Legend of Grimrock
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No Spider Mod
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31 янв. 2014 г. в 10:26
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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No Spider Mod

This mod is for all you guys out there who suffer from arachnophobia like I do. I just couldn't play this nice little game because of all these disgusting crawlers in it.

So this is exactly the same as the original game, except there are no more spiders in it. All spider mobs have been replaced by skeleton warriors, snails, scavengers or green slimes. Spider eggs have been removed without substitution.

The mod is based on the excellent work of KOMAG, who has done the outstandig remake of the original game. So please all kudos to him, all I did was changing some objects.

Played and tested on version 1.3.7.

PS: To use this mod you have to load a custom dungeon, not start new game (thx to user HughMann for the comment).
Комментариев: 50
Zale 15 окт. 2023 г. в 14:47 
Could you possibly make a mod that removes snails?
Homer Yaoi 14 дек. 2022 г. в 22:28 
a videogame is a great way to face your fears, just saying
HughMann 27 ноя. 2017 г. в 5:39 
So to use this mod you have to LOAD CUSTOM DUNGEON, not start new game. Just a warning for those who need it, because I needed it.
worshipsleep 18 июн. 2017 г. в 11:02 
I like how this mod doesnt get rid of the giant crab, which are also arachnids. I'll never be able to finish this fuckin game it seems lol
Johnny Mnemonic 14 дек. 2016 г. в 17:52 
Picked this up in hope I can finish at least one of these games. Any possibility that there will be a sequel, for Grimrock 2? Any other suggestons are welcome, I found a spider puzzle, solved it, and then found some big mothers after that. Literally "NOPE"d out of the game.
MeatWizrd 26 июл. 2016 г. в 19:35 
You sir are a godsend. Those vile beings have poisoned me for the last time! Thanks you to, I might finally be able to move on with my quest. Thank you, sir.
Jonny 5ive 21 июл. 2016 г. в 22:25 
hey I have subscribed and to this mod and added it to collections - still spiders in Grimrock :(

This is a bummer because I love that game but can't get past level 3 where dem boiis first show up. I hate the dang spiders man, they freak me out.

Is this working for others? what more must I do in addition to subscribing in order to get the mod to function?
Milk O'Malley 9 июл. 2016 г. в 16:11 
God bless you.
Jalathas 27 мая. 2016 г. в 20:12 
Thanks! I'm not sure why I didn't look for this sooner. Does anyone know if any of the other custom maps are arachnophobe-friendly?
CookieHuntress 31 мар. 2016 г. в 7:26 
You are the Fucking Saviour