Battlepillars Gold Edition

Battlepillars Gold Edition

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The Battlepillars Achievement Guide
By Pope Phillis III
An achievement hunter's basic guide to completing Battlepillars: Gold Edition.
Battlepillars is my favorite game ever made. Its absurd premise allows for enjoyment if you are looking for something easy going. This game is easy to complete with enough patience.

Achievements in this game can be broken down into 6 Categories:
  • Campaign (and Campaign Unlocks)
  • Gold Challenges
  • Gameplay Challenges
  • Store
  • Multiplayer
  • Endless Mode

In no time at all, you should be able to get that Gold skin and run down enemies with a shiny, 7-leg speed demon.
Campaign (and Campaign Unlocks)
Campaign achievements and Campaign Unlock achievements are unmissable achievements given through completion of the Campaign mode. These include boss fight achievements, mode unlock achievements, as well as a general completion achievement.

Bosses spawn in the 10th stage of every section and appear after taking down the opposing tree for the level. For boss fights, remember to use buddies if you are struggling as they provide a boost that you may desperately need (or speed up the fight).

Forward March: Simply beat the tutorial and the first stage. This is almost impossible to lose.

One Big Caterpillar: Defeat Sergeant Flowerpuff. This is the first boss you fight. He has two AOE cannons and is relatively easy to take down with long range units. Unlocks the Red skin.

Jungle Boogie: Defeat Lieutenant Tikki-Tavi. This is the second boss you fight. He has 1 spikes, 1 honey, and 4 carapaces. Overwhelming him with large amounts of units like spiders is a good strategy. Unlocks the Jungle skin.

Testing the Future!: Unlock the Test Zone. Upon defeating Lieutenant Tikki-Tavi, you unlock the Test Mode. It is found on the mode select screen.

Monster Mash: Defeat Frankenpillar. This is the third boss. He has 4 armor, 1 tesla coil, and 1 spider egg. The tesla coil will 1-shot your units in an AOE. High leaf production and high damage units are the key. Unlocks the Spooky skin.

Scrap Attack: Defeat Geraldine the Scrap Queen. This is the fourth boss. She has 1 magma launcher and 1 gun. Single segment grubs can deal with the bite attacks while long range units deal damage from afar. Unlocks the Junkyard skin.

Technological Warfare: Defeat General Battlepillar 20X7. This is the final boss you fight in the main campaign. He is the only boss with 3 forms, and all 3 must be taken down to beat it. Form 1 has a beam segment and a missle launcher, Form 2 breaks those two segments on their own, and Form 3 is a butterfly form with a much stronger beam attack. Long range, high damage units will be imperative to victory, Unlocks the Evil Robot skin.
V-Day: Complete the single-player campaign. Beating General Battlepillar 20X7 and sitting though the credits unlocks this achievement. Also unlocks the Moon levels.

War Without End: Unlock Endless Mode. Upon beating General Battlepillar 20X7, you unlock Endless Mode. It is found on the mode selection screen.

General Battlepillar 20X7's Last Stand: Defeat General Battlepillar 20X7 on the Moon. After beating him the first time in the campaign, you unlock the moon. Completing the moon levels unlocks his boss level. Just beat him the same why you did last time.
Gold Challenges
Gold Challenges are level-specific tasks during the campaign mode in Battlepillars. They vary from timed level completion, segment restrictions, leaf limits, segment length constraints, bonus leaf limits, and max production upgrades.

All levels can be replayed to complete its unique gold challenge. Upon beating a level's challenge, The blue completed flower on a level with become gold. It is recommended to complete these as you go along the campaign to reduce backtracking.

A Golden Opportunity: Beat your first Gold Challenge. Complete a golden challenge on ANY level. If you so choose, you could beat the final moon level's challenge first.

Gold Rush: Beat 10 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all garden levels.

20 Karat: Beat 20 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all garden and jungle levels.

Au-some!: Beat 30 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all garden, jungle, and graveyard levels.

Golden Strategy: Beat 40 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all garden, jungle, graveyard, and junkyard levels.

Man with the Golden Pun: Beat 50 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all main campaign levels. Christopher Lee would be proud.

GOALD!: Beat all 60 Gold Challenges. Can be completed by getting gold in all main campaign levels and moon levels. Unlocks the Gold skin.
Gameplay Challenges
Gameplay Challenges are achievements which unlock by fulfilling certain requirements during gameplay. They can be completed on any level.

Apple Factory: Earn 5000 Apples. This achievement can be achieved after collecting said amount of apples. Levels can be replayed an unlimited amount of times for less rewards after the first. This achievement takes some time to complete.

Crappy Bird: Use Larry the Bird for the first time. Simply buy 1 Larry the Bird and use it on any level. I recommend using it on a limited leaves gold challenge to maximize effectiveness.

Slaughterpillar: Kill 100 enemy caterpillars. Kill 100 battlepillars total. This is easily completed without much effort through campaign completion.

Caterpillarcide: Kill 1,000 enemy caterpillars. Kill 1000 battlepillars total. This is easily completed without much effort through campaign and gold challenge completion.

The General: Build your first 7 segment caterpillar. Works with ANY combination of 7 segments, not including the head. Using 7 snails in the first level will let you achieve the "VIP" achievement as well.

What a Rush!: Beat a level using only single segment caterpillars. Play the first level with only legs segments. They are the cheapest segment to produce. Also gets you the "One Trick 'Pillar" achievement this way.

VIP: Keep your first deployed Battlepillar alive for the duration of a battle. Using 7 snails in the first level will help prevent the death of your first battlepillar. Doing 7 segments also gets you the "The General" achievement.

One Trick 'Pillar: Beat a level using only one type of segment. Play the first level with only legs segments. They are the cheapest segment to produce. Also gets you the "What a Rush!" achievement this way.

Comeback Bug: . Play the first level and let the first opposing battlepillar hit your tree before you spawn your own then win the game.

Arachnophobe: Kill 50 spiders. Playing levels featuring opponents with spider egg segments is required. One solution is to repeat the Frankenpillar boss fight over and over again until you get the achievement.

Developillar: Build a developer Battlepillar. Construct any battlepillar with the skin and segment layout of any battlepillar that appears in the credits. The easiest one is cannon, cannon, armor, snail in that exact order with the base green skin.
Store achievements are gotten through buying things using apples in the in-game store. Many of these are necessary to complete the game.

Moving On Up: Purchase your first segment upgrade. This is an easy unlock, and can be done after your first few levels.

Arsenal: Unlock all segments in the Upgrade store. This doesn't require you to upgrade every segment to max level. You only need to buy and unlock the segment.

Fully Loaded: Fully upgrade your base. This requires you to buy level 3 upgrades for tree spikes, tree cannons, and leaf production. Leaf production upgrade is different than in-level leaf production upgrades.

WARdrobe: Unlock every skin in the Upgrade store. You only need to buy the Mummy, Freedom, Purple, Spider Web, Spotty, Tie Dye, Stripey, Bubble, Fuzzy Stripes, Scales, Tribal Blue, Cool Robot, and Ninja skins. This doesn't require you to have the unlock skins like the ones from Boss fights or the Gold skin.
Multiplayer achievements are given through the game's multiplayer mode. Having a friend play this with you makes achievement hunting much faster, and is required for one of the achievements.

Online Warfare: Win your first multiplayer match. Just win a single match in any way.

Win 3 matches in a row during a single multiplayer session: Win 3 matches in a row during a single multiplayer session. Just win 3 straight matches in 1 session.

 Rage Quit!: Make your multiplayer opponent concede defeat. Your opponent must use the surrender button in the menu.

Underbug: Win a multiplayer match while at a disadvantage. Select less segments than your opponent during the pregame and win the match to get this achievement.

Cheater!: Use an ally in a multiplayer match. Use one of your assists in the top left corner to get this. Any of the 3 will work.

Frienemy: Play an invite-only match with a Steam friend. You MUST invite someone who is on your Steam friends list to get this achievement.

Blitzkrieg: Win a multiplayer match in under a minute. Simple. Win in less than 1 minute.

BATTTLEPILARZ 4 LYFE!: I didn't choose the bug life. The bug life chose me. My favorite achievement in the whole game. Both you and your opponent must surrender AT THE SAME TIME to get this achievement.
Endless Mode
Endless Mode is unlocked after beating General Battlepillar 20X7 the first time in the main campaign.

Robots Never Die: Defeat General Battlepillar 20X7 in Endless mode. When playing for long enough, you will eventually have to fight the General again. Just beat him for a 3rd time and you unlock the achievement.

Double Trouble: Defeat 2 bosses within 30 seconds in Endless mode. With enough unit production and units on the field, you can massacre two bosses in quick succession. The easiest two to do this on would be Sergeant Flowerpuff and Lieutenant Tikki-Tavi due to their weak armor. Using Larry the Bird will also help speed this up drastically.
Caterpillionaire: Earn 1,000,000 points in Hardcore Endless mode. Playing Hardcore Endless will eventually yield this achievement after playing for long enough. Play the game as usual.

You now have the information you need to 100% Battlepillars: Gold Edition! Now put on that gold skin and spread the word of the greatest game in the universe!