Panzer Corps 2

Panzer Corps 2

163 ratings
Commendations, Caches, and Collectables
By calecw
A Guide to Commendation Rewards, Hidden Caches, and some other things found in the Axis Operations Campaigns.
For those of you who want to know when and what you can buy with Commendation Points, what goodies can be found in hidden caches, and some other special units and events that pop up, I decided to take it upon myself to find and note these things down and share them with you all, along with some commentary on them. I've also added in some brief notes regarding which missions have Bonus Objectives, as well as a running tally of the total Commendations you could have earned vs spent. I will not be going into detail about these Bonus Objectives or how to complete them, as that's a bit outside the scope of this guide.

Please note that:
A) Any commentary on the various units and other rewards are simply my personal opinion. Feel free to bring up your own experiences and opinions on these things, cause I very well could have missed something.
B) I haven't played much with Retrograde, so most of my opinions assume you are playing without it. Similarly, I love me some Trophies of War, so I had to actively make sure I compared units more to the standard German units and not my arsenal of captured equipment.

Anyway, let's get on with what you're all here for:
Axis Operations: Spanish Civil War
There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map. And they both give 1 Commendation each.
Total: Earned 2/Spent 0

The first mission of the Spanish Civil War is the location of our first hidden cache. If you can manage to run a ship loaded with one of your Spanish army of Africa units east, you can have them land at Gibraltar, where they find a set of 19 203mm M1931 artillery.
The 203mm is the biggest, baddest artillery piece you'll find during the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, you can only acquire it here and in the only other cache you can find during this Campaign, so keep it safe or you'll quickly lose it.

I doubt I anyone doesn't know that capturing the Airfield at 13,15 spawns a trio of Ju52 bombers, so I'll just cut to the commentary.
The Ju52s are pretty much mandatory to pull off one of the Bonus Objectives on this map, but after that their only real use is the fact that they are the only Strategic Bombers you'll have available for a while, especially if you're running Retrograde.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 4/Spent 0

Remember that other cache of the Spanish Civil War I mentioned? If you send a unit up along the top of the map to a Village at coordinates 20,4 you'll find said cache. This one contains another 10 203mm M1931s, as well as 10 122mm M10/30 artillery pieces as well.
The 122mm is another good artillery unit compared to your current German guns. However, the only way you'll be able to get replacements if it takes damage is to capture more from the Republicans.

And now we arrive at our first chance to spend those commendations you've been racking up (You have been completing those Bonus Objectives right?)! At the start of the mission, you have the opportunity to spend 3 Commendations for some captured equipment: 35 Trubia tanks and 35 UNL-35 recon units.
The Trubia is a nifty little tank that is superior to your Panzer IAs. However, pretty much every other tank you'll encounter or buy during the Civil War are better, even the Panzer IBs. Still a useful unit during the early game, especially with Retrograde.
The UNL is in a similar boat, in that it's better than your German recon units, but not as good as the enemy AACs and BAs. On the other hand, you don't get better German recon units besides the starting one, so the UNL can remain useful the entire campaign.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 6/Spent 3

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 8/Spent 3

Early Madrid
At the start of this mission, if you spend a mere 2 Commendations, then on turn 2 you get one of, in my opinion, the best Commendation Rewards in both the Spanish Civil War and 1939 Campaigns: the Verdeja 2 tank Gift Unit.
Frankly, the Verdeja 2 is the bastard love child of the mobility of a BT-5 and the firepower of a T-26. Hands down the best tank in this Campaign, and remains competitive against the various German, French, Polish, and Russian tanks you run into throughout 1939. I expect it to continue to serve well though the defeat of France, although I'm less certain of it's chances against the T-34s and KV-1s that are bound to show up once we get to Russia...

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 8/Spent 5

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Escorting the prisoners to safety earns 2 Commendations, while capturing all Victory Points earns 1.
Total: Earned 11/Spent 5

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 12/Spent 5

The start of this mission brings another opportunity to buy some captured enemy equipment. The 3 Commendations you spend this time earn you some better rewards that the last stash you bought, giving you 25 T-26 tanks and 25 I-16 fighters.
The T-26 is one of the best tanks the Republicans have alongside the BT-5, and now you can have your own to replace your lackluster Panzers. It's even historically accurate, considering the Nationalists prized them enough that they put out a bounty to be rewarded to anyone who managed to capture a T-26 in working condition.
The I-16s are more of mixed bag. The are better that you initial biplane Fighters, but unless you are playing Retrograde you should have HE 112s by now, which are roughly on par at minimum and don't have limited numbers.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 13/Spent 8

Regardless of which path you took, at the start of either of these mission you are given a choice: Pay 50% of your current amount of Prestige and receive 12 Commendations, or don't. Honestly, I have a hard time coming up with a reason not to invest in these Prestige sinks, especially this one considering a certain high cost Commendation Reward coming up.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 26/Spent 8

An opportunity for another Gift Unit arrives at the start of the mission. 3 Commendations nets you a Panzer 2A on Turn 2.
The Panzer IIA is kinda lackluster compared to the other Gift Unit you get during this campaign, but it's cheap and better than your Panzer Is. If you are playing the Trophies of War game and have a few T-26s and/or Bt-5s though, you can probably skip this one.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map, and it grants 2 Commendations
Total: Earned 28/Spent 11

At the start of this infamous mission, we arrive at the primary argument for taking that Prestige Sink back in Zaragoza or Gijon. For a whopping 10 Commendations, you get your first Super Hero: Adolf Galland.
Galland provides a significant boost to whichever Fighter or Tactical Bomber he is assigned to. +2 to Initiative and +2 Air Attack make give him an edge against enemy aircraft, while Aiming Assistance and Leadership provide support for nearby units. And of course, as a Legendary Hero he generates Prestige for you just by existing. As much as I love the Verdeja, if you are only going to aquire 1 Commendation Reward during the Spanish Civil War, it should probably be this guy.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 29/Spent 21

While there are technically no Bonus Objectives, fulfilling the Main Objective of destroying 10 Convoys does earn you 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 30/Spent 21

Madrid 39
To wrap up the Spanish Civil War, the start of this mission gives you the opportunity to resupply your stock of captured equipment you may have acquired through previous Commendation rewards. For 3 Commendations you get 30 T-26s. 30 Trubias, 30 UNL-35s, and 30 I-16s.

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Final Total: Earned 30/Spent 24
Axis Operations: 1939
Starting things off, we have several things happening this mission.
Firstly, at the start you receive 5 Commendations for free. All you have to do is make sure you don't fully kill any enemies, or you lose all 5.

Secondly, if you are NOT importing a Core Force from the Spanish Civil War, you start this Campaign with 6 Heroes, 5 of which are random. The 6th is a guy named Siegfried von Bonde.
Von Bonde is an interesting Hero. He's better than the standard Heroes you get every mission, but not quite as good as the ones you can buy with Commendations like Galland. His Artillery Support and AT Support abilities allow you to turn any Unit into a makeshift Anti-Tank, although how good it performs depends on which unit you assign him to.

Finally, on turn 2, regardless of whether you imported a Core Force or not, you receive a Gift Unit in the form of Spanish volunteers, the Azul-Infantrie.
Your Spanish friends are a fine addition to your army. Their defensive stats are matched only by your Grenadiers, while their more average offensive stats are boosted by the Rapid Fire 1.5x trait they possess. They also have nifty hats.

You remember those 5 Commendations you get at the start of this Campaign? I hope you didn't lose them, because at the start of this mission you get the option to spend 5 Commendations for a new Super Hero: Albert Kerscher.
Kerscher is a Tank/Anti Tank specialist, and his +3 Initiative, Tank Killer, and Aggressive Counterattack make him a terror to enemy tanks. He's also Famous, so more Prestige just for exisiting. If you happen to have von Bonde, pairing the them together is a potent combo.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map, deploying 3 Minefields gives 1 Commendation, and all 6 Minefields gives an additional 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 9/Spent 5.

At a flag placed in some rough terrain at 27,20 you'll find the first cache of 1939: 5 Char B1 tanks.
The Char B1 is one of the 2 tanks competing for the title of best French Tank (We'll get to it's competitor later.). Even your new Panzer 38(t)s only beat this titan in speed. The Char B boasts high defensive stats, although it's speed isn't the greatest. However, unless you are playing the capture game, with only 5 Char Bs you can't field any of these lumbering behemoths...yet.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map, raiding St Avold gives 2 Commendations
Total: Earned 12/Spent 5.

In the part of the city of St. Avold closest to the river, you'll find another cache: another set of 5 Char B1s! Now you can actually field a unit of them!

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map, raiding Orenthal gives 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 15/Spent 5.

If you lay siege Orenthal and manage to claim the Airfield, you'll be rewarded with 7 more Char B1s (Noticing a pattern yet?).

There are 3 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 18/Spent 5.

I hope you like the Char B1, because by taking Forbach itself you receive another 5 (For better or worse, this is the last one.).

We get 2 Events this mission. At the start, you get the option to spend 6 Commendations for a familiar face from Panzer Corps 1: Oleh Dir.
Dir is an Infantry Hero, providing a very useful +2 Movement boost to the often slower Infantry. He also gives +2 Initiative and Precision Weapon, pakcing a stronger punch. And of course, like the other Super Heroes, he's a Famous guy.

For another 6 Commendations on Turn 2, you can purchase a a stash of 35 Somua S35 parts, 10 of which show up on the map as an extra Unit on Turn 3. (The way the event reads and the similarity with the Verdeja and Panzer IIA Events in SCW made me think that this was a Gift Unit, but actually is just a Captured Unit stockpile.)
The Somua S35 is the Char B1s competitor for best French tank I mentioned earlier. While it has less defense than the Char B1, it's still a flat upgrade in pretty much every way to your Panzer 38(t)s.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 20/Spent 17.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 22/Spent 17.

We have 2 caches to plunder on this map at the villages at 33,36 and 40,32, both of which contain 7 7TPdws and 7 SP wz. 29s each.
Both the 7TPdw and the SP wz. 29s main selling point compared to your German counterparts is their Rapid Fire 1.5x trait. This somewhat makes up the difference for their weaker stats, but with these caches being the only place to get them (outside of captures), they probably aren't worth it. Which is a shame considering these are the the last caches of 1939.

Whichever route you pick, at the start of the mission you receive a new Gift Unit for free, and Armored Train.
The Armored Train is an artillery unit with great mobility, but heavily limited by the fact that it can only move via rail. It's free though, so just make sure to check the map before deploying it.

Time for the 1939 Prestige Sink. At the start of either mission you can pay 75% of your prestige for 14 Commendations. Much like with the Prestige Sink during the Spanish Civil War, you can expect a reason for this massive amount of resources soon.

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 36/Spent 17.

I told you it would be soon. At the start of the mission, you are given the opportunity to spend 8 commendations to investigate rumors of a Russian prototype plane. If you spend these Commendations, you will get a report that they found only garbage (18 PZL P.11c and 19 I-15 fighters as well as 17 PZL P.37B Los bombers) EVERY TIME. The important thing is that if you do spend those points, when turn 5 rolls around you are given the choice to spend 4 more Commendations to continue the search. If you spend that, then on Turn 9 you'll receive a report informing you of success, and you receive a Gift Unit of an Il-2 Sturmovik.
The P.11cs, I-15s, and P.37Bs are all inferior to your German planes, even with Retrograde. The are, indeed, garbage.
The Il-2, on the other hand, is a different story. People like me who enjoy the Bf110s versatility will love this plane, which is as good in a dogfight as the Bf110 while having bombing capabilities only slightly worse that your Ju87s. Even if you don't bother ever using it to fight another plane, it's still basically a Ju87 that isn;t as much of a sitting duck. You pretty much have to take the Prestige Sink if you want this though. 12 Commendations is a very hefty price tag if you just try to save your Commendations from missions, and runs the risk of missing out on other important rewards, namely Kerscher and Dir.

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 36/Spent 33.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map, and it gives 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 38/Spent 33.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map, and it gives 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 40/Spent 33.

We're ending 1939 with a bang. If you pay 5 Commendations at the start of this mission, you receive 35 KV-2s.
The KV-2 is just a monster of a tank at this point, and unfortunately has the Slot requirements to prove it. It's a shame you only get it for one scenario of 1939, even moreso considering Denmark really doesn't have much of anything that can really compete with it.

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: Earned 40/Spent 38.
Axis Operations: 1940, Part 1
Let's start off with what you get when you start 1940 without importing a Core from 1939: 9 Heroes both new and old. Alongside some random Heroes, you get Adolf Galland from the SCW, Siegfried von Bonde from starting 1939 without a Core, and you also get 2 new special Heroes: Reinhardt Herzog and Ludwig Mittermeier.
Herzog possessed First Strike and Phased Movement, making him a good choice to put on your front line Tanks and Infantry with Phased Movement opening up maneuverability options while First Strike give them an edge in combat.
Mittermeier is an interesting Hero; possessing both Evasive and Liberator, he fits in with any Ground Unit you don't want getting too shot up while also giving bonuses for taking Flags with the unit.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map. Protecting the landed planes earns 3 Commendations.
Total: 4 Earned/0 Spent.

If you manage to destroy the fortress that's harrassing the Blucher and take the Supply Hex it is positioned on, you recivie a stockpile of 30 Wurfrahmen 40.
The Wurframen 40 is a powerful self-propelled rocket artillery. much better than the Sturmpanzer I which is currently your only other choice for self-propelled artillery. It is slot heavy like all good artillery with a cost of 5 Slots, and capturing that island is a major challenge, but the reward is definitely worth it.

Totally not Czechoslovakia
It is here on turn 5 that you can spend 3 Commendations to support women in auxiliary roles, granting the special Hero Elsa Kloss.
Kloss is an Artillery Hero, and provides any Artillery assigned +3 Ammo and +1 Range. Despite not giving any special Traits, this is still a potent buff, as many of the more powerful Artillery have very limited stocks of ammunition, and extra range is always useful for an Artillery.

There are 0 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 4 Earned/3 Spent.

Valkenburg/Eben Emael
There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 6 Earned/3 Spent.

On the Netherlands branch, in Valkenburg Raid, capturing the De Kooy Naval Airbase earns you 30 Fokker D.XXI.
The Fokker D.XXI is a poor reward compared to the last Cache, as it is a vastly inferior Fighter compared to the German Fighters you should have available at this time.

Our next Commendation Reward costs 4, and is a Neubaufahrzeug Gift Unit, deployed immediately.
The Neubaufahrzeug is an interesting addition. Slower and slightly less armored than the Panzer III and IVs, it's Rapid Fire 1.5x combined with superior Attacks stats to aforementioned Tanks makes this a a powerful, if slightly more fragile, asset to your army.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on Grebbeberg, which rewards 3 Commendations.
There are 2 Bonus Objectives on Hannut, of which destroy 20 French Units earns 2.
Total: 9 Earned/7 Spent.

On the Belgium branch, in Hannut, on a Flagged hill at coordinates 2,18, you'll find a cache of 10 Char B1s.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 10 Earned/7 Spent.

A Village near the southeast corner at coordinates 30,48 contains 5 Char B1s.

A central Airfield at coordinates 17,25 yields 30 Breguet 693 Tactical Bombers.
Unfortunately, the Breguet continues the trend of captured aircraft being inferior to your German ones. It does have a decent amount of extra range compared to your 87s, so there is at least a use for it if you wish.

And finally, the town of Dinant just across the river at the north end of the map contains a treasure trove of 25 AMC 35s, 15 Hotchkiss H35s, and 15 Panhard 178s.
AMC 35s are almost identical to your 38(t)s, with 1 extra point of Hard Attack, and are decently competitive against the early Panzer III and IVs.
The H35s main strength is it's high defense, however your 38(t)s, IIIs, and IVs all have as good or better defense, along with significantly more attack power. easily the least valuable of the equipment here.
The Panhard is a potent Recon unit, with stronger stats at the cost of not having Rapid Fire 1.5x like most of your German Recons.

Time for this chapter's Prestige Sink. Half your Prestige can be traded for 7 Commendation Points. Interestingly, declining this Prestige Sink causes a number of enemy Colonial Infantry to spawn.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 19 Earned/7 Spent.

The town of Vimy north of Arras contains 15 Matilda Is and 10 Matilda IIs.
The Matilda I is plagued with a dismal 3 Movement but otherwise its stats and Rapid Fire 1.5x are roughly on par with your 38(t)s.
The Matilda II is a straight upgrade to it's counterpart in most categories even with the loss of Rapid Fire 1.5x, allowing it to be competitive against your IIIs and IVs, however it retains that unfortunate 3 Movement.

There is 1 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 20 Earned/7 Spent.

The Airfield at Kortrijk near the northeast corner of the map has a stash of 35 D.520 Fighters.
The D.520 is a much more welcome addition to your air force than previous aircraft caches, as it's essentially identical to your Bf 109Es but with extra range.

We got 7 Commendations at Arras, and now for 7 Commendations we can recruit a new special Hero: Heinrich Bar.
Bar is a Fighter Hero that grants a devastating combo of Double Attack and a +1 Bonus to Air Attack. He is also Famous, so enjoy the extra Prestige.

There are 4 Bonus Objectives on this map.
Total: 24 Earned/14 Spent.

There is 1 Bonus Objective on this map. which grants 2 Commendations.
Total: 26 Earned/14 Spent.

This reward works a bit differently than most. instead of using your regular Commendation, you instead have to use 'Special' Commendation earned through this map's Special (Not Bonus) Objectives of destroying the Char 2C and capturing Neufchateau. The special reward for this endeavor? The Char 2C itself, as captured stock totaling at 35.
On one hand, the Char 2C has 3 Movement, which is bad. On the other hand, the Tank makes up for it by being a mobile fortress, with a massive 21 Ground Defense and Firepower on par with any of the other Tanks available at this time. Overall an extremely powerful, if slow, asset to your forces.

Instead of Bonus Objectives, this map gives Special Objectives, which upon completing give you Special Commendation Points used exclusively for this map's Commendation Reward.
Total: 26 Earned/14 Spent.

Taking the Lovasz Residence on the north end of the island causes the discvery of 9 Spitfire Mk.IIs (So close!) and 25 Hurricane Mk.IIC.
While the Spitfire is overall superior to your Bf 109Es, the Bf 109Fs you get in Dover it's a trade of 1 Initiative for 1 Air Defense. Still useful, especially if Retrograde or the new Collector Challenge are active.
Like the Spitfire, the Hurricane is better than the 109Es, but only on par with the 109Fs. The Hurricane does have an interesting quirk in that it has 4 Hard Attack, quadruple any of the other Fighters available and only 1 less than the Bf 110D, giving it some interesting ground attack possibilities.

Interestingly, Dover presents not a Prestige Sink, but the first Prestige Reset. You can have your Current Prestige be set to 8500, and gain 9 Commendation Points

There are 2 Bonus Objective on this map.
Total: 37 Earned/14 Spent.

We finally get the chance to field some Spitfires, as in exchange for 6 Commendations you can buy 31 Spitfire Mk.IIs.

If the Blucher survived Fornebu, it arrives on Turn 1 to assist your naval forces.

There are 2 Bonus Objective on this map.
Axis Operations: 1940, Part 2
We can spend 8 Commendations here for more British equipment, this time 35 Matilda IIs.

There are 2 Bonus Objective on this map, raiding London gives 2 Commendations.
Total: 43 Earned/28 Spent.

If you can get a unit to the northwest corner and take control of the Great West Aerodrome provides you with, of all things, a single unit of Meteor Mk.III jet Fighters.
What can I say? It's a late war Jet Fighter in 1940, the only reason it isn't overpowered beyond belief is the fact that you only get a single one.

We can spend 9 Commendations here for one final batch of mixed British equipment: 9 Matilda IIs, 11 Spitfire Mk.IIs, 7 Hurricane Mk.IICs, and a new acquisition of 29 Beaufighter Mk.IFs.
The Beaufighter is Fighter-Bomber like your Bf 110s, and it is much better at it. An complete overall upgrade if you like using Fighter-Bombers.

There are 2 Bonus Objective on this map. Sinking the Royal Navy earns 2.
Total: 46 Earned/37 Spent.

There are 2 Bonus Objective on this map.
Total: 48 Earned/37 Spent.

Our final Commendation Reward is the option to spend 4 Commendations to 'borrow' some Italian Prototypes: giving you 35 L6/40 Lf Tanks and 35 20/70 Quadruplo self-propelled AA guns.
It's difficult to compare the L6/40 Lf to your German machines, as we do not yet have access to any German flamethrower Tanks. It's stats are good, and it fills a niche we currently lack unless you captured some OT-133s in the past, so definitely a useful aquisition.
The 20/70 is better armored and better at fighting against ground based enemies compared to your SdKfz mounted AA guns, making it an excellent option for mobile AA.

There are no Bonus Objectives on this map.
Final Total: 48 Earned/41 Spent.
Axis Operations: 1941 East, Part 1
Starting off with the non-import campagn starting linup we have the nerfed Adolf Galland, Siegfried von Bonde, Reinhardt Herzog, and Ludwig Mittermeier all returning from the 1940 start, alongside Esla Kloss from a 1940 Commendation Reward. Joining the roster of Hero aces are 5 newcomers: Volkhardt Kautz, Markus von Reuenthal, Wolfgang Schneider, Friedrich von Kraken, and Helmut Kielb. Also, fun fact, while comparing the lineup to the 1940 one, I noticed that most, if not all the new 2 Trait Heroes were single Trait heroes in 1940 (and presumably 1939). Nice to see some people getting promoted for their hard work. :mrgreen:
Volkhardt Kautz was already an devastating Hero with the coveted Rapid Fire x2, but with Readiness any Unit he is assigned to becomes becomes even more dangerous for enemies to attack.
Markus von Reuenthal gains Low Profile, granting a survivability boost alongside his previous Scavenger Trait, making him a pretty great Hero for a dedicated capture unit, or if you aren't bothering with captures he now actually holds some value.
Wolfgang Schneider becomes a powerhouse for high Slot towed guns and Infantry as he gains Fast Deployment to combo with his previous Zero Slot trait.
Friedrich von Kraken is released to become a champion of the Overstrength Mechanic by adding Consolidator to his Reduced Slots. The Unit he starts in also starts with 5 points of Overstrength already to make full use of his new skills.
Helmut Kielb combines Prudent and Double Support, an interesting combo with useful applications for frontline AT guns and possibly Fighters.

In other news, you receive a batch of 30 38M Toldi I tanks from your Hungarian friends on Turn 2.
The Toldi has the unfortunate circumstance of having identical stats to your Panzer IICs that have unlimited replacements, leaving it uses limited to primarily flavor purposes or for runs using Collector. On the other hand, it's free so you can't complain too much.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map. Searching for the Prince gives 2 Commendations while Wagner Surviving gives 1 (We'll be seeing a lot of Wagner running around needing protection throughout the campaign so be prepared. Really wish he was in something a bit more armored like a Panzer or something though :? ...)
Total: Earned 3/Spent 0

Only 1 Bonus Objectives on this map an it gives 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 5/Spent 0

2 Bonus Objectives for 2 Commendations each.
Total: Earned 9/Spent 0

Our first Commendation Reward is 19 Bf 109Z Prototypes which you can buy for 4 Commendations at the Scenario start.
If you like the Bf 110s Fighter/Bomber capabilities, the 109Z is a straight upgrade, albeit at the cost of costing an extra Deployment Slot in comparison.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map, each giving 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 11/Spent 4

We also have out first Cache in the out of the way town of Kouvela, guarded by a 30 Strength unit of Australian Infantry. The prize being 29 Cruiser Mk.II CS Assault Guns.
These Assault Guns are cheaper and faster than the StuGs you currently have for Assault Guns, but have less Soft Attack and Ground Defense in exchange.

Operation Mercury
At the start we have another opportunity for a Prototype aircraft purchase, this time 19 He 111Zs for 5 Commendations.
Much like the 109Z vs 110 comparison, the 111Z has better overall stats than any of your regular Strategic Bombers at this time, but costs an additional Deployment Slot. Personally, I'm not a fan of Strategic Bombers in general, and with certain other rewards approaching this is probably my first pick to skip.

Also, be warned, despite saying that you will get landing craft to transport tanks and other ground units eventually, you are in fact stuck only with Air Transports for this mission even if you sink the Royal Navy. Keep that in mind when deploying and make sure you have plenty of parachutes.

Meanwhile, on Turn 18 you are presented an important choice. You can choose to trade Adolf Galland for 100 Bf 109Gs. While the 109Gs are a flat upgrade that you are getting roughly a year early with plenty of stock, I'm personally not sold on it being worth losing an elite Hero like Galland. Definitely not if I bought him in SCW, although with the nerfed version you get at the start of 1940 and 41 I might be a bit more tempted. Of course, there is always the chance of this decision having further rewards and impacts in future Campaigns, so my opinion may change.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on this map, capturing VPs gives 2 and destroying aircraft gives 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 14/Spent 9

In the middle of Crete on an airfield at 32,31 you'll find a cache full of 19 Spitfire Mk IIs, 19 Beaufighter Mk.IF, and 29 Stirling Mk.Is.
The Stirling is the only new reward compared to previous Campaigns, and its a bit of a disappointment. Much like the He 111Z it costs an extra Deployment Slot compared to your German Bombers, but unlike the 111Z it's stats are much weaker, making that extra Slot much more crippling to the Stirling's usefulness.

Totally Not Poland
Oh boy, oh boy, for a Training Mission there is a lot to cover here.
First, at the start you are given the opportunity to buy 19 Sturer Emil Prototypes for 3 Commendations. They also mention another Tank Destroyer offer which is presented on Turn 2, again paying 3 Commendations but this time for a 10.5cm K Gepanzerte (Sfl.), AKA the Dicker Max, Gift Unit that spawns on Turn 3. IMPORTANT NOTE! You can in fact purchase both of these Commendation Rewards if you have enough Commendations. However, the way that this Campaign is set up, if you bought both the 109Z and He 111Z then even if you met every Bonus Objective you will only have 5 Commendations and thus can only afford 1 of these. So plan accordingly on which Reward you are more comfortable with passing on.
The Sturer Emil is a powerful Tank Destroyer that blows your current Panzerjagers out of the water.
The 10.5cm Gepanzerte isn't quite as powerful as the Sturer Emil, but is still superior to the Panzerjager and has unlimited reinforcements compared to the Emil. However it is stuck at only 5 Strength, although if you aren't playing with No Overstrength this is easily rectified, as with only a base Slot cost of 2, Overstrengthing it to 10 only makes it worth 4 Slots (or 6 if you use a Consolidator Hero or a mere 3 if you use von Kraken who feels like he was designed for this role.).

Next on the agenda, if you picked up that Meteor Cache near London Willy Messerschmitt turns up on Turn 5 asking for it, and you can choose to give it to him on Turn 6. No reward for doing this at this time save for an unusable set of 5 Me 262s, but considering the only other option is to destroy the Meteor you might as well accept. (Something tells me this indicates an Me 262 or Meteor Gift Unit/Prototypes given to us a fair bit earlier than expected.)

And finally, we finally get the chance to recruit Hans Rudel on Turn 7, and he doesn't even cost a thing! He arrives on Turn 8 if you accept.
Rudel is a Tactical Bomber Hero with Legendary as well as your choice of Traits from the following 3 pairs: Double Attack or Double Move, Aggressive Counterattack or Lightning Attack, and Ignores Entrenchment or Tank Killer. Pretty much all of these are amazing Traits for Tactical Bombers, and guarantee Rudel will be a tremendous force multiplier for any Bomber he's assigned to.

Total: Earned 14/Spent 12 (or 11 or 10 depending on if you skipped the 109Z or 111Z Rewards to get both of the Tank Destroyers)
Axis Operations: 1941 East, Part 2
Upon arrival we have a Prestige Sink that for once doesn't give Commendations but equipment. Your Axis allies in Italy and Hungary offer to sell you some tanks for 50% of your Prestige, giving 35 M14/41, 35 L6/40 Lf, and 35 Toldi Is.
Like the Cache on Crete the M14 is the only new piece of equipment here, and stat wise it's closer in parity to the Pz38(t) than your PzIII and IVs.

Regardless of the Prestige Sink, Hungary, Romania, and Spain decide to give you some additional equipment for free on Turn 7. 35 R1 tanks, 35 Ca.135 Bombers, and probably the best of all the support sent this Scenarios; a Gift Unit of Azur Infantry, bringing your total to 2 of these units if you have been importing your Core since 1939.
The R1s are essentially PzIBs that cost an extra 10 Prestige and run into the same issues as the Toldis in that why use them if you have Panzer Is with unlimited reinforcements?
The Ca.135s are a fair bit more useful, being a relatively fair trade off of range and armor at the cost of firepower compared to your Ju 87s.

There are 3 Bonus Objectives on this map, and you get to Commendations for destroying aircraft and holding Vilinus while holding Baisogaia only gives 1.
Total: Earned 19/Spent 12

Stalin Line/Minsk 1941
At the start of each Scenario you get a free Armored Train. Free stuff is always nice.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on each map, and they all give +2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 23/Spent 12

Tallinn/Smolensk 1941
An offer at the start is made to spend 4 Commendations for a batch of Russian aircraft: 24 LaGG-3, 31 Petlyakov Pe-2, and 19 Petlyakov Pe-8.
The LaGG-3 if an overall weaker plane that your Bf 109s, but it costs 1 less Deployment Slot which gives it some potential use.
The Petlyakove Pe-2 stats fall into a middle ground between your Ju 87s and the Ca.135s range vs firepower stats.
The Petlyakove Pe-8 on the other hand is like the Stirlings, weaker than your German Strategic Bombers yet costing an extra Deployment Slot.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives at Tallinn and 3 at Smolensk, Wagner's survival in either and sinking ships at Tallinn give +2 each, while at Smolensk capturing Bialystok and Grodno give +1 each.
Total: Earned 27/Spent 16

Approaching Leningrad/Yelnya Offensive
For 5 Commendations you have another chance to buy or restock the Bf 109Zs with a batch of 26.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on each map, each giving +2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 31/Spent 21

1 Objective for Wagner's survival gives 1 Commendation. (Well, that was a damn lie... :x )
Total: Earned 32/Spent 21

On Turn 3 you can spend 5 Commendations to buy or restock 23 HE 111Zs. This and the 109Z Reward at Leningrad/Yelnya are another good reason why you can skip one of the Rewards near the start of this Campaign for both Tank Destroyers.

There are 2 Bonus Objectives on each map, each capturing VPs give +2 and destroying HQ unit give +3.
Total: Earned 37/Spent 26

Kiev 1941
On Turn 20 you get the chance to salvage 19 KV-1/40, 18 BM-13 Katyuashas, 29 MiG-3s, and 26 Petlyakov Pe-2s from the battlefield.
The KV-1 outclasses your Pz III and IVs in most aspects, and you also want a good stockpile for reasons that will become relevant later...
The Katyuasha serves as a weaker but cheaper alternative to the Wurfrahmen 40.
The MiG-3s unfortunately are like the LaGG-3 and inferior to your 109s.

The one Objective of capturing Kiev gives +5 Commendations.
Total: Earned 37/Spent 26

For 8 Commendations you get to recruit another elite Hero: Helmet Wirnsberger.
Wirnsberger is an Infantry Hero with +3 Initiative, +1 Speed, Low Profile to increase survivability, and Ignores ZOC. Sounds like a great choice for a Commando unit to me.

For defeating the 13th and 50th Armies you get 2 Commendations each.
Total: Earned 41/Spent 34

Mozhisk Line
Another 50% Prestige Sink for allied equipment, another 35 38M Toldi Is, 35 M14/41s, and 35 L6/40 Lfs.

The Bonus here earns 3 Commendations.
Total: Earned 44/Spent 34

Battle of Moscow
If you can fight your way to Raid the Kremlin you manage to acquire documents in the form of a single captured SU-100Y that I can only assume will become relevant in 1942 or future Campaigns like how the Meteor from 1940 did earlier this Campaign.

Out last Commendation Reward is a chance to grab another batch of Russian equipment for 5 Commendations: 19 ZIS-30, 18 BM-13 Katyushas, 29 MiG-3s, and 26 Petiyakov Pe-2s.
The ZIS-30 outclasses your store bought Panzerjagers, although if you have the Sturer Emil and/or 10.5cm Gepanzerte it's not quite as impactful, but still useful especially with the other loot.

Finally, on Turn 20 we have a special Event if you manage to fulfil the Challenge Objective. By giving the convoy 100 of your stockpiled Kv-1/40s (NOT KV-1/41s, those don't count!) to take back to Germany you receive a promise of a future reward in later Campaigns in the form of a single Jagdtiger Prototype.

Final Objectives
Total: Earned 44/Spent 39
Axis Operations: 1942 East, Part 1
Rzhev '42
Taking things from the top, we have the Special Heroes and Units granted to players that did not import a Core.
Hero wise all the familiar faces from 1941 return save for Galland, who is replaced by a somewhat nerfed Hans-Ulrich Rudel who only possesses Double Attack and Tank Killer.
As for Units you will get an Azul Infanterie, the 5 Strength Dicker Max Gift Unit you could purchase in 1941, and an He 111Z Gift Unit.

On Turn 8, a Wagner returns, and he brings gifts! For resetting your Prestige to 9500 (Which funnily enough, will actually increase your Prestige if you started without an import.) Wagner grants you 15 Tiger (P) and 29 T-34-57.
While not the more famous version, the Tiger P is still a Tiger, and the stats reflect that, including in Slot cost.
Much like the Tiger (P), the T-34-57 is a solid step up from your current Panzers.

In addition to the main Wagner event, you also are quickly given the opportunity to turn in the Jagdtiger token from Klin for another 15 Tiger (P).
On one hand, 100 KV-1s and an escort mission in exchange for only 15 Tiger (P) might seem like a poor trade, however by this point you're able to capture 1941 and later KV-1 models making the '40 model obsolete, and the Tiger itself is both stronger and this gives you much more of a buffer for repairs. Up to you whether it's worth it or not.

Destroying the encircling enemies gives you 1 Commendation per group, giving you 3 total.

A village at 5,3 contains a Soviet stockpile of 25 KV-2, 30 T-50, 9 T-34-57, and 21 Yak-1.
The T-50 is essentially a faster version of your Panzer IIIJs, and while I can’t speak for everyone, I for one will take an additional point of movement of a minor decrease in air defense on a tank every time.
Much like many captured Soviet Aircraft, the Yak-1 fails to compete against your best German Fighters.

A village at 6,32 contains a cache of Italian equipment originally captured by the Soviets, and now captured by you. Contains 45 L6/40 LF, 45 AB 41, and 45 L40 da 47/32.
The AB 41 is essentially a better version of your SdKfz 222s while still being weaker than your SdKfz 232 8Rads. However, thanks to it costing 2 Slots like the 222 and not 3 Slots like the 232, it can still be useful for Slot budgeting purposes.
The L40 Tank Destroyer provides some interesting tradeoffs compared to your Jagerpanzer 35Rs making it a decent alternative.

Demyansk Pocket
At the start you can buy 35 Panzer IIIN Prototypes for 2 Commendations.
Despite being a Panzer III, the IIIN is more of a direct upgrade to your Panzer IVs, and it is a significant one, especially with an actual Close Defense value.

Protecting all the Ju 52s will earn you 3 Commendations.
Total: Earned 6/Spent 2

Ostashkov contains a cache of 25 MiG-3, 25 Yak-1, and 19 Ilyushin Il-4.
The stats of the Il-4 are roughly on par with your best German Strategic Bombers, which makes the fact that it costs 1 more Slot than them an damning issue.

Operation Cerberus
At the start you are given 15 Fw 190As, and are given the option to buy an additional 15 and 19 Bf 109Z for 3 Commendations.
The 190 is a significant upgrade over your Bf 109, but costs 5 Slots instead of 3. Up to you to decide is the stats are worth deploying a single Fighter where you could almost deploy 2.

2 Commendations each for sinking the Home Fleet and Navy in general.
Total: Earned 10/Spent 5

Kummersdorf '42
As is typical by now Training Scenarios double as Event dispensers, starting with the option to exchange 1 Commendation for 15 Tiger (P).

On Turn 4 and 5 you get very similar events. Both cost 3 Commendations (Meaning you have to skip the Panzer IIIN or Fw 190 if you want to get both of these), both grant a Hero for Anti-Tanks/Anti-Aircraft, and their Traits are extremely similar.
First up is Karla Wuhrer, who has Rapid Fire 2x and Fast Learner, and then you meet Karl Ullman, also with Rapid Fire 2x but with Learns from Mistakes instead of Fast Learner.
Rapid Fire 2x is one of the strongest Hero Traits you can get, and that alone makes these two worth it in my opinion. If you can't pass up the Panzers and 190s or couldn't get enough Commendations to buy both, I would recommend Karla as Fast Learner is usually the better exp gain Trait.
Note: The Events to buy the Heroes say that they cost 2 Commendations each, this is a typo as they still charge you 3 Commendations.

Finally, on Turn 7 you can exchange the SU-100Y token you may have picked up in Moscow for 15 T-34-57 and 30 Su-122.
The Su-122 is a very potent Tank Destroyer, and can perform double duty with it's ability to switch to an SPG mode.

Total: Earned 10/Spent 8

Kerch Peninsula
Defeating the Soviets can earn you 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 12/Spent 8

2 caches here to find, the first being at a fortification right by Kerch itself. This one contains a batch of British Lend Lease equipment: 25 Churchill Mk.II, 31 Spitfire Mk.II, 35 Beaufighter Mk.IF, and 40 Hurricane Mk.IID.
While the Churchill is a bit slower and has less firepower than your Panzers, it does have a considerably higher set of defense stats, including 2 points in Close defense.
This new model of Hurricane is a Fighter-Bomber, and is even better at that role than the Beaufighters (Particularly against Hard targets), which are still better than your Bf 110s. However, they have less range and cost an extra Slot in exchange for those otherwise mostly superior stats.

The second cache is at a Village located at 33,14, and it contains 19 MiG-3, 25 Yak-1, and 23 Sukhoi Su-2.
As is typical of captured Soviet Aircraft so far, the Su-2 is inferior to your German aircraft.

Second Battle of Kharkov
Another opportunity arrives to restock you Bf 109Z supply, 21 for 3 Commendation.

Both Objectives give 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 14/Spent 11

Taking out the HQ grants 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 15/Spent 11

An Airfield at 33,4 contains 25 Yak-1, 10 La-5, and 21 Ilyushin Il-4.
Not only is the La-5 a big step up from previous Soviet Fighters, it even beats your Bf 109Gs! On the other hand, it costs 5 Slots. Like the Fw 190s, up to you to decide if the stats are worth the price.

Voroshilovgrad SDO
Remember those Toldi Is the Hungarians kept giving us in 1941? Well, now you can buy 50 Toldi IIa for 3 Commendations.
Now, while the Toldi I was only really good for flavor or Collector runs, the IIa is actually useful. Better defense and cheaper on Slots than your Panzer IIC, if you still want to deploy some Light Tanks these make good additions to your army.

Both Objectives grant 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 17/Spent 14
Axis Operations: 1942 East, Part 2+Side Note
Novorossiysk/Operation Nordilicht
You get 2 Commendations for preventing Soviet sabotage in Novorossiysk, and 1 Commendation each for defeating both Armies in Nordilicht.
Total: Earned 19/Spent 14

In Novorossiysk, an Airfield at 24,50 has a cache of 34 MiG-3, 28 Pe-3, and 11 La-5.
The Pe-3 is a bit of a weird Fighter considering its stats have more in common with your Bf110 than your 109s, better ground attack and range but weaker defense and air attack.

Grozny/Lake Ladoga
Both Scenarios have a Commendation Event, however their implementation is quite different.

At the start of Grozny, you can spend 2 Commendations for 35 StuG IIIG Tank Destroyers.
The StuG III is, as you might expect, an upgraded version of your existing Anti-Tank StuGs, with an increase in pretty much every relevant stat and even a couple points of Close Defense. It does cost 4 Slots however, compared to the 3 StuGs previously did.

In Lake Ladoga, on the other hand, you have to make sure you fulfill the special objective, and then near the end of the Scenario you are given 2 Commendations, soon followed by the ability to spend 2 Commendation to recruit Goro von Manstein, an Infantry Specialist with Zero Slots and Vigilant. While this combination would be absurdly great for armored units, it's still quite useful for Infantry, particularity the high Slot cost close combat specialist Azur Infanterie.

The 2 objectives in Grozny and the Bonus Objective in Lake Ladoga give 1 Commendation each, and as mention the Ladoga Special objectives gives an additional 2 Commendations.
Total: Earned 21 (22 on the Leningrad Route)/Spent 16

All 3 caches are found in Grozny. The first is unskippable as it is located at the Primary Objective of Mirnyy, and it contains 26 Spitfire Mk.II, 19 Spitfire Mk.VB, and 28 Beaufighter Mk.IF.
While the Mk.II has been surpassed by your Bf 109Gs, the new Spitfire Mk.VB surpasses the 109G in turn. It is still weaker than the Fw 190A, but the 190 takes 5 Slots.

Another lend lease cache can be found at Nazran, holding 19 Churchill Mk.II, 41 Sherman Mk.I, and 45 Crusader CS.
Shermans are pretty comparable to your Panzer IIIs with more of an emphasis on Soft Attack, and while weaker than your newest Panzer IVs, the top of the line IVs available at this point cost 5 Slots while the Shermans only cost 4 like your Panzer IIIs.
The Crusader CS are essentially StuG IIIBs with an extra point of movement, and as I said earlier, I’ll almost always take the extra Movement for ground units.

Finally, the cache at the 48,21 airfield contains 17 La-5 and 29 Tupolev Tu-2.
The Tupolev has better defenses and range than your Ju 87s, but has weaker ground attack stats which is not usually a great tradeoff for a bomber.

We interrupt your usually scheduled guide to talk about the elephant in the room.
In the past, Route splits containing rewards have either given the same reward (the Neubaufahrzeug) or kept the rewards at least somewhat similar in nature and value (the Fokker D.XXI vs Char B1, the Char B1 is a far more useful unit, but you get a lot more D.XXI and captured aircraft are a rarity).
This time however, you get a choice between 2 very different prizes. In the North, you get the chance to recruit a powerful Hero. In the south, you get to loot a bunch of caches of useful equipment and buy some prototypes.
Generally, I'd say that a Hero that will be useful until the end of the war is the superior reward over equipment that will eventually become obsolete. However, some people don't like playing with Heroes (Or at least not high power ones), and some people might value playing with more captured equipment to be, well, the funner option.
My advice here is don't let yourself feel trapped into going to Leningrad just because that's how you get a special Hero. Both routes have unique rewards, and the types of rewards and the nature of the Scenarios themselves lend themselves to different playstyles, so do feel free to pick the route that you want, not some so called "best" route.
With that said, back to your usual guide.
Axis Operations: 1942 East, Part 3
Bombing Stalingrad
You can buy 35 He 219 for 3 Commendation here.
The 219 is better than your 109s and arguably better than the 190s do to being cheaper on the Slot cost for fairly competitive stats.

All 4 Objectives grant 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 25/Spent 19

Streets of Stalingrad
Each Raid Objective gives 1 Commendation.
Total: Earned 28/Spent 19

Assault on Stalingrad
2 Events for spending Commendations this Scenario. First you get the option of spending 5 Commendations for 45 Tiger I.
It’s a Tiger tank and it has the stats to prove it, and whether they truly deserve it or not they are one of the legendary tanks of WW2.

A few turns in you can choose to spend 3 more Commendations for 26 Bf 109Z, 22 He 219, 22 Spitfire Mk.II, and 9 Spitfire Mk.VB.

On a side note, as far as I can tell, it doesn't matter which of the 2 objectives you accomplish (or if you managed to complete both), you actually choose to evacuate on schedule or stay and help between this Scenario and the next, regardless of the Objectives accomplished.

Total: Earned 28/Spent 27

Operation Winter Storm/Operation Blut
If you choose and complete Operation Blut you recieve a single captured SMG Inf token, which is checked for at the start of the 1943 Campaign.
Axis Operations: 1943 East, Universal Half
As usual, first off we have the Special Heroes and Units granted to players that start from this Campaign: All the usual suspects return, and our final 2 single Trait Heroes Upgrade to 2 Traits.
Diederich Franzen is ready to break enemy defensive lines with a combo of Lightning Attack and Ignores Entrenchment.
Igvar Dugross adds Survivor to his old Double Move Trait. A somewhat odd choice since technically Survivor can be sort of farmed through Awards, but that is risky so having a way to give this Trait to more fragile units could be useful.

On the other hand, that reduction to 30% of our fighting strength they mention in the briefing took a actual in game toll it seems. Our only unique starting units this time are the ever-present Azul Infanterie and a aging Char B1 of all things. No more free Dicker Max or He 111Z it seems.

Fortunately, on turn 4 that changes as we receive a Panther (P) Gift Unit.
The Panther (P) is essentially a faster Tiger (P). Same armor, similar firepower, and an extra point of movement.

Defeating the Soviet 1st Wave earns 3 Commendations.

Total: Earned 3/Spent 0

Backhand Blow
Destroying the Soviet Armored Corps earns 2 Commendations each.

Total: Earned 7/Spent 0

13,1 contains 17 SU-57, 22 OT-34, and 29 PT-29
The OT-34 is a pretty much straight upgrade to your Flammpanzer IIs.
The PT-29 is an interesting addition to your forces. It's primary purpose is in it's unique minesweeper utility, something the Germans will never get in a native tank, but unlike the other utility tank you have access to (the SdKfz 251/7 Brucken) the PT-34 actually has some respectable firepower and armor to protect itself with. It's still lacking compared to you best tanks, and with a limitd supply best to keep it off the frontlines regardless.
The SU-57 is in many ways a budget StuG IIIG, with the same firepower but reduced stats pretty much everywhere else except movement, which gets a boost instead. It does only cost 3 Slots to the IIIGs 4 as well.

34,1 contains 21 Spitfire Mk.II, 19 P-40, and 26 P-38E.
The P-40 is very much obsolete at this point in the war.
And while it's range is an interesting perk, the P-38E is closer in strength to you oldest 109s than your G models and 219s. Shame, I always likes the look of the P-38.

Kummersdorf 1943
As usual, Training Scenarios tend to throw a lot of Events at you. First off you can spend 2 Commendations for 18 Me 163Bs.

The Me 163B's is an excellent Fighter both in terms of offense and defense, however it's meager 9 Movement can likely be crippling on the wrong maps, and it's 6 Slot Cost doesn't help. Not to mention it might be competing against a potential other award from this Scenario, which, speaking of...

Next up, We finally get the payoff for that Aerodrome Raid during that ill-fated adventure in Britain. You can trade the Me 262 Token for an Me 262A Gift Unit. And as a bonus, it comes with a new Fighter Hero: Erich Hartmann, with Legendary, Lightning Attack, Reduced Slots, and Precision Weapon, and +4 Initiative. Ignores Fighter Support when attacking escorted bombers, increased Accuracy and Initiative for gaining the upper hand against any aircraft, and a pair of useful logistical skills in Legendary and Reduced Slots? Now that's a payoff!
Or, you know, you can refuse the offer and trash the token if you want to... :roll:
Me 262A is the first true jet fighter in the world, and what a beast it is. It outclasses everything else you have, including the new 163Bs (without the movement penalty to boot), with the only real downside being it's Slot Cost of 7, which fortunately is counteracted in part by Hartmann's Reduced Slots.

Next on the Agenda, a visitor from Japan! You can spend 2 Commendations for a Japanese Tank Hero: Rikugun Tai-i Akiyama. This foreign ally turns a Tank's usual weakness into a strength with City Fighter and Vigilant, and also comes with the logistical benefit of Reduced Slots.
Note: Based on the narrative of this event, there is a good chance in the future there will be an event like with Galland in Operation Mercury, where we send Akiyama back home for some unknown for now benefit. No guarantee, but just something I noticed.

Total: Earned 7/Spent 4

Capturing the Hilltop earns 3 Commendations.

Total: Earned 10/Spent 4

One final resupply of 36 Bf 109Zs for 3 Commendations.

Capturing the Airfields earns 4 Commendations.

Total: Earned 14/Spent 7

Objectives Capturing all secondary Objectives doesn't give any Commendations, but does set up a flag for something later.

Operation Roland
If you have saved the 6th Army in Stalingrad, they show up as Auxiliaries to assist you this Scenario.

Objectives Once again capturing all secondary Objectives doesn't give any Commendations and instead is set up for after this Scenario.

8,21 grants 19 KV-85 and 24 SU-152
The KV-85 offers a potential sidegrade at best to the Tiger I, wich as you arguably strongest tank is not a bad at all.
Su-152 is a nifty addition, at first glance a StuG IIIG with slightly less armor, the addition of an artillery mode gives this Tank Destroyer a bit of extra utility.

9,34 grants 34 Ilyushin Il-4 and Yermolayev Yer-2
The Yermolayev Yer-2, unlike so many other captured Soviet aircraft from 1942, is actually quite decent compared to your own Strategic Bombers available.

Total: Earned 14/Spent 7

Note: You know those flags I mentioned being triggered by the Bonus Objectives in Prokhorovka and Operation Roland? Those are what trigger the option to go down the alternate history route. To do so, you have to trigger 2 of 3 Flags, the ones in Prokhorovka and Operation Roland are 2, and the third is having the SMG Infantry token from the end of 1942. and 2 of these 3 objectives will unlock the ahistorical route, and as far as I know completeing all 3 doesn't do anything special.
Do to the nature of this route split, for once I will actually separate the Campaign paths into 2 sections.
Axis Operations: 1943 East, Historical Half
3 Commendations for a new Infantry Hero: Josef Allerberger. Allerberger has Famous, Low Profile, Initiative +1, and Speed +2. Survivability and mobility are both useful for Infantry units.

Eliminating the Partisans and Vanguards earns 2 Commendations each.

Total: Earned 18/Spent 10

Panther Line
With the Italian surrender comes opportunity in the form of an offer to spend 6 Commendations for 51 L6/40Lf, 65 M15/42, 82 AB43, 45 Autocannone 90/53, and 37 20/70 Quadropolo.
The M15/42 is closest in comparison to the aging Panzer IIIJ/1s, although it's 3 Close Defense can give it some niche application when compared to other 4 Slot tanks.
While the AB43 is weaker than your 233 and 234/1 8Rads, it does only cost 2 Slots which can be useful.
Autocannone 90/53 is the most interesting of the new additions, being in many ways a budget Nashorn/Elefant like how the SU-57 was with the StuG IIIG.

Total: Earned 18/Spent 16

Taman Peninsula
Escorting the Romanians out earns 4 Commendations.

Total: Earned 22/Spent 16

By completing the Bonus Objective and having 5 Commendations to spend, you can spend those 5 Commendations for 21 Jagdpanther Prototypes.
The Jagdpanther trades a small amount of armor for 2 points of movement compared to the Elefant, an easy trade in my opinion.

Controlling the Bridgeheads earns 1 Commendation and enables this Scenarios Commendation Event.

Total: Earned 23/ Spent 21
Axis Operations: 1943 East, Alternate History Half
As with the historical path, you can spend 3 Commendations for Josef Allerburger.

Destroying the Command Tanks earns 4 Commendations.

Total: Earned 18/Spent 10

Rostov 1943
As with Allerburger, another similar Event occurs regarding the Italians, although the numbers are a bit different: 6 Commendations for 41 L6/40Lf, 35 M15/42, 29 P26/40, 52 AB43, 35 Autocannone 90/53, and 27 20/70 Quadropolo.
The P26/40 trades lower firepower for higher defense compared to the Panzer IVG, which can be a decent teadeoff if you didn't have IVHs available.

23,21 contains 19 KV-85 and 27 IS-1.
The IS-1 has the highest Defense of any tank you have available normally and if it wasn't for the reduced Movement I'd almost consider it superior to the Tiger.

Total: Earned 18/Spent 16

Capturing all secondary objective earns 4 Commendations.

47,3 contains a cache of 32 B-25B Mitchell and 27 B-17F.
The B-25B Mitchell is generally outclassed by the Me 410A.
The B-17F trades damage for range and defense compared to your own strategic bombers.

Total: Earned 22/Spent 16

Another familiar event, unlocked by completing the Bonus Objective and having 5 Commendations to spend, you can spend those 5 Commendations for 29 Jagdpanther Prototypes.

Controlling the Volga earns 1 Commendation and enables this Scenarios Commendation Event.

Total: Earned 23/ Spent 21
Axis Operations: 1944 East, Historical
The usual suspects arrive at the start of a non-imported Campaign start, with a few changes to the lineup:
Reinhardt Herzog traded out his old skillset of Phased Movement and First Strike for +2 Speed, Alpine, and Prudent. On one hand, Phased Movement and First Strike for Prudent and Alpine is generally a poor trade in my book, but a +2 Speed that isn't locked to Infantry might just make up for it.
Helmet Kleib takes a more direct approach to combat, trading his Double Support for Envelopment. Unless you are looking to take Advantage of surrenders, I'm not sold on this one.
We also have a new face: Franz Baumann, with Vigilant and Rapid Fire 1.5x. A very welcome combo for any tank that has to fight in Close Terrain.
And Kloss, Rudel, and a nerfed Hartmann (-1 Initiative bonus and loses Legendary and Reduced Slots) as representatives of prior Campaign reward Heroes.

Sadly, our allies in the Azul Infantrie have finally left us (Unless you imported a core anyway).

Additionally, this Scenario includes an opportunity to reset your Prestige to 6600, if you want to reduce your overflowing Prestige to add a sense of challenge or to resupply if you are having issues, but otherwise for no reward.

Making Contact with the III Panzer Corps earns 2 Commendations.
Avenging the XXXXIII Corps rewards you with 25 Tiger II and 25 Jagdtiger Prototypes.
The Tiger II is a monster of a tank, and has a monsterous Slot Cost of 9 to go with it.
Much like the Tiger II does with tanks, the Jagdtiger also outclasses your current lineup of tank destroyers, and the Slot increase isn't quite as drastic this time.

Total: Earned: 2/Spent: 0

Operation Margarethe
At Scenario start you can spend 2 Commendations for Gerhard Barkhorn. Barkhorn is a Fighter Pilot with Reduced Slots, Consolidator, Learns from Mistakes, and Famous. While Learns from Mistakes isn't the greatest, Reduced Slots+Consolidator is a great combo if you aren't playing with No Overstrength on.

Capturing both sets of bridges earns 2 Commendations each.

Total: Earned: 6/Spent: 2

Targu Frumos
Protecting the Destroyers rewards 2 Commendations.
Raiding Odessa serves as a cache of sorts, rewarding 40 Me 262A, 59 Spitfire Mk.IX, and 64 A-36.
Unfortunately the Spitfire Mk.IX can’t quite match your Fw 190As, let alone the 262s you get alongside it.
The A-36 on the other hand has some useful tradeoffs in range and tankbusting compared to your 190Fs.

Total: Earned: 8/Spent: 2

At Scenario start you can spend 2 Commendations for Matthaus Hetzenauer. Another Infantryman Hero, Hetzenauer grants +2 Initiative, +1 Speed, Famous, Precision Weapon, and Unyielding. Pretty solid all around. Kinda wonder if anyone's stacked 3 or 4 of these Infantry Heroes with movement buffs on a single Infantry Unit yet...

Total: Earned: 8/Spent: 4

Note: This is oddly enough the last time Commendations are used on the historical path, future Bonus Objectives grant other rewards and there are no more Events to spend Commendations, so I'll stop keeping track.

Saving the 4th Panzer adds Ulrich Hoffmann to your roster. Hoffmann is a Tank/Anti-Tank specialist with No Supply and Zero Slots. And un-encircleable, 0 Slots cost Tiger II? sign me up! :lol: Jokes aside, No Supply is an incredibly valuable Trait that I'm 99% sure will never show up on regular Heroes, so this is your only chance to grab it.

Battle of Carei
Taking Szatmarnemeti serves as another cache objective, as you find 59 76mm Land Mattresses, 33 203mm M1931, and 29 KV-85.
The Land Mattresses are the only new captured equipment to talk about, and sadly they are identical to your older 15cm Nebelwerfer 41, so not much use outside Collector runs.
Axis Operations: 1944 East, Alternate History
Case Orange
The Hero lineup remains the same as in the Historical route. Kind of a shame, would have been interesting to see our cast diverge in skills depending on how events played out.
The starting Cores are different however, and you still get an Azul Infanterie in this timeline.

Destroying the Soviet HQ Units reward 2 Commendations.
Taking Astara adds Emma Habermann to your team. Habermann is a lot like Kloss, granting +2 Range and Shock Tactics to an Artillery of your choice. Range increase is always great for artillery, and Shock Tactics to pin targets in place in the cherry on top.

Total: Earned: 2/Spent: 0

Operation Corridor
You can recruit Gerhard Barkhorn for 2 Commendations.

Protecting the caches rewards 1 Commendation per cache, of a max of 4.

Total: Earned: 6/Spent: 2

Operation Tusk
By destroying depots you gain 1 Commendation for the British depots and 2 for the American ones.
Saving the PoWs rewards 1 Commendation, plus their aid in combat if needed.

Total: Earned: 10/Spent: 2

Operation Stormbird
Just from arriving, you receive an Me 262A Gift Unit and 170 He 162A Prototypes.
The He 162A is similar in stats to the 262A, which means it outclasses pretty much everything else you have.

Defeating the Paratroopers rewards 1 Commendation.
Army Group B capturing Victory Points rewards 1 Commendation as well.
Sinking the Allied Battleships grants another Gift Unit, this time a Go 229A.
The Go 229A is better than both the 162A and 262A, so as long as you don’t mind wunderwaffe it’s an excellent addition to the Core.

Total: Earned: 12/Spent: 2

Riga 1944
You get a 2 part Event on Turns 1 and 2, giving the option to spend 8 total Commendations; 4 on Turn 1 for 81 M3 Satan, 51 Sherman Firefly, 72 Cromwell Mk.VII, 66 M4A3E2, 70 Typhoon Mk.IB, and 70 B-17G and then 4 more on Turn 2 for 49 M10 Wolverine, 64 M14 MGMC, 55 Churchill AVRE, 75 Calliope, 70 P-47D, and 70 Spitfire Mk.XIV.
The M3 Satan isn’t great, as the SdKfz 251/16 Flamm is on par if you do want a 3 Slot flame tank.
The Sherman Firefly and Cromwell Mk.VII serve as capable alternatives to the Panther A and Panzer IVJ, respectively.
The M4A3E2’s main niche is as a potential 6 Slot tank if you need one for some reason.
Typhoon Mk.IB is pretty much junk compared to your FW 190 Fighter-Bombers. It’s closer in stats to the older Hs 129B2, but costs an extra Slot which is not great.
Much like the captured F model from 1943, the B-17G serves as a decent alternative to your own strategic bombers.
The M10 Wolverine is the best Tank Destroyer available to you now…in the 3 Slot category at least.
The M14 MGMC is not great, only real advantage is movement.
The Churchill AVRE actually becomes your best Assault Gun, at the cost of +1 Slot Cost and -1 Movement
The Calliope trades less firepower for higher defense values compared to the Panzerwerfer 42.
The Spitfire Mk.XIV is on par with your best Fw 190, and the P-47D beats them both.

Building defenses rewards 1 Commendation.

Total: Earned: 13/Spent: 10

Lvov 1944
For 2 Commendations you can recruit Matthaus Hetzenauer.
Turn 7 is this version of the campaign's Prestige Reset, allowing you to reset your Prestige to 7900, once more for no reward.

Building defenses rewards 2 Commendations this time.
Defeating the Polish force grants you 44 Panzer VII Lowe.
The Panzer VII Lowe is just a better Tiger II. If you can afford the 9 Slots cost, it’s a great addition to your army.

Total: Earned: 15/Spent: 10

Operation Panzerschreck
Clearing the rebels rewards 1 Commendation.
Delivering supplies rewards 2 Commendations and gives the Hungarians 10000 Prestige to help fend off the Soviets.

Total: Earned: 18/Spent: 10

Lvov 1944
You can spend 4 Commendations to acquire some equipment from your allies: 60 41M Turan II, 70 TACAM R-2, 40 Maresal, and 60 40M Nimrod
The main thing about the Turan II is it’s mere 2 Slot cost while still comparing favorably to your handful of remaining 3 Slots vehicles, making it an interesting budget option.
While the TACAM R-2 is generally inferior to your German options, the Maresal is superior to them.
Finally, the 40M Nimrod compares very favorably with the Gepard in the 2 Slot Self-Propelled AA category.

Total: Earned: 18/Spent: 14

Battle of Ploesti
Capturing Jijila (You will need Paratroopers to reach it) rewards you with 85 KV-85 and 40 T-44.
Despite what you might expect, the T-44 isn’t that great in my opinion. It only trades 1 point of Hard Attack for 1 point of Ground Defense compared to the Panther G, but costs an extra Slot.
Axis Operations: 1945, East Historical
Nothing majorly new in the starting hero lineup, but starting unit lineup has a He 111Z which is neat.

The village at 9,45 contains 81 Toldi IIa, 76 Tulan II, and 49 Zrinyi III.

And the airfield at 17,6 contains 78 Nimrod 40 and 69 Me 210C

Operation Bodenplatte
You can earn a total of 4 Commendations, 2 each from killing 8 and all 18 Allied Airfield Hangers.

Total: Earned: 4/Spent: 0

Operation Konrad III
You can spend 2 Commendations for a T-34/43, T-34-85, KV-1/42, KV-2, SU-152, Churchill Mk.VI, M4A3, Sherman Crocodile, M10 Wolverine, Sherman Calliope unit added to your Reserves.

Total: Earned: 4/Spent: 2

Taking 3,20 rewards you with 33 Lowe Prototypes

Operation Southwind
1 Commendation can be spent to recruit Helga Grese.
Helga is an Anti-Tank, Anti-Aircraft specialist with Skilled Support, Aiming Assistance, and Crippling Blow. Honestly, feels more like an Artillery Hero with that lineup of Skills, and not quite what I'd go for an AT/AA Hero, but still quite useful.

Capturing Ipolyszalka rewards 2 Commendations

Total: Earned: 6/Spent: 3

Operation Spring Awakening
You can spend 2 Commendations for another batch of Reserve Units: an M3 Lee, M18 Hellcat, M15/42, Char B1, SU-100Y, T-26, T-28, Achilles, Crusader Mk.III, and a Matilda II.

Total: Earned: 6/Spent: 5 (This is the last Commendation related event in the historical route)

Another 33 Lowe can be acquired by taking 37,24.

Vienna Offensive
Taking 30,29 rewards one last batch of 50 Lowe as the last Cache of the historical campaign.
Axis Operations: 1945, East Alternate History
Operation Puma
Unlike the historical route, the starting Hero lineup gets Upgrades across the board.
Roll Call:
-Siegfried von Bonde and Reinhardt Herzog add Reduced Slots, which is always useful for squeezing more units into battle.
-Ludwig Mittermeier adds Survivor, which combined with Evasive makes for a very hard to kill unit.
-Volkhardt Kautz adds Lightning Attack making him a powerhouse both offensively and defensively.
-Markus von Reuenthal adds Overwhelming Attack and now only needs Shock Tactics or Envelopment to be a capturing machine.
-Speaking of capturing, Wolfgang Schneider adds Shock Tactics, which working in tandem with Markus does the job.
-Friedrich von Kraken replaced Reduced Slots with Zero Slots, a huge boost for his Overstrength capabilities.
-Helmut Kielb adds Distraction. Not the greatest Trait, but with Prudent and a fast moving unit can cause chaos behind enemy lines.
-Diederich Franzen adds Evasive which is just a solid trait in general
-Ingvar Dugross adds Readiness for another defensive focused Hero alongside with existing Survivor with decent mobility thanks to Double Move.
-Franz Baumann adds Low Profile to an already powerful Hero.
-Elsa Kloss now has Double Attack to go with the extra Ammo and Range. Do with that knowledge what you will.
-Hans-Ulrich Rudel adds Survivor, which is easily the least useful upgrade here as Survivor can be earned via medals. Although admittedly aircraft are probably the hardest to farm Survivor with so I can see some niche case usage.
-Erich Hartmann adds Crippling Blow to really bring the pain to enemy aircraft.

And hey, the Azul Infanterie are still here, very nice.

Capturing the District Centers rewards 55 Lowe, 19 IS-3 and 19 T-44-100.

Caches at 26,15 and 23,31 grant 32 PT-34s each.
Several airplanes Caches are available: 67 La-7 and 42 Pe-3 at 3,3; 51 Yak-9D and 51 Pe-3 at 10,30; and 45 Yak-9U and 22 Pe-3 at 23,6.

Operation Wagtail
Escorting the cargo ships rewards you with 55 Lowe and a Tank/Anti-Tank Hero named Otto Carius.
Otto has Crippling Blow and a potent +2 to Speed. A perfect fit to spearhead your armored forces.

Operation Barca
Another batch of aircraft Caches: 52 La-7 and 19 Pe-3 at 25,58; 41 Yak-9D and 27 Pe-3 at 39,2; 39 Yak-9U and 42 Pe-3 at 20,40.

Operation Feuerkartoffel
Another Hero, Beate Uhse, can be recruited by capturing Minsk
Beate is a Fighter/Tactical Bomber Hero with Aiming Assistance, Zero Slots, and +1 Initiative. Zero Slots is always great, especially as Aircraft Slot costs have skyrocketed in these late years, and the rest is just a bonus.

2 Caches, the first being 79 Il-2M3 and 95 Il-10 at 36,17 and the second being 63 OT-34-85, 44 T-44, 71 IS-3 and 85 SU-100 at 35,19.

You are rewarded with 999 Lowe for capturing Karachi. I guess they entered production in this timeline...

The final Caches for this campaign are 55 BL 7.2 inch and 61 Land Mattress at 10,18 and 68 M7 Priest and 54 Firefly Tulip at 25,3.
Axis Operations: 1946 Amerika, Part 1
The Nagasaki Conference
Nothing to do here but take stock of default starting force Heroes and special units if you didn't import a Core.

On the Hero Front, the only change from Alt-History 1945 is the new addition of...Helga Grese? For some reason she is here from Historical 1945, as opposed to the 2 Heroes from the Alt-History path. Odd, but a Hero is a Hero.

As for Unique Units, the ever reliable Azul Infantrie are here, plus a squadron of Bf 109Zs. In addition, you start with a number of E series tanks and tank destroyers and some Ju 187s that don't actually become properly available until the next Scenario.

Operation Tenacity
Raiding Victoria is quite a profitable objective, assuming you can make it through the atomic fire to reach it in time. A Hero in Capitana Vigano, a Gift Unit of an Atomic V2, and some captured and not-so-captured equipment in 50 JP Banzai Infantry 46, 50 JP Naval Infantry 46, and 25 Vought XF5U.
The Capitana is a Tank/Anti-Tank Hero with a coveted +1 Speed alongside the equally strong Double Attack, as well as Thorough Preparation and Legendary.
The Japanese Infantry you'll be able to recruit this Campaign are generally cheaper in Slot cost compared to your infantry, in exchange for some tradeoffs. For these two, the Banzai Infantry have higher Attack and Close Defense values, but a lower Ground defense, while the Naval Infantry are dirt cheap in Slot Cost while only being slightly weaker statswise for a true budget option.
And the Vought Flying Pancakes serve as the second best 7 Slot Fighter available to you, only marginally worse than the Go 229A.

Operation O-Go
Capturing Anchorage is also incredibly valuable is you can pull it off. 100 Panzer VII Lowe (Have you even made a dent in that 999 you earned if you imported your Core?), 50 JP Naval Paratroopers 46, 50 JP Teishin Shudan 46, 40 20/70 quadruplo (An odd choice, but I don't know if Italy has anything more useful to send), and 29 of the fancy new Ranged Attack Bombers: the G10N3 Fugaku F.
The Naval Paratroopers continue the trend of cheaper Slot Cost but tradeoffs (In this case weaker offense but stronger defense), but the Teishin Shudan break the trend by being a flat upgrade over their German counterparts, only losing Bunker Killer.
As for the Fugaku, the only thing that stops this from being the scariest bomber flying is that is has limited Soft and Hard Attack values to make use of it's ranged attacks against non-naval targets. Still a great way to harass or finish off units from unique angles. Oh, and I guess Atomic Bombers exist, those are probably scarier still.(On a side note, anyone else realize the game now has a way to implement Torpedo Bombers? Just drop the range to 1 or 2.)

Battle of San Francisco
Capturing the Presidio Forts gives you 2 things: 45 Sherman Crabs (Kinda wish we could get some of those shiny alt-history American tanks, but considering the amount of minefields in future Scenarios I get it.) and an Atomic V2.
So, unlike Atomic aircraft, Atomic V2 only get 1 shot, the you lose them. but the kill the primary target no matter what, while aircraft only take 90% of their HP, so if you want something really, really dead. Oh, and don't worry about saving it too much. This is the first of many.

Operation Bellerophon/Operation Teufel
Both of these Scenarios grant the sole non-Elite Objective reward for this Campaign at the start: A Meerschweinchen.
The Meerschweinchen is a Landkreuzer, the first you'll see this campaign. I don't really know what else to say but have fun.

In Bellerophon, destroying 2 Radar Installations rewards 30 Type 5 Chi-Ri, 45 Sherman Crab, and 40 J9N1 Kikka.
The Type 5 is basically a Panther G by another name.
The Kikka is slightly worse than your 262As, which makes sense considering it was basically a Japanese copy of the 262.

Teufel instead gives you 50 Verdeja 3 and 45 Sherman Crab for capturing Mt. Diablo
The legend of the SCW returns! With stats comparable to the E-50 while only costing _2_ Slots to deploy! ...Just keep it out of Close Terrain and protected by AA/Fighter cover.

Portland Trail/Fall Grun
Portland Trial offers 50 JP Naval Paratroopers 46, 50 Teishin Shudan 46, 30 Type 5 Chi-Ri, and 40 J7W Shinden.
Falls in the same general situation as the Flying Pancake, but closer to the He 162A than the 229 and Pancake.

Investigating the missing Japanese forces during Fall Grun grants 50 Panzer VII Lowe and 100 Type 5 Chi-Ri.

Operation Flugelstutzen/Battle of Los Angeles
Silencing the Forts in Flugelstutzen and destroying the Army Bases in Los Angeles grant basically the same thing: An Atomic Bomber Gift Unit. The G10N3 Fugaku A for Flugelstutzen and the Horten H.XVIII A for Los Angeles.
They basically serve the same purpose, giving you a reusable variation of the Atomic V2 (Just keep in mind the primary target only loses 90% Strength, not 100%.)

Operation Dora
Capturing Carson City grants a Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte Gift Unit, alongside a stockpile of 50 JP Banzai Infantry 46, 50 JP Naval Infantry 46, and 40 20/70 quadruplo.
The Ratte may not be quite as strong as the Yamato-armed Meerschweinchen, but it's still a Landkreuzer.

Operation Pfeffer
Defeating the 5th Armored Division recruits our next Hero, Kurt Knispel, as well as 100 Panzer VII Lowe, 50 Verdeja 3, and 25 Vought XF5U.
Knispel is another Tank/Anti-Tank Hero, with a powerful+2 Speed this time, along with Tank Killer, Artillery Support, and Legendary.

Operation High Fortress
Destroying Mount Rushmore Gifts another Atomic V2, alongside a stock of 50 JP Teishin Shudan 46, 50 JP Naval Paratroopers 46, and 35 Bf 109Z.

Battle of Hoover Dam
You can acquire 50 JP Banzai Infantry 46, 50 JP Naval Infantry 46, 50 Verdeja 3, 45 Sherman Crab, and 35 Vought XF5U by securing Hoover Dam.

Ground Zero
Fittingly, you gain another Gift Atomic V2 for defeating the Mounted Patrol, plus 35 Bf 109Z and 55 P-82 Twin Mustang.
The Twin Mustang is the best 5 Slot Fighter available.

Operation Kowboy
Capturing Carlsbad Caverns rewards 50 JP Teishin Shudan 46, 50 JP Naval Paratroopers 46, 50 Verdeja 3, and 35 Vought XF5U.

Alamo 1946
Taking the Alamo Gifts yet another Atomic V2, plus 70 Firefly Tulips and 35 Vought XF5U.
The Tulips are tankier than your StuH 42s if looking for a new 3 Slot Tank Destroyer.
Axis Operations: 1946 Amerika, Part 2
Battle of Witchita
Back from the optional path, Raiding Newton gives 100 Panzer VII Lowe, 50 Verdeja 3, and 45 Vought XF5U

Operation Liberty
Getting Manstein to Topeka earns 40 Type 5 Chi-Ri and 55 Shinryu II, as well as ends the Scenario.
The Shinryu II has the highest Air Attack of it's competition, but loses out on several other stats in exchange.

Operation Lumpenjagd
Taking out the Vanguard grants a Gift Atomic V2, 50 JP Teishin Shudan 46, 50 JP Naval Paratroopers 46, 55 P-82 Twin Mustang, 40 8 inch M1...and 90 203 M1931s? (Okay, I can kinda see the 20/70s being supplied by our Italian allies, but what the heck are these old Soviet guns doing here? Especially when they have the except same stats as the 8 inch!)
The 8 inch M1, like the 203mm before it, falls into a middle ground between the German 15 and 21cm guns.

Battle of Springfield
Destroying your first encountered enemy Landkreuzer rewards your own Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte as a Gift Unit, plus 100 Panzer VII Lowe.

Operation Holzfaller
Bridge Units get the chance to shine as using a few of them to make your own river crossing Gifts an Atomic V2.

Battle of the Ebro 2: Electric Booga Operation Ken-Go
Destroying another enemy Landkreuzer Gifts another Atomic V2.

Operation Zweihandler
Raiding Fort Knox gives another 100 Panzer VII Lowe (Seriously, could they not have just made those regular purchases at this point?), 50 Verdeja 3, and 45 Vought XF5U.

Operation Prometheus
Securing the Research Facility steals fire from the gods in the form of 5 Atomic V2s.

Battle of the Pentagon
One more enemy Landkreuzer, one more Gifted Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte and 100 Panzer VII Lowe.
calecw  [author] 20 Feb @ 9:03am 
If you are talking about Industry Connections/Trophies of War, those perks are unrelated to Prototypes and Captured equipment acquired via Events and Caches as depicted in this guide. Industry Connections provides an additional source of random Prototypes while Trophies of War double the amount of parts you capture when an enemy surrenders.
steve19421945 19 Feb @ 5:14pm 
Are there enough prototype units in this campaign to justify getting the extra prototypes option for this campaign?
alan.pritchard 11 Dec, 2023 @ 2:00pm 
Note on the Vought Flying Pancakes - their extra range is not be sniffed at!
alan.pritchard 11 Dec, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
Amazeballs work calecw. That's a lot to wade through in 1946!
calecw  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
@easylife, yeah, that's me. I'll update hear in a day or so, I usually use the forum version as a way to try and catch mistakes before uploading hear.
easylife 8 Dec, 2023 @ 2:23pm 
At the Slitherine Forum, there is a preview of the "Commendations, Cashes and Collectible" for Axis Operations 1946, featuring Nagasaki until Pentagon (28/30).
Thanks to Stormchaser
calecw  [author] 22 Oct, 2023 @ 9:15am 
That's because while there is an event in that Scenario, it's just for flavor, with no reward attached. This guide is primarily for reward events.
GraveDigger 22 Oct, 2023 @ 8:54am 
I don't see the guide for "Stalingrad Returned" in 1943 Alternative path?
rick_d 7 Oct, 2023 @ 1:57am 
Thx for updating!
calecw  [author] 12 Sep, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
Sorry it took so long. Kinda forgot about this game for a while and missed the 1945 release.