86 értékelés
An Amateur's Guide to Kynseed
Készítő: Phantom
This guide will be to help players with the basics and the the trouble areas of the game. Most of the information I will give you will be for after you've gotten past the prologue of the game. I know the game is still in development but I hope that I can help you inch through the game with as little headaches as possible. I intend to touch on the topics of characters, skills, buying and running shops, offerings and more. Keep in mind that the game is still in development and is subject to change. However, I will do my best to keep this guide updated.

If there is anything specific that you would like me to post or look into please feel free to comment.

(This guide was a class project however I do intend to continue with the development of this guide, please keep in mind that I am a college student and there may be large amounts of time between additions to this guide).
What is time? (UPDATE)
Hello fellow Kynseed players!

I do apologize for not adding anymore to this guide but sadly I will not be able to do so until summer time. I am doing my best to graduate from college at this time and get ready for graduate school. I am hoping to add more during the summer but life happens. Thank you all for your support!

- You're Fellow Guide Creator.
Let me know what you think! (Please)
If given the chance please rate or comment your thoughts about the guide so that I may add or improve it in the future. I would greatly appreciate it and it will help me make a helpful and efficient guide for everyone who may use this tacky guide. I'm a college student so updates will be slow and the quality might not be up to par. If you see anything that needs to be updated please let me know!

With much thanks,

Your over exhausted, amateur, guide creator.
I highly suggest you download and sign up with discord so that you can join the Kynseed server. The developers are almost always on there and are more than willing to assist you. There is lots of information that I may not be able to assist you with at this time and many of the players on there are so helpful.

Here is the link to the server:

Good luck!
Popping Pigs/Chickens and Prologue Info
--> For those of you still in the prologue: yes you have to pop the pig to get the key. As far as I am aware their is no other way to retrieve the key <--

Thanks to a helpful and much appreciated comment I learned that you can get a laxative from the apothecary so that you don't have to pop the pig.

The idea of popping pigs and chickens is pretty simple.

Items needed: slingshot and gassy apple

You can find a slingshot either in your inventory or you can buy one at the store.
Gassy apples generally grow on your farm so you should have no trouble finding them.

Step one: Buy/find a pig or chicken

Step two: Feed the animal a gassy apple

The animal will fill up with gas and float

Step three: shoot the animal with a slingshot

The animal will pop and turn into food.

Pigs: Pork Chop
Chickens: Drumstick

You can purchase pigs and chickens at auctions which will be on certain days. Make sure to pay attention to the calendar, this will tell you when you can attend auctions and when you can attend things such as a pig race.

I hope this short guide was helpful to you. Please let me know if any improvements need to be made.

One more thing!

I discovered that you can pet chickens and they will give you and egg. Its so cute!
They will also give you an egg if you slingshot them without a gassy apple. (That's a little mean though).
Characters (Likes and Hates)

In this section of the guide I will provide you with characters Likes and Hates to help you further progress in the game and with the characters. I am mostly focusing on the characters living in the Vale. I am currently still working on finding all the likes and hates of all the characters but I will update when I have found more information.

*If you wish to access character's likes/hates, where they live, and names in your own game click L and click the NPC Icon*

Characters preference
(What they Like and Hate can be very helpful to growing relationships with each character and discovering secrets about other characters).

Each Character should have 3 Likes and 3 Hates. These preferences will change throughout the game as more items are added. Remember this game is in development.

Arthur Brown
Likes: Rainbow mushroom
Likes: Strawberry
Likes: Mushrooms

Hates: Fish Pie
Hates: Pondlurker

Ash Brown
Like: Carrot

Hate: Candied Squirrel
Hate: Pork Chop

Betty Scrumpy
Like: Mushroom Pie
Like: Mushroom

Hate: Farmers Stew

Billy Cowe
Like: Candied Squirrel
Like: Candy Hare

Hate: Carrot
Hate: Everyman's Salad
Hate: Pear

Boots Winters
Like: Blueberry Pie
Like: Blueberry
Like: Mint

Hate: Gassy Apple
Hate: Milk

Clay Teapott
Like: Apple


Copper Kettle
Like: Milk
Like: Water


Edna Teapott
Like: Strawberry Jam
Like: Strawberry

Hate: Farmers Stew

Edward Teapott
Like: Bacon Surprise
Like: Soup Ollard

Hate: Carrot
Hate: The Brothy Grimm

Geoffrey Black
Like: Candied Squirrel
Like: Candy Hare
Like: Bluefish

Hate: Checkered Chub
Hate: Mess
Hate: Porkchop

Ginger Nutt[[/u]


Hate: Bacon Surprise
Hate: Chicken Drumstick
Hate: The Brothy Grimm

previewimg=21397331;sizeThumb,floatLeft;Hazel Nutt.PNG][/previewimg]
Hazel Nutt
Like: Edward's Munch
Like: Blueberry Pie

Hate: Gassy Apple
Hate: Arrest Stew
Hate: River Trout

Herbert Lemon
Like: Tomato
Like: Milk
Like: Pear

Hate: Cabbage

Holly Kettle
Like: Sugar

Hate: Cabbage
Hate: Carrot
Hate: Mushroom

Icabod Moon
Likes: Mushroom Pie
Likes: Chicken Drumstick

Hates: Simpleton's Stew
Hates: Egg
Hates: Pork Chop

Ignatius Kettle
Like: Blueberry
Like: Night Berry

Hate: Firefish

Isiah Green
Like: Simpleton Stew
Like: Cabbage
Like: Carrot

Hate: Night Berry
Hate: Candy Hare

Jed Scrumpy
Likes: Grapes
Likes: Cabbage
Likes: Carrot

Hates: Chicken Drumstick
Hates: Simpleton's Stew
Hates: Raibow Mushroom

Jeremie Smith
Like: Strawberry
Like: Pork Chop
Like: Chicken Drumstick

Hate: Pond Lurker

John Bows
Like: Blueberry

Hate: Strawberry
Hate: River Trout

Lemmy Sipp
Like: Blueberry Pie
Like: Apple Pie

Hate: Gassy Apple
Hate: Lovers Truffle
Hate: The Brothy Grim

Lucy Arrows
Like: Strawberry
Like: Strawberry Jam

Hate: Blueberry
Hate: Farmers Stew
Hate: Chicken Drumstick

Melanie Jugg
Like: Milk
Like: Cursefish

Hate: Stirling Button Moss Stew

Milly Cowe
Like: Strawberry
Like: Strawberry Jam

Hate: Carrot
Hate: Cabbage

Ned Scrumpy
Like: Apple
Like: Gassy Apple
Like: Pear

Hate: Egg

Old Jacob
Like: Soup Ollard
Like: Milk

Hate: Pork Chop
Hate: Chicken Drumstick
Hate: Offal Stench

Pappy Cowe
Like: Mother's Milk Pudding

Hate: Pork Chop
Hate: Water

Pat Cowe
Like: Honey
Like: Simpleton's Stew

Hate: Milk

Theresa Brown
Like: Mushroom
Like: Apple
Like: Tomato

Hate: Fish Pie
Hate: Offal Tench
Hate: Pork Chop

Theresa Green
Like: Cabbage
Like: Carrot
Like: Apple

Hate: Strawberry Jam
Hate: Rainbow Mushroom

Toby Jugg
Like: Pork Chop
Like: Carrot
Like: Bacon Surprise


Tom Cowe
Like: Rotten Apple

Hate: Pear
Hate: Cabbage

Worzel Scrumpy

Like: Apple
Like: Porkchop
Like: Cursefish

Hate: Milk

Characters outside of the Vale (I will update this further when I am able).
I'm expanding in specific areas so keep a close eye on this section.


Belle Pepper

Hate: Gooseberry

Carolina Pepper

Hate: Egg

Peter Pepper

Hate: Apple

Poppy Seed

Hate: Cabbage

Roman Salt
Like: Honey

Hate: Milk


D!ck Turnip (Steam Wont Let Me Type out the real name so.....)

Hate: Everyman's Salad

Frogg the Hermit

Hate: Apple

Ken Tiller
Like: Carrot

Hate: Apple

Stare Sapphire

Hate: Pork Chop

Thomas Steel
Like: Pork Chop


Sadly This Is All I Have At The Moment.... More Coming Soon... I Hope.

Offerings to Goddesses
I know giving offerings has been a confusing part of the game from what I've seen on Discord so I hope that these tips and images are helpful. If you haven't figured it out yet your offerings create different outcomes depending on the goddess. Some more favorable than others but I highly recommend making an offering on Druida day. Druida day is every seventh day so it will be on the 7th and the 14th of each season. I hope this is helpful!

A key factor to offerings is try and offer items that are higher in quility (having more stars). More stars = better outcome.

The closest offering location is in Druida's Cross, Vale.

There are six offerings that you can make:

Each Goddess has a number of preferred offerings which you can find at the bottom of the screen. The what I would assume to be half suns at the bottom of the screen will show you what is preferred and what is not.


In the case of Druida she prefers fruits and vegetables for offerings such as Pears, apples, blueberries, and tomatoes. Druida is the Goddess of Orchards.

If Druida approves of your offerings she will give you:

- An extra start rating for your fruit
- Double the amount of fruits or berries
- Extra fruit tree yield chance
- Extra berry yield chance

If Druida is Displeased with your offering:

- No extra fruit
- Slow fruit growth
- One star fruit rating
- Fruit will not grow

Obviously the results very depending on your offerings


Freyl is the goddess of fields. She provides you with healthy and prospering fields. Freyl prefers offerings from your field harvest such as cabbage and wheat.

Approved offering of Freyl:

- Extra star rating of vegetables
- Double in crop
- Extra crop yield chance
- Extra growables yield chance

Disapproved offering of Freyl:

- No extra vegetables
- Slow crop growth
- One star Vegetables
- Crops will not grow


Hyalis is the goddess of Death and Rebirth. She benefits you when it comes to melee and other life and death situations. Hyalis prefers gassy and rotten apples.

Approved offering:

- Free resurrection chance
- Weaker monsters
- Better stat inheritance
- Resilience to greens (I'm not going to lie I'm not sure what this is for yet but I'll let you know as soon as I do!)

Disapproved offering:

- Tougher monsters
- Monster respawn chance
- Illness more likely
- Quick aging consequence


Aurore is the goddess of seasons. So far as I have discovered she prefers any form of flower for her offerings including charmweed.

Approved offerings:

- Nourishing sun
- One star rating up
- Better monster drops
- Better Weather

Disapproved offerings:

- Cold/wet weather
- Acidic rain
- Slow ore replenish
- Eternal winter


Morvenna is the Goddess of beasts. The only discovery of offering preference is fish.

Approved offerings:

- Chance to hit and kill enemies in 1 attack
- Weaker monsters
- Extra monster drop chance
- Less monsters

Disapproved offerings:

-Less monster drops
- More monsters
- Tougher monsters
- Weak weapons


Nadia is the goddess of fertility. The only offering I have found for her is chamomile. If you reach the part of the game where you have decided to have children appeasing Nadia each Druida day would be helpful.

Approved offerings:

- Increased child development
- Babies more likely
- No misfire
- Increased wheel delight

Disapproved offerings:

- Misfire more likely
- slowed child development
- Babies unlikely
- Frogchild

Skills and where to find them
In this section of the guide I will show you were you can access the skills and where to find the characters in charge of teaching you skills. You can access these skills and see your progress by pressing the K button on your keyboard. Unfortunately the game does not tell you where you can find each skill so it takes a lot of exploration to find and obtain the different skills.

Currently I have access to 4 skills in Kynseed.


As of right now I don't know much about Melee. I think this skill is still in development but you can practice your skills in Rivermoor against different creatures.

Which is taught buy Jogon who resides in the middle of Rivermoor.


This is one of the easiest skills but the only difficulty I have found is finding the different kinds of fish to bring to Twig. I personally really enjoy fishing in the game for easy food access and just a calming feeling.

Fishing is taught by Twig who resides in Dreamers Nook


Cooking is a simple skill as long as you have the correct ingredients and the recipe. Make sure to use the proverbs to find different ingredients and herbs.

Mother Hubbard teaches cooking and resides in Candlewych Cottage


Gardening is an easy skill and can be improved by bringing items to Marshtyt and planting things in his garden.
Gardening is taught by Marshtyt in the Twanging Gardens.
Bought a shop? (buying and running a shop)
Did you buy a shop? If so I have a few tips and images that might help you navigate.

*Just a small note: depending on what store you buy and invest in the ledger will look different. The ledger for "Moon & Sons Emporium" will have different features than "Irons" because they deal with different goods. I will show examples of both to reference.*

"Moon & Sons Emporium"

First things first the Ledger is an important part of keeping up to date on your shop and your profit/loss.

There are multiple pages to the ledger that allow you to do various things. The second tab in the ledger looks at staff. In this part of the ledger you can higher and fire staff members. Running the shop by yourself can take up a lot of time and sometimes its hard to run the shop and leave time to explore and complete other tasks so I would recommend hiring a few people. Keep in mind that different characters have different abilities and skills so it may affect how your shop does.

With the Shop tab you can you can control their hours and which days your employees work.

The next tab looks at the status of your shop.

The edit shop tab allows you to sell your shop. (When I sold my shop I sold it for less of what I bought but it allowed me to keep at the inventory.)

--> You should receive a weekly progress report in the mail at the end of each week.

When you buy your shop you can switch out inventory with whatever you wish to sell. You can choose the prices. I suggest you start off with low prices to get a good rap with your customers then you can increase the prices as you go.

Customers will ask if you want to haggle. If you haggle correctly you will get a haggle score increase which often allows you to make more money. Be careful with this though.

Sometimes customers will come in and ask to sell things. Whether or not you buy those items is up to you.


I will now show you examples from "Irons" I renamed mine "Happy Irons" because why not?

The first part of the Ledger is "Orders" because I like to look at the orders and forge the items. I personally really enjoy rining "Irons"

The accounts are essentially the same for all shops.

Here you can see your workers stats and there shop experience. Over time there shop experience will increase and they will gain more skills.

*Remember to give your workers food to give them stamina and keep them happy a Pear is good for this because Pears give stamina*

One thing I found that was useful when running Irons is that you are able to order materials within two days. You can only do this after receiving a certain amount of reputation.

Reputation will allow you to reach other places and increase the number of costomers you get per day.

And obviously as you've seen above you can sell your shop but usually you sell it for a lot less then you bought it for.

I'm sure a lot of this information was a repeat of above but I hope this information was helpful. GOOD LUCK!
Mining and Forging
Tin Ore

You can find Tin Ore Candelwych Village (Burial grounds) and Willowdown Farm

Luminum Ore

You can find Luminum Ore in Tir Na Nog (The Fae Realm) As far as I know this is the only place you can get Luminum Ore.

Copper Ore

You can find Coper Ore in Homesteads, Poppyhill, and Mellowbrook.

Zinc Ore

You can find Zinc Ore in Outline.

*You can usually buy all these but I prefer to mine them*

If you own the iron shop you should be able to order these materials but it takes a couple of days.
Tir Na Nog (Access)

Just a quick note, If you want to gain access to Tir Na Nog you need to buy the lens from the Traveling trader in Vale.

Its about 1,000 coins to buy the lens.

I personally think this is a little dumb because you could go to Tir Na Nog without a lens before but its fine.

It is what it is, but if you have any questions regarding this or other aspects of the game I highly recommend talking to the developers on their Kynseed discord server.

You can find the server in the labeled section of this guides contents.

As always,

your overworked and exasperated, armature guide creator.
Full Map

Once you turn 18 in the game your characters appearance and you will be able to date other characters in the game.

In order to date someone you must present them with a Rose of Romance. If they say yes a date will be set automatically in the tasks and day section.

You will need to meet that character at the date, time, and location mentioned in the task section.

On the date you will be instructed to go other places and preform tasks so pay attention while you do this. The different tasks and locations will show up in your task bar for the game. Once the date is completed you are free to continue on in the game.

Welp... that's all I know for now.

I am currently still exploring and learning more about this process so I will update this section as soon as I'm able.

If you would like to share your own experiences or discoveries please feel free to comment below.

Happy exploring fellow Kynseed players!
Just a short note on getting milk for Pappy Cow from a Bumbabloopfnoop.

I contacted the developers on discord asking about this task and they informed me that they did not think that I could complete/participate in this task at the time.

I would suggest just removing the task from your list and move on.

If you receive any information regarding this task that is different from what you see here please comment and let me know so that I may update the information for others playing the game. Thanks in advance!

So, I recently received a comment that said you could complete the task of getting milk for Pappy Cow from a Bambaloopfnoop by getting the bambaloopfnoop to follow you and then supposedly you can milk it. perhaps the quest has been updated along with the terms of access to Tir Na Nog. I hope this is helpful. I've yet to complete this task due to ignoring it and probably being stupid but let me know in the comments if you are able to do this. Thanks in advance!
Controls (mouse and keyboard vs Controller)
Just a small note:

You can use either Mouse and Keyboard or a controller for this game.

However..... I will admit that I find the controls for the mouse and keyboard to be better for tasks such as fishing and character selection.

(I usually use the controller when i want to be lazy and lay in bed).
13 megjegyzés
shadowraven800 2024. márc. 1., 20:48 
this is awsome thanks !
Proximity | Nadayan 2023. jún. 24., 10:17 
Worzel Scumpy doesn't like Minnow. Got that info from the Uncle.
rodrigocns 2022. dec. 9., 20:38 
Ginger Nutt's Birthday is 5th autumn, and she likes moonfish (1st position)
Cult of Fortune 2022. dec. 9., 18:54 
-Or a head of cabbage, as that also causes the status effect needed (flatulence).
-Also, Moon (the Archery skillmaster) is in the eastern map (Drownville, something like that). She and Jogon both upgrade skills via monster drops higher than 1-star.
-Every smithing shop has a mold or two of equipment you can craft, and in my experience you will 'have to' craft better equipment than you can find (currently only 'finding' equipment at 1 star).
-Ore 'can' be found via digging and as monster loot, but isn't as reliable a source as the mines.
-Goddess offerings are now trade offers. You can only make 3 offerings, with 3 goddesses appeased and 3 snubbed, so you are actively choosing what to prioritize for the following week by doing so.
BoRus 2022. dec. 8., 18:04 
You can also feed Truffles a dandelion to get the mine key.
Adreya 2022. márc. 9., 0:32 
Can someone tell me where is the Bumbabloopfnoop is?
Nanna Santos 2022. jan. 1., 13:29 
Very helpful, thank you!
Missrebeccab 2021. dec. 12., 10:26 
SPLIT DUE TO WORD COUNT ERROR - Get your relationship up to "Love" with someone.Present them with a Rose of Romance - this will trigger a date. Go on your date and take them to wherever they request (so watch out for the speech). After the date, wait till Goddess day (7th or 14th) and go to Loverswood to get a White Rose (this is near the priest). On the 1st or 8th day of the month present the White Rose to your partner - this will activate a quest line to be married (Quest is called "Road to Marriage with XXX".
Missrebeccab 2021. dec. 12., 10:26 
Then the following occurs: Day 1: Go on a date - Day 2: Get some Charmweed (in Loverswood) - Day 3: Get an egg (pet a chicken and/or feed it) - Day 4: Get some flour (either purchase at the store or make some at a mill) - Day 5: Make a "Pie of You and I" (you are given this recipe so just go to your stove) - Then on Goddess day (either 7th or 14th) give the pie to the priest in Loverwood who will give you Bands of Binding. Gift the band to your partner and agree a date to marry. Go to get married (at the moment this occurs at Loverswood) at 1pm - activate the cut scene in front of the priest - congratulations you are married.
Phantom  [készítő] 2021. aug. 25., 18:05 
I will add that, thank you! :steamhappy: