneath Saint-Denis.

✮ Arno Dorian entered the Saint-Denis Temple, where he killed Philippe Rose and retrieved the Head of Saint-Denis. After using the Head to escape, Arno retrieved an Apple of Eden from the artifact and sent it to Al Mualim in Cairo, Egypt. He also gave Nicolas de Condorcet's manuscript to the Marquis the Sade but decided to stay in France.

✮ Napoleon Bonaparte was arrested and placed under house arrest for supporting Maximilien de Robespierre during the French Revolution and stealing a small army to search for the Saint-Denis Temple.

✮ Napoleon Bonaparte was released from house arrest due to his powerful influence.

✮ Arno Dorian eliminated the Cult of the Iron Mask and retrieved the Iron Mask from them, which had formerly belonged to a famous prisoner whose identity was never revealed.

✮ Arno Dorian retrieved the Eagle of Suger from a secret chamber inside the Basilica of Saint-Denis where it had been hidden, after solving all of Suger's riddles around Saint-Denis.

✮ Bernard Ruddock met with Arno Dorian in Versailles and gave him a letter from Élise de la Serre. In the letter, Élise instructed Arno to retrieve her belongings, including Haytham Kenway's letters, which were to be given to Ruddock, to allow him to parley with the Brotherhood and rejoin their ranks.

✮ Arno Dorian retrieved Élise de la Serre's belongings from Frederick Weatherall, but was betrayed by Bernard Ruddock, who revealed that he was still serving the Carroll family. Ruddock then attempted to take revenge for the death of May Carroll but was killed by Weatherall.

✮ The procession carrying Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ashes was attacked by raiders while passing through Saint-Denis. Arno Dorian and another Assassin successfully defended the convoy and made sure it reached the Panthéon in Paris.

✮ Arno Dorian formally rejoined the Assassin Brotherhood and eventually rose to the rank of Master Assassin.

1795 AD:
✮ The royalist uprising of 13 Vendémiaire was suppressed by the French Republic under leadership of Paul Barras and Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon earned infamy for attacking the royalists in Paris with cannons.

1797 AD:
✮ Toussaint Louverture expelled Léger-Félicité Sonthonax from Saint-Domingue and became de facto ruler of the colony.

1798 AD:
✮ Napoleon Bonaparte embarked from Toulon on an expedition to Egypt and Syria, secretly with intention of acquiring the Apple of Eden from the Saint-Denis Temple.

1799 AD:
✮ A soldier of the French expedition in Egypt discovered the Rosetta Stone, a stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis. The stele was missing part of the first script pertaining to the Assassins.

✮ Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for France from Egypt, after having successfully retrieved the Apple of Eden of the Saint-Denis Temple.

✮ Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as the new ruler of France as First Consul during the coup of 18 Brumaire.

1800 AD:
✮ An attempt on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte using the Machine Infernale, known as the plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise, was thwarted by a team of Assassins, including Arno Dorian.
19th Century (Syndicate Timeline) Part 1:
1862 AD:
✮ The Assassin Ethan Frye tried to interrogate Boot, a thief working as a courier for the Templars, but his target was killed by the Templar Robert Waugh before he could reveal anything. After Waugh accidentally shot an innocent girl while aiming for Ethan, the Assassin chased and eliminated him.

✮ Jayadeep Mir disposed of Robert Waugh's body at a railway dig site overseen by the Templar Cavanagh, who was searching for an Apple of Eden in the area. After the police discovered Waugh's body, Jayadeep helped to divert suspicion away from Cavanagh and began ingratiating himself with the Templar, hoping to learn more about his plans.

✮ Cavanagh began to suspect Jayadeep Mir's true identity and affiliations and had the Indian Assassins Ajay and Kulpreet captured for interrogation. While Kulpreet killed herself to avoid revealing anything, Ajay reluctantly told Cavanagh everything he wanted to know to save himself. A remorseful Ajay later cryptically informed Ethan Frye that Jayadeep was in danger before taking his own life.

✮ Cavanagh tasked Jayadeep Mir to kill the solicitor Charles Pearson, who had found the Apple of Eden sought by the Templars, in order to prove his loyalty to the Order. In doing so, Cavanagh hoped to frame Jayadeep for the crime and acquire the Apple for his own ends; however, the Assassin refused to kill an innocent man.

✮ During the inauguration of the world's first underground railway, the Templar Cavanagh assassinated solicitor Charles Pearson to steal the Apple of Eden in his possession. Cavanagh then tried to use the artifact to kill the Assassins Jayadeep Mir and Ethan Frye, who had learned of his plan, but the two managed to escape as the tunnel around them began to collapse.

✮ Cavanagh was killed by fellow Templar Marchant under the orders of Grand Master Crawford Starrick, who had learned of Cavanagh's plans to use the Apple of Eden to overthrow him. Marchant subsequently delivered the Apple to the Templars.

✮ Jayadeep Mir discovered that the Templars had killed his friend Maggie and, blaming himself, decided to retire from his life as an Assassin.

1863 AD:
✮ General Ulysses S. Grant ensured a victory for the Union States at the Siege of Vicksburg, gaining the attention and support of the Assassin Brotherhood.

✮ The Mentor of the American Brotherhood tasked Varius with retrieving a Dagger of Eden from the Aztec Club and bringing it to General Ulysses S. Grant.

✮ The Templar agent Cudgel Cormac stole the artifact from the Aztec Club after a struggle with the Assassin Varius, intending to take it back to Grand Master William M. Tweed.

✮ Varius and his new apprentice Eliza stole the Dagger of Eden back from Cudgel Cormac before it could be passed on to William M. Tweed. Eliza then successfully delivered the artifact to General Ulysses S. Grant.

✮ President Abraham Lincoln of the United States delivered the Gettysburg Address in commemoration of the fallen soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg.

1865 AD:
✮ Following a visit from his parents, Arbaaz Mir and Pyara Kaur, Jayadeep Mir was inspired to take up work as an Assassin again. Adopting a new name, "Henry Green", he soon became the leader of the Assassin bureau in London.

✮ President Abraham Lincoln of the United States was shot by John Wilkes Booth, a Templar affiliate, and passed away the next morning.

✮ The Assassins tracked down and killed John Wilkes Booth in retaliation for his assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

1867 AD:
✮ Emperor Napoleon III of France sent French Army officer and Assassin Jules Brunet to train the troops of the Tokugawa shogunate as part of a diplomatic military mission.

✮ A samurai from the Fukuoka Domain murdered British sailors Robert Ford and John Hutchings of the HMS Icarus for drinking and sleeping near the tea house. The incident became known as the Icarus affair and would cause diplomatic tensions between the Tokugawa shogunate and the United Kingdom, the latter of which wanted the local authorities to arrest the Kaientai for the deaths of Ford and Hutchings.

✮ The British diplomat and Templar Harry Parkes negotiated with Tokugawa commissioners from the Tosa domain led by Goto Sojiro to convict the Kaientai responsible for the Icarus affair. However, a lack of sufficient evidence meant that the investigation had to be moved to the city of Nagasaki (the site of the Icarus affair). Eventually, all charges against the Kaientai were dropped.

✮ In the aftermath of the Icarus affair, Jules Brunet met shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu in his private quarters in Edo, assuring him that the French and Japanese Brotherhoods would support the shogunate against the Templar-backed Imperial Court in Kyoto. However, Yoshinobu was ready to concede to the demands of the British, who were backed by Emperor Mutsuhito, against the wishes of Brunet. The discussion was cut short when a spy attempted to assassinate Yoshinobu only for Brunet to stop them, though the spy managed to escape.

✮ Tokugawa Yoshinobu conceded to the demands of the British and the Imperial Court by abdicating the title of shogun.

✮ Jules Brunet tasked his Japanese contact, Matsuo, to mobilize all Assassin agents on the island in order to ensure the victory of the Tokugawa shogunate and their allies as war became inevitable.

✮ Disheartened by Yoshinobu's willingness to concede to the Imperials and the British, Brunet hoped that a republic would blossom in Japan if the Tokugawa forces were to win.
19th Century (Syndicate Timeline) Part 2:
1862 AD:
✮ The Assassin Ethan Frye tried to interrogate Boot, a thief working as a courier for the Templars, but his target was killed by the Templar Robert Waugh before he could reveal anything. After Waugh accidentally shot an innocent girl while aiming for Ethan, the Assassin chased and eliminated him.

✮ Jayadeep Mir disposed of Robert Waugh's body at a railway dig site overseen by the Templar Cavanagh, who was searching for an Apple of Eden in the area. After the police discovered Waugh's body, Jayadeep helped to divert suspicion away from Cavanagh and began ingratiating himself with the Templar, hoping to learn more about his plans.

✮ Cavanagh began to suspect Jayadeep Mir's true identity and affiliations and had the Indian Assassins Ajay and Kulpreet captured for interrogation. While Kulpreet killed herself to avoid revealing anything, Ajay reluctantly told Cavanagh everything he wanted to know to save himself. A remorseful Ajay later cryptically informed Ethan Frye that Jayadeep was in danger before taking his own life.

✮ Cavanagh tasked Jayadeep Mir to kill the solicitor Charles Pearson, who had found the Apple of Eden sought by the Templars, in order to prove his loyalty to the Order. In doing so, Cavanagh hoped to frame Jayadeep for the crime and acquire the Apple for his own ends; however, the Assassin refused to kill an innocent man.

✮ During the inauguration of the world's first underground railway, the Templar Cavanagh assassinated solicitor Charles Pearson to steal the Apple of Eden in his possession. Cavanagh then tried to use the artifact to kill the Assassins Jayadeep Mir and Ethan Frye, who had learned of his plan, but the two managed to escape as the tunnel around them began to collapse.

✮ Cavanagh was killed by fellow Templar Marchant under the orders of Grand Master Crawford Starrick, who had learned of Cavanagh's plans to use the Apple of Eden to overthrow him. Marchant subsequently delivered the Apple to the Templars.

✮ Jayadeep Mir discovered that the Templars had killed his friend Maggie and, blaming himself, decided to retire from his life as an Assassin.

1863 AD:
✮ General Ulysses S. Grant ensured a victory for the Union States at the Siege of Vicksburg, gaining the attention and support of the Assassin Brotherhood.

✮ The Mentor of the American Brotherhood tasked Varius with retrieving a Dagger of Eden from the Aztec Club and bringing it to General Ulysses S. Grant.

✮ The Templar agent Cudgel Cormac stole the artifact from the Aztec Club after a struggle with the Assassin Varius, intending to take it back to Grand Master William M. Tweed.

✮ Varius and his new apprentice Eliza stole the Dagger of Eden back from Cudgel Cormac before it could be passed on to William M. Tweed. Eliza then successfully delivered the artifact to General Ulysses S. Grant.

✮ President Abraham Lincoln of the United States delivered the Gettysburg Address in commemoration of the fallen soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg.

1865 AD:
✮ Following a visit from his parents, Arbaaz Mir and Pyara Kaur, Jayadeep Mir was inspired to take up work as an Assassin again. Adopting a new name, "Henry Green", he soon became the leader of the Assassin bureau in London.

✮ President Abraham Lincoln of the United States was shot by John Wilkes Booth, a Templar affiliate, and passed away the next morning.

✮ The Assassins tracked down and killed John Wilkes Booth in retaliation for his assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

1867 AD:
✮ Emperor Napoleon III of France sent French Army officer and Assassin Jules Brunet to train the troops of the Tokugawa shogunate as part of a diplomatic military mission.

✮ A samurai from the Fukuoka Domain murdered British sailors Robert Ford and John Hutchings of the HMS Icarus for drinking and sleeping near the tea house. The incident became known as the Icarus affair and would cause diplomatic tensions between the Tokugawa shogunate and the United Kingdom, the latter of which wanted the local authorities to arrest the Kaientai for the deaths of Ford and Hutchings.

✮ The British diplomat and Templar Harry Parkes negotiated with Tokugawa commissioners from the Tosa domain led by Goto Sojiro to convict the Kaientai responsible for the Icarus affair. However, a lack of sufficient evidence meant that the investigation had to be moved to the city of Nagasaki (the site of the Icarus affair). Eventually, all charges against the Kaientai were dropped.

✮ In the aftermath of the Icarus affair, Jules Brunet met shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu in his private quarters in Edo, assuring him that the French and Japanese Brotherhoods would support the shogunate against the Templar-backed Imperial Court in Kyoto. However, Yoshinobu was ready to concede to the demands of the British, who were backed by Emperor Mutsuhito, against the wishes of Brunet. The discussion was cut short when a spy attempted to assassinate Yoshinobu only for Brunet to stop them, though the spy managed to escape.

✮ Tokugawa Yoshinobu conceded to the demands of the British and the Imperial Court by abdicating the title of shogun.

✮ Jules Brunet tasked his Japanese contact, Matsuo, to mobilize all Assassin agents on the island in order to ensure the victory of the Tokugawa shogunate and their allies as war became inevitable.

✮ Disheartened by Yoshinobu's willingness to concede to the Imperials and the British, Brunet hoped that a republic would blossom in Japan if the Tokugawa forces were to win.
19th Century (Syndicate Timeline) Part 3:
1868 AD:
✮ The Assassin Ethan Frye died from pleurisy in his home in Crawley, though not before asking his friend and fellow Assassin, George Westhouse, to continue the training of his children: Evie and Jacob Frye.

✮ Imperial and Shogunate forces clashed near the Kyoto ward of Fushimi during the Battle of Toba–Fushimi. The battle ended in a decisive Imperial victory and marked the beginning of the Boshin War between the Imperial Court and the Tokugawa shogunate.

✮ Shiba Ibuka was present for the Battle of Tuba-Fushimi but chose to flee the battlefield. His sister Atsuko, who had disguised herself as a man to watch over him, was forced to fight in his place to protect her brother's reputation.

✮ Rupert Ferris, owner of Ferris Ironworks and a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Jacob Frye in Croydon, England. Jacob's escape from the Templars resulted in a train crash outside Croydon.

✮ Sir David Brewster, a Templar scientist, was killed by the Assassin Evie Frye in Croydon during an experiment on an Apple of Eden that destroyed his laboratory and the artifact.

✮ Jacob and Evie Frye traveled to London to liberate the city from the Templars' control and met Henry Green. With his help, the twins soon established a network of allies, including novelist Charles Dickens, police inspector Frederick Abberline, street urchin Clara O'Dea, and inventor Alexander Graham Bell, and started their own criminal gang, the Rooks, to combat the influence of the Templar-run Blighters.

✮ Ulysses S. Grant was sworn in as the 18th President of the United States. His inner circle was subsequently infiltrated by the Templars, who entrusted him with a Precursor box and pages of the Voynich manuscript while simultaneously corrupting his administration.

✮ Evie Frye and Henry Green recovered a disc key and document detailing a Shroud of Eden from a secret vault inside the former mansion of Edward Kenway.

✮ Dr. John Elliotson, a Templar manufacturing Starrick's Soothing Syrup, was killed by the Assassin Jacob Frye in Lambeth Asylum, London.

✮ Evie Frye recovered an Isu key hidden by Edward Kenway at the top of St. Paul's Cathedral but lost it during a fight with the Templar occultist Lucy Thorne.

✮ Jacob Frye forged an alliance with Crawford Starrick's cousin Pearl Attaway, and assassinated her business rival, the Templar Malcolm Millner. After discovering that Attaway was a Templar herself, Jacob assassinated her inside a train carriage at Waterloo station.

✮ Evie Frye assassinated Lucy Thorne after infiltrating the Tower of London, where both women mistakenly believed the Shroud of Eden to be located. Evie recovered the Isu key from Thorne.

✮ Philip Twopenny, the Governor of the Bank of England and a Templar, was killed by the Assassin Jacob Frye while the former was trying to rob his bank to transfer the money to the Templars.

✮ Jacob Frye thwarted a Templar plot to assassinate British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and his wife Mary Anne Disraeli, and later killed the mastermind behind it: General James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan.

✮ Blighters leader and former Templar associate Maxwell Roth was killed by the Assassin Jacob Frye in a burning Alhambra Music Hall, after a short-lived alliance between the two which resulted in the near deaths of child laborers.

✮ Jacob and Evie Frye infiltrated Queen Victoria's ball at Buckingham Palace and foiled Crawford Starrick's plan to murder the Queen and the other guests. Although Starrick managed to use this distraction to retrieve the Shroud of Eden, he was soon killed by Jacob, Evie and Henry Green, who returned the Shroud to its vault.

✮ Jacob and Evie Frye, with the aid of Queen Victoria, stopped an upstart Templar faction from executing several terrorist attacks around London and eliminated their leader.

✮ Jacob and Evie Frye found an underground vault in London where the Assassin Michel Reuge had hidden the Aegis, an Isu armor once worn by Minerva. After retrieving all of Reuge's keys from music boxes scattered around London, the Assassins opened the Aegis' vault, and Evie claimed the armor for herself.

✮ Henry Raymond, a penny dreadful writer, was killed by Jacob and Evie Frye after orchestrating a fake bomb threat at Buckingham Palace as a distraction to steal the Queen's Sceptre with Dove.

✮ Jacob and Evie Frye helped Duleep Singh, the last Maharaja of the Sikh Empire, in his quest to reclaim his throne, in spite of the Templar Brinley Ellsworth's attempts to sabotage them. After luring Singh into a trap where he tried to kill him, Ellsworth was defeated by Evie and then spared by Singh because of their past friendship.

✮ The Battle of Aizu was fought when Imperial forces led an invasion of Aizu, a pro-Tokugawa feudal domain that sent thousands of troops for the shogunate war effort.

✮ During the Battle of Aizu, the fully trained shinobi Shiba Atsuko was tasked with infiltrating the Imperial army's camp to acquire its attack plans. Although Atsuko was successful in her mission, her Assassin mentor Nakano Takeko was fatally shot and Atusko was forced to decapitate her to prevent her head from falling into Imperial hands.

✮ Shiba Atsuko faced off against the Templar William Lloyd and was saved by her brother Ibuka, who killed Lloyd and carried Atsuko away from the battlefield. However, Itsuka had been mortally wounded by Lloyd and later succumbed to his injuries.

✮ Shiba Atsuko was nursed back to health by the Japanese Assassin spy Matsuo, who convinced her to join the Brotherhood after telling her about her brother's deeds, saving her and the Musashi Masamune.

1870 AD:
✮ Emperor Napoleon III of France declared war against Prussia after Kaiser Wilhelm I's advisors, influenced by German Templars, convinced their ruler to instigate the French Emperor.

1871 AD:
✮ After months of warfare, the Prussians were victorious in the war against the French. This led to the establishment of the German Empire and the Third French Republic as the successor to the Second French Empire.

✮ Parisians revolted against the new republic and convened another Paris Commune to go against the French government. Despite the aid of the French Assassins, the Parisians' defense fell against the French Army and the commune was dissolved. As a result, the Third French Republic stood as the official government for France.

1874 AD:
✮ Nikola Tesla found an Apple of Eden in the wilderness after fleeing to Tomingaj in Croatia, which inspired him to pursue a life of study and innovation.

1881 AD:
✮ Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who was affiliated with the Templars, was killed in a bomb attack by the Assassins Ignacy Hryniewiecki and Nikolai Rysakov of the Narodnaya Volya, a radical faction of the Russian Assassins.

1884 AD:
✮ Nikola Tesla arrived in New York City. He started working for Thomas Edison, a Templar, but left Edison Machine Works in 1885.

1885 AD:
✮ The Indian National Congress, a political party that would become the principal leader of the Indian independence movement, was founded. A Sage was present during its creation.

1887 AD:
✮ Several Assassin members of the Narodnaya Volya, including Aleksandr Ulyanov, were publicly hanged after a failed assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander III of Russia, a Templar ally.

✮ Mina Bergson, a member of the British Assassins, was tasked to infiltrate the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and eventually married Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, one of its co-founders and a Templar puppet.
19th Century (Syndicate Timeline) Part 4:
1888 AD:
✮ The British Assassin known as Jack the Lad, having developed an extremist view of the Creed, wrestled control of the Rooks from his mentor Jacob Frye with the help of dangerous criminals.

✮ Jack the Lad killed an Assassin initiate posing as the prostitute Mary Ann Nichols in Whitechapel, London, starting a series of murders that earned him the moniker "Jack the Ripper."

✮ Jack the Ripper killed an Assassin initiate posing as Annie Chapman in Whitechapel.

✮ Jack the Ripper killed two Assassin initiates, one posing as Elizabeth Stride and another as Catherine Eddowes, in Whitechapel.

✮ Jack the Ripper infiltrated his former mentor Jacob Frye's hideout and captured him, subsequently imprisoning him in Lambeth Asylum.

✮ Evie Frye returned to London from India after having been summoned by her brother Jacob. With help from Fredderick Abberline, she discovered Jacob was missing and started investigating the Whitechapel murders.

✮ The Assassin Nikolai Orelov attempted to kill Tsar Alexander III of Russia aboard his train bound for St. Petersburg, resulting in the Borki train disaster. The Tsar defeated Nikolai using a Staff of Eden, but ultimately spared the Assassin's life.

✮ Evie Frye killed brothel owner Olwyn Owers, an ally of Jack the Ripper, at Owers Manor in Cotswold valley.

✮ Evie Frye assassinated Chief Warder John Billingsworth of the Deptford prison hulks, where Jack the Ripper kept his hostages. The Metropolitan Police Service subsequently stopped Jack's kidnapping operations.

✮ Evie Frye killed Jack the Ripper inside Lambeth Asylum, after maneuvering her way through the asylum's patients set loose by Jack. Jacob Frye was subsequently rescued, and Evie worked with Frederick Abberline to hide Jack's identity and ties to the Brotherhood.

1891 AD:
✮ William Robert Woodman was killed by an assassin employed by his co-founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westcott, after a meeting with Gustav Meyrink.

1894 AD:
✮ Tsar Alexander III of Russia died of kidney failure, caused by injuries inflicted by Nikolai Orelov in 1888. His son, Nicholas II, succeeded him.

1896 AD:
✮ Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers assumed full leadership of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, after an argument between Mathers and William Wynn Westcott forced the latter to leave the Order.
20th Century AD Part 1:
1927 AD:
✮ Grand Master Thaddeus Gift of the British Rite was killed by Albert Bolden, the Black Cross, in London for abandoning the Templars' principles and using the Order for personal gain.

✮ Darius Gift, son of Thaddeus Gift, was sent to Shanghai to deliver a box to Chiang Kai-shek, with the intention of drawing him into the Order's fold.

✮ The Black Cross Albert Bolden infiltrated the Templar-built train Great Wall, carrying White Russian soldiers led by the former Templar Yuri Dolinsky to the warlord Zhang Zongchang to fight Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists. Bolden killed Dolinsky for his betrayal of the Templar Order.

✮ Darius Gift was mistaken for the Black Cross by two Frenchmen in Shanghai, before being saved from his harassers by the Black Cross Albert Bolden. However, Darius' box was stolen by the actress Ruan Lingyu, posing as a prostitute, while he was distracted.

✮ Grand Master Stirling Fessenden of the Shanghai Rite organized a meeting with the local Master Templars, informing them that they should offer their aid to the Black Cross in any capacity while he searched for a traitor in their ranks.

✮ Albert Bolden infiltrated the Great World, headquarters of the Hop Wo Society, a front for the Green Gang, where he was ambushed. After allowing himself to be captured to meet gang leader Du Yuesheng, he escaped the building.

✮ Darius Gift infiltrated the Mingxing Motion Picture Company after discovering Ruan Lingyu's true identity but was overpowered by her accomplice Zhang Damin when confronting her. Ruan decided to aid Darius, and after escaping from Zhang, she handed the box's contents to him.

✮ Albert Bolden discovered the traitor within the Templar Order was Soong Ching-ling, wife of the late Sun Yat-sen, who had sought to keep the box out of the hands of Chiang Kai-shek, realizing the latter had no intention of joining the Order.

✮ Grand Master Stirling Fessenden was called to a meeting by Du Yuesheng, where Chiang Kai-shek revealed his disinterest in joining the Templar Order.

✮ Albert Bolden killed Flowery Flag, an agent of Du Yuesheng sent to murder Darius Gift. Having learned that the Black Cross had killed his father, Darius shot him in retaliation, causing Bolden to fall from a rooftop.

1928 AD:
✮ Nikolai and Innokenti Orelov were tracked down by a team of Assassins employed by the Bureau of Investigation. They took down all Assassins except the team's leader, who managed to catch Nikolai. Innokenti complied to his father's request to shoot the man, killing both the team leader and Nikolai.

1930 AD:
✮ Mahatma Gandhi started the Salt March in disobedience against the British's salt laws in India until April 5 and managed to gather a large following with aid from his Apple of Eden.

1937 AD:
✮ Abstergo Industries was founded by the Templar Order as a public front, which would primarily be used as a shadow company to control the world's capitalist market.

✮ The town of Guernica was bombed on orders of Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, to route the Spanish republican rebels, as part of the Spanish Civil War. Several Spanish Assassin died during the bombing.

✮ The Templar Rufus Grosvenor, a former disciple of the Master Spy, convinced the Assassin Norbert Clarke, sent by the British Brotherhood to aid the Spanish Assassins, to take his own life.

✮ Grosvenor, posing as Norbert Clarke, joined Ignacio Cardona's Assassin cell in Barcelona, intending to have him unlock the powers of the Koh-i-Noor with the Precursor DNA in his genes.

✮ Fighting broke out in between the Nationalists and communists in Barcelona. With the Assassins undecided on what faction to join, Grosvenor persuaded Cardona to use the Koh-i-Noor, nearly killing the Assassins.

✮ Albert Bolden, the former Black Cross, attacked Grosvenor to reacquire the Koh-i-Noor, but failed and escaped with an unconscious Cardona instead. After the Assassin awoke, Bolden revealed to him Grosvenor's deception and convinced him to join forces against Grosvenor.

✮ Bolden and Cardona confronted Grosvenor and the Assassins, rallied behind the Templar, in a church in the Spanish countryside. Bolden and Cardona were overpowered, and with another opportunity to use the Koh-i-Noor, Cardona destroyed the church and routed Grosvenor and Glaucia Acosta.

✮ Bolden and Cardona continued fighting in the Spanish Civil War, before Bolden would guard the ruins of the abandoned church, where the Koh-i-Noor remained buried.

1939 AD:
✮ World War II started, orchestrated by the Templar Order, who influenced leaders on either side of the conflict such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt to bring chaos and turmoil to the world's population.

✮ Members of the Assassin Brotherhood started infiltrating the German nuclear war project headed by Templar Obbergruppenführer Gero Kramer, until Kramer discovered and removed the Assassins.

1940 AD:
✮ The Nazi bombing of London, known as the Blitz, started, destroying large portions of the city and killing thousands of civilians.

✮ The Assassins Boris Pash and Julia Dusk successfully recruited Eddie Gorm to work as a double agent in the German nuclear war project, after Gorm's family was killed in the Blitz.

1942 AD:
✮ Eddie Gorm abducted Nazi physicist Werner Heisenberg at a Nazi meeting at the Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, discovering that the German nuclear war project was a front for Gero Kramer's Die Glocke project.

✮ Eddie Gorm and an injured Julia Dusk escaped from the Wilhelm Institute to an Assassin safehouse in Berlin, where Boris Pash revealed the existence of the Assassins and Templars to Gorm and recruited him into the Brotherhood.

1943 AD:
✮ The Templars ♥♥♥♥♥ Nikola Tesla's death in a hotel room in New York City and pressured the FBI to order the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.

✮ The Assassin Eddie Gorm infiltrated the Nazis' hydroelectric water plant in Vemork, where he confronted and was overpowered by the Templar Obbergruppenführer Gero Kramer.

✮ Gero Kramer placed Eddie Gorm in Die Glocke, a proto-Animus developed by Nikola Tesla using the Nazis' Apple of Eden, to use Gorm's genetic memories to locate Pieces of Eden in the past that they could acquire through time travel.

✮ Allied forces besieged the Vemork facility, causing Gero Kramer and the Nazis to flee with their captive Nikola Tesla. Eddie Gorm was rescued by fellow Assassin Julia Dusk.

✮ The Assassins Eddie Gorm and Julia Dusk besieged Książ Castle, where they killed Templar Obbergruppenfürher Gero Kramer during a party and retrieved his Apple of Eden.

✮ Nikola Tesla revealed Boris Pash's secret alliance with Templar scientist John von Neumann, causing Eddie Gorm and Julia Dusk to turn on Pash. Dusk blew herself up with a grenade in an attempt to destroy the Apple of Eden; the attempted failed and Pash took the artifact, leaving Gorm for dead.

✮ Aboard the USS Eldridge, Assassin Boris Pash and Templar John von Neumann combined their efforts to use the Apple of Eden and Die Glocke to travel back in time and kill Adolf Hitler, who had fallen out of the Templars' control, a project that would come to be known as Project Rainbow.

✮ The former Assassin Eddie Gorm killed Nikola Tesla aboard the USS Eldridge to thwart Project Rainbow, before taking his own life in front of Boris Pash.

✮ The USS Elridge briefly manifested in a future state using the powers of the Apple of Eden, though the project was ultimately deemed a failure.
20th Century AD Part 2:
1927 AD:
✮ Grand Master Thaddeus Gift of the British Rite was killed by Albert Bolden, the Black Cross, in London for abandoning the Templars' principles and using the Order for personal gain.

✮ Darius Gift, son of Thaddeus Gift, was sent to Shanghai to deliver a box to Chiang Kai-shek, with the intention of drawing him into the Order's fold.

✮ The Black Cross Albert Bolden infiltrated the Templar-built train Great Wall, carrying White Russian soldiers led by the former Templar Yuri Dolinsky to the warlord Zhang Zongchang to fight Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists. Bolden killed Dolinsky for his betrayal of the Templar Order.

✮ Darius Gift was mistaken for the Black Cross by two Frenchmen in Shanghai, before being saved from his harassers by the Black Cross Albert Bolden. However, Darius' box was stolen by the actress Ruan Lingyu, posing as a prostitute, while he was distracted.

✮ Grand Master Stirling Fessenden of the Shanghai Rite organized a meeting with the local Master Templars, informing them that they should offer their aid to the Black Cross in any capacity while he searched for a traitor in their ranks.

✮ Albert Bolden infiltrated the Great World, headquarters of the Hop Wo Society, a front for the Green Gang, where he was ambushed. After allowing himself to be captured to meet gang leader Du Yuesheng, he escaped the building.

✮ Darius Gift infiltrated the Mingxing Motion Picture Company after discovering Ruan Lingyu's true identity but was overpowered by her accomplice Zhang Damin when confronting her. Ruan decided to aid Darius, and after escaping from Zhang, she handed the box's contents to him.

✮ Albert Bolden discovered the traitor within the Templar Order was Soong Ching-ling, wife of the late Sun Yat-sen, who had sought to keep the box out of the hands of Chiang Kai-shek, realizing the latter had no intention of joining the Order.

✮ Grand Master Stirling Fessenden was called to a meeting by Du Yuesheng, where Chiang Kai-shek revealed his disinterest in joining the Templar Order.

✮ Albert Bolden killed Flowery Flag, an agent of Du Yuesheng sent to murder Darius Gift. Having learned that the Black Cross had killed his father, Darius shot him in retaliation, causing Bolden to fall from a rooftop.

1928 AD:
✮ Nikolai and Innokenti Orelov were tracked down by a team of Assassins employed by the Bureau of Investigation. They took down all Assassins except the team's leader, who managed to catch Nikolai. Innokenti complied to his father's request to shoot the man, killing both the team leader and Nikolai.

1930 AD:
✮ Mahatma Gandhi started the Salt March in disobedience against the British's salt laws in India until April 5 and managed to gather a large following with aid from his Apple of Eden.

1937 AD:
✮ Abstergo Industries was founded by the Templar Order as a public front, which would primarily be used as a shadow company to control the world's capitalist market.

✮ The town of Guernica was bombed on orders of Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, to route the Spanish republican rebels, as part of the Spanish Civil War. Several Spanish Assassin died during the bombing.

✮ The Templar Rufus Grosvenor, a former disciple of the Master Spy, convinced the Assassin Norbert Clarke, sent by the British Brotherhood to aid the Spanish Assassins, to take his own life.

✮ Grosvenor, posing as Norbert Clarke, joined Ignacio Cardona's Assassin cell in Barcelona, intending to have him unlock the powers of the Koh-i-Noor with the Precursor DNA in his genes.

✮ Fighting broke out in between the Nationalists and communists in Barcelona. With the Assassins undecided on what faction to join, Grosvenor persuaded Cardona to use the Koh-i-Noor, nearly killing the Assassins.

✮ Albert Bolden, the former Black Cross, attacked Grosvenor to reacquire the Koh-i-Noor, but failed and escaped with an unconscious Cardona instead. After the Assassin awoke, Bolden revealed to him Grosvenor's deception and convinced him to join forces against Grosvenor.

✮ Bolden and Cardona confronted Grosvenor and the Assassins, rallied behind the Templar, in a church in the Spanish countryside. Bolden and Cardona were overpowered, and with another opportunity to use the Koh-i-Noor, Cardona destroyed the church and routed Grosvenor and Glaucia Acosta.

✮ Bolden and Cardona continued fighting in the Spanish Civil War, before Bolden would guard the ruins of the abandoned church, where the Koh-i-Noor remained buried.

1939 AD:
✮ World War II started, orchestrated by the Templar Order, who influenced leaders on either side of the conflict such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt to bring chaos and turmoil to the world's population.

✮ Members of the Assassin Brotherhood started infiltrating the German nuclear war project headed by Templar Obbergruppenführer Gero Kramer, until Kramer discovered and removed the Assassins.

1940 AD:
✮ The Nazi bombing of London, known as the Blitz, started, destroying large portions of the city and killing thousands of civilians.

✮ The Assassins Boris Pash and Julia Dusk successfully recruited Eddie Gorm to work as a double agent in the German nuclear war project, after Gorm's family was killed in the Blitz.

1942 AD:
✮ Eddie Gorm abducted Nazi physicist Werner Heisenberg at a Nazi meeting at the Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, discovering that the German nuclear war project was a front for Gero Kramer's Die Glocke project.

✮ Eddie Gorm and an injured Julia Dusk escaped from the Wilhelm Institute to an Assassin safehouse in Berlin, where Boris Pash revealed the existence of the Assassins and Templars to Gorm and recruited him into the Brotherhood.

1943 AD:
✮ The Templars ♥♥♥♥♥ Nikola Tesla's death in a hotel room in New York City and pressured the FBI to order the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.

✮ The Assassin Eddie Gorm infiltrated the Nazis' hydroelectric water plant in Vemork, where he confronted and was overpowered by the Templar Obbergruppenführer Gero Kramer.

✮ Gero Kramer placed Eddie Gorm in Die Glocke, a proto-Animus developed by Nikola Tesla using the Nazis' Apple of Eden, to use Gorm's genetic memories to locate Pieces of Eden in the past that they could acquire through time travel.

✮ Allied forces besieged the Vemork facility, causing Gero Kramer and the Nazis to flee with their captive Nikola Tesla. Eddie Gorm was rescued by fellow Assassin Julia Dusk.

✮ The Assassins Eddie Gorm and Julia Dusk besieged Książ Castle, where they killed Templar Obbergruppenfürher Gero Kramer during a party and retrieved his Apple of Eden.

✮ Nikola Tesla revealed Boris Pash's secret alliance with Templar scientist John von Neumann, causing Eddie Gorm and Julia Dusk to turn on Pash. Dusk blew herself up with a grenade in an attempt to destroy the Apple of Eden; the attempted failed and Pash took the artifact, leaving Gorm for dead.

✮ Aboard the USS Eldridge, Assassin Boris Pash and Templar John von Neumann combined their efforts to use the Apple of Eden and Die Glocke to travel back in time and kill Adolf Hitler, who had fallen out of the Templars' control, a project that would come to be known as Project Rainbow.

✮ The former Assassin Eddie Gorm killed Nikola Tesla aboard the USS Eldridge to thwart Project Rainbow, before taking his own life in front of Boris Pash.

✮ The USS Elridge briefly manifested in a future state using the powers of the Apple of Eden, though the project was ultimately deemed a failure.
20th Century AD Part 3:
1944 AD:
✮ The Bretton Woods conference was held by European powers; secretly economic agents of the Templars; to form the World Bank, as part of the "Plan".

✮ Barthel Schink, the leader of the anti-fascist group Edelweiss Pirates, was hanged by the Nazis. Before his hanging, he told Miriam Kurtz to retrieve a Piece of Eden from the Cologne Cathedral and bring it to the Assassins in Paris.

✮ Keith Scipione, an agent of Abstergo Industries, purchased the original Shroud of Eden from a member of the Baguttiani in Milan, Italy.

1945 AD:
✮ Adolf Hitler was killed by an Assassin outside his Führerbunker, after having killed his body double inside the hideout. The Assassins also took possession of his Isu artifact.

✮ The Manhattan Project tested its first atomic bomb, designed by J. Robert Oppenheimer, at the Los Alamogordo air base in New Mexico. The tests were authorized by Abstergo Industries.

✮ The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 by the United States, and a second hit the city of Nagasaki on August 9.

✮ Emperor Hirohito of Japan surrendered to the Allies, marking the end of World War II.

1948 AD:
✮ Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by the Templars to retrieve his Apple of Eden, after he had used it to lead a non-violent rebellion against British rule in India.

✮ British economist Harry Dexter White was killed by the Templars after betraying the Order by warning the Soviet Union of their capitalist plans.

1952 AD:
✮ Rocket engineer Jack Parsons died due to injuries received in an explosion in his laboratory orchestrated by Abstergo Industries, after Parsons made plans to reveal the secrets behind Aleister Crowley's formula.

1953 AD:
✮ Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, was killed by the Assassins with the use of poison, making it look like he died of a stroke.

✮ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) initiative Project BLUEBIRD, a mind control program spearheaded by Assassin Boris Pash, started after being sanctioned by the Mentor of the American Assassins, who hoped to gain an advantage over the Templars.

✮ Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by Abstergo Industries to stop his plans to nationalize the Iranian oil industry.

1954 AD:
✮ President Jacobo Árbenz of Guatemala was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by Abstergo Industries to protect their capitalist interest.

1957 AD:
✮ While on his deathbed, Templar scientist John von Neumann was killed by his former ally, the Assassin Boris Pash, accompanied by Alekseï Gavrani, so that Pash could obtain his Piece of Eden.

1958 AD:
✮ The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a government agency of the United States, was founded with influence of Abstergo Industries.

1963 AD:
✮ Members of the Assassin Boris Pash's Bloodstone Unit, including Alekseï Gavrani and Julia Gorm, interrogated Cooper, a Templar who had infiltrated the United States Army in Vietnam.

✮ Alekseï Gavrani expressed his grievances with the Bloodstone Unit's tactics and was sent home by Boris Pash in response.

✮ President John F. Kennedy of the United States was assassinated as part of a Templar conspiracy by members of the Bloodstone Unit, under direction of CIA director and Assassin William King Harvey, a secret Templar. Templar sleeper agent Lee Harvey Oswald also participated.

✮ Kennedy's driver, the Assassin William Greer, took the President's Apple of Eden, while another Apple was used by the Templars to create confusion. Assassin Alekseï Gavrani took the Apple from Greer, believing Boris Pash to be a traitor.

✮ Alekseï Gavrani brought the artifact to William King Harvey instead and took up the mantle of CIA agent QJ/WIN again.

1964 AD:
✮ Boris Pash and his Bloodstone Unit experimented on Julia Gorm using their Apple of Eden, which eventually successfully resulted in the consciousness of her father Eddie Gorm taking over her mind. Gorm then endeavored to kill Pash like her father wanted to.

✮ Assassin Alekseï Gavrani, aboard an American ship disguised as a Vietnamese vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin, tracked Boris Pash to the island of Hòn Mê.

✮ Alekseï Gavrani promised to protect Boris Pash and Zenia, pregnant with Pash's child, from Julia Gorm in exchange for the Apple of Eden. Gavrani confronted Gorm, but the encounter left them both mortally wounded.

✮ Boris Pash used Gavrani's radio to contact the USS Maddox. He was met by William King Harvey, who took the Apple of Eden upon revealing his Templar affiliations. Templar scientist Warren Vidic helped in Zenia's labor, and the child; later known as Nathalie Chapman; became a prisoner of the Templars.

1969 AD:
✮ NASA's Apollo 11 spaceflight to the Moon, funded by Abstergo Industries, resulted in the recovery of an Apple of Eden from the Moon's surface.

1971 AD:
✮ Abstergo Industries' first Precursor Habitation Expedition took place as the second phase of what later became the Phoenix Project. By the end of the decade, the expeditions uncovered seven large Denisovan sites across the globe.

✮ François Duvalier, the fortieth President of Haiti, was killed by the Assassins, for his oppression over the Haitian people.

1973 AD:
✮ President Salvador Allende of Chile was overthrown and killed in a military coup orchestrated by Abstergo Industries and engineered by Henry Kissinger to stop the nationalization of industries in Chile.

1977 AD:
✮ Nathalie Chapman escaped Warren Vidic's laboratory, taking her father's Apple of Eden and the blueprints for the Animus, giving the latter to the Assassin William Miles. Miles gave them to the Russian Assassin Medeya Voronina in Moscow, after she rescued him from Templar agents, and told her to build the machine.

1980 AD:
✮ Abstergo Industries started the Animus Project, directed by Dr. Warren Vidic, with the intention of exploring the genetic memories of subjects to discover the secrets of the Assassins and the Pieces of Eden.

✮ Abstergo Industries' Surrogate Initiative passed its twenty-third test session to relive the genetic memory of another individual, when its director Aileen Bock relived the memories of Miriam Kurtz through her son Seamus' DNA.

1981 AD:
✮ Aileen Bock was severely injured in an accident involving the Animus during the thirty-seventh test session of the Surrogate Initiative, after which the project was put on halt.

1983 AD:
✮ A 10-year-old boy, later named Daniel Cross, was kidnapped by Abstergo Industries and used as Subject 4 of the Animus Project. His memories were implanted with a hidden impulse to kill the Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood before he was released from captivity.

1985 AD:
✮ Warren Vidic experimented on Daniel Cross with a device capable of mimicking Piece of Eden capabilities across a network, between Subject 4's Animus sessions.

1986 AD:
✮ An Abstergo team led by Dr. Alan Rikkin located the hideout of Joseph and Mary Lynch, seeking the latter to use her genetic memories to locate Aguilar de Nerha's Apple of Eden. Mary committed suicide with the help of her husband, who told their son Callum to flee.

1991 AD:
✮ President Boris Yeltsin of Russia took political power from President Mikhail Gorbachev in a staged coup d'état by standing up to communism, with aid from Abstergo Industries.

✮ The Belavezhskaya Accords were signed in the Belavezhskaya Forest by the Presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, declaring the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

✮ Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation as President of the Soviet Union, making Boris Yeltsin the leader of Russia.
20th Century AD Part 4:
1997 AD:
✮ Abstergo agents buried several constructed skeletons near the site of Tim D. White's expedition in Ethiopia, to prevent knowledge of the Isu creating the human race becoming public.

1998 AD:
✮ Daniel Cross was brought to an Assassin compound outside Philadelphia by the Assassin Hannah Mueller to meet Paul Bellamy; after noticing Daniel's Assassin tattoo and witnessing him attack a man he called a Templar as a result of the Animus' Bleeding Effect.

✮ Daniel Cross had a vision and discovered his purpose to find the Mentor, while reliving his ancestor Nikolai Orelov's memories of the Tunguska explosion. Daniel and Hannah visited Assassin hideouts around the globe for two years to find the Mentor.

1999 AD:
✮ Apartment buildings in the cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in Russia were bombed by Chechen terrorists, orchestrated by Abstergo Industries to boost the popularity of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

2000 AD:
✮ Vladimir Putin became the second President of Russia, after winning the 2000 presidential election rigged by Abstergo Industries.

✮ The Mentor was killed by the unwitting Templar sleeper agent Daniel Cross, sending the Assassin Order into chaos and removing their influence over the 2000 American presidential election.

✮ Daniel Cross returned to the Abstergo Industries facility in Philadelphia. After entering the Animus, Daniel revealed the location of Assassin compounds and Abstergo initiated the Great Purge: a worldwide operation in which Abstergo strike teams attacked Assassin hideouts.

✮ The Animus Project started using Assassins captured during the Great Purge as subjects to explore their genetic memories, including Paul Bellamy.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 1:
2001 AD:
✮ George W. Bush became the forty-third President of the United States, after winning the 2000 presidential election rigged by Abstergo Industries.

✮ The War on Terror started. At some point, William Miles tasked Emmanuel Barraza with finding a Templar presence in the war but ended up killing innocent children armed with bombs on a bus aimed for peace talks. Emmanuel vowed to never take a life again.

2002 AD:
✮ Daniel Cross infiltrated the Assassins' hidden Library of Ivan the Terrible beneath the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, where he killed the Assassin sentry and acquired the Prophet's Codex, written by Ezio Auditore.

2003 AD:
✮ Desmond Miles ran away from "the Farm", the Assassin community in the Black Hills, South Dakota he had grown up in, on his sixteenth birthday, to escape the life his parents had chosen for him.

✮ The Iraq War started under influence of George W. Bush as part of the War on Terror, planned by Abstergo Industries to privatize the oil market in Iraq.

✮ Vanessa, a scientist working at the National Space Centre's Landing Operations Control Center, sold the control codes of the Beagle 2 to Robert Getas, an employee of Abstergo Industries.

2005 AD:
✮ The Assassin Lucy Stillman infiltrated Abstergo Industries after being contacted by Dr. Warren Vidic, who took an interest in her study of cognitive neuroscience. Over time, she grew to resent her old mentor William Miles, believing the tasks for the Assassins to be inhumane, and joined the Templar Order.

2006 AD:
✮ Layla Hassan, a college dropout from UC Berkeley, was discovered and hired by Sofia Rikkin of Abstergo Industries through the company's Young Innovators program.

2007 AD:
✮ Leila Marino, an employee of Abstergo Industries, allegedly committed suicide. An individual named Neumann was involved in her death, and Marino's file became classified.

✮ Clay Kaczmarek started his training to become an Assassin under William Miles.

2008 AD:
✮ Clay Kaczmarek infiltrated the Abstergo Campus on orders of William Miles, and retrieved data related to the Animus Project.

2009 AD:
✮ Callum Lynch was charged three times for Assault and Battery.

2010 AD:
✮ Juhani Otso Berg left Finland's Special Forces of the Utti Jaeger Regiment for mercenary work, believing it more profitable for his daughter Elina's cystic fibrosis treatments. One night, Dr. Warren Vidic and the Abstergo task force Sigma Team broke into his house, where Vidic recruited Berg with the promise of Abstergo curing Elina's condition.

✮ Callum Lynch's custodial sentence was extended.

✮ A large amount of oil was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico until 15 July, under contract of Abstergo-controlled British Petroleum. BP cleaned up the oil, which was worth billions of dollars.

✮ Shaun Hastings was saved from Abstergo agents by the Assassin Rebecca Crane, having been captured after leaking classified Abstergo Industries documents to Wikileaks. Rebecca managed to hack the computer system of the van Shaun was held in and rescued him during a gas stop.

✮ Subject 15 of the Animus Project, a pregnant woman, was eliminated after Lucy Stillman discovered there were dangerous complications due to the genetic memories of Subject 15's child overlapping with her own.

2011 AD:
✮ Isabelle Ardant, CEO of Historical Research at Abstergo Industries, was given the responsibility of archiving the genetic memories of Project Legacy, an assignment she was displeased with as she believed it to be beneath her rank. Through the Project Legacy data, Ardant discovered that during World War II, Abstergo had acquired a Shroud of Eden. In order to prove herself to Alan Rikkin, the CEO of Abstergo Industries at the time, she decided to have it repaired.

✮ Clay Kaczmarek was captured by the Lineage Discovery and Acquisition department of Abstergo Industries and became Subject 16 of the Animus Project, as planned by William Miles.

✮ Isabelle Ardant took the Shroud of Eden with her to Mexico City, where she met up with Abstergo scientist Álvaro Gramática. Ardant asked him to try and reactivate the artifact while she searched her archives for more information about people that had previously come into contact with it.

✮ Owen Meyers' father was arrested for the hold-up of a branch office of the Malta Banking Corporation. Although he pleaded innocence, he was arrested and later died in prison, leaving his son troubled and determined to prove his father's innocence for the rest of his life.

2012 AD:
✮ Isabelle Ardant was invited by Álvaro Gramática to join him at an Abstergo facility in Paris to check up on his progress. She was unnerved to discover that he intended to shoot himself in a desperate attempt to activate the Shroud, as his work over the past few months had yielded little results. Ardant reluctantly agreed and reacted with horror when the Isu Consus manifested himself through Gramática upon the artifact's activation.

✮ Abstergo Industries' synthetic drug New Fluoride was introduced to the water supplies of various settlements in China and the small United States town of Prince George. Despite Susan Drayton's failed attempt at leaking a sample of the drugs, news of the operation still reached the press.

✮ Isabelle Ardant arranged for Templar agent Violet da Costa to be Gramática's test subject for six months, feeling it was too risky to have the head of Abstergo's Future Technology shoot himself each time to summon Consus.

✮ Clay Kaczmarek committed suicide in the Animus laboratory in the Abstergo Campus. Using his blood, he painted several cryptic messages in the laboratory and preserved his consciousness in an artificial intelligence inside the Animus.

✮ Desmond Miles was kidnapped near Washington Square Park in New York City by agents of Abstergo Industries, and was brought to the Abstergo Campus in Rome, Italy.

✮ Desmond Miles was placed inside the Animus by Warren Vidic and Lucy Stillman in the laboratory of the Abstergo Campus and became Subject 17 of the Animus Project, being forced to relive the memories of his ancestor Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.

✮ A team of Assassins attempted to rescue Desmond Miles from the Abstergo Campus on Lucy Stillman's request but ended up being exterminated.

✮ Desmond Miles finished reliving Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's memories, which helped Abstergo acquire a map with the locations of various Pieces of Eden across the globe.

✮ Desmond and Lucy Stillman escaped the Abstergo Campus in Rome, which was staged by Warren Vidic as part of Project Siren.

✮ Desmond Miles and Lucy Stillman arrived at an Assassin hideout in Rome, where they met with Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane; Desmond started reliving the memories of his ancestor Ezio Auditore in the Animus 2.0, built by Rebecca, in order to gain Ezio's skills and abilities through the Bleeding Effect.

✮ Gavin Banks was contacted by an Assassin operative who called him from a public phone in Brisbane, Australia. The caller told Gavin that it had been three days since he had last heard from his team, and that they had failed to report back. As Gavin instructed the caller to quickly pull out of the area, the telephone signal was interrupted. Later, Gavin personally confirmed that the Brisbane team had been eliminated.

✮ A team of Assassins in Whistler, Canada was exterminated by Abstergo agents led by Daniel Cross.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 2:
2012 AD Continued:
✮ Desmond Miles was warned of the upcoming Second Disaster by Minerva through Ezio Auditore's memories.

✮ Warren Vidic led an Abstergo attack on the Assassin hideout in Rome. The Assassins managed to escape, but Abstergo retrieved the Animus recordings left behind by Lucy Stillman.

✮ Lucy Stillman's Assassin team arrived at Monteriggioni and set up a new base in the Sanctuary beneath the Villa Auditore, after a roadblack in Grosseto prevented them from reaching the Assassin cabin in theSwiss Alps. Desmond Miles continued to relive Ezio Auditore's memories to locate his Apple of Eden, in the hopes of using it to defeat Abstergo and prevent the Second Disaster.

✮ Gavin Banks called William Miles and updated him on the status of the Assassin teams in Brisbane, Osaka, and Moscow. In turn, William, who was in Italy, briefly told Gavin about the favorable progress the Assassins were seeing at his end.

✮ Desmond Miles recovered Ezio Auditore's Apple of Eden from the Colosseum Vault, where Juno forced him to kill Lucy Stillman, realizing that she would bring the artifact back to the Templars. Desmond entered a coma from shock and was placed in the Animus after his father William Miles recovered him.

✮ Several Abstergo operatives, including Juhani Otso Berg, who had impressed Warren Vidic in the first stage of their Animi Training Program started the second stage of their training. Warren promised the operatives greater power, wealth, and information on the Templars if they succeeded, but also warned that there was no backing out from that point.

✮ Gavin Banks received a coded message from Adriano Maestranzi, who instructed him to head to New York and informed him that William should be making contact with the Brotherhood soon.

✮ Gavin Banks met with William Miles' team at an airport in Syracuse, New York, where he provided them with fake documents that allowed them safe passage into the country.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg impressed his superiors within Abstergo with his training in the Animus enough to be formally inducted into the Templar Order.

✮ Desmond Miles awoke from his coma after reaching a Synch Nexus by fully experiencing Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's and Ezio Auditore's memories, with aid from an AI construct of Clay Kaczmarek inside the Animus. In the process, he witnessed a message from the Isu Jupiter which further detailed the Toba Catastrophe and directed Desmond to find the Grand Temple in order to prevent the Second Disaster.

✮ William Miles' team reached the Grand Temple in Turin, New York, and Desmond accessed it using Ezio's Apple of Eden. The Assassins set up a base of operations inside the Temple, where Juno began to communicate with Desmond and forced him to relive the memories of his ancestors Haytham Kenway and Connor through the Animus.

✮ Gavin Banks sent a text from Stillwater, Oklahoma, informing William Miles that his efforts at drawing the Templar's attention away from the latter's team had been successful.

✮ Gavin Banks sent another text from New Orleans, updating William Miles on the destruction of the Assassin team in Florence, Italy.

✮ Ctibor Hašek conducted an evaluation on Juhani Otso Berg which identified him as a potential candidate for the Templars' Inner Sanctum, noting him as an obedient, loyal agent who was dedicated to the Templar cause. However, Hašek was concerned that Berg's daughter could be a weakness.

✮ Daniel Cross, driven insane by the Bleeding Effect, escaped his imprisonment in the Abstergo facility in Philadelphia.

✮ Desmond Miles retrieved a power source for the Grand Temple from an office building in Manhattan, where he ran into and knocked out Daniel Cross, who had tried to capture and deliver him back to Abstergo.

✮ Laetitia England dispatched Juhani Otso Berg to investigate a cyber-security breach at the building Desmond had taken the power source from, which was being tracked by Abstergo. There, Berg found Daniel, who attacked him after suffering another attack of the Bleeding Effect, but Berg was able to subdue Daniel and return him to Abstergo. On the way, Daniel warned Berg of his expenditure within the Templars, describing him as another object or tool to be used then thrown away, but Berg disregarded him.

✮ Laetitia England called Warren Vidic in panic, asking about an Assassin raid presided over by Desmond Miles into one of their offices in Manhattan, and Daniel Cross' involvement with it.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 3:
2012 AD Continued:
✮ An Assassin team led by Harlan Cunningham infiltrated the Abstergo Campus in Rome, killing four hackers trying to track down William Miles' team, and destroyed the facility's servers.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg tailed Harlan Cunningham back to an Assassin hideout in Florence following the latter's attack on the Abstergo Campus. After Berg called for backup, his Abstergo superiors granted him command of Sigma Team to organize a raid on the Assassin base.

✮ Abstergo's Sigma Team, now led by Juhani Otso Berg, attacked the Assassin hideout in Florence, which was blown up by the Assassin cell's leader Adriano Maestranzi. Berg and the Assassin Harlan Cunningham were the only survivors, albeit the former was heavily scarred by the explosion.

✮ Desmond Miles retrieved the second power source for the Grand Temple at a mixed martial arts event in São Paulo, Brazil, where he took it from Daniel Cross, who had killed the power source's original owner and stolen it.

✮ Gavin Banks and his crew picked up William Miles' team from Vitoria Bay, Brazil.

✮ Gavin Banks received a text message from William Miles thanking him for the ride and confirming that his team had made it safely back to the Grand Temple. In turn, Gavin messaged William to tell him that the Templar responsible for the elimination of the Assassin cell in Florence had been identified as Juhani Otso Berg and to watch out for him.

✮ William Miles was captured by Abstergo's Sigma Team led by Juhani Otso Berg in Cairo, Egypt while recovering the third power source for the Grand Temple from the Egyptian Museum. After William was brought to the Abstergo Campus in Rome, Warren Vidic contacted Desmond Miles and offered to trade his father for the Apple of Eden.

✮ Desmond Miles killed Warren Vidic and Daniel Cross at the Abstergo Campus in Rome while rescuing his father, William. Vidic's death forced the launch of Eye-Abstergo to be put on hold.

✮ Gavin Banks received a call from Harlan Cunningham, who revealed he was the sole survivor of the Florentine Assassin cell and had made it to a safe house in Vienna, Austria. Gavin expressed sympathy regarding the cell leader Adriano Maestranzi's death and assured Harlan that he was not to blame for what had happened, before instructing him to travel to Rotterdam and await further orders.

✮ Desmond Miles, William Miles, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane retrieved the Grand Temple's key from the grave of Connor Davenport in the Davenport Homestead, after Desmond had discovered its whereabouts from Connor's memories.

✮ William Miles texted Gavin Banks to inform him that his team had found the Grand Temple's key and were heading back to the Temple to open its inner chambers. Gavin congratulated him and said that he would pass the news onto the other Assassins.

✮ Desmond Miles sacrificed himself by touching the Eye, against the wishes of Minerva, saving the world from destruction by the incoming solar flare, though also releasing Juno from her imprisonment in the Grand Temple; fifteen hours later, his body was recovered by Abstergo agents.

✮ At the same moment Desmond activated the Eye in the Grand Temple, Álvaro Gramática was having his last session with Violet Da Costa in order to say his goodbyes to Consus. However, whilst in the middle of the conversation, Juno interfered in the stream and, unbeknownst to Gramática, communicated directly with Violet and turned her into a devoted follower charging her to be in command of the Instruments of the First Will, thus setting the first part of her plan for the future of humanity in motion.

2013 AD:
✮ Gavin Banks received a coded text from Shaun Hastings with instructions to pick him and Rebecca Crane up from Peru.

✮ Gavin Banks received William Miles' codex from Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, wherein William had written all his knowledge and named Gavin the new leader of the Assassin Brotherhood.

✮ Gavin Banks and Shaun Hastings discussed the future of the Brotherhood now that the former was the leader. The Assassins aboard the Altaïr II made improvements to the ship while sailing North.

✮ Rebecca Crane took the time to work on the Hephaestus network, updating it to version 2.0, to improve the connectivity of the Altaïr II with other Assassin cells around the world.

✮ The crew of the Altaïr II managed to decipher the first clue of William Miles' codex, which led them to Osaka, Japan.

✮ Gavin Banks ordered Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane to be his eyes and ears in America while he and his crew traveled to Japan. The Altaïr II docked in California, where the two Assassins disembarked and started their trip across the country, while laying low and gathering information about Abstergo.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane reached Texas, where Rebecca updated Gavin Banks on their status by sending him a message through the improved Hephaestus Network, taking the opportunity to test her update on the field.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane reached Oklahoma, where they sent another message to Gavin Banks in which they informed him about their plan to search for Desmond Miles' body and discover what Abstergo planned on doing with his genetic data to get closure for William Miles.

✮ In Alliance, Nebraska, Rebecca Crane stumbled upon an e-mail sent by Abstergo, who were looking for new employees for their Abstergo Entertainment branch. Rebecca proceeded to message Gavin Banks to tell him this needed to be investigated.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane reached the Black Hills in South Dakota, where “The Farm” that Desmond Miles had grown up on was located. During the visit of the abandoned compound, Rebecca expressed her feelings about the recent events to Shaun and talked about their pain regarding the deaths of Lucy Stillman and Desmond, but that in the end, the planet was saved, so that's what they should hold on to in order to move on.

✮ Gavin Banks and his crew were docked at the Honolulu harbor and discussed their next destination while also monitoring Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane's movement in the US. Gavin tried to contact Kenichi Mochizuki, his former mentor and the leader of the Japanese Brotherhood, but he wasn't responding to his messages. After a brief argument with the Altaïr II's captain Susan Drayton, they agreed on sailing to the Philippines to resupply their weapons and gear, having concluded that a fight had taken place at the Japanese Brotherhood's headquarters and that was why Mochizuki was silent.

✮ While sailing on the Sulu Sea in the Philippines on their way back to Japan, Emmanuel Barazza, a crew member aboard the Altaïr II, inspected the weapons the crew had bought from gunmakers, preparing them for the fight they anticipated would happen in Osaka.

✮ In Battle Creek, Michigan, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane noticed an article on the Abstergo News Wire, celebrating their one-year anniversary in Montreal. Gavin Banks proceeded to ask Rebecca who Olivier Garneau was, and their objective now narrowed to Montreal.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebbeca Crane arrived in Montreal and put their plan to infiltrate Abstergo into motion.

✮ The hacker group Initiates had one of their operatives sweep through an Abstergo building to retrieve a blood vial.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 4:
2013 AD Continued:
✮ The hacker group Initiates had one of their operatives sweep through an Abstergo building to retrieve a blood vial.

✮ A research analyst nicknamed "Noob" was assigned by Abstergo Entertainment to explore the memories of Edward Kenway as part of the Sample 17 Project in their Montreal facility.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane infiltrated Abstergo Entertainment, unaware that the Initiates were inside as well, and positioned themselves ready to report back to Gavin Banks.

✮ Abstergo received intel about a group of Assassins in Bangalore, India using the Brahman V.R. to locate the Koh-i-Noor for unspecified reasons.

✮ The Initiate who had infiltrated Abstergo to steal a blood vial managed to smuggle it out undetected and departed Montreal.

✮ An Abstergo strike team was mobilized in Bangalore to capture Jot Soora and interrogate him, though he had already been abducted by the Assassins Siobhan and Jasdip Dhami and taken to a safe house.

✮ The Abstergo strike team in Bangalore stormed the Assassins' hideout, killing Siobhan Dhami but suffering many casualties in the process. Jot Soora escaped but was abducted by Abstergo alongside his fiancée Monima Das later that day.

✮ Jot was rescued by Jasdip Dhami, but Monima drowned after the van she was held in sunk in the Mithi River. The Assassin Dinesh managed to download the genetic memories of Monima's DNA from within the Brahman V.R. and erase them from the Abstergo cloud to make it look like a dead end so the Templars wouldn't look into it any further.

✮ Abstergo tracked down Jot and the Assassins and attacked their hideout, killing Dinesh while Jot and Jasdip managed to escape. Shortly after, Juhani Otso Berg arrived on the scene and advised that from now on, India needed to be monitored in search for any Assassin activity, to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

✮ "Noob" hacked the computer of Olivier Garneau, CCO of Abstergo Entertainment, at the request of John Standish, the head of the company's IT department and a mole for the Assassins and delivered an e-mail discussing a shareholders meeting in Chicago to Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane.

✮ After the incident in India, Juhani Otso Berg, concerned about the Instruments of the First Will, organized an infiltration alongside Violet Da Costa of Abstergo's Paris facility in order to use the Shroud of Eden for the purpose of interrogating Consus about Juno. Consus revealed Juno's plan.

✮ Abstergo Entertainment detained three employees, including "Noob," in a bunker on suspicions of hacking into company computers. With aid from John Standish, "Noob" escaped and hacked into the facility's server; there, they met Juno, who intended to occupy the analyst's body but explained it was too early.

✮ John Standish, revealed to be a Sage, was killed by Abstergo Entertainment security inside the bunker of their Montreal facility, after having poisoned "Noob". After recovering, the analyst was cleared of all the accusations against them and allowed to return to work.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg explored the memories of Darius Gift and the Black Cross Albert Bolden in hopes of finding the Koh-i-Noor, but was unable to find any trail leading to its location.

✮ Berg confronted Laetitia England over Violet Da Costa's removal from Sigma Team in order to work on the Phoenix Project. After the meeting, Berg was assigned to search for an Isu artifact that might be of use to the Phoenix Project.

✮ After a breach was detected in the Abstergo cloud servers originated in India, Berg was sent to investigate.

✮ Rebecca Crane informed Gavin Banks about the death of John Standish, their recruitment of a new mole within Abstergo and the success of their mission. Rebecca and Shaun Hastings then decided to withdraw from Montreal.

✮ "Noob" gave the Assassins everything Abstergo had recovered from Desmond Miles' body, including recorded memos destined to his father William. Thanks to this, William was able to move on from the death of his son and thanked the analyst.

✮ Gavin Banks' team arrived in Osaka, finding the local Assassin cell decimated by the Yakuza. Gavin ordered his team to search the city for any survivors and responsible Yakuza alike.

✮ Emmett Leary, the hacker specialist of the Altaïr II, picked up on a recent gang war in which one branch of the Yakuza known as the Onmoraki-Gumi had been violently wiped out but their business fronts were still operating.

✮ Susan Drayton, captain of the Altaïr II, went ashore to help with the investigation. Emmanuel Barraza, on his own, roamed Osaka until he managed to track a cash deposit through the back streets of the Onmoraki's new headquarters.

✮ Fake news emerged about the new leader of the Onmoraki-Gumi. No one among the Altaïr II crew was able to identify who it was, casuing Gavin Banks to grow impatient. He finally decided it was better to go and confront them directly.

✮ Nurse Deanna Geary, under the supervision of Lineage Discovery and Acquisition division doctor and examiner Damian Saravakos, collected a blood sample from new Abstergo hire Milton Jones. Early testing determined Adéwalé as one of Jones' ancestors.

✮ The crew of the Altaïr II joined up with the Assassin cell in Osaka, who had taken up the guise of the Yakuza gang Onmoraki-Gumi, under the new leadership of Saeko Mochizuki, following the death of her husband Kenichi Mochizuki after an Abstergo attack.

✮ The Altaïr II crew and the Osaka Assassins exchanged information, warnings and technology, with the former providing weapons and the latter the Animus Omega they had stolen from an Abstergo Industries facility.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg tasked Violet Da Costa to deliver John Standish's body to Álvaro Gramática at his lab in Paris, instructing Gramática that Abstergo wanted him to create an Isu body in addition to the Project Phoenix's main goal of sequencing the Triple Helix DNA to unlock the Pieces of Eden's full potential. After Gramática and Violet's partnership ended, the former continued to study the Shroud of Eden by himself.

2014 AD:
✮ Gavin Banks and his crew left Japan to focus focus on the next clue left by William Miles in his codex.

✮ Melanie Lemay was promoted to the new CCO of Abstergo Entertainment, starting in March, following Olivier Garneau's disappearance.

✮ Abstergo Industries employee Layla Hassan contacted Sofia Rikkin and proposed a new version of the Animus that would allow the user to be in a more immersive simulation under the form of a robotic arm on a six-axis motion rig suspended from the ceiling instead of a chair. Her project was reviewed by Sophia's head of engineering Gabriel King at the Abstergo Foundation Rehabilitation Center in Madrid and eventually considered as an asset to be exploited.

✮ Gavin Banks' crew managed to decipher the second clue in William Miles' codex which led them to Moscow.

✮ The Assassins Harlan Cunningham and Arend Schut led an attack on an Abstergo compound in Rotterdam in order to retrieve a Precursor box from one of the laboratories. Arend found himself in a firefight with Sigma Team and was able to take out several Templars and used agent Sorkin as a hostage, before escaping and rescuing Harlan, though the box was left behind.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 5:
2014 AD Continued:
✮ Melanie Lemay reviewed images from two centuries after the Toba Catastrophe, gathered from John Standish's DNA.

✮ The crew of the Altaïr II reached Russia. On their way to the capital, the group was contacted by the Assassin Galina Voronina, who requested their aid in killing her mother Medeya Voronina.

✮ The Altaïr II crew and Galina Voronina infiltrated the Assassin compound in Protvino and eliminated those inside, whose minds had been destroyed by the Bleeding Effect, leaving Galina as the sole member of the Russian Brotherhood.

✮ Gavin Banks convinced Galina Voronina to join the Altaïr II crew as an enforcer. He also had the Ninidze brothers arrange for their contacts in Georgia to form a new Russian Brotherhood, with Saeko Mochizuki providing weapons from the Philippines.

✮ Gavin Banks ordered his team to locate William Miles and, hours later, they managed to get a hold on his location in a remote bunker in Norway.

✮ The Altaïr II crew arrived at William Miles' bunker in Norway.

✮ Rebecca Crew discovered the existence of a spy aboard the Altaïr II while doing regular maintenance and upgrading. Gavin Banks and William Miles tasked her and Shaun Hastings to run background checks on everyone.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg was sent to Essen, Germany, to recover any possible information about the Ankh of Isis. After a data sweep, Berg and Violet da Costa suggested that the Ankh was a decoy created by the Assassins to waste the Templars' time searching for a fake Piece of Eden. Berg discarded the search of the Ankh and continued his search for other Pieces of Eden, heading to the next site in Cuba.

✮ Crewmembers of the Altaïr II were interrogated in William Miles' bunker to flush out a spy who had been sending coded messages to the Initiates.

✮ Eric Cooper and Stephanie Chiu were discovered to be Initiate spies by the Assassins.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg led a Templar expedition in Jamaica to find the Observatory.

✮ Abstergo acquired a DNA sample from a local Montrealer that revealed they were a descendant of Arno Dorian. Melanie Lemay noted the possibility of further information on the Sages and informed Álvaro Gramática.

✮ After several days of digging, Juhani Otso Berg concluded that the Observatory had suffered a catastrophic collapse in the 18th century and had been deliberately buried by the Assassins. He ordered the expedition to cease its activities and notified Abstergo that the operation had to be put on hold due to the lack of manpower.

✮ Rebecca Crane analyzed the Initiates database, and the Outernet created by the hacker group.

✮ William Miles decided to rally the Initiates to the Assassin cause.

✮ Abstergo Entertainment's new project, Helix, was premiered at the Virtual Entertainment Exposition in California.

✮ The Assassins hacked into the Initiates database and sent a message to their network with the goal of rallying as many Initiates as they could.

✮ Melanie Lemay continued the search for the Sages and began massively hiring employees to explore different individuals through time, among them being Robert Fraser.

✮ Robert Fraser was tasked with recovering as much information as he could on Arno Dorian.

✮ Robert Fraser began to show signs of the Bleeding Effect.

✮ Mélanie Lemay informed Álvaro Gramática of periodic attempts by outside sources to access their memory storage servers.

✮ The Assassins attacked the Abstergo Laboratory in Paris, destroying John Standish's body and critically injuring Álvaro Gramática before fleeing with the Sigma Team in pursuit. After the Assassins reached La Rochelle, where the Altaïr II was waiting for them, Sigma Team was quickly outnumbered and forced to abandon the pursuit.

✮ Álvaro Gramática healed himself with the Shroud of Eden one final time before the artifact lost its power.

✮ The hacker group that had infiltrated the Abstergo servers in August once again accessed the company's servers, scanning all files on a massive data sweep.

✮ Álvaro Gramática asked Mélanie Lemay to get someone to fast track the memories of Arno Dorian.

✮ William Miles assumed the leadership of the Assassins once again and designated Bishop to be the official handler of the Initiates and their worldwide network.

✮ Bishop contacted a Helix user who had just completed a set of memories involving Jacques de Molay and explained to them that they were being used by Abstergo before inviting them to join the Assassins as an Initiate. After the user accepted, Bishop tasked them to research an unsequenced set of Arno Dorian's memories to discover the location of the Sage François-Thomas Germain's remains so that the Asassins could retrieve them before Abstergo.

✮ The Initiate discovered that Arno had already won the fight for the Assassins by hiding Germain's skeleton in the Parisian catacombs, where no one could find them. Bishop thanked the Initiate for their assistance and told them to stay in touch for future assignments.

✮ The Initiate managed to access an additional sequence of Arno's memories, triggering a glitch in the system that locked them out of Helix and alerted Bishop. She was able to stabilize the connection, allowing the Initiate to continue reliving Arno's memories.

✮ A Helix research analyst nicknamed "Numbskull" triggered a virus while exploring the genetic memories of Shay Cormac. The virus ejected all the Abstergo Entertainment employees from their Animus and they were evacuated from the premises, with the exception of "Numbskull", who was retained by Violet da Costa and Melanie Lemay so that they could flush out the virus.

✮ Over the next five days, "Numbskull" continued to research Shay's memories while simultaneously performing maintenance on the rest of the facility's systems, all under the supervision of Violet and Juhani Otso Berg.

✮ After a week, Violet and "Numbskull" were able to restore the Helix servers. After completing their task, "Numbskull" was invited by Violet, Melanie and Berg into the CCO's office, where they were invited to join the Templar Order.

✮ Following the upload of a video file made using Shay's genetic data recovered by "Numbskull" to the Assassin network, the Assassins evacuated several safehouses, shut down their servers, and installed new firewalls in response.

✮ Eric Cooper texted Emmett Leary to inform him that he had set up a headquarters in Paris and were waiting for him to connect to the servers of a local Helix hub.

✮ Álvaro Gramática tried to organize a new initiative that would accelerate the gathering of data by introducing Helix in the lives of everyone. From wristbands to healthcare clinics that would allow them to take samples of every individual that interacts with them, Gramática was convinced that this was the only way to research and acquire descendants with a high Isu DNA concentration.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 6:
2015 AD:
✮ Abstergo Industries, in collaboration with MysoreTech, launched the Animus VR in the US. The number of Abstergo products in the average American household would double within the year, accompanied by the various healthcare products such as Herne+ and Bodybands.

✮ Isabelle Ardant visited Álvaro Gramática at his facility in Australia and informed him of new findings related to a second Shroud of Eden, once held by Crawford Starrick. Gramática immediately demanded that Juhani Otso Berg and Sigma Team be assigned to retrieve the artifact.

✮ A woman and her 10-year-old son, Elijah, visited an Abstergo clinic in New York. A DNA analysis revealed that Elijah was both the son of Desmond Miles, unknowingly conceived at some point following his escape from "The Farm," and a Sage. Isabelle Ardant planned to place him in an Animus for the next 50 years but suggested that it would be better to let the child grow and have him monitored until the time to capture him was due.

✮ Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane infiltrated Isabelle Ardant's office in London. After hacking her computer, the pair decided to attempt an assassination during a meeting later the same day. They also rigged the place with explosives to secure an escape route in case they needed to flee and waited to ambush her.

✮ Several hours later, Ardant arrived at her office and called Álvaro Gramática to inform him that the Sigma Team had been called in to search for the Shroud of Eden. As she ended the call, the Assassins confronted Ardant, but were intercepted by Juhani Otso Berg and Violet da Costa, forcing the pair to activate the explosives and escape.

✮ Bishop contacted Shaun and Rebecca, promising backup and informing them that an Initiate was already synchronizing with the genetic data recovered from Isabelle Ardant's computer.

✮ Galina Voronina arrived in London to aid Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane.

✮ The Initiate discovered the location of the Shroud of Eden from the memories of Jacob and Evie Frye. Bishop dispatched Shaun Hastings, Rebecca Crane and Galina Voronina to retrieve the artifact before the Templars, but Isabelle Ardant was already on site with Sigma operatives. During the altercation, Shaun assassinated Ardant, Violet da Costa fled with the Shroud and Rebecca was shot. The Assassins managed to flee as another Abstergo strike team arrived at the location.

✮ Violet delivered the Shroud of Eden to Álvaro Gramática at his secret lab. Gramática went to report to Alan Rikkin, while Violet herself reported to Juno.

✮ Laetitia England ordered Juhani Otso Berg to deliver Shay Cormac's Precursor box to Gramática, both to boost the Phoenix Project's progress and to protect it from further raids or incursions the Assassins might organize to steal it.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz was recruited into the Assassin Brotherhood by Galina Voronina and Xavier Chen, who saved her from Abstergo agents attempting to silence her after Charlotte had uncovered the existence of both the Assassins and the Templars.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz was taken to the Assassin cell's hideout in the Salton Sea, where she met the team's technician Kody Adams and was informed of another Assassin, Joseph Laurier, who had infiltrated Abstergo and was supposedly baiting them with a false trail of a Piece of Eden. The Assassins then had Charlotte relive the memories of her ancestor Tom Stoddard in the Animus, in order to verify Joseph's claim.

✮ After concluding Joseph Laurier had been telling the truth, Galina Voronina and Xavier Chen mounted a mission to rescue him from Abstergo's San Diego facility. However, Charlotte de la Cruz continued to explore Tom Stoddard's memories and eventually discovered that Joseph had been lying to them. Deducing Galina and Xavier were headed into a trap, Charlotte went to rescue them.

✮ Xavier was killed, and Galina was injured by Joseph, who had betrayed the Assassins and allied with the Templars to exact revenge on Xavier for the death of his lover Christian. However, Joseph then betrayed the Templars as well and detonated hidden explosives he had placed in the Abstergo facility, killing a number of high-ranking Templars, including Didier Hawking.

✮ Charlotte defeated Joseph and rescued Galina before the pair reunited with Kody Adams in order to go into hiding from the Templars.

2016 AD:
✮ The Assassins Charlotte de la Cruz, Galina Voronina and Kody Adams escaped to Mexico City. While Galina was being checked on by an illegal doctor, she killed the doctor's accomplice, an undercover Templar agent, and knocked the doctor out.

✮ Determined to find the hacker group Erudito, Charlotte de la Cruz started exploring the memories of her ancestor Quila, based on clues left behind by Consus.

✮ Galina Voronina, Charlotte de la Cruz and Kody Adams unsuccessfully attempted to kidnap Garcia-Lopez, a Templar with a key role in the Order's propaganda division, in order to locate Joseph Laurier.

✮ Kody Adams was abducted by a Mexican cartel led by Arturo Viera, the boyfriend of the doctor the Assassins had hired, after Galina Voronina left him to search for Charlotte de la Cruz, who had left out of frustration.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz and Galina Voronina met Arturo Viera's cartel at a stadium in Mexico City to exchange themselves for Kody Adams, though the cartel was wiped out by the Templars in retaliation for disobeying their orders not to engage the Assassins.

✮ While Charlotte de la Cruz attempted to surrender to the Templars in exchange for sparing Galina Voronina's and Kody Adams' lives, the members of Arturo Viera's cartel routed Ortega Sanchez's entourage with the help of Galina and Kody.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz discovered the password to Erudito's network through Quila's memories, and unlocked GPS coordinates leading to Argentina. There, they were met by Erudito members, under the leadership of Charlotte's grandmother Florencia.

✮ Galina Voronina's Assassin cell and the members of Erudito reluctantly agreed to join forces to stop the resurrection of Juno through the Phoenix Project.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz entered the Animus to relive the memories of her ancestor Hiram Stoddard, who had come into contact with Consus, while members of Erudito received Assassin training from Galina Voronina.

✮ Erudito tracked Joseph Laurier to Mogadishu, Somalia, and a team comprising Galina Voronina and Erudito members My'shell and Sheed was sent to capture him. Joseph agreed to come with them willingly in exchange for an opportunity to talk with Charlotte de la Cruz.

✮ While reliving the memories of Hiram Stoddard, Charlotte de la Cruz received a cryptic warning from Consus that she needed to find the Koh-i-Noor to stop the return of Juno.

✮ Templars led by Ortega Sanchez raided Erudito's base, killing numerous people including Kody Adams, Sheed and Joseph Laurier. Charlotte de la Cruz, Galina Voronina, Florencia and Guernica Moneo managed to escape with the help of their allies, which resulted in the death of Sanchez.

✮ The United Kingdom held a referendum over its membership of the European Union, commonly known as Brexit, in which the majority voted to leave. Data mining company Newton Analytica, on the payroll of Abstergo Financial CEO Agneta Reider, swayed the vote in favour of leaving.

✮ André Bolden, son of the Black Cross Albert Bolden, was lured to Abstergo Industries under the false pretense of getting his PTSD cured. In reality, Abstergo placed him in the Animus to explore the memories of his ancestor Jan van der Graff.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg gained André Bolden as an ally, despite the latter's opposition towards Abstergo, to root out the Instruments of the First Will who had infiltrated the Templars' ranks and mysteriously killed Caitlin Gift.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 7:
2016 AD Continued:
✮ The Abstergo Foundation staged the public execution of Callum Lynch for the murder of a pimp, and secretly transferred him to their facility in Madrid to use his genetic memories to locate an Apple of Eden.

✮ Despite his initial reluctance, Callum Lynch entered the Animus on orders of Animus Project led Sofia Rikkin to explore the life of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha, the last person known to have been in possession of the Apple of Eden.

✮ After Callum Lynch discovered what had happened to Aguilar de Nerha's Apple of Eden, he saw ghastly visions of his Assassin ancestors, including Aguilar, Arno Dorian and his parents, which convinced him to embrace his Assassin heritage.

✮ A group of detained Assassins at Abstergo's Madrid facility, including Moussa, Lin, Nathan, Emir, and Callum Lynch, staged a breakout. Only Moussa, Lin and Lynch survived and escaped Madrid.

✮ Alan Rikkin and his daughter Sofia recovered Aguilar's Apple of Eden from the grave of Christopher Columbus.

✮ Alan Rikkin organized a meeting at the Grand Templar Hall in London to celebrate their acquisition of the Apple of Eden with other members of the Templar Order, including his daughter Sofia and the Council of Elders.

✮ Callum Lynch, with aid from his fellow Assassins Lin and Moussa, infiltrated the meeting at Grand Templar Hall and killed Alan Rikkin, before retrieving the Apple of Eden and escaping.

2017 AD:
✮ While investigating an abandoned Abstergo skyscraper office in Hong Kong in search of clues regarding the Phoenix Project, Charlotte de la Cruz, Guernica Moneo and the Assassin cell led by Barindra Mitra were attacked by the Instruments of the First Will. Mitra's cell was killed while Charlotte and Guernica barely managed to escape.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg and Violet da Costa investigated the aftermath of the battle that had taken place at the Hong Kong skyscraper. Believing Abstergo had been infiltrated by a fifth column, Berg decided to conduct an investigation of his own as the new Black Cross, with the help of André Bolden.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg attended a meeting of Inner Sanctum members in Quebec to discuss the emergence of a new Black Cross. André Bolden, disguised as the Black Cross, also attended the meeting to draw suspicion away from Berg.

✮ Johani Otso Berg attempted to interrogate Heinrich Hart, an Abstergo engineer and secret informant for the Assassins, in Berlin. After revealing himself to be a member of the Instruments of the First Will, Hart committed suicide in an explosion that also killed 170 civilians, though Berg managed to survive.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz entered the Animus to find the Koh-i-Noor, as she had been instructed to do by Consus, but the machine malfunctioned, trapping Charlotte inside the memory corridor. Guernica Moneo directed the Assassins to Abstergo's Montreal campus to extract his contact Felix Oladele, who could help fix the Animus.

✮ The Assassins Kiyoshi Takakura and Arend Schut-Cunningham infiltrated Abstergo's Montreal campus but found that Felix Oladele had been killed by the former Assassin Jasdip Dhami, who had defected to the Instruments of the First Will. After fighting and wounding Kiyoshi and Arend, Jasdip made his escape.

✮ Charlotte de la Cruz experienced a memory of Juno inside the Animus and learned about her plan to conquer humanity. Guernica Moneo attempted to kill Charlotte on behalf of the Instruments of the First Will but was stopped by Galina Voronina.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg and the Assassin My'shell traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to investigate a mysterious money transfer from Abstergo to the Assassins. After running into each other, Berg and My'shell were attacked by the Instruments of the First Will, who warned Berg to end his investigation.

✮ Galina Voronina's Assassin cell and Juhani Otso Berg formed an uneasy alliance to stop the Instruments of the First Will and find the Koh-i-Noor before them. To locate the artifact, Charlotte de la Cruz relived the memories of her ancestor Ignacio Cardona.

✮ After Charlotte de la Cruz suffered a brain hemorrhage and had to be removed from the Animus, Juhani Otso Berg continued the search for the Koh-i-Noor by reliving the memories of the former Black Cross, Albert Bolden.

✮ Abstergo Industries employees Layla Hassan and Deanna Geary were assigned to recover the sarcophagus of Bayek of Siwa from the Qattara Depression in Egypt, on Simon Hathaway's orders.

✮ Layla Hassan disobeyed direct orders to return Bayek's sarcophagus to Abstergo and instead used her own portable version of the Animus to relieve Bayek's memories, in an attempt to prove her worth to the Animus Project.

✮ Layla Hassan and Deanna Geary were attacked by Abstergo's Sigma Team for insubordination. While Geary was killed, Layla used the skills she had gained through the Bleeding Effect to eliminate her assailants.

✮ William Miles met with Layla Hassan in the Qattara Depression to offer her a chance to escape from Abstergo by joining up with the Assassins, which she reluctantly accepted.

✮ Layla Hassan formally joined the Assassin Brotherhood and befriended several of her fellow Assassins, including Charlotte de la Cruz, Arend Schut-Cunningham, and Harlan Cunningham. Her first assignment was to recover a relic from the Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec, during which she was attacked by Abstergo agents, but was saved by Kiyoshi Takakura.

2018 AD:
✮ After finding the Koh-i-Noor's burial site in Spain, Juhani Otso Berg contacted André Bolden to give him the location and tell him to assemble a team, unaware that André had been captured by the Instruments of the First Will, who later executed him.

✮ The Instruments of the First Will took over the Phoenix Project facility in Australia from Álvaro Gramática, intending to use it to resurrect Juno.

✮ Galina Voronina's Assassin cell and Juhani Otso Berg retrieved the Koh-i-Noor from its burial site but lost it to the Instruments of the First Will after a fight.

✮ The Instruments of the First Will attacked the Assassins' hideout in London to kill Guernica Moneo for being a loose end, but My'shell protected him. In the ensuing fight, the hideout was destroyed, and Guernica was mortally wounded while helping My'shell kill the Instruments.

✮ Using the Shroud of Eden and Isu DNA extracted from Elijah, the illegitimate son of Desmond Miles and a Sage, Álvaro Gramática was able to create a new Isu body for Juno to inhabit.

✮ Galina Voronina's Assassin cell and Juhani Otso Berg attacked the Phoenix Project facility to prevent Juno's resurrection, resulting in the deaths of Jasdip Dhami, Álvaro Gramática, Violet da Costa and Juno herself, who was killed by Charlotte de la Cruz with assistance from Elijah and the Koh-i-Noor. Berg then destroyed the facility in an explosion, killing Charlotte and the remaining Instruments of the First Will, though Elijah was able to escape with the Koh-i-Noor.

✮ Layla Hassan found the broken Spear of Leonidas, based on information from the book Lost Histories by Herodotos, the last person known to have been in possession of the Spear.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 8:
2018 AD Continued:
✮ Layla Hassan led an Assassin team consisting of Dr. Victoria Bibeau, Kiyoshi Takakura and Alannah Ryan on a mission to retrieve the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. Operating out of a hideout in London, Layla used her Animus to relive the memories of the Greek misthios Kassandra, based on the genetic data extracted from the Spear of Leonidas.

✮ Through Kassandra's memories, Layla discovered the existence of Atlantis on the Greek island of Thera and accessed the Gateway to the Lost City.

✮ After activating Atlantis' mechanisms, Kassandra greeted Layla in the Gateway to the Lost City and passed the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus to her, while imploring Layla to fix the rift in time and destroy all the Pieces of Eden. Without the Staff's powers keeping her alive for millennia, Kassandra passed away.

✮ Through Kassandra's memories, Layla discovered the symbols required to open the doorway leading further into Atlantis, where she was contacted by the Isu Aletheia. With her help, Layla started training to use the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus while also learning to fight its corruption.

✮ After witnessing simulations of the Isu Era through Kassandra's memories as part of her training, Layla was pulled out of the Animus by Victoria to stop the Bleeding Effect. Corrupted by the Staff's power, Layla accidentally killed Victoria in a fit of rage.

✮ Abstergo learned of the Assassins' mission in Atlantis and dispatched Sigma Team to kill them and retrieve the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. While Kiyoshi killed the Sigma operatives who attacked them aboard the Altaïr II, Layla defeated Juhani Otso Berg in Atlantis before impaling him with the Staff, crippling him.

✮ Kiyoshi Takakura and Alannah Ryan left Layla Hassan's team after learning of her accidental murder of Victoria Bibeau, and Layla had to be re-assigned to a new Assassin cell. She was eventually joined by Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, because of their similar experience with Desmond Miles' unintentional killing of Lucy Stillman while under Juno's influence.

2019 AD:
✮ The teenager Kō Risa, a descendant of Shao Jun, began attending therapy at the Abstergo clinic in Yokohama, hoping to learn to supress her violent tendencies. Unbeknowst to Risa, her doctor, Kaori Kagami, was a Templar seeking to use Jun's memories to locate her Precursor box.

✮ The Assassin Kiyoshi Takakura eavesdropped on Kō Risa and Kaori Kagami's sessions and approached the former to warn her about Kagami's true intentions. However, the teenager refused to believe him, so Kiyoshi enlisted the help of Risa's cousin Mari to convince her to quit her therapy sessions.

✮ Kō Risa began to suffer from the Bleeding Effect and tried to end her therapy sessions, but she was forced back into the Animus by Kaori Kagami, who was desperate to prove herself to the Council of Elders member Ellen Kaye.

✮ Kō Risa managed to defeat Kaori Kagami and destroy her Animus, ending the doctor's search for Shao Jun's Precursor box. She then escaped from the Abstergo clinic with the help of Kiyoshi Takakura and Mari before all three were approached by the Mentor Saeko Mochizuki, who offered Risa and Mari a place in the Brotherhood. After the cousins accepted, they were tasked to find the box.

✮ The COVID-19 pandemic started in China and over the next several months spread to the rest of the world.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg remained a captive of the Assassins, who unsuccessfully tried to interrogate him several times.

✮ Juhani Otso Berg was eventually released from the Assassins' custody and returned to Abstergo, who experimented on him with a Staff of Eden, restoring his ability to walk.

2020 AD:
✮ The Earth's magnetic field, which had been continually strengthening since Desmond Miles' activation of the global aurora borealis device in 2012, became strong enough to create several anomalies, such as a permanent aurora borealis over the entire world.

✮ Layla Hassan, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane were partnered with Kiyoshi Takakura on a mission to extract an Assassin mole, Doctor Kazui, from Abstergo's facility in Tokyo. The Assassins successfully extracted Kazui, while also deleting any DNA data of his from Abstergo's database and defeating Juhani Otso Berg, who tried to prevent their escape. Layla and Kiyoshi were able to part ways on good terms, despite their previous falling out.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq sent an encrypted message from within the Grey to the Assassins, directing them to Eivor Varinsdottir's remains in North America. Layla Hassan, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane followed the signal and, after renting a cabin in the area, dug up Eivor's skeleton, from which Layla extracted a DNA sample for her Animus, allowing her to relive the Viking shieldmaiden's memories.

✮ Through Eivor Varinsdottir's memories, Layla Hassan learned of the Isu temple in Norway where Yggdrasil was located. After the Assassins concluded the Isu supercomputer could be used to slow down the Earth's magnetism, Layla traveled to the Norway temple to access it.

✮ Layla Hassan entered the Isu temple in Norway, using the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus to protect herself from the lethal radiation emitted by Yggdrasil, and used the machine to enter the Grey. There, Basim Ibn Ishaq showed her how to slow Yggdrasil down and save the planet, though this released Basim from the Grey. Layla also met the Reader and chose to stay in the Grey and help him find ways of preventing future disasters by analyzing different calculations, allowing her mortal body to die.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq, the reincarnation of Loki, escaped his imprisonment in the Grey and rejuvenated himself using the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, which contained the consciousness of Loki's lover Aletheia. Thus, Loki and Aletheia's plan to survive the Toba Catastrophe and be reunited in the future was finally accomplished.

✮ Basim Ibn Ishaq met with Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane and, after convincing them of Layla Hassan's willingness to stay in the Grey, asked for an audience with William Miles. After Shaun and Rebecca left to bring William, Basim entered Layla's Animus to relive Eivor Varinsdottir's memories and hopefully discover the whereabouts of Loki's children.

✮ William Miles met with Basim Ibn Ishaq inside the Animus simulation and the two agreed to work together to further the Assassin cause. However, William first demanded a blood sample from Basim, to be sequenced through the Animus and allow the Assassins to relive Basim's genetic memories.

2022 AD:
✮ Templar agents raided a museum in London to recover one of the blades of Vejovis' dagger, which had been found by the museum guard and Vejovis' Sage Joey. After escaping with the help of the Assassins Colm and Alera, Joey worked with them to explore the memories of Cadmus, Khepri, Alva, Faisal and Giulia, in the hopes of locating the second dagger blade.

✮ After learning about the Isu vault in Venice, Joey, Colm and Alera traveled there to recover the second blade of Vejovis' dagger. When Colm was revealed to be a Templar double agent, Alera assassinated him, before Joey combined the two parts of the dagger to complete the artifact. This initiated a resurrection process for Vejovis, which Joey stopped by destroying one of the blades, preventing the Isu's return.
21st Century (Present Timeline) Part 9:
2023 AD:
✮ Noa Kim was abducted by Abstergo during a trip to Macau, China and taken to the Exitus research vessel, where he was forced to relive the memories of his ancestor Edward Kenway during his time in Southeast Asia.

✮ After Noa caused several desynchronization errors, Doctor Shimazu Sei pulled him from the Animus, warning him against interfering with his ancestor's history and also told him that she sought information on a Piece of Eden that Edward had found during his travels. Noa, hoping to learn more about his family's history, agreed to help Sei and continued to explore Edward's memories.

✮ Noa and Sei took an excursion to the A-Ma Cultural Village in Macau to retrieve a ledger that would allow them to continue tracking Edward's memories. During the trip, Zhawang Corporation members attempted to rescue Noa, but he refused their help and returned to Abstergo.

✮ The Exitus relocated to Cebu, where Noa and Sei searched for clues to help them trace Edward's footsteps in the Philippines. During their investigation, the Assassin Nathan Zhang and his criminal organization Doom Eagle attacked them, seeking to rescue Noa. Noa fought Nathan, who informed him of his father's Assassin affiliations and gave him Captain Mustafa's Sea log to help him track Edward's memories before leaving.
Final Thoughts:
Hey thanks for reading this, if you found it useful consider liking, sharing and commenting and if you are feeling extra generous consider an award. Happy Gaming!

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Extracts From:

⭐ Assassin's Creed Playlist:
⭐ Some of the videos I used as reference points for my notes previously have been removed by the uploaders on YouTube and thus excluded from the playlist above.
⭐ The book series by Oliver Bowden on Amazon

Thank you!

24 bình luận
McALEER GAMES  [tác giả] 22 Thg09 @ 11:47pm 
Latest Guide Update: Instruments of the Free Will & The Order of the Ancients lore added to this guide.
McALEER GAMES  [tác giả] 16 Thg09 @ 12:05am 
Good day readers, as of today, 16th September this guide has been fully updated to include all the lore and games as of Shadows.
vixir29 5 Thg09 @ 7:30pm 
good read while waiting for assassins creed origins to finally finish downloading
McALEER GAMES  [tác giả] 1 Thg09 @ 4:08am 
McALEER GAMES  [tác giả] 23 Thg05 @ 11:11am 
@nevascared0, it is all up to Ubisoft, lets hope so!
nevascared0 12 Thg09, 2023 @ 6:13am 
Will there be games for the blank areas such as 1st AD, 5th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 17th and 20th? Theres tons that could be done in each era
Ekcelent 15 Thg02, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
Just one thing I do not understand clearly... so "Basim" is in reality Loki, I mean, Lokis' conciousness is inside the body of Basim. Loki is in love with Aletheia. But in the end of your text you say Basim wants to take the fight to the Templars... Wouldn't he want to fight both Assasins and the Templars? Why he would ally himself with Assassins, if all Juno wants is absolute power over the world?
McALEER GAMES  [tác giả] 6 Thg07, 2021 @ 9:09am 
@deviousd thank you mate I appreaciate your comment and I agree,you made interesting points as well
DeviousD 6 Thg07, 2021 @ 6:48am 
i mean anunaki sumerians etc templars all of this in the game coincides with hidden real history almost its incredible wether made to taint minds from truth again or just a beautiful vison on a grand scale similar to our own amazing work and thankyou for puting it together briliant read :)
DeviousD 6 Thg07, 2021 @ 6:45am 
awesome work sir thankyou very much i love history and sometimes looking at our own history hidden like they are teling us something lol thankyou :)