Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

284 betyg
Chapter Idea: Bioshock
Av Sleep is for the weak
A concept idea I had in mind for bioshock in Dead by Daylight. Big thanks to Ludvig Van BlightHoven for the help with some of the perks.
Killer: Big daddy

Killer: Big Daddy

Name: Bouncer
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Hair Colour: Unknown
Eye colour: (unknown)
Power: Drill
Weapon: Drill.
Speed: 115%
Terror radius: 32 m.

Big daddy. The perfect recipe for work with no profit. That was their creation. To help within the rapture and to protect the little sisters as a bouncer, but this big daddy lost his little sister. Walking the halls of the rapture in frustration, as he looks around for any. Becoming more and more aggressive and violent. Turning into a killing machine, and causing fear to the populace. The perfect tool for the entity, and soon to await new orders.
Ability: The drill

-Drill Slam: The bouncer drills into the ground. Causing any survivors within radius to become slightly disoriented and slower for 2 seconds. (similar to clowns ability)

Second ability:

-Drill charge: The bouncer starts charging headfirst really fast with the drill. Downing any caught in attack. The charge can only go in the direction you face.

Mori: Drilling through the stomach of the survivor. Lifting them up in the air, before throwing them to the ground.

(Can drill through pallets with the charge, similar to hillbilly.)
Killer Perks:

1. Opportunist:
When missing a lunge attack, for the next 1/1,5/2 seconds your basic attacks will have no recovery at all. Has a cooldown of 50 seconds.

2. Hex: Cold feet:
Three totems will be inflicted with a hex that causes all survivors to move 15% slower for 10 seconds after cleansing.

3. Locomotion:
Each time a survivor breaks a totem or finishes a generator, gain a temporary 10% speed boost for 10 seconds.
Survivor: Elizabeth

Survivor: Elizabeth.

Age: 19 or 20.
Gender: Female
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Blue

Background: (Contains heavy spoilers)
With the power to manipulate tears in the fabric of time, and witnessing her own birth and undoing several times, through multiple dimensions, it is to no surprise it would harden Elizabeths mental stability. Especially when she drowned Booker, to prevent him from becoming the next Comstock, an evil man who neglected the world for his own needs to protect her, creating a paradox in the fabric of time and dimensions that stopped all the other Elizabeths, connecting them to her, but one Comstock survived the purge, but he could not live with himself. Knowing what he had done he altered his mind to forget it all. In doing so, he forgot his old self. He started life anew, and went back to his old name Booker. He adopted an orphan named sally, but his old habits would quickly come back, and the orphan would be kidnapped by a group.

Elizabeth followed after him. Determined to stop the last Comstock. In doing so she learned of the whereabouts of Sally,
and used this as a plot device for revenge. Letting Booker know where she would be. They find her, but now Elizabeth's plot of revenge sets in. She raises the temperature of where Sally is. Burning her alive, as Booker tries to free her. Remembering his past, and the other universes where he neglected Elizabeth. He tries to apologize, but one of the big daddies comes from behind and kills the last Comstock.

Elizabeths builds up a regret, realizing what she has done. She had become the very thing she swore revenge on. She decides to go back in time to save Sally, but in doing so loses her power over time.

She meets the revolutionary Atlas, who has Sally in his grasp. He demands the code for the Ace of the hole. A clue that would help him to win the revolution of the rapture. Elizabeth does as requested, gathering the password for the program. In their final confrontation, she trades the code for Sally, but Atlas has other plans. Ending her life right there. Elizabeth accepts her fate knowing Sally is safe, but as she closes her eyes for the last time, she finds herself woken up in a new place. Her bruise seemingly healed up. Without her power, she looked around in the dark foggy forest, as she realized that this was no ordinary place.

(Based on the ending of Burial at Sea)
Survivor Perks

1. A cry for help:
In the middle of a chase while injured, you’re able to scream your lungs out. Revealing the killers position and yours for 5 seconds to your comrades. (also reveals your location to the killer). You are able to use the ability two times in a game by a press of the ability button. Makes you the obsession.

2. Amor Animalibus:

You always had a heart for living beings, be they big or small. Once you snuck up to a crow without startling it, press the Ability button to befriend any crow in a 5m radius from you. If you are being chased by the killer and run past these crows, they will caw at your pursuer, momentarily messing up their vision for 5 seconds.

3. I’m on a roll:
Each time your break totem or finish a generator, gain a temporary 10% speed boost for 15 seconds.
New Map
Map: Rapture.

Enjoy the mysterious and errie view of the underwater city from the windows, as you fight your way through the dark halls of the once great Rapture.
This one was a little hard, and I am very uncertain with the balance here, but let me know what you think and we can do some tweaking. I think this would a really good licensed dlc for DBD that could bring a lot of traction. Big Daddy has become quite iconic in the game industry for killers.

I apologise if I butchered any lore. Let me know so I can fix it.

Also I have 3 more chapters coming up. So if you're interested in these, keep an eye out for more.
Here's one:
107 kommentarer
thatonedude 24 sep, 2024 @ 15:36 
bri'ish stfu blight and oni are also comparable to the hillbilly
Hyperion 29 maj, 2023 @ 18:33 
If you +rep me on my profile and say something like good Dead By Daylight player, really good killer etc... I will do the same for you :)
F00TLOKEH 17 okt, 2022 @ 6:27 
Would be cool to have as survivor Dewitt with Comstock legendary/epic skin.
So many potential
Blecis74 24 jul, 2022 @ 12:18 
Bioshock would be such a great chapter if they ever got the license, although I do fear the map would be alot like RPD
Sleep is for the weak  [skapare] 23 maj, 2022 @ 12:06 
Okay lol
Opendrill 22 maj, 2022 @ 5:59 
Sleep is for the weak  [skapare] 22 maj, 2022 @ 2:41
I want a map with this theme so bad.
Sleep is for the weak  [skapare] 22 maj, 2022 @ 2:25 
Its literally the power from the game. Whether you think its lazy or not, is fine, but its just the power he has from bioshock. Nothing more. Its word to word from his wiki. If you want something more original, maybe you should try and think of something together, instead of pushing your problem onto others and sound passive aggressive. Just an idea.

This is merely a concept as to how it could look, and why I think it could fit into DBD. It isn't meant to be anything crazy, as these concepts wont make it into the live game anyway. That's not my word. That's the word from the developers. This is just pure fanfiction concept, to spiral up some imagination and wishes for it. Showing the developers there's a bunch of people in the community who wants this in the game.

After that's been done. A whole team of developers will dissect the theme of bioshock and make something better or totally different from bioshock, but they need to know there's a desire for this in the game first.
Opendrill 2 maj, 2022 @ 4:42 
Killer power is just lazy, literally just Hillbilly. Think of something original.
AyoDakota99 23 feb, 2022 @ 19:33 
Maybe Jack or Eleanor can be legendary skins for Elizabeth and Subject Delta for Big Daddy