49 ratings
By asylumsweetie
This is a full walkthrough with a bare bones, no spoilers description of how to progress through each section as well as a spoilered, detailed description of everything that happens, including how to get every achievement.
Act 2 is fairly easy and straightforward, especially if you make use of the hint system, but I thought I’d expand the achievement guide out into a full walkthrough for those who would like it anyway.

I’ll have a minimal spoiler stripped down version of the instructions, then a spoiler tagged elaboration for those who want more detail.

It’s always advised that you click on everything and talk to everyone whenever possible! There’s a lot of fun moments and dialogue you can miss if you just blitz through doing only what’s required.

Getting these achievements will require at least two playthroughs, one where you experience every possible game over, and one where you never game over. Details on how to get specific game overs will be included in the detailed instructions under the spoiler tags, which should also serve as a good guide on how to avoid them. If you get a game over and you didn’t want to, no worries. Just load your most recent autosave. This won’t affect your ability to get Never Be Game Over.
Talk to the troll couple in front of the diner, then attempt to go inside.

Joey and Xefros, on the run from drones, arrive at a train station and Xefros explains the plan-- To reach a mysterious seadweller ally of Dammek’s named Cridea Jeevik. But the troll who runs the ticket booth is missing. Ask the troll couple in front of the diner about tickets and they’ll tell you the troll who runs the booth is on his lunch break and you can go inside to persuade him to hurry up if you want. Unfortunately, before you can open the doors the drones catch up and bomb the building.
Go inside the cave, then exit again to find fake horns. Go back through the cave to the exit on the far side.

Dammek’s lusus has dragged Joey and Xefros away from the explosion, but they are now lost. Upon looking around, they discover signs of habitation, but no sign of the troll who presumably lives here. Upon entering the cave, Xefros insists they find fake horns for Joey before they move on. Before leaving the cave, click on everything to get the Cave Explorer achievement. Exit the cave and Xefros will spot some good fake horns in the trash pile. Swim in the river if you want the Gone Swimming achievement, or if you’re working on the Born to Die achievement, as this will be your first Game Over. With horns in hand, Joey and Xefros can proceed through the other side of the cave.
Go to the far right of the screen and attempt to leave. Then go back to the house and break in. Once inside, get the book on top of the pantry to teach Joey a new dance.Use it on the Beefriend to initiate a minigame. After, you can exit the area.

Joey and Xefros leave the caves to find themselves by a charming remote hive, again with no sign of its inhabitant. Xefros says he knows which direction to go to find the next train station, but the path leads them into the forest, which isn’t safe without something to camouflage their scent. You can choose to leave anyway for a bad end and the Forestry achievement.

Use Xefros’s telekinesis to unlock the door to the hive and head inside to search for some kind of bug goo. Once inside, click on everything to get the Housebreaker achievement. Then use Xefros’s powers again to knock the book off the top of the pantry. After Joey reads it and learns a new dance, use it on the Beefriend, but it won’t work. Xefros thinks you still don’t look enough like a troll and suggests you put on your horns. You can either use the traffic cones you got earlier for the Cones achievement, or the small cornucopia shells nearby for the Corns achievement. Then dance for the Beefriend again.

Previously, a small rhythm minigame would begin here, but it may have been removed. You can play either by waving your cursor over each cell as the bee lands on it, or by pressing the corresponding keys on your keyboard, which I found easier. There are three stages with increasing difficulty, but you only need to pass the first two in order to progress. If the minigame isn't there in your version, sorry you missed out. :( I have no idea why they removed it.

The Beefriend, overjoyed by your performance, will vomit on you, masking your scent so you can safely pass through the forest.

Attempt to get tickets from the large ticket machine in the center of the room. Then go up the stairs on the right side of the screen to the platform. Either acquire one genuine ticket from Zebruh or Chixie and trade it to Elwurd for two fakes, or acquire both Zebruh and Chixie’s genuine tickets. Then wait for the train to arrive.

Arriving at the station will give you the Just In Time achievement. Looking at posters and talking to people in the station will reveal everyone is on their way to Jeevik Week, a massive music festival Cridea is throwing on her island. At least you know the train is heading in the right direction. Now you just need tickets! Unfortunately, when Joey tries to use the ticket machine it attempts to test her blood and crashes. They ask around about somewhere else to get tickets with no luck until they find Elwurd on the platform. At first she’s just selling drugs, but if you talk to her again and ask her about tickets she offers to give them two high quality fake tickets for one real one. Talk to her again right after this (before talking to anyone else) to get her chittr for the Third Most Popular Chittr User achievement. Talk to Marvus twice and Chixie once to get their chittrs as well. Zebruh won’t give you his until after you’ve agreed to show Marvus his mixtape.

If you want to get Zebruh’s ticket, you’ll have to get him Marvus’s autograph, show Marvus his mixtape (which gets you the Fire Mixtape achievement), get Marvus to talk to him and encourage him to try out for Slam or Get Culled instead of going to Jeevik Week, and then give him the auto tune mic to convince him he can win. This will get you the Star Power achievement. If you take Zebruh’s ticket, you can’t get the First Class achievement for talking to all the bluebloods on the train.

If you want Chixie’s ticket, talk to her twice and she’ll admit she’s planning a protest at the concert. Choose to try and talk her out of it. Talk to her again to learn that she’s connected to Dammek’s revolution, but she doesn’t believe Xefros when he claims Dammek is his moirail. Talk to Xefros about it, then talk to her again to learn some upsetting things about Dammek, but she still won’t back down. You can either get Elwurd to talk her out of it for the “Tough Love” achievement, get Zebruh to crush her musical dreams entirely for the “Mean” achievement, or have Xefros give her the autotune mic to remind her that her love for music is why she’s doing this, which will get you the “Next Time Maybe” achievement. If you take Chixie’s ticket, you can’t get the Standing Room Only achievement for talking to all the rustbloods on the train.

You can then trade one of those tickets to Elwurd, who will refuse to give you the fake tickets unless you sweeten the deal by trading her your pogs. Losing the pogs makes it impossible to get the Sylladex Spring Cleaning, Detrainistation, Best Possible Outcome, Soldier Purrbeasts, or Born to Die achievement, so it’s not really recommended, but doing it gets you the Shady Deals achievement.

You can instead get Zebruh’s ticket by giving him the mic, then get Chixie’s ticket by talking to Elwurd or Zebruh as explained above OR by talking to Marvus, which will get you the Ultimate Collab achievement as Marvus convinces Chixie to skip the concert and let him help her stage a safer remote protest instead. With two legitimate tickets, you don’t need to make the trade with Elwurd and you can settle in to wait for the train with your precious pogs intact.

If you talk with Marvus and Chixie enough to see all their unique dialogue, you’ll get the Clownfxxker and Groupie achievement, respectively.

Talk to Marsti, then Skylla, then Marsti again, then move on to the next car.

Having arrived safely on the train, Joey and Xefros receive a distressing message from Fiamet, another seadweller ally, who claims they only have 11 days to get Joey back through the portal or Earth and Alternia will both be destroyed. Before they can even start to process this, Cridea messages them as well, promises it’ll be fine but says it’s too much to explain over text, she’ll tell them once they reach Jeevik island. Unfortunately, this train is going to take a week to get there. Cridea suggests they make their way to the front of the train and try to switch them onto the express track to reach the party faster.

First, talk to Skylla at the back of the car and agree to help her find medicine for her lusus. Then head to the front of the rust car and you’ll find Marsti blocking the way. She wants a good reason to stop scrubbing before she’ll move. Do not talk to her a second time! Head back to the other end of the car, talk to Skylla again, and then offer her the med kit in your inventory to get the Vet Tech achievement. This ones very finicky so you have to be precise. For some reason you can’t give Skylla the med kit any time but right now. Head back to Marsti and she’ll get out of the way for you. Remember to talk to everyone in the car at least once if you have Chixie on board to get the “Standing Room Only” achievement.

Talk to Kuprum and Folkyl, then Polypa on your way to the front of the car. Talk to Azdaja and Konyyl, then go back and talk to Polypa and Folkyl again. Return to Azdaja and Konyll and initiate strife with them. Switch to Joey and use any attack. Move on to the next car.

Joey and Xefros hear a couple arguing loudly as soon as they enter the next car. Talk to everyone you pass (including Cirava, who will give you their chittr for the achievement) and they will comment on how loud and embarrassing the arguing couple are being. Konyyl and her matesprit Azdaja are having a very vocal disagreement about work and are blocking the door in the process. They refuse to move or stop arguing. Joey and Xefros attempt to mediate unsuccessfully (your dialogue choices here are just flavor) and determine that they need to break up the fight long enough to get past. Go talk to Polypa again to ask her to help restrain Konyyl, then ask Folkyl to drain Azdaja’s psiionics. Head back to the couple to signal your new allies and for a minute it looks like you’ve succeeded-- but Azdaja and Konyyl are just too strong, and now they’re extra pissed at Joey and Xefros for interrupting their “totally non violent conversation.” Azdaja demands a duel to defend his matesprit’s honor. Talk to them again to initiate strife. All Xefros’s attacks are ineffectual, but switch to Joey and she’ll be knocked down almost immediately, sending Xefros into a rage which boosts his power level through the roof. He flattens Azdaja (which earns you the “X GON GIVE IT TO YA” achievement) who is humbled. He and Konyyl make up and get out of the way. Make sure you’ve talked to everyone in the car to get the “Economy Class” achievement before you move on.
As soon as you try to exit the other side of this car you’ll be pulled into an Ace Attorney style trial mini game. In the investigation phase, make sure to talk to everyone multiple times. Make liberal use of the hint system, it will tell you when you’ve found everything. During the trial itself, there is also a hint button that will allow you to ask Tyzias for help. After the second time you ask, she’ll literally mark the statements you should press or present on with an icon of her face. After the third time, she’ll also mark which item you should present this way. Once the trial is resolved you can move on.

As Joey and Xefros enter the car, they hear several of the jade passengers arguing. It appears a book is missing and Lynera claims Daraya has it. Daraya claims Lynera is just stirring up drama for no reason to try and get Daraya thrown off the train. As soon as Joey and Xef try to leave the other side of the car, Tirona reveals she found the book in the bathroom, and it’s had several pages torn out. Lynera has a fit, talking loudly about how the book is a forbidden profane text they’re charged with guarding and that its defilement is a capital crime, despite all the other jades trying to get her to shut up. Stelsa hears this and seems eager to turn this into a full on trial, despite Bronya’s clear preference that this be handled internally. At the same moment, Marvus arrives, claiming he was bored and just out for a walk, and now there’s no chance of handling this informally because a highblood has heard everything. The trial is on. Joey and Xefros try to continue on their way, but Marvus won’t let them leave. Tyzias has convinced him to let her turn the trial into an experiment to test out some revolutionary legal concepts she’s working on like “innocent until proven guilty,” and she wants Joey, as an impartial third party, to serve as Daraya’s defense. The investigation phase begins.
There's really no way to walkthrough this part without spoilers. Just skip this section if you're concerned and rely on the hint button.

Talk to Tyzias to get the rundown on what you’re supposed to do, then begin investigating by checking out the lockers on the left hand side of the car to discover they’re locked. Talk to all the jades, exhausting all dialogue options and getting the locker key from Bronya. Rummage through all 5 to get the torn out pages, the nail file, the broken model, the black nail polish, and the soldier purrbeast book. Talk to Lanque again to learn about the rarity of male jades. Then talk to all the teals, finishing with Tagora. Go to the bathroom and use the nail file to remove the tape from the surveillance bug and bring it to Tagora. Talk to Tagora another three times, giving him the spice mix, pogs, and batteries in exchange for Tegiri's internet history, the information that one of the jade’s is planning an escape, and Tyzias’s case notes. This will also give you the “Sylladex Spring Cleaning” achievement. If you don't have the pogs or just don't want to trade anything with Tagora, you can still proceed, though you can't get the best ending.
Go talk to Bronya to learn about a tragic event involving the death of one of her cloister members. When you talk to Tyzias she should confirm that you've found everything and you're ready to begin the trial. If you didn't trade with Tagora, she'll say you may have missed something but still give you the option to proceed.

IF YOU’RE GOING FOR THE BORN TO DIE ACHIEVEMENT: there are five game overs during this trial you need to get. The first four are straightforward. During Tirona, Bronya, Tegiri, and Lynera’s statements, press them on the wrong part of their statement, then when it’s time to present evidence, present the wrong thing three times. The last game over is part of the Detrainistation achievement and I’ll explain it further down.

First Witness - Tirona:
Press her on the third part of her first statement, then present the H2D magazine on the same part. When she claims she's never seen a magazine, press her on that. Then Present evidence on the first message in her statement, choose “she was reminded of someone” and select Lanque from the suspects tab. It turns out Tirona has a crush on a male jade celebrity and was following the jades around because she was fascinated by Lanque, both because he’s a male jade and because the celebrity male jade she loves is probably going to be culled soon. Because of her snooping, she saw someone sneak into the bathroom just as the train entered a tunnel, giving you a rough timeframe for when the crime occured.

Second Witness - Bronya
Stelsa plays a recorded statement featuring part of the fight you heard as you came in. Press her during the third part of the recorded statement to express dismay at how horrible they are to each other. Xefros will mention he saw Lanque and Lynera holding hands, which seems strange considering how much they obviously dislike each other. Present Bronya's itenerary on this same part of the statement and Bronya will explain that she enforces a buddy system, forcing them to hold hands when they do anything. Lynera and Lanque were buddies, as were Daraya and Wanshi. Press her on the second part of her statement about special duties. She will explain that the duties include keeping up with the locker key, and that Lyrnera and Lanque were in charge of the key during the time the theft took place. Present the key during this part of the statement to point out that according to that itinerary Daraya didn’t have access to the key and couldn’t have got into the lockers. Stelsa will reveal that the locker was broken into by force, not with the key, and ask for evidence that anything else but the nail file found in Daraya's locked could have done it. Throw out any 4 pieces of evidence (it doesn't matter) and Bronya will interrupt and point out that Tegiri has a sword.

Third Witness - Tegiri
Tegiri semi-confesses almost immediately, but it’s quickly apparent that he had nothing to do with the crime and is just here for the drama. The challenge is to get him off the stand as quickly as possible. Press him during the first part of his statement, and he will add to his statement that you have to supply motive. Present the drone model during this part. When Stelsa demands a motive for Tegiri to break into the lockers, present the nail polish, then his internet history (or, if you didn't trade anything with Tagora, you can present the torn out pages, which will change his following statement a bit). When he claims to be an expert on profane lore, press him on the first part of his statement to make him state that he has read the book in question. Then present the solider purrbeast book on the same part of the statement. After some drama, Tegiri will be removed from the stand and Wanshi will choose this moment to reveal Lynera's diary, which includes a damning passage that seems to prove Lynera is framing Daraya to get rid of her. A recess is called to examine the new information.

Recess and Conclusion
You may want to save here, as there are several ways to conclude the trial.
Tyzias asks you how you want to proceed and you’ll have several dialogue options including “talk to everyone again,” “restart the trial,” and, if you got Tyzias’s notes from Tagora, “You know what happened don’t you.”

IF YOU’RE GOING FOR THE “BORN TO DIE” ACHIEVEMENT, choose “You know what happened, don’t you?” She’ll ask you for two pieces of evidence. Show her the black nail polish and the journal, and she’ll ask for a suspect. Accuse Lanque. She’ll ask for one more piece of evidence. Show her the H2D magazine. Tyzias will suggest you go confront him. Lanque asks you to let him defend himself in private and takes Joey out onto the gangway between the Jade car and the Yellow car. Joey explains that all of the Jades had already read the book and it wasn’t actually all that scandalous or dangerous, so the person who took it probably wasn’t dying to read it, just trying to cause chaos and distract the other Jades. The train is on its way to Jeevik Week, where H2D is performing, and since the male jade of H2D is probably about to die, Lanque hopes to escape during the festival and offer to replace him in the band. Lanque says that’s not the whole truth, but close enough. Unfortunately, you won’t live to tell it. He throws you off the train, netting you the Detrainistration achievement and another band end for the Born to Die achievement.

IF YOU’RE GOING FOR THE SCAPEGOAT ACHIEVEMENT, choose to restart the trial immediately. Press Lynera on all her statements. Present the H2D magazine, found in Lynera’s bag, as proof that Lynera is willing to steal from the other jades and lie about it. Continue pressing her, then finally present the bathroom footage and Lynera’s diary, which together prove Daraya wasn’t even in the jade car when the crime happened, proving her innocent, and that Lynera was trying to frame her. Lynera is declared guilty. Joey tries to object and insist they haven’t reached the real truth yet, but everyone else is bored of the trial and satisfied with this conclusion. Marvus drags Lynera away to the clown car, presumably to be killed.

IF YOU’RE GOING FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME ACHIEVEMENT, choose “you know what happened, don’t you?” and present the black nailpolish and Lynera’s journal when she asks. When she asks for a suspect, name Wanshi. Using the page from Wanshi’s fanfiction that was inside Tyzias’s notes, prove that it’s Wanshi’s handwriting in Lynera’s diary. Wanshi admits she altered the diary to make Lynera look bad because Lynera sucks and everyone wanted her gone. Tyzius declares a mistrial and no one is punished.

Either ending will get you the Legislacerated achievement.

Attempt to leave the car and be stopped. Talk to Mallek, then Kuprum and Folkyl. Talk to Mallek again. Then Galekh. Talk to Remele, then Cirava, the Remele again, then Amisia. Talk to Elwurd, then Ardata and accept her invitation. Then talk to Nikhee.

The opulent blueblood car is sparse on occupants. Talk to everyone to get the First Class achievement, as long as Zebruh is there. Talk to Ardata and agree to go into her room three times to get the Catfished, Catfished 2, and Catfished Forever achievements, as well as another bad end for Born to Die.

As Joey and Xefros try to leave the indigos stop them, mildly scandalized that two rustbloods would dare come into this car at all, let alone try to keep going into the highblood’s car. Joey explains that Marvus is her friend, but the indigos insist she prove that she’s cultured enough to have highblood friends.

Galekh demands a piece of literature. You can get a political essay from Mallek (and unlock the Manifesto achievement, or a Soldier Purrbeast novel from Wanshi (for the Soldier Purrbeast achievement). Wanshi won’t give you the book if you got anything but the best possible outcome in the trial. If you give Galekh the manifesto he’s genuinely incredibly impressed. If you give him Soldier Purrbeast he hates it but Amisia loves it and insists it counts.

Amisia then demands a piece of art. You can talk to Remele and she’ll agree to make some art for you if you bring her materials or a reference image. You can get some raw garbage from Marsti, or ask Cirava for materials and he’ll take a picture of you to use. Either will get you Amisia’s approval and the Arte achievement. You can also go get the garbage from Marsti WITHOUT talking to Remele and take it to Tagora who will volunteer to write a pretentious think piece about this pile of garbage to convince Galekh it’s high art, even though Amisia hates it. This gets you the Thinkpiece achievement. Do not talk to Remele at all after getting Amisia's quest if you want the Thinkpiece achievement.

Finally Nikhee demands you face her in muscle theater. Xefros says you need a costume, so talk to Elwurd, who refuses to help for free. Xefros points out that Elwurd likes Joey and Joey should take advantage of that. Joey is flustered, but there doesn’t seem to be any other option. No one has good advice on how to convince Elwurd to help, but putting yourself in danger to prove you’re not boring and also give her a chance to sweep in and save you seems like a good bet. Go and talk to Ardata, accepting her offer to step into her room. Elwurd will interrupt and pull you away, giving in and agreeing to give you a pirate costume just so you won’t get yourself killed. The battle with Nikhee is quite short, and gets you the Knockout 2.0 achievement.

Talk to Marvus. Return to the yellow car and talk to Cirava. Then talk to Elwurd.
Talk to Marvus again, then go to the teal car and talk to Tegiri. Then back to Elwurd and Marvus again. Finally walk all the way to the Rust car and return.

As you enter the clown car, something immediately feels wrong. You can no longer switch to Xefros because he is too afraid. Talk to Chahut, Karako, and Barzum & Baizly on your way to Marvus to get the Clown Class achievement out of the way. Marvus shows you the door, but won’t let you go through. He wants to play a game first. He spins a giant wheel, declaring that whatever color it lands on is the caste of the troll you’ll have to kill. The first spin lands on yellow, and Chahut takes Xefros hostage in order to force Joey to play along. Head back down to the yellow car and you’ll find Cirava passed out asleep looking pretty dead and Joey will take a picture of them. You can return with this to Marvus and it’ll work, or you can take it to Elwurd, who will get Remele to doctor the photo for you to make it more convincing. Remele will give you her chittr in the process, netting you the Third Most Popular Chittr User achievement at last.

Marvus accepts the evidence of your kill despite Chahut’s protests, but the door isn’t satisfied yet. He spins the wheel again and declares you now have to kill a tealblood. Head back to the teal car and talk to Tegiri to ask him for his sword. Hearing that you’re trying to save some one’s life, he says that’s “an anime enough reason” and gives you his tanto knife. Talk to Elwurd again and Remele will cover the knife in teal paint. Bring it back to Marvus as proof of your kill.
Chahut cries fowl again because the blade is dull, but Marvus overrules her. However, he still spins the wheel one more time, and this time it lands on purple, much to all the highblood’s amusement. Before any killing starts, Marvus says they need Faygo to kick this thing off properly and sends Joey to the rust car to get some. When Joey gets there, there’s no Faygo, or even room to store any. Feeling stupid, she turns back. But as she reaches the bridge between the blue car and the clown car, Baizly appears and announces they aren’t going to just wait to see how she plans to kill them. He’s going to kill her first.

Before he can get the chance, Xefros appears behind him and shoves him over the railing onto the spiked platform below. Baizly dies, and you get the Murder achievement. Yaaaaay?

Return to Marvus, and Barzum’s mental breakdown is evidence enough of your successful kill. Rather anticlimactically, Marvus lets Joey and Xefros through with no further trouble, getting you the Clown Door Opens achievement.

Use Joey’s tapdance on the hula doll. Then use the flashlight on it. Use Xefros’s powers to pull the smaller switch on the console, then to open the hatch in the floor. Use Byers on the hatch. Use Xefros’s bat on the window, then use his powers on the broken glass. Finally, use the dog treats on the drone, and have Xefros use his powers to pull the main lever.

Joey and Xefros are not feeling great about what just happened, but they have a mission to finish. Looking through the window of the Conductor’s car, you can see the drone inside is holding the switch you need to pull. You’ll have to distract it.

First, use Xefros’s bat on the window to get another bad end for the Born to Die achievement. Then you can get started for real. Joey tap dances at the hula girl on the dashboard to get it swaying, but that isn’t enough to get the drone’s attention. Use the flashlight to put the hula girl in the spotlight and the drone will finally look up. He’s still holding on to the lever too tight unfortunately. You’re going to have to do something more drastic to disable him. Xefros can use his powers to flip the smaller switch on the console, which will unlock the maintenance hatch in the floor. Use his powers again to open it, then send Byer’s through. Byers will fly around the drone’s head, causing it to rotate too quickly in an attempt to follow the bird. It’s head falls off, and you’re now safe to use Xef’s bat on the window. However, it’s still holding on to the lever. Use Xef’s powers on the broken glass from the window to sever the drone’s connection to the empire’s servers and it will collapse, letting go of the switch at last.

Use Xefros’s powers on it to get the final bad end for the Born to Die achievement. It won’t be awarded until you finish the game however.

Finally, use the dog treats to lure Byers onto the drone, to peck out its security organs, making it safe to pull the lever. Before you do, spam click the hint button until you get a special message from the hint provider (presumably Doc Scratch) and the Achievement Hunter achievement. Then use Xefros’s powers to pull the lever and watch the final cut scene.

You’ll get the Brain Worms achievement for rerouting the train, the Dead Freight achievement for finishing the game, and, if you got all the bad ends, the Born to Die achievement. If you got NO bad ends, you’ll get the Never Be Game Over achievement. You can also get the Cell You Later achievement if you didn’t trade your batteries to Tagora during the trial. At any point in the game, you can also click the hint button once to get the Help achievement, spam it 100 times to get the HELP achievement, and spam it 1000 times to get the HeLP?! Achievement.

And that’s it! Game complete! You can load up a new game to get the rest of the achievements, or settle in to wait for Act 3. I’m sure it won’t be too long. :)
scrapnik 15 Jan, 2024 @ 1:38pm 
this helped out X:D
Space Wombat Kevin 15 Jan, 2021 @ 11:19pm 