

Ei tarpeeksi arvosteluja
"Hellhound" Heavy Corvette
Lisää suosikkeihin
Lisätty suosikkeihin
Poista suosikeista
Type of Build: Ship
Material: Iron, Trinium, Xanion
Game Stage: Mid Game
573.552 KB
21.10.2020 klo 11.08
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
"Hellhound" Heavy Corvette

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä FELDruebe
Retrograde Solutions GmbH
16 luomusta
The first ship design, made solely by Retrograde Solutions GmbH in 2890C.E. . As their old ships started falling apart they needed to design new ships. Its developement was going slow, since Retrograde was lacking real engineers. They were good at repairing and improvising, but not at designing something completely new. The first ships built of this design were rushed, and still needed repairs, upgrades and improvements in many areas. It was in 2898C.E. when this design was considered "done". After some more years of polishing and improvements it was slowly getting a reputation of a mean little gunship.

The Version you can see here is being built since 2910C.E. . Its is made to be fast and manuverable, since it mostly was going in close combat, right between the enemy ships, destroying critical systems like Engines. By flying in close these ships lead to friendly fire in tight enemy formations or can constantly chew away on big and slow enemy ships, as they outmanuvered them. Manuverability was important when fighting against the empire, especially when the ship was operated by dedicated crews like those of Retrograde. Another use for it is scouting, since it has some extraordinarily good sensors for its size, a gift after helping Blink Industries regaining posession of a stolen prototype. It would lurk in asteroid fields or wreckage fields, its energy signature minimized by shutting off anything unimportant.

Nimbleness is not its only protection, its completely armored and also has a bit protection by shields plus 2 Pointdefenses.The crews of Retrograde could make good use of its armament, which consists of 2 Bolters and 2 Chainguns.

It also features 3 Multipods, 2 in the back and 1 between the front engines, for additional upgrades.