Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

39 ratings
How to start playing on Arma Project and what is it?
By Says and 1 collaborators
About the project, registration, installation, connection to the Arma Project (Command-tactical games with ACE, additional islands, vehicles, weapons and much more). Online 120+
About ArmaProject

Przewodnik dla początku gry na polskim (Polish guide)
Инструкция на русском (Russian guide)

Arma Project — is a player community 18+ that was created for hosting team-based tactical games that imitate real-life armed conflicts through the use of modern technical means

The project aims to achieve interesting, tactically coordinated plays of already created missions

One life per mission, first-person only, no bots, realistic camouflage, armament and vehicles


Games run on their own assembly of mods for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, based on Advanced Combat Environment 2 (Complicates ballistics, adds many weapons, equipment, artillery, etc.), many additional islands (Napf, Winter Cherno and Vostok, Caribou, Emita, Fallujah, Fata , Isla Duala, Franken, Zernovo, Isola Di Capraia, Lingor, Celle, Panthera, Queshkibrul, Sahrani, Thirsk, Spritzisland, etc.), many additional mods (RHS, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, various features, etc.), and also a radio exchange mod. The game on the project is very different from vanilla ArmA 2, adding realism, simulator and complicated model of ballistics / weapons / equipment.

Arma Project Games (APG)
Main event — Arma Project Games (APG) runs on Fridays and Saturdays from 21:00 Moscow time (GMT+3).
There are 2-3 missions for 100-220 slots; confrontation between two sides (red and blue), which consist of 3-8 detachments with their own commanders and structures; the parties prepare in advance for the mission: they plan their actions, arrangement, tasks, etc. Each mission takes between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours.

mini Arma Project (mAP)
These are small missions with less severity than the APG. There are no fixed sides or preparation here. Any players occupy slots according to the rules and wait for the start for the briefing. Next, players are assigned to channels (usually the red side is in the "RED" channel and the blue players in the "BLUE" channel; squad leaders gather in the "HQ_mAP" and "ШТАБ_mAP" channels to discuss the mission plan).
Registration, installation of mods and connection to servers
Before registering and starting the game, be sure to read the short rules[]. Your callsign should be easy to read and speak. Put yourself in the shoes of the one who will address you during the battle.
When registering, a Steam ID is linked to your profile to add you to the WhiteList on the game server. Next, you can enter the forum using Steam authorization or your usual username / password.

Game installation
To participate in the games, you need:
  1. Buy games ArmA 2 Combined Operations:
    • ArmA 2
    • ArmA 2:OA (licence only)
    • Move «Addons» and «Dta» folders from Arma 2 to Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (after that A2 can be deleted).
    • Arma 2:OA must have a «legacy» beta version in Steam menu.
    • Allowed to use official DLC: BAF and PMC.
    • After purchasing the game, you must run ArmA 2: OA at least once through Steam without addons.
  2. Sign up[] on the Arma Project Forum. Steam profile must be «Public».
  3. Install the latest version of TeamSpeak[]. Overwolf extension and personal badges are forbiden!
  4. Fill TeamSpeak ID in User Control Panel on forum.[]
  5. Install launcher[] and mods on «Addons Manager» tab. Select only ArmaProject (Kaskad) in «Download from». Launcher requires .NET Framework[] newer than version 4. Do not update the launcher, it will not have localization!
  6. Install TeamSpeak radio plugin from …\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@AP_tfar\teamspeak_plugin_api21.ts3_plugin. The plugin requires Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 BOTH versions x86[] and x64[].
  7. Fill profile name, select flags and save config in launcher on «Настройки «Серьёзных игр» (DEV)» tab. []
  8. Customize the launcher according to your computer (memory, cores, threads) , select addons, save sets, start game. Arma Project mods:
    • @AP_ace2 — actual versions:
    • @AP_mods — ArmaProject mods.
    • @AP_islands — Set of islands: Napf, Caribou, Emita, Fallujah, Fata, Isla Duala, Franken, Zernovo, Isola Di Capraia, Lingor, Celle, Panthera, Queshkibrul, Sahrani, Thirsk, Spritzisland, Winter Cherno and Vostok, etc.
    • @AP_tfar — Task Force Arrowhead Radio + plugins for х32/х64 TS version.

Connecting to servers
  • Teamspeak:
    Game server address:
  • IP:
  • Port: 2302
  • Password: 2017

Says  [author] 31 Jan, 2022 @ 12:44am 
ArmaProject is closed.
Thanks to all the players for participating in ARMA 2 for the whole 5 years!
Nebgama 28 Oct, 2021 @ 9:55am 
Because Arma 3 sucks
ПаРаШниК Из ТуХлО 8 Dec, 2020 @ 8:20pm 
This good and very cool news!!! I am going play arma two in armaproject, please unban me i am from England :lunar2019wavingpig:
Says  [author] 3 Dec, 2020 @ 8:04am 
Dimitri, because Arma 3 already has similar projects, we are satisfied with Arma 2 for many reasons (each has its own)
Deny, Defend, Depose 3 Dec, 2020 @ 7:27am 
Why don't you make this on Arma 3?
Bobqa 1 Dec, 2020 @ 9:26pm 
arma 2 is dead btw!
пепсикольный 1 Dec, 2020 @ 5:08pm 
zaebis pridumali guys