Doodle God Blitz

Doodle God Blitz

35 ratings
Instant DLC Unlocks
By Grimagin
Ima save all you freeloaders a lot of trouble, time, and money.

Disclaimer: Sorry, you still won't receive any cards unless you spend money in the game.
The Grind
So, you've been playing Doodle God for awhile now. You realize that if you want to unlock any of the extras simply by playing the game, it'll take forever to rack up a large sum of tokens. You figure it must take an eternity before you'll ever unlock your first Quest DLC.

So, you start playing in the daily tournaments. You discover everyone else is trying to use the same method. You always discover the next day that you never make it on the leaderboard and receive a measly 1 token for all your hard efforts.

You come at a crossroads when you want to unlock all of the achievements, but don't want to wait until your 90 years old in order to get the last one. You have to make a hard decision: do I keep playing the game, or do I consider this a loss and uninstall it for good?

You don't want to spend any money on the game because you don't have any. You want to keep an honest profile true to both Steam and Astats. You would never in a million years consider using SAM to bring dishonor to your good name.

After considering all of your options and almost giving up hope, you come to terms with the only one choice you have...

Beg to your friends and family, or anyone on the street, to give you their spare change. They tell you they're trying to makeup late payments on their last bills. Some say they're trying to save up so they can afford to buy the latest Apple iPhone. Others tell you to, "Get a job you lazy bum!"

You wake up with a massive migraine. You look around a realize you're in a hospital. The nurse notices that you're awake and tells you, "Please stay calm sir, you've taken massive trauma to the head."

You try to pick your arm up, but it won't move. You give the nurse a very confused and frightened look on your face and she replies, "The paramedics picked you up outside a bar 2 nights ago. Be thankful you're the lucky one."

You have no memory of what happened that night. A woman with a worried look on her face enters the room. She strokes her hand across your check, then takes a hold of your hand and begins to sob.

You try to speck, but only mange to make wheezy noises. You start to panic. The nurse administers a sedative, and soon you go out.

A week passes before you are discharged from the hospital. The woman from before, whom you have no recollection of, greets you at the entrance. You give her a puzzled look and ask, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" She laughs thinking you're just toying with her, "I'm your girlfriend silly."

To your dismay, you were being quite serious. The event must have really done a number on you if you can't even remember the face of your girlfriend. You decide to go with her, but you still don't trust her.

Back at the apartment, she helps you get [re]settled in. She offers you a towel and tells you to get yourself cleaned up. You take up the kind offer considering it's been a week since you've had a hot shower.

After putting on some new clothes that conveniently fit, you walk into the next room and notice the woman sitting at the computer. You ask her what she's up to. She responds, "Playing Doodle God."

You quickly swing around to the other side so you can see. You notice that's she's unlocked all of the achievements except for one. You must know how long she's been playing the game, so you ask.

She replies,


"Just started today."
The Solution
I hope you enjoyed reading my short fictional story.

Well... That it. There is no shortcut. You either have to earn those tokens, or die trying if you don't want to spend any money on this game.
The Real Solution
Just kidding guys! You thought I had you for a moment didn't you?

5 stars if you liked my short story and I fooled you at the end lol.

Look no further because I have an easy trick for you to bypass the ridiculous conversion ratio grind.
Each of the quests and expansions cost 1500 tokens a piece. After playing through all of the free content that's readily available from the start, you'll earn about 800-900 tokens. That's hardly anywhere close to even being able to unlock a single quest or expansion.

This game should be called "Doodle God Slug," not "Doodle God Blitz." Am I right?

Luckily the game is made using a supply of .xml files that are easily editable and manipulable. And, fortunately you have access to them all right from your local PC.

This is and should be fairly simple for those of you who know (what you're doing like me) how to read and edit them. You probably could have done this whole thing on your own without my help and the need to unnecessarily read my novella.

For those of you who need a little help and made it this far, I'm here to walk you through it.
So, first things first.

1. Open up the files to the game on your computer
This can be done a number of different ways, but I find the easiest and fastest is to just: right click the game in your steam library > manage > browse local files.

2. Hunting down the file you need to edit
Inside this directory there will be a number of sub-directories. You're going to follow this chain: data > shop.

Then open the single "commodities.xml" file in a text editor such as notepad.
You can do this by right-clicking the file > Open with > Notepad.

3. Editing the file
Scroll down about a third of the way down the file to line 127, or Find... (ctrl+f) this line of code: <BonusPack name="day1_pack1" day="1" chance="1">

The values that you'll want to change are the amounts for the commodities named "doodle_coin"
You can virtually set these to any number you want, but we're going to set them to "15000" as to not get carried away. This will provide you with enough coins to purchase 10 DLC with tokens.

4. Shortcomings
Unfortunately, this will take a bit of time (aka 24 hours).
If you've already been playing the game for 5 consecutive days and it doesn't roll over to start you off with a new week at day 1, just forgo playing the game for a day (in a 24 hour period).

5. Moving Forwards
If you're feeling savvy, and comfortable understanding what's being done here, feel free to modify and edit other key/value pairs in this file. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even explore the rest of the files and modify entries in those too.

If in the event you cause your game to stop functioning properly, don't fret. It's not permanent. All you have to do is delete the contents of the files you were playing around with and have steam verify them. It will notice they're not the same and reinstall them to their former original state.
Closing Remarks
If for whatever reason you are struggling with this guide, or I wasn't clear enough that requires the need for more help, please let me know in the comments below.

If this guide was helpful and I did manage to save you a lot of time because it worked for you, also let me know in the comments below.

If you enjoyed reading my story and had a good laugh like I did writing it, let me know if you would like to see more in the comments below.

Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it.
julikaiba 10 Feb @ 2:56pm 
editing the reward for achievements seems to also work, if you cant figure it out yourself its lines
<BonusPack name="doodle_coins_for_achievements" >
<Commodity name="doodle_coin" amount="1000" />

Editing the Rewards for quests, puzzles, and the hourly bonus seemed to not work in my testing however.

Also update to my previous comment: Mana amount of 1 doesnt seem to work, so just use 10000 or something if you need a lot of it
julikaiba 3 Feb @ 1:08pm 
<Commodity name="ha_fifty_fifty" amount="20" />
<Commodity name="ha_show_group" amount="20" />
<Commodity name="ha_show_ele" amount="20" />

are the hints for creating artifacts
julikaiba 3 Feb @ 12:53pm 
list of other options that should work:
<Commodity name="hint1" amount="20" /> for first kind of hint (hint2 or hint3 for the other kinds)
<Commodity name="dotted" amount="50"/> for the dotted line if nothing is available right now (amount might mean duration)
<Commodity name="undo1" amount="10"/> for the undos in the puzzle mode
<Commodity name="mana" amount="100" /> for the energy/lightningbolt you use to buy stuff (amount of one seems to mean infinite)
<Commodity name="light3" amount="10" /> unlimited devine glow, amount seems to be irrelevant? (light1 and light2 for the other two options)
<Commodity name="gray" amount="24" /> probably for the blue glow thingy (untested)
<Commodity name="disable_repetitions" amount="24" /> very likely for the, well, disabled repetition, not sure if amount is relevant

things im unsure of what they do:
Guilarai 12 Jan, 2024 @ 10:32am 
The story was fun XD
Wyrmlaid 30 Sep, 2023 @ 12:52am 
also is there a way to just get achievements in DGB that verifies with steam
Wyrmlaid 30 Sep, 2023 @ 12:27am 
thanks mate but is there a way to get more crystals
xaidendudley 20 Sep, 2023 @ 6:07pm 
good soup
Subversion 13 May, 2023 @ 10:37am 
I love the intro, LOL so good :cupup:
CrunchyWax 19 Dec, 2022 @ 2:28pm 
how do i get energy/electricity?:steamsad:
CrunchyWax 22 Oct, 2022 @ 11:25am 