Raji: An Ancient Epic
Exploring The Fortress
โดย Yoo Bro
Find all Favor orbs in The Fortress of Jaidhar... Here's a guide to claim all 5 Orb of Jaidhar.
Orb 1 of Jaidhar
You will automatically earn the first Orb as you walkthrough Jaidhar where you will have to ring the bell.
Orb 2 of Jaidhar
Once you get here, go to your left staircase
It should take you here
You will able to claim your Orb here
Orb 3 Of Jaidhar
Once you have reached the gate of Jaidhar go to your left
It should lead you here and prepare your Trishul for a battle
Climb on top here and claim your 3rd Orb
Orb 4 of Jaidhar
Once you have reached the palace make a right
You will able to find scaffold to climb on
On top here you may claim your 4th Orb
Orb 5 of Jaidhar
After exiting the palace you should able to get here
Go to edge of your left to claim your 5th Orb which will be hidden
1 ความเห็น
blinkingharder 22 พ.ค. 2021 @ 1: 23pm 
Orb 4 scaffold area is bugged. I can now walk on air with no way to continue or interact with the rest. Need to restart to clear this