The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

236 hodnocení
All 24 Stones of Barenziah Locations
Vytvořil: Pandallax
This is a guide for getting all of the stones of Barenziah in Skyrim and how to complete the No Stone Unturned quest and find all 24 of the stones of Barenziah.
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This is a guide for getting all of the stones of Barenziah in Skyrim and how to complete the No Stone Unturned quest. I have also made a video guide which you can find below to go along with this and you can find the written guide on my website here[].

Once you complete the quest you'll get the passive effect Prowler's Profit. It greatly increases the chance of finding multiple precious gems in chests, burial urns, corpses etc. Usually, one of these containers can yield about 2–4 gems of any type, and with high values.
Stone 1 - Ansilvund (Ansilvund Burial Chambers)

Once inside of Ansilvund you'll need to go through to complete the objective in the Ansilvund Burial Chambers, and it will be on the table in the back of the final room. Next the Ghostblade and behind Fjori's ghost.
Stone 2 - Stony Creek Cave

Going off the main corridor, follow a path on the right (before entering the large pool of water with one bandit). It is inside the bandit wizard's cavern, on a table near the alchemy lab.
Stone 3 - Windhelm (House of Clan Shatter-Shield)

This stone will be Upstairs and in the first bedroom on the left on a bookshelf.
Stone 4 - Windhelm (Palace of the Kings)

When entering the palace, take the first door to the left (upstairs) and follow the hall to the end. It sits on a table in Wuunferth the Unliving's quarters at the end of the hall.
Stone 5 - Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

You can find this one on the dresser in Astrid's room down the stairs and to the left of the entrance.
Stone 6 - Pinewatch (Bandit's Sanctuary)

Once you get to a room containing a single bandit and several empty draugr sarcophagi, there is a locked door to the right. Inside of here you'll find the stone on a shelf to your right.
Stone 7 - Sunderstone Gorge

This stone will be at the end of the location on the altar in front of the Word Wall next to two dead bodies.
Stone 8 - Dainty Sload

Take the stairs to the bottom level, take the stairs up (opposite the ones you have just come down). At the end of the room you will find the stone on the table.
Stone 9 - Reeking Cave

In the alcove with the dead conjurer right underneath the trap door entrance.
Stone 10 - Solitude (Blue Palace)

This stone is on the bedside table in Jarl Elisif's quarters.
Stone 11 - Solitude (Proudspire Manor)

This one is sitting on a dresser on the left-hand side of the upstairs master bedroom. (Must own Proudspire Manor to get this stone. Requires becoming Thane of Haafingar and paying 25,000 to own.)
Stone 12 - Rannveig's Fast

This one is on a table just to the right of the prison's exit gate. The prison is entered via a trapdoor in front of the chest at the Word Wall, or long way through tunnels.
Stone 13 - Dead Crone Rock

This one is on a makeshift altar in front of the Word Wall at the top of the final tower.
Stone 14 - Markarth (Treasury House)

This one will be next to the bed in the master bedroom.
Stone 15 - Understone Keep (Dwemer Museum)

This one is behind a locked gate on left of the museum on a table in the right hand corner.
Stone 16 - Black-Briar Lodge

This stone is on the left end table in the upstairs master bedroom.
Stone 17 - Mistveil Keep (Jarl's Chambers)

This one is in the Jarl's chambers, on the end table to the left of the bed in the master bedroom.
Stone 18 - Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters

This one is in the Jarl's chambers, on the end table to the right of the bed.
Stone 19 - Fellglow Keep

This one is on a counter in the workshop at the top of the front foyer. It is between the enchanting table and the alchemy lab.
Stone 20 - Jorrvaskr Living Quarters

This one is in the living quarters to the far right in Kodlak Whitemane's bedroom.
Stone 21 - Whiterun Hall of the Dead (Whiterun Catacombs)

This one is found in a crypt in the Whiterun Hall of the Dead. From the entrance make the first left, then right, down the ramp. From here it is on the immediate left.
Stone 22 - College of Winterhold (Arch-Mage's Quarters)

This one is on a shelf in the Arch-Mage's Quarters. To the left of the bed, under a wolf's head mounted on the wall. Becomes accessible during "Under Saarthal" when Tolfdir tells the Dragonborn to speak to the Arch-mage.
Stone 23 - Hob's Fall Cave

This one can be found after crossing the bridge, just before an area with a few impaled corpses and an arcane enchanter, take the path to the left and down into an area with an alchemy bench. The stone is on a shelf.
Stone 24 - Yngvild (Yngvild Throne Room)

This one can be found on the desk in the last room, next to the final journal of Arondil.
Finding Barenziah's Crown
Once you have all of the stones you can turn them into Vex with the Theives guild and she'll tell you that you'll need to find the actual crown of Barenziah. This is located in Tolvald's Cave.

The quest will give you a marker for the crown. It will be very deep inside Tolvald's Cave and you'll have to kill a lot of Falmer to reach it.

Once you get it and make it out of the cave you can turn it into Vex to complete the quest and get the Pilfer's Profit passive effect.
And there you go! All 24 of the stones of Barenziah and the No Stone Unturned quest completed. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop some feedback down below.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on YouTube.

Thanks for reading/watching!
Počet komentářů: 10
Nyxia 2. srp. 2024 v 21.49 
theres a mod that marks them as quest markers now, but still, really helpful
Zakia13 8. dub. 2024 v 8.57 
You’re awesome for this
kanashimih 13. úno. 2024 v 14.15 
thanks, man
kiezein 24. led. 2023 v 6.10 
Thanks so much!
mollyhatchet333 14. úno. 2021 v 13.47 
Brilliant - thankyou !!
Cheese 11. led. 2021 v 5.59 
Divines bless you, may the ground you walk quake as you pass.
staticsnake 5. led. 2021 v 14.00 
I've played this game through 3 or 4 times. One time I just naturally eventually got all of them after like 300 hours and systematically covering every place everywhere and every quest I could possibly find, trying not to miss anything anywhere.
Baba Yaga 5. led. 2021 v 2.44 
thanks man otherwise I could never finish this quest
davidyoa 30. pro. 2020 v 14.30 
great guide to collecting the Barenziah's Stones much appreciated:steamhappy:
Velnias 19. pro. 2020 v 4.30 
useful guide I really appreciate it :eaglegrin: